Sunday, April 10, 2022


      The heavens are declaring the glory of God; The skies above proclaim the work of his hands.
                                              Psalms 19:1 also look also into Psalms 8:3-9


Already. Infinite universe was created 95 billion infinity light years ago, filled with strange interaction, such as quantum foam, and still is operational. Dynamic of the universe not revealed yet, still in research, scientists only discuss, considering indications intuition space time, indications apply with invisible forces that are oscillations from nowhere, velocity mixed with complexity Fibonacci sequences, that effect expansion of intense power the universe. Most complex object, human brain is a tiny universe, it is just a miniature of the Universe. 

Why did God created the Universe? plus why he created men on this planet. To find out, after a human born and die, what is the other process?

Just before death, a person might have oscillation with  brainwaves, with more theta delta and beta waves, that is normal to dreaming process, in a few moments entire memory occurring in their lifetime just pass through in their memory bank, sending data to outside atoms, not including self consciousness, they can transform to compose entire lifetime record to  other atoms, and so on, all other atoms transform the data into universe by jumping over other loose atoms inside space, to other galaxies. Universe contains at least in on meter square about 4 to 10 atoms, some are more condense, others are less, one thing for sure, data will travel in wave ling and frequency waves. Some scientist believe that atoms can connected across 20 miles, by Quantum Entanglement. Individual birds and other animals such as dolphins, whales, dogs, cats, horses and many other animals, can sense atom signals frequencies from far away, that’s why sometimes dogs wonder by the signals coming from their surroundings, they move their heat to different position to get the frequency signals that coming on the way to them, it happen in many occasions where dogs go to visit their owners that were diseased, they lie down on the cemetery ground on top of their owner, they still sense the traveling signals, memory frequencies wavelengths that are coming deep from the ground. 

4% of Entire universe contains matter. Once a while stars burst as supernova explosions, releasing large quantities of matter, all over the galaxy, as atoms contain two invisible forces of wisdom and personality they travel all over the universe. Long time ago, some of those atoms landed on Earth, some people receive to hold some of variety of atoms that bidding to their DNA, some atoms have ramming, forcefully aggressive behavior, pushing the individual into vicious attitudes. Some of this people I meet in super markets, also some while they driving their cars. I have also noticed, certain people or races might adapt religions that satisfy their behavior, all because atoms work by releasing frequency commands inside the body. Also, activities of atoms can be seen in plant life, birds, ants, bees in clouds winds and so on.

I consider the universe a large intelligent secret, because is higher grand creation, more intelligent than human mind and logic, one of the secret of the universe is Time.

Where do you belong in time? We live now, and leave later, time force field rule over us, God rules over past present and future time.

Entire Universe with galaxies is transpiring, that created by an invisible force, some call it God Almighty. Great phenomenon force exists, in every level of time in every incident inside the universe. Every atom star, planet, galaxy is part of God`s power, each generation group, including individual living thing, living trend in certain time period, ensuing experiencing, surrounding activities, the time period belong to them, they are part of that time, surrounding experiences they had I belong in time period that started at center of 19`th century, continue year 2024, or plus, combination of atoms in the living person, collectively record data in the time period they lived as a complied body, other unseen force field, that came along on individual, good or bad happening belong to that period time occurrence, personally my generation has different circumstances that my parent and their parent, same my grandchild will have different time happening in their environment, though God Almighty is in control of all time scheduled incidents that pass by, and events that is going to take place. About 7 quadrillion of atoms in my body, already are generating frequency wavelengths to my surrounding atoms in the air, their parts other atoms are transforming messages into space and universe, that will be collectively all-time occurrences, All the instances happening on planet Earth, are small period of Universal scale, complete time period that still are collected by our creator.

Watching the entire universe, detect glory and power is just a tiny portion of reality, impressive part of the universe, the concept that is filled with theoretical foundation of Quantum mechanics and wave function everywhere, inside Cosmos are imbedded tiny invisible zero gravity Quantum physics dots, that also point incomprehensible geometric gravitational patterns, inside the universe all together can reach to Quantum entanglement, combing to center of incomprehensible structure of geometric patterns, in any moment they can release effecting patterns to their surroundings patterns of parabolic and hyperbolic as orbits.


       By the way, Milky way`s Galaxy is warped, we don`t know much about our surroundings.

                                             Unknown space structure larger than milky way

Probably you have been seen large rock structure of basalt in six angles, also seen many varieties of crystals that contain variety of facets, also valuable gems, they all are affected by patterns to contain facets, geometric patterns, there are indications of spacetime dynamics of the universe, depending to interactions, velocity relative to chemicals or structure of atoms nearby.  


Just an example, facet formation on Quarts, from mountains of Namibia, surrounding invisible, every single zero gravity generate gravitational patterns, to effect facets of the quarts, similar to a flash light, from small center, widening out projector, as hyperbolic orbit trajectory perimeter point of parabolic patterns.

                                                                  stone from Namibia

 Every atom contains tiny portion of D.E and D.M, they contain supernatural knowledge, wisdom, all secrets of creation, time, and eternity. I explained in my Blogs (Atoms) Every tiny portion of Universal data is contained in tiny atom, section part of Universal knowledge, part of the jigsaw-puzzle to complete the entire large picture, with knowledge of the Universe. It is explained, in my Bloggs, (Atoms are other form of living things) the question is, do we know how to pick sections of that tiny puzzle picture? There might be a proper way rules to brows, in connecting procedure, some call the tiny different shaped pieces, such as ninnies and outies, others name it keys and locks, don’t be surprised, some call it males and females. Is important is to find the right crossword clue. In my lifetime I collected many puzzle pieces of the Universe and I am willing to share it with you, Did you have the chance to studied the bible? In my Bloggs I explained (God) also (Cornerstone of the Universe), what make creation of energy and Matter, The Creator is not obliged to tell everything, but he gave human race opportunity to follow up reality complex matter, where humans are surrounded by, when there is already enough logical sense to analyze the truth of understanding. How did I obtain many tidings of entities? that will be my remarks? Atoms contain tremendous knowledge, somehow my neurons were able to detect some of explanations from atoms to tell me for declaration, such as (Neurons) (Gabriel logician Jabrael) also in (Origin of Life) and (Dream part one) all in my Blogs. As we observing how [people and animals die with old age, we wonder what will happen to them later on, many philosophers with no any clue distract attention of other people, telling where dying people went by? I explained what the bible and science describe where dead people go in my Blogs (Religion) also in What happen to people (when I die) also in (Hell religion respect) Also I described who are the (Angels) who are the all in my Blog. Living on this planet, it is amazing to observe, how daily scientific achievements happen, with nature weather, birds, animals, rocks, humans, and many other sorts of activities happening on this planet. I introduced my Blogs with (DNA) (Gravity) (Earth) (Mother Nature) Collecting data of the (Sun) (Galaxies) (Black Hole) (Stars) (Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy) (Language of the Universe) Everything that I mentioned are tiny portions of crossword clue of entire Universe, it is essential to have grand supervision, from God Almighty to make you function to start from a tiny section of this planet and every activity going on, for connecting puzzle pieces together. Not looking for personal puffed up with fame, not getting effected by greed, nor with nationality superiority, and wrong religious faith, lets be logical, there are several thousand religions, where only one true religion is qualified, how can be sure that we have the rightful faith that has harmony to distinguish connecting clues? There is a great task to accomplish, finding the right clues.

There are still many galaxies that not known to us. So far largest known structure in Universe is the Cosmic web, entire universe is inside energy resonance field. No mater what, we are connected with the Universe.
All atoms contain knowledge to create and effect their surroundings. on this picture do you see?

                                 With their frequencies atoms can create pattern formations.


As many other force fields, Time is some sort of perception conceptualization, its effects on all matter. We realize that time is moving into forward direction, in reality time exist same moment in past, present, and future, is under control creator of time. We calculate time with measurements as the ratio of distance, considering how distance was covered, that will bring us under restrictions and regulations. In reality we see intelligent effects inside the universe, how galaxies carry on speed, continuous magnitude of velocity. Just in last to centuries, scientist find out how many different kinds of energy fields, force fields there are, still continuing to find out more, Time is also some sort of energy. Everything was created to exist, all sort of forces, except God was always existed to form everything we see inside the universe, God was not created, he formed everything else.

What is Time Affect?

Affect is usually a verb, something to impact or change, resulting influence, effects or acts as noun. Effectively time is changed from affect resulting successfully to effect, so time effect happens, after seeing the result of time over living things and matter, it`s influence to produce a change in something. Time affect with rainy weather, make the ground wet, it affects to influence that change, it`s influence on land and produce, as we see what time affects on environmental issues, affected by an event, it describes the happening state. Fluidity of time affect happen, how we did humans explored it as psychological engagement, can be noticed by human perception effect and intricacies. We see many varieties of characteristics in people, new generations, that are differ from former physiognomics, how people react, they are busy of doing what, what disturbing events are coming out,

 Why some people do bad things?

As we are counting all forces that we start to consider that happened, there is one more to consider, that travels with time. In the book Ephesians 2:2 “In which you at one Time walked according to the system of things of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the Air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” There are good and bad force that has authority of the air and time, mentioned in John 14:30 Jesus mentioned ( I will not peak with you much more, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has no hold on me) Satan and his Angels, represent the authority of the air to harm human race. What the future holds? God already knows, what future time holds, what was the time back in history and what is the time at the moment, all 3 variety of time is considered for God just in one instant. 6 thousand years ago, Satan challenged side, against God and spurned his sovereignty, Satan already separated one third of Angelic forces to his challenging against God, as was mentioned in the boog of Revelation, directing over about 335 million rebellion Angels with him, forming authority of bad criminal force to generate hate , war, everything that based on bad influence, this force is called "bad force authority of the air" During 6 thousand years of rebellion people, they function using time against the Creator. you can read about this bad forces how capable they were to eliminate people, in the bible, book of Job. this forces that by frequency`s release bad thoughts into human neurons. Time can drag alone effective neuroscientific focus on some persons, on many occasions, people experience things that they did bad things, directing the brain to think bad, harming others, selfish desires, all work of flesh, everything against the fruit of the spirit, they just damage others, asking themselves why they did that? not realizing bad force, authority of the air was in action, directing human neurons, emotions and everything bad. Living the moment, to focus with perception, either happiness or sadness, with fear or violence, causing wars, damage others, creating bad environments, with violence impacts to the land everywhere. Have you noticed that?

Causing inciting Characteristics.

For deep circumstances, our toughs can be stimulated to many directions to conclusions. Considering directives of stories that the bible presents, you will find story of Adam and Eve, it might be or not, it come to my mind possibility of future choice of individual humans, how they show obvious reactions as life personality and attitude, there are trillions of planets inside the Universe, my question is, is there possibility in future to be used all sort of different personality can be used on different planets as speeded Adams in all other planets? There might be a reason to see all different character personality around us, there is vast grand wisdom and knowledge inside the universe, the grand force of intelligent force is capable to do anything that desires. 

It’s unknown what personality or characteristics someone will have until they are grown. DNA determines the physical characteristics someone will have; color of hair and eyes, body frame, and so on. DNA doesn’t determine what personality characteristics someone will have. There is no way to predict what type of a person a young child will grow into; the individual considers certain priorities in choosing friends as they grow and mature in life. They divide their time between what they think is important and what they enjoy. A person’s values and priorities become their motivating force in life and that shapes the sort of person they become.


For a person to be powerful must carry a weapon, or a harmful tool, that’s what the entertainment industry teaches, to be wealthy rich, yes media is a large university, people think to consider themselves impressive while swearing, shouting showing tension and anger, fighting, lying is normal expression, by watching Tv or watching movies, they probably learned that by doing so others might consider themselves a real person. In reality it is authority blossom of the air to teach doing all sort of bad things  and lawlessness.  Our life in control of time.

In the Bible, 2 Pet 3:8 it was mentioned, For God one day is like thousand years, and thousand years like one day.

What can be some of the secrete plans, Elite might attain.


It is noticeable in three major fields that attentions go into. Biological. Financial. By Scientific knowledge.


First, the number of populations to bring down, so it can be easier to control population, bringing 8 billion into 0.5 billion population, worldwide. They have medical hospital and nutritional values to participate with. Chemicals, wrong kind of medicines, addictions, narcotics, smoking, that are harmful, entertainments to teach bad things for populations, making all nations to have more weapons, tensions by opposite political standpoint to generate conflicts. Mental patients help, religion oppositions. Elite will introduce to people to make them accept one religion or one thought of standpoint that will not oppose other thinking minds, spouse that they will have same faith or religion. If one of allies is committing Genocide to their neighbors, for political reasons and gains they keep quiet, watching all the barbaric crimes. If someone admit a crime, whole news system and courts make a grand mentioning continuously, every day. All this thought is damaging and bad, no matter how much wrong are, important is it will accomplish the process into fulfillment of major plan.


Second approach is financial control, on entire World population. Entire banking system, it will show new method banking, how interactions will flow worldwide, it will be more control on all transactions, AI might be added in process, if something wrong it happened, who will stop the AI? (Artificial intelligence) Financial banking control, somehow already is achieved worldwide, still not completely yet. Money will introduce people in what standard they stand, to get loans, investments, if they can`t follow the system, they might have homeless stage, or prisons and so on.


Third assignment is, to resettle scientific and biological methods for long life activities, Elite wants to live forever, no matter what, either by brain transplant? Or displace human brain into computerize robots, that is relocated someone’s subconscious in new body, to continue life, in any method or way. All the new medical reassignment surgeries. But still Elite wants to know more about other things, including UFO`s

Many prophecies that was mentioned in the bible, that men will live forever, population will be satisfied number, there will be enough food for everyone, they will have same standard faith, only one kingdom, one king, one nation, no more pain, old age and sickness, World will be a paradise. Elite wants to achieve all of this by their standard and power of wealth, Somehow, they consider that God did not follow his promise in 7 days.


Have you noticed the time, environmental war and violence by dictatorial characters? Those individuals were enjoying to distribute fear, anxiety, paranoia, making people feel defensiveness, totalitarian dictators enjoyed damaging human kind and other nations, the force that make them connect to time authority of the air considering themselves deserving of admiration, preoccupied with plans with their own personal ability achievements. During history some monarchies came over to rule over people, later on populations grow, so they need stronger force to control their surroundings, Egypt 1550 BCE. 1206-1368 BCE most Eurasia covered with contiguous territories. Babylon 607 BCE, Persian 500 BCE, Medo-Persia 539 BCE at that time world population was about less than 160 million. Greece 146 BCE. Rome 63 CE All sort of other powers that rule the planet. Authority of the air act accordingly. There was some times, where good form authority of the air activates creating art particularly classical Era, starting from 1750 to 1820 by Mozart, Hayden, Beethoven and many other. In our times, you see it is going to bee harder to rule over people, and it seems new methods that present time shows how they are planning to do, no matter what it is continuation different times in authority of the air.

My pages are.

Thursday, August 20, 2020






                                                                                                                                                    8,20 2020                                                

 Why do humans exist? If we do not know, it does not mean that there is no reason. Every person I have ever met, and every person I will meet in the future, individually they have details about their complex-characteristics, for "ME" to analyze no matter how long I live with them. Still, there are many hidden viewpoints to explore. Some Supreme, intelligent being created the entire Universe, that is visible to all, a big, majestic, powerful, harmonious Universe with over two trillion galaxies each with about 500 billion stars and each with a trillion heavenly bodies. This brings us to the question: why were they created? Space fluctuating figures. Approximately each human being is made up of approximately seven Quadrillion atoms that were formed a long time ago in these galaxies.    

Only a Supreme, intelligent being can take up the undertaking of galaxy formations, as well as all atomic activities - with their fusion behaviors - guiding them with vortex strictness in quantum field exactness. All flow in vortex movement, from galaxies to single planets to DNA, to biological living spores - all flow in vortex movements. A single hydrogen atom contains friendship force Dynamic-Energy as God as electrons and center core Dynamic-Matter as protons that represent Jesus. In comparison to the vast Universe, a single atom contains such complex data that makes scientists ponder. Scientists discover theories but invent nothing because all things discovered already existed in the universe. Some intelligent being organized their activities for a reason, yet we do not know why.

Most people challenge themselves to be popular, someone with authority or fame, others challenge to collect big wealth, just to prove they are someone special, others unrestingly image to careless moral imagination, to a point that they loose control in their behavior, ruthlessly to condemn the weak, by jealousy trying to reap joy by raping other, torturing others, to get loose joyful love. No matter how much make others suffer, criminals felling they are nobody, repeatedly damage others to show they have the power to do anything they want. Most people do not recognize that human beings have great position in fame and grand value by just their existence, priceless formation that can live think, have emotions and creativity that money can`t buy. They don’t have to prove others that they are valuable, they already are.

If me and you think from where material that are about 7 Quadrillion of atoms, or building block in our body from where it came by. Some scientist estimated that big bang created everything, including atoms, while electrons can live trillion of light years, galaxies are made of atoms, once a while stars can explode releasing all sort of atoms as clouds of stardust, trillion times trillions of atoms, atoms that landed from cosmos enriched all sort of ingredients to build biological beings, what is the purpose for our existence? Two invisible energy forms, that created the Universe are already working hard to keep the entire Universe in orderly and harmony. 

One thing for sure, what is our main goal in life, main research that what we are where we going, is the most essential procedure interests, in me. My main desire in life is, to know who is me, and why do I exist, what is my accomplishment in life? As I look backward of my history, I see good and bad things that I accomplish, whatever bad marks were on the statue of my myself, always good or bad indications will remain, that we can see scratches on life history our sculpture, one thing for sure, I can`t change or erase it, it’s a printed pattern, it is me, part of the whole configuration individuality.

With follow men, life is a great experiment, there are some nice people, but also we find others that always argue with some sort of confrontation, I do my best to be nice, and respectful to people that are reverent, I quit spending time, stay away with opposes, by that I do a big favor to Me. Main energy people spend is the time and effort to prove others that they can handle many challenges, reaching to great accomplishments, trying others respect them, unfortunately, as they reach to their goal, to be famous in wealth or reaching challenges, other people might get jealous, not respect but hate each other, all people`s character is their fate, in their life, some try to show that are great artist, others skillful professionals, others challenge to gather more wealth, they give all their efforts during their entire life time. In reality we have grand privileges, when our body atoms traveled in millions of years, to be gathered on this plant, collectively our body build up quadrillions of atoms to make Me, no one can challenge this sort of task, but still we applied to gain grand collective sources from many other stars and galaxies, already that fame is not considerable fame. Let`s unload needless gains from our environment, avoiding to please, or looking for measured fame compliments from others, leave out to others to praise each other if they can. Avoiding stress, let`s collect knowledge how to be happy and satisfy, it does not mean that let`s be crazy. Let`s use logical sense to figure out, what knowledge and wisdom atoms carry in us, how we can have real satisfaction. What are those force fields inside the atoms? 

Me in center point of mental power that directs into peace. It can be your power too.


Like atoms there is force field inside Me. Though it is depressing to watch people that have no affection toward others. I have noticed how human behavior react toward each other, terrible, extremism, supremacy with race, nationality, religion, political, economic, slavery, social, cultural and legal military educational planning’s are imminent.

Where does the secrete stands in human history, for peaceful life? According to the bible, God Almighty gave to first human couple, everything they need on planet Earth, food and shelter, peaceful environment with all sort of animals, plenty of food all sort of growing different plants and trees. Secret point of harmony stands in with one rule, men can eat million variety of fruits, except one tree. That`s how men will understand center-point behavioral tree, showing there is one super-rulership that must be obeyed, unselfish loyal behavior, having center point of trust on Almighty, an emotional reliance. A basic force to make people to understand, that man has no right to be superior on other men. The secrete of peace relies understanding mental power of knowledge tree stands as benevolent concern for good of other, to be emotional to their family and for other people. This is great knowledge and understanding for ME

As human race did not follow the basic disciplinal behavior, behavior of individuals went into all sort of conduct, that we see people have, and react toward other people.

Since the presentation of tree of knowledge in book of Genesis 2:15-17 tree of knowledge was represented in the Paradise, as soon it was rejected Satan and men, for men and other nations that will come in the future, Almighty continuously explain by his prophets, what was expected from people to live peacefully as the tree of knowledge stands for. Many nations keep these commands, in their religious book, without applying or paying attention to what it says, for example Christian and Hebrew faith admit Jeremiah 18:1-23 that they are like clay in the hand of Almighty, not understanding much about the tree of knowledge, as we see in Christendom and Israeli stand point in World power, how about the Muslim faith? In their holly book of Quran on many occasions refer to Allah as Al-wadud, which means the loving one Quran 11:19 mention Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim that which means “Most compassionate” and “Most merciful” All other religions teach love from God, as we see, political reaction does not show mercy to humankind. People are too far from the tree that represents Almighty as center point, respectful behavior of knowledge, about tree of life, as Proverbs chapter 3”1-35 will explain good and bad behavior of men to apply the good, toward other humans and toward God.

First friend of Dynamic Energy was portions of the same source that transformed into Dynamic-Matter, other friends were created by this two grand forces were the Angels, then atoms to complete stars, galaxies planet, hydrogen atoms were created inside stars, it is explained in my subject of my Blogs “Atoms” “Atoms are other form of living things” “Mother Nature” “DNA” “Cornerstone” and many other subjects in my Blogs. First biological friend that is collective of atom formation was man, God called Adam. God called Adam his friend. Later the first human couple, Adam and Eve were Gods friend. At that time, the entire planet was occupied by all sorts of living things which existing peacefully, causing no harm. Jesus engineered God’s plans, and all galaxies formed in creation were friends of God. Electron of atoms separate portion energy to join portion energies of proton to form particles and neutron, stars give light, everything show friendship by giving forward, except the one that hate friendship, Satan an enemy to all friendship, rebelled against God telling that his way of ruler-ship that is based on lies can bring human ruler ship to better objective in peace and security, before God giving a judgment and verdict to Satan, God allowed Satanic ruler-ship to be tested, Satan on one time ask Jesus Christ to bow him, for reword Christ can get ruler-ship on entire world populations, but Jesus refused, for 6 thousand years now under satanic influence the entire population revolted against God, developing major big number of religions that only protect their Nationality interests committing barbaric Genocides and massacres to other Nations, declaring that they are pleasing their god, protecting their faith, injustice will continue until the day Satan receive the verdict, that Satanic order do not please friendship of mankind. Of course still there is a true God, who is real friend for every meek one, in back future God notice someone that respected Him, yes Job was considered by God as his friend, in the bible, activity lifestyle of Job is written the book of Job.


ME, is a title I call myself, so you do, we have to know who is our greatest friend, When they ask Jesus He answer about himself “Before Abraham I AM, energy force to exist came directly from Dynamic-Energy God to make Jesus to coexist as invisible Angelic form, his assignment was to create all stars and Galaxies including living atoms and biological life forms. Dynamic Energy is source of power to create, Jesus as participant for creation work in John 5:17 said “My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working” every time Jesus performed a miracle he felt the loss of power and ask from his Father new energy to continue, Jesus was used as engineer using power source from his Father, before humans were around, Jesus already existed, before respectful virgin Mary subsist on Earth, Jesus only used human Miry to transport to be born as a child, to be considered as perfect human being, to sacrifice his life to buy life value of Adam, adopting entire humans to give them chance to be excepted by God. When Moses ask god what is your name? because Egyptians had ten gods that were  insects, frogs, grasshoppers, bull and other worshiping titles, as god representatives, during 10 plagues, God used those false gods representatives as plagues over ancient Egyptians, also last 4 hundred year of slavery in Egypt, Israelis continuously ask themselves, why God is not helping us? Who is God, what is his name? Through an Angel God replied to Moses in Hebrew language at Exodus 3:4 “ Elyeh Asher Elyeh” that means I am that ( or Who) I Am” God called himself I AM that I am. Later on mount Zion God announced his name as YAHVEH in Hebrew, Jews try to pronounce that name as few times as possible, Israelis had to add pronunciation marks from their minds, dialect on writings to stress sounds, they had to add to the writings from their own mind, in 70 AC when Nation of Israel was dissolved by Romans, killing one million Jewish population, saving only 100 thousands young Jews to be sold in Europe as slaves, during times Israeli young slaves learning new languages forget using their pronunciation marks on letters, on the other hand Arabs have Syllables pronunciation Diacritical marks “ Ù€َ Ù€ُ Ù€ِ Ù€ْ Ù€ّ”

As Arabs translated Gods name Yahveh they spelled with pronunciation marks Yahuah, Armenian that also historically old language in Middle East, they pronounce the name as Yehovah, in English that sounds as Jehovah. This name Inside the Bible has been mentioned 7000 times, but so-called religions try to eliminate that words from new biblical publications, also not using the name in their worship.

Main cause of Dynamic-Energy that is God, he always existed, he decided to have a friend, transforming portion from his energy into Dynamic- Matter as his engineer to create more friends in different form of living things, Inside Universe every day 4800 new stars born in every second, new friends are formed, small portions of Dynamic-Energy and small portion from Dynamic Matter combination form a hydrogen atom, In my Greg Kaprielian theory DE+DM= Hydrogen atom. Each star create in every second Centillion times Centillion continuing centillion of times new hydrogen atoms, later by fusion hydrogen forms to other form of atoms, all are other form of living things, our tiny sun releases 6 billion Kg of plasma and other atoms rejecting into space to scatter as tiny friends, every cubic inch of space contains at least 7 to 10 atoms in entire universe, some locations are more condensed, in so called emptiness, Universe is friendship force, filled by true love thoughtfulness and real friends. According to position in space each atom grabs flowing force field in quantum entanglement and each atom can have different characteristic that need to be studied and analyzed that is done by majestic force Dynamic Energy and Matter, all atoms contain tiny portions from Dynamic Energy and matter still they develop their own complex characteristics, as a friend they have to be studied, atoms release sound frequencies atoms associate with other atoms by sound frequency wavelengths, very different than biological forms but still inside human beings atoms release sound frequency to effect on neurons to new procedures regarding Art and other valuable characteristic values, atoms guide plant activities including the plant root activities, also with all animals, insects, fish, birds, you name it.  All atoms communicate between plant, from particles and other living things as friends. As we meet a new friend to appreciate it takes great time, when I married in 1975 till 2020 still we not fully recognize totally each other behavior completely, lovingly we look forward to learn from each other, imagine how we can really comprehend all the other friends we have in our surroundings, every one we meet in our lifetime, we need immense knowledge and grand brain power to analyze this matter, where as humans no one has, Only Grand creator can comprehend individual statistics about each person and each atom, meanwhile if I can`t get alone with every person that I meet, noticing different or acting crazy. We must sympathize having consideration according to their characteristic differences, who knows what quantum flows their atoms they pass through since their atoms existed. If I name myself with a title “Me” containing about 7 quadrillion of atoms that came from other galaxies, same as “You” others have, consuming daily new atoms in my body also releasing big numbers of other atoms daily, but still I fight to keep my title “ME” in reality we are a grain of dust comparing to our planet and our Galaxy yet not mentioning the Universe. I am sure when your atoms formed, you never been inside tremendous heat and pressure, inside a star, but believe mine and your atoms have been there, as friends we as individuals similar to grasp with every atom stars planets galaxies sending communication data to Grand Engineer Dynamic-Matter.

 Most comments Jesus gave were in high degree acumen, for example when he mentioned the book of Matthew 5:43-45 “You heard that it was said: You must love your neighbor” and hate your enemy. However I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heaven, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous” About 7 Quadrillion of atoms we hold in our structure contain Universal two forces, as I described earlier each atom contains portion from transformed from Dynamic-Energy as electrons, and portion from transformed Dynamic-Matter as proton, we sense that as much energy power we contain, same similarity power exist in each person around us, opposite individual front of you contains same universal supernatural force as you have. Did another person react unwisely toward you? As biological cells rendered composition of the individual, but still all atoms are assembled fabricated variety of cells are from Universal existence. later on friendship data by Jesus Christ will be analyzed when is reached to Grand creator Dynamic-Energy our grand Friend “Yehovah” All communications with planets stars galaxies local groups continue every second to keep communication with the great friend God and his Engineer, many already learn guidance from Jesus Christ how to approach God with prayer to the best friend who exist inside the Universe.

                             WHAT IS TIME?


Entire Universe contains many other forms of energy and power that not fully recognized, one of these mysteries is the force of time. According to my logical conclusions. Besides Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Power, inside the entire Universe there might be a power energy to exist, prove of that is all the matter galaxies, including us. So, I believe (Time is vacuumed expansion emptiness, that is created by enlargement of the Universe, a filament sequence, like lace pulling power into nothingness or one way out, that pulls away into outward realm, until it reaches to be collected by the wall, that is surrounding the universe, this harmonious pulling force undeviating the flow of time) Actually, time controls every one, every move of celestial objects all galaxies, inside the Universe.

Sunday, February 9, 2014



                                                          WATER, H2O what is it?

Tiny photos of snowflakes show supernaturally perfection in design, full of data memories that can show with different formations of clouds, in hexagonal shape having properties as liquid  solid and gas formations, water is a hologram, it can penetrate walls through absorption, as my theory stands for Oxygen and hydrogen as living beings together they relay information to other atoms that also are other form of living things, also water relay information to all other sort of cells living organisms, through weather modification. Like humans, there are no two scales of snowflake in same scales.

1.5% of the weight of planet Earth is water, collectively all water in Lakes Rivers and Oceans cover 71% of the planet, all biological livings plants contain water plus all moisture inside the soil. Together all water reach to 332.500.000 cubic miles of water MILakes, rivers glaciers so on, one cubic mile of water contains 1.1 trillion gallons of water, 96% of it inside the Oceans, plus lately scientist find out that there are more water in deep ground, 700 kilometers underground in the mantle. 90% water molecules inside you is older than you 14 billions years or more, same thing water is older than planet Earth and Sun and entire solar system.

      In structure of the Universe, most of it is hydrogen atoms, that have same reflection of water.

Each atom can communicate with far away other atoms by frequency wavelengths. From on point on Earth atom sends frequencies, inside the air, according to quantum physics, all atoms receive the message and they also repeat same messages, released from the planet, inside empty space you will find at least 7 and other great number of atoms that transport same message to farther distances, this phenomenon is known as quantum entanglement, so every sound you make, also every frequency wavelength an atom makes sending particle vibrating that reach all molecules, inside the universe. Entire activities of millions of locust, millions of bees, all insects release frequencies that reach the sky with electrical field pulses that effect to contribute atmospheric electricity, with formations of clouds and rain. Even if molecules are in constant distress. Sometimes clouds demonstrate vision of cities in the sky, atoms have the capacity to demonstrate cloud formations, views  such as cities and high rise buildings, all messages are transported to farthest stars and planets making an effect to deliver messages, not forgetting the entire forcefield of the universe, that are called Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter. Limited capacity of wisdom can create transporting radio messages, how about the Grand creator configure to make entire universe in communicational arrangement.
Atoms can see by frequency waves and register all patterns, they can direct DNA of other insects to grow certain pattern looks as they register formally, as you can see on the moth in this picture.

Atoms can communicate with each other by sound frequency wavelengths wave like disturbances, frequencies leave heat turbulences that contain knowledge patterns. In my other Blog I explained atoms are other form of living things. No matter how big volume of mass atom is located it can send messages to other atoms all around its position, other surrounding molecules this mass of atoms receive their messages same you receive with your cell phone, volume of other atom molecules transfer this message into the sky molecules. On this planet you can find 10 trillion of molecules in each cubic meter, density less areas like on top of Mount Everest you might find about 4 trillion of molecules that reside in per cubic meter, as we go into space still sound frequency of atom is transported, they send the messages to outside section of planet Earth. inside the intergalactic  space to be used as connection to entire Universe each cubic meter of space contains 10 atoms, in a split of second they transform the frequencies faster than the speed of the light to other atoms in space until it reach to the most intelligent force being who created the Universe the grand Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter It’s like all the information is already out there. Everything that was or will be. Creativity is connecting or tapping into this frequency by way of atoms, which are part of everything, water pulses intense relation with life. Astronomer Vera Rubin brought into our attention Dark-Matter into light and still it is kept in the dark, For me Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter represents inside the Universe creator of everything intelligent two being forces Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter, in my other post reconcile God and science, you can find my additional perspectives. Hydrogen molecules release wavelengths that governs frequency ratios to direct vibrational geometry on all other formation of atom collections.


                                                      Beard ice, or Hair ice, on dead wood.   


                                                       Arctic Circle, ice flower to bloom.

                                           Atoms have the force of patterns to build forms.

Universal spaceborne atmospheric transmission

While I was in my car watching through the windshield surface boundary, I noticed each raindrop are falling on the glass, some with microscopic pattern, some disambiguation raindrops large droplets seems as atomization of larger mass of liquid, others as condensation of vapors, I believe that entire Universe concentrated by very tiny forces of Gods particles, into droplets of water that has mesmerizing patterns of stars, all the wisdom of universe is connected to each galaxy, star, planet, and also into the droplets of water that is laying on my windshield, airborne transmission of knowledge each droplets distances to form small version of the universe how galaxies and stars, through the knowledge of atoms, clouds contain disturbances that are knowledge in raindrops patterns, by atoms they are connected with universal wisdom with their wave like disturbances frequency wavelengths, each droplets contain unique beautiful distinguishable form, showing how far each stars are from each other, in origin water contains two clean hydrogen and one oxygen atom, their collection of a drop of liquid is crystal clear, so true origin of water is true origin crystal clean water, each atom contains memories from the universe, also memories where they have been through. Probably they are awfully familiar to you, observing you, 70% of you is water, very unnoticeably quantity of cough or sneeze that spread from your mouth, not only water, but they also transport viruses where the reach. In my blogs “Atoms are other form of living things” I explained how atoms record knowledge release frequency by raindrop communications with other atoms, and they can live over 10 billion years, later two forces of atoms go to eternity. Naturally, all atoms release frequency sound wave music, as atoms be part of molecular structure they bond to entire group of molecular bonds, their movement vibrations can sometime steady other times violently, it depends what other sounds they receive from their environments surroundings.

All building structures release frequencies into the air, some special forms such as St. Louis Gateway Arch that contains lot of metals, and bend form, releases flow of frequencies that can repel clouds, Architects Saarinen build the arch. We can see results in nature weather in St. Louis. Water can be effected in the sky.   

There are situations, is plane fly very high till 20.000 feet high, water droplets can be form as they pass inside the cold circular tunnels inside the clouds. Sound transfer vibrational energy, travel more efficiently  inside water than in air, because water molecules are much closer together to give faster sound propagation. inside the universe, there are other energy circuit for sound traveling, that still we are not aware of it.

In a article Dream I figure out that atoms are other form of living things, they can communicate by frequency wave lings, once a while somehow my neurons received messages upload knowledge from atoms into neurons that also contain atoms, all sort of explanations I figure out was according to logical perspectives from atoms, especially from water molecules that can communicate easily to our water lump about 7 Quadrillion atoms in our body, their releasing of expressions were not continuously but once awhile I received new perspectives that I register in my Blogs.

Water is chunk from Universe. All biological life forms contain water humans contain 60 % of their body with water most of the brain 85% of its volume, most covering portion of our Earth`s environment is water. I like to share it with you that hydrogen and oxygen both are combined with two living non biological forces connected as a molecule that operates according to its purpose that was created. In my blogs I already explained that all atoms are living things and human brain can communicate emotions of hypnosis’s to store influences by helix stimuli circuits irrigation by pulses through synapses that reacts sending any sort of images from the neurons to entire brain and outside communication sound realm that is controlled by hydrogen and oxygen atoms, environment we live in already have its own behavioral patterns by water molecules into sound waves photographic memory detailed with all sort of behaviors feelings organized by spark signals, some scientist refer this communication as unusual chemical properties or structural magnetic field, previously I call it tone reaction. Water contains memory, to prove that scientist done many tests and agree. As atom molecules have to respect theory of expansion when it is hot as all other atom structures do. Water on the hand reverse this process.

                      Similar to water molecules,  There is Geometry nature in Mother Nature

All living organism including molecules adopt geometrical guidance from atom frequencies, here is coastal phytoplankton fossil a living organism that is called Braarudosphaera Bigelowii, lived 100 million years ago, their size in average measurement is equal to less than 40 micrometers, close to the thickness of human hair, they were born and produce their generation all in perfect geometrical form, who control there statistical formation? Great knowledge pattern already exist inside atoms and they are capable to direct their surrounding activities according to their programming direct by super invisible grand intelligence of the Universe.

Collective variety of atoms, release personality expression through patterns, as the book of Nation shows, same with group of atoms inside the snowflake, as individual flake contains different numbers of atoms, atoms were in different locations before, contain many other memories, release frequency patterns with mathematical ration, either in biological life forms or inside the vapor of the clouds, they contain hexagonal patterns, for personality expression, that`s why no any snowflake image are similar to other snowflake, worldwide.

                                               By the way it will be too quiet when it snows.

Water jars in Lebanon.

Lebanese villagers were using clay pots and jars containers to have cool and refreshing water. The pot is filled with water, some liquid pass through tiny narrow openings inside the mass of the container that act as thermodynamic evaporation system, Scientist recently find out that water has two liquid states, we already know 3 phase behaviors of water, freezing and vapor and liquid state, but just recently we found out that water has unexpected behavior in chemistry. Specialist formed carbon Nanotubes made entirely of carbon atoms, very thin straws shape tubes, as they kept this carbon Nanotubes in 212 Fahrenheit heat, when temperatures is above boiling point, water passing through the tubes get freeze cold, same refreshed cool water principle in clay pots, carbon is used instead of clay, trapping water through space of tiny straw carbon Nanotubes, transportation of water gave vibration spectroscopy, water molecule behavior show that they are other form of living things and completely behave different than other atom molecules.

As water flows in our body same all over the Earth and covers the Oceans and seas also exist in the air as humidity it has an important purpose to function in our physical body, water has great capacity it has personality intelligence with perfect memory and have theoretical knowledge to direct all biological living cells directing in growth by procession codes giving to DNA, all activities happening around water can be recorded to its memory banks. Water has burning fuel capacity it contains hydrogen atoms that can react to fire process same its other part Oxygen but combining together as water molecule H2O they don’t burn instead they don’t burn turn off the fire unless if they are in statuses of great heat and mechanized combustion process, like all atoms hydrogen and Oxygen atoms are combination collections of two invisible forces Dark Energy and Matter that are the information processing that water molecules can slush around and always keep subtle form of data to transport using amazing Dark Energy and Dark Matter supernatural forces. information processing are done by this two supernatural forces.

This is how Earth will look without Water. Somehow it gives effect of some other planet wrapped around planet Earth.

At the same time three states of water solid liquid and vapor can be found only on the Planet Earth, inside the Universe on other planets contain only one state form of water that be found. 

 Origin of life.

Earth was frozen moon similar to Europa, after destruction of this rocky 5th planet many meteor shower fell over icy planet to form Earth 4.5 billion years ago, still some of the remaining floating rubble piles remains in solar system as main asteroid belts. Core of the planet was Dark-Matter bubble, as soon a forceful beam of Dark-Energy flow met with planet`s core, great temperature rise around the core. Water and rocks mixed in great warmth that their reminders still exist as Ringwood rocks; there is water deep within mantle, between the asthenosphere and lithosphere you will find velocity zone that contains rocks mixed with water. Also big amount of waters are locked 400 miles deep in the planet mantle mixed with minerals called Ringwood inside the transition zone as Ringwoodites molecular structure to form tiny zirconium crystal parts, after zircons analyzed by geologists it show evidence that Earth was that formed 4.3 billion years ago, presence of liquid water create zircon molecules that can form with rocks plus high temperatures and pressure, that was available 4.3 billion years ago, so Earth really might existed 4.5 billion years ago as a black planet. Planet Earth went many stages; first there were about 250 different minerals, after millions of years Oxygen was introduced first by microbes then other living plants Oxygen corrosive rust Ore mixed with other minerals on land and sea to form about 5.000 minerals that we see. Building blocks of biological forms are made from minerals, such as olivine pyroxene peridotite crystals formations, many different minerals chemical elements from rocks, mixing with water feel the potential to interact, all are made from atoms. Missing essential ingredients for living things are rocks water minerals, directive intelligence encoding to form DNA, already we accept that atoms communicate each other with sound frequency wavelengths; each atom contains instruction according to curriculum code of living cells, already atoms prove that in clay mud environment atoms help minerals and other atoms to form RNA for genetic code, so not the clay but atoms inside the clay can potentially stimulate moving positions on surface of rocks, without any strong temperatures or pressure atoms inside clay mud can achieve mechanisms compounds to complete amino acids, of course it requires more intricate complex and intelligent directives to form DNA by collecting all the rest of ingredients of building of life. Universal intelligence is needed and atoms obtain it, each contains Universal force of Dark-Energy being and Dark-Matter being. 90% of scientist don`t agree theory of Charles Darwin. Don`t be surprised I am the only person on this planet that believe atoms contain life and great theoretical aptitude connected with Universe

Water obey vortex motion principle

There is vortex motion principle inside the entire Universe also inside the Milky Way Galaxy. In my perspective all movement including deep space is not at random, Dark Matter is in control to effect every move in spiral motion, water forms a movement from unseen force of Nature, same as we distinguish rational shift of the solar system, it is not aimlessly, that’s why now scientist are calling this motion a Vortex. It is very clear the effect of Dark Matter frequencies, Vortex motion is everywhere, as we see the Milky Way Galaxy it surge in Vortex motion, same with solar system, On Earth have you seen a sunflower rank seed how is line up? Or any flower plants trees, how does a water flow express when falling? How about life of the string of DNA everything no matter how large or tiny they all are effected by Vortex motion including amino acids that is generated from Dynamic matter frequency. As we watch falling water or running water in mountain streams we notice vortex motion, somehow breathing air feel very comfortable with water at vortex. Hypo frolic spiral patterns is low of nature, when water swirl in with vortex turbulence show complete capitulation power of Universal vortex flow principle. Additionally so far we observe that only planet Earth has water in 4 state conditions, liquid water solid ice, clouds or vapors and traveling in very tiny space to create cold environment.

Earth pass through transitions stages, first it went from very hot molten lava that continuously interacted with water. Core of the planet was made and still is Dark-Matter bubbles, as soon Dark-Energy engulf the bubble dark Matter remained unharmed but conflict energy oppositions create tremendous heat, entire planet was overwhelmed by water that made the planet cooler, basalt and granite materials raise up of water, mantle caste many of different rocks and minerals. There was a time where Earth was not hospitable form biological and plant life, Atoms don’t need that sort of requirements or provisions to exist. Atom living spheres have electrons that spin almost fast as light and can live 12 billion years, lifeless rocks minerals water all essential ingredients are recipe for life, getting intertwined together don’t complete spark of life force, as 4 kind of major forces in theory of everything. life is a separate unique energy that atoms contain with the two essential forces atoms combine.

I mentioned in my other pages, atoms are formed by two supernatural forces, Dark-Matter as protons and Dark-Energy as electrons, especially in water molecules atoms have more easy excess to direct or activate other atoms to participate connecting into other molecules having extensions to operate as cells with DNA formations, entire living organs and beings are operating under directive of two supernatural forces, DNA formations also show the supernatural data that were received patterns to keep data, a single gram of DNA can store up to 215 petabytes 215 million gigabytes of information digital data that can remain stored for hundred thousand of years, also is always clear that individual atoms keep data as long as they live that is 12 billion years, extension data are released into DNA Fountain to release during time DNA sequencing that modern technology can replicate DNA patterns according to their data patterns. Origin of life and knowledge is based inside atoms that are extended into DNA to form living things.

Atoms are combined very tiny portions from two invisible supernatural intelligent forces, Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter. This two forces transforming into electron and proton, atoms galaxies and all matter are product of two energies, they other form of living things to created the entire Universe, two forces release directives to other atoms and molecules to take shape activated by frequency wavelengths. Water molecules can show energy formation better than other molecules. On planet Earth some call this force as Mother Nature.

In my DNA lesson I described that atoms specially hydrogen and oxygen trace the activities of DNA and cells collectively form all rest of complex vitamins and all the rest sections of the cell, because water molecules can think and have memory with personality organized compositions they follow all activities of the cell and all biological livings including insects and plants. Existence of water on this planet is to serve other form of life that are biological not atomic life forms that can live 12 billion years or more, humans don’t have atomic way of complexity endurance but collectively are made from atom marbles. Most of our brain is water and most of surface of our planet is water our planet is other form of living thing same with all other matter in the Universe, impulses coming from space that contains life by Dark-Energy and Matter impulse and connects universal sound wave tones with biological life forms, all behaviors people have an effect echoing to water molecules and water molecules can effect humans in their behavioral patterns because water has control of receiving and delivering memory and personality complexes that shows in the symmetry of snow forms, as soon water molecules are active in sperm of dog species they enhance all the particulars in that instinctive with all their certain composite parts of characters to develop as a dog that copycats all behaviors that a dog should have. Same with a butterfly or Bat or any other form of insects, fish plant or tree. Water molecules give their patterned knowledge how to make program biologically to give knowledge to its DNA so certain type of living can grow up according to its pattern or seed amalgamation.

In my other post I described “Atoms are other form of living things” so water molecules as well contain memory and transport into other atoms, in other post also I described electrons contain intelligence and wisdom and collect data from other atoms including Hydrogen and oxygen atoms , electrons are materialized Dynamic energy that also might appear as a lightning, there are potential that an lightning traveling through many water molecules and delivering energy on the surface of our planet and in case strike into a human or animal body lightning might re-establish new performance of DNA inside the biological livings. During centuries some lightning might happened to change or improve quality of life and wisdom inside the habitats of this planet.

Water molecules  and plant cell patterns, frequency of atoms direct individually also. same like  immense amount of clouds can express images that is a memory from where and through what incalculable realm they experienced, water can and will amplify the information data of what they came into contact visually captured and audio if the right system can be connected to clouds they will scientifically broadcast figuratively all storing data transferring what they stored information’s previously, each single water molecule also keep data of entire cloud to be declared any moment into Universal Dynamic Energy invisible being, because each water molecule contains 2 hydrogen one oxygen atoms that function using intelligence equal portions of invisible life form Universal energy, same activities are going on every second inside human and other living organs of other living things specially activities of DNA. Water is made of atoms not the water but atoms restore information, sooner or later science will get in more into tiny connections with atoms, for example now in Japan they can store all your data in a tiny chip of glass material that also is made of atoms, in the big picture,  every data is stored and amplified in informational data to inform any moment into Universal Grand powers of Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter being.


According to physicist there are 4 major forces that are active inside the Universe. Electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear force (of atoms) and weak nuclear force (decay of atoms) they call this forces String theory or Theory of everything. There are many activities by Mother Nature, life biological forms, plants, insects you name it, so many variety of forces are active. In my perspective, there is only one Dynamic-Energy being; some call this high energy force field The Almighty. Dynamic Energy being transforms some force into Dynamic Matter being that also is high energy of some sort like quantum flow. Any tiny force of Dynamic energy separated  will meet separated Dynamic Energy as electrons that instead of going as light proton in speed of light will fasten together to spin electron to bond, forming an atom, Dynamic -Energy is the Theory of everything because he can change or transform into unlimited formations of energy, electromagnetism. We are trying to understand gravity, strong forces and weak forces, plus many other forces that still we are not aware of it. I also expect that before any drop of rain or snow flake string theory fall down from sky on land and sea, any movement of earthquake or hurricane winds or rain fall starting from drizzle to downpour follows after invisible force field flow to operate the activity.

Each part of water molecule H2O is a supernatural tracking satellite.

I explained in my other pages that each atom contains portion from Dynamic-Energy as electron and portion from Dynamic-Matter as proton. Combination with two hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom to form water molecule, as complete molecule, which is complete active satellite inside all biological living things, in the ground, inside the Oceans and in the sky. While water become part of the humans, insects, fish and plants, sometimes we don`t consider tiny objects like ants collect data underground, total weight of all people on Earth match total weight of ants worldwide, water molecule atoms collect observations, they descent sensing emotions everything, atoms observe by the Universal force of wisdom and knowledge that is inside them. In a large cloud form there are uncountable water molecules that are tiny satellites. Man made satellites can see small details other satellites can absorb large details but not both as they are programmed, water molecules see entire hemisphere of the Earth not only matter and living things but activity progress of plants see humans, all emotions, every influence on a plant insect human is influenced is registered by water molecules in the body. as the clouds descend as rain and snow they penetrate all details on surface living thing then vaporize back to heavens, each collection of clouds are different , that’s why clouds show different images that are not the same look which, all emotions and happenings are sent to tracking weather into the big mass of water molecule satellites, some consider this communication as consciousness, I see it as data bank that registers physical effect of their surroundings, some scientist made tests that two plant pots with same liquid and soil body can grow in nice comfortable music environment the other plant in mad sounds can get ill and die, same with water in relaxed environment can produce nice snow flake formation but hateful violence mood environment water snowflakes are deformed. So water molecules can collect detailed images and emotions to transport into Universal supremacy or supernatural invisible domination that some call Almighty. 

                                                          Ingredient of life

Ingredients of life (CHNOPS) is already everywhere on planet Earth, Carbon hydrogen Nitrogen oxygen Phosphorus and Sulfur, DNA and RNA need acid based affect to bond carbons with amino acids fats plus lipids everything with nucleobases particles, using organic carbon plus carbon dioxide monoxide salts carbonation acids, someone or some intelligent guidance is needed to implementing or collaborating atoms to successfully form vitamins and many variety of molecules to form a cell, also this completed life cells on their own creates disequilibria that must have negative entropy plus isotope fractionation and atmospheric disequilibrium to continue life. Best element for life to be connected is C 12 carbon 12, as I described in my Posts atoms are other form of living things hydrogen atoms are combination of, 1) invisible force field of Dark-Energy life force field that when materialized becomes electrons that can be unlimited fragmented to go into big quantities of helix stimuli later by separated go inside atoms, 2) invisible containing life force field of invisible Dark-Matter Bubbles that act as clusters connecting into helixes that enter into atoms to join forming new particles to change atomic characteristics becoming other form of elements that we call fusion. Two hydrogen one oxygen combination molecules as H2O has capacity to release w wavelengths that will direct elements nearby to form or join into life essentials as some call it chemical elements, operational definition is released sound frequency tone wavelengths from water molecules to feed on negative entropy, all basic statistics are arrayed by orders to knot amino acids with all sort of required molecules to collect compounds forming new cells. When new elements are collected to form cells carbon 13 is neglected because they are radioactive also amino acids that spin from right to left are collected (100 varieties of amino acids 50% spin from right to left 50% spin from left to right, water molecules use only 40 % from the group that spins right to left) there is complex orderly supervision to collect elements that are essential for life, organized implementing successful collaboration, this intelligent directives are released from water molecules frequency that is some sort of perfect harmony individual humming of individual life form that its DNA is formed. Water molecules transport delicate complex sound perfection to echo into the small group of molecules that will form a living cell, as soon orderly personality sound harmony is stopped releasing harmony wavelengths their life process is intermittent, but still all data of individuality wavelength remain inside memory pattern of water molecules, atoms live 12 billion years and keep all data of that happened all their surroundings. Life already existed inside Universe long time before Earth was existed, later on somehow life entered to our planet, one thing I believe atoms are other forms of living things same with planets and stars.

Water is made of Hydrogen and oxygen, about hydrogen. Inside Universe hydrogen might have forms but on Earth Hydrogen is familiar as isotopes as in three forms, simple Hydrogen atom then deuterium and at last tritium. Anytime normal hydrogen mixed with deuterium it forms heavy water. According to human calculation our planet formed 4.5 billion years ago, water existed on this planets starting from beginning of its formation because water can be find inside rocks that are released from deep mantle as any atom water atoms oxygen and hydrogen is available everywhere when this two have to grab each other to form water molecules, core of our planet is made of invisible Dynamic-Matter that direct all atoms to have their procedures to combine and take their position to form liquid and material structures regarding arrangement of this planet and other planets and stars.

Since ages water molecules effect on pattern development on matter, worldwide researchers are studying memory pattern of water molecules, one of them can be seen by geometrical shapes that develop in Nature, after volcano mud runoff when cold weather reaches on the volcano mud you will see mud will take into geometrical forms, water molecules by freezing develop this shapes by directing with their water molecule memory directives. Take a solid hard seed of a plant that don`t contain any activity, as soon some water molecules are absorbed in the seed you will notice the seed starting to live, water molecules are transforming inactive cells into living plant or trees. 

In modern times gemologists can distinguish most variety of soil dust by comparing into their original landscape or location, each group of dust have their own chemical compositions of living microbes or viruses and many other compositions that belong only to private locations on earth and because water has memory capacity it recalls its compositions of the land they brought from, like my ancestors From Western and Eastern Armenia care about their homeland waters very dear because that water contain their originality pattern memories. Somehow water that keep pattern of their historic and National valuation, regarding their geographic origin and terrestrial DNA compositions statistics that by human capacity yet is not possible to measure those indicators.

Scientist done many test that water that are near applicable theoretical music after they freeze show symmetrical pattern of clear geometrically appropriate figure pattern snowflakes, giving loving expressions to plants or to water subdivisions they grew very health, when they gave humiliating shouting to certain plants and pile of waters that will be used to water the other group with same kind of seeds and soil they became inferior quality,   

No matter what religion you have when you pray to superior being to help you or you wish good thing to certain individual whatever you are thinking some of your signal electrical pulses leave the brain and join into volume of molecules of water nearby and deliver your message to their electronic impulse circuit water memory keeps as symmetrical data and try to function or think about what you just have said and they echo this message copy again and again with the rest of electron stimuli by other elements of hydrogen and Oxygen, if your message contained good behavioral patterns it become memory water of nearby class of water, if you wishing bad things to other or giving bad swears bad environment circles in the water molecules, by chance when you use portion of that water and freeze you will notice uneven physics geometrical shapes in the flake if your thoughts are delivered in hate and rage and putting down other with impolite language, but if your expressions were decent and in harmony with peace and love the water recording will show beautiful perfect geometrical  symmetrical pattern flakes when they freeze. Same effect you will see if you make classical Mozart music near a water cup harmonious sound will give memory pattern of water molecules. I am sorry you will be disappointed if the music that playing was some sort of rock with irregular rhythms and banging’s other form of music, I am sorry you will be very disappointed with frozen snow flake disharmonious geometrical symmetrical bundle, that water will not deliver any harmony to brain but probably will give some help to thirst. Same principle will be active when you pray inside any worshiping group community locations or inside your room repeating your words inside your brain, in case if you personally have studied truth and have excellent knowledge about your creator your harmony will be excellent to deliver expression from your body and heart will send electrical pulses stimuli to water molecules to all your water inside your body and all volume of water nearby that on its part will echo your message by harmony tuning to universal tone reaction to the entire world and to entire universe when all other molecules repeat your thoughts in copying pattern. So no matter what faith you have if you are real loving human with all respect and feel with your common friend and strangers that are also production of this universe they also carry all kind of atoms you are formed with, difference between you and other is your behavior that is logged specifically in the memory of water molecules with all important and all Insignificant details.

When transporting messages from brain to water molecules are harmonious just matching to universe sound language they become activated by combination of electrolytes, which will make water molecules livelier same with human cells if they have proper stimuli spark helixes activities they also be livelihood mood are active, in my perception water contains knowledge in two forces energy and Matter forms, because my headline in this blog is “reconciling God with science”, passing through water meant passing through knowledge. We have to keep that knowledge clean we should not pollute clean water with dirt pollution radiation and all sort of inhospitable chemicals and garbage that also will affect and take us to revolutions stress and hatred to each other that is unfortunately good memory delusions already recorded in the reminiscence information functions of entire waters of our planets is carrying hate selfishness greed and all bad things to their fellow human race. Probably you are witnessing all conflicts around the world fish and animals are disappearing 6.5 million people having lack accesses to fresh water and most important of good behavioral memory personality clean water. Activities of sound frequency through water is different, sound frequency can travel 4 times faster in water than in the air. 

Why do Monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico?

Water has to do something with every living thing on this planet. Every year about in October butterflies migrate from Eastern States Rocky Mountains down to south California, some go further flying 2.500 miles to Oyamel fire tress, to spend their winter hibernation in Mexico, while they gather on trees in crowded fashion, at night water dew spots will be collected on the wings and body of the Monarch butterflies, all experiences and data where the butterflies have been what was the nature of progress  plant life in the North is recorded in their cells, water dew that are scattering the butterflies collect all data and later fall to the ground to transform the data frequencies on the soil ground where is continue the frequencies to the core of this planet, Core of the Planet has intelligence and is a living supernatural power that can control everything on this planet, through water in clouds, rivers lakes and Oceans, all water transform data into the core, similar process we see when without seeing each other in far distances all of a sudden seemed synchronizes order they face into the deep ground of the Ocean and release certain sound frequency messages to the bottom of the sea or Oceans.

Entire my potential regarding atoms they are other form of living things combined by two supernatural forces of D.E + D.M as I gave explanation in many of this chapters in this blogs. All atoms can feel, express, communicate connected by covalent bonding also connected together by high and low frequency tone reactions, when atom clusters form molecule they publicize or describe the groups of atoms they contain, molecule cluster by sound distinctiveness tone waves in codes that explain their peculiarity group, receiving to record new memory information and sharing with other atoms in covalent bindings there are more precise and delicate communication means that is not familiar to us, all details of their surrounding including human emotions tensions hate and love gratitude, also temperature in their environmental gravitational changes, Hydrogen atoms have pure proton bubble cores without nucleus's that is another combined particle that forms when smaller portion of core bubbles join with smaller portion from cable electron particle helix and also other particles in atoms can form but Hydrogen atom is separate portions that is not joined with any portions from electron, so this two forces D.E+D.M contain intelligence in memory information invisible panels both forces on their own, water mostly is Hydrogen atoms they give pure guidance to all atoms because are in originality stage both forces of proton and electrons. On the other hand Oxygen atoms already are combination mixing with new particles inside, Hydrogen molecules use the procedure form of Oxygen when fusions forming into six sided crystals as soon water reach into freezing point, same with oxygen atoms contain in outer electron shells six electrons, my perspective is hydrogen contains one large electron cable but every time an atom need in fusion to change their personality into other atomic form they divide their electrons into other portions and still spin on the same element. Of course Oxygen has other two separate electrons helixes that spin inner or under six shells bringing total of electrons into eight, with eight combined nucleus and separated group of Dark-Matter cluster into eight croup of core that has capacity to divide as many times new elements need during fusion, so in general all moods of human personality changes have root communication with other form of life that are atoms and they can live over 12 billion years put most effective to direct human intelligence and record all human and animal behaviors is connected to Hydrogen atoms that are active as soon they form into water molecules, every time people regard concept of life that seeds will start to grow need water is not the wet environments that surround the seed but the directives of hydrogen molecules that govern all DNA process by sound tones that I call it “tone reaction” everything life forms need regularities are perfectly provided by great intelligence beyond our capacity to unknown relationship between other realm or other form of life with biological life forms that are made of cells.

Water can keep good behavioral personality pattern in Nature smooth flow of rivers settled saturated water in plants, all normal activity of water contains good behavioral moods and records in its memory and transforms into other biological living animals, but intense surrounding and unusual furious behavioral progress modern transportation of water with extreme pressure and unusual behavioral from nature give water another character that transfers this behaviors to human life forms to make them also behave furious. 85% of our brain and entire body contains water, somehow we are extension of other liquid that is on earth yes we are part of the greater volume on earth that is water, anything we feel water feels and memorizes anything water feel we sense it in our emotional behavior, probably some might say it is silly but yes when you express thankful fulfillment from a cold clean glass of water that feeling of your will impress waters memory and give you good mood, some scientists tested putting glasses of water around harmonious classical music like Beethoven Bach Mozart, other try to think toward glass of water with thankful emotional feelings with love and gratitude, all this water volume recorded memories because after test in freezing point they show of perfect structure six angel sided crystal patterns. Same good pattern also is shown when they lay around water plates in religious environments where people pray and try to show their gratitude’s and in thankful spirit. One thing I noticed in comparison some faiths that are very strict in their faith and have limited knowledge regarding their creator their freezing crystal patterns are less delicate then other faiths that have freedom of speech and forgiving standards in their prayers. So before starting to feast showing our thankful gratitude before eating can affect our food that also contain water our behavior, in case you don’t believe God you might just mention lovingly thanks to people who prepared the food and worked hard to effort to present it, just mentioning your thanks can effect on emotional memory of water.

Sometimes probably you realize that rain gives you a nice mood smell. In my perspective water molecules exist everywhere on Earth as clusters they communicate between plant cells soil dwelling bacterial cell that one spoon of soil can contain as much as 100 variety of trillion of bacteria microbes in the ground and between all surrounding elements that release aromatic compounds petricho scent, as soon of water drops fall the ground material with all its variety of clusters release more sound communicative tone are released from all the participating clusters, I call it tone reaction that come to our nostrils that are interpreted to our brain as good smell, sometimes during rain lightning might separate oxygen from nitrogen to combine with nitric oxide to form ozone that also release sound tone wave reaction that somehow we can feel in the air, my description is that rain can give us good feeling as pleasant scent in the air that is generated by water molecules. There is so many researching about all other plant forms that how water can react moving living cells to operate in certain way. It has been tested, anytime collapsed bubbles underwater with additional sound waves it has shown light was produced, because water molecules can start separation of helixes from electrons that show in light variations, water molecule clusters form as a bubble, same manner our brain can harvest electricity from water molecules inside our brain.

Water molecules can sense it can collect data on surrounding environment, water molecules direct plants to sense or to see sunlight and growth of leaves planned toward light by a system that can collect more light, it is a prove that plants can see dissimilar than humans but it is active. Apples feel shy from sunlight turning yellow red, it was done some tests by bringing close by wild noises near growing plant other occasions spreading mild classical harmonious music noticing that plants can hear making better growth with tree life, not the leaves but water molecules inside tree have noticed and realize differences their surrounding sound variations and enjoyed the harmonious music working directing plant cells to operate to grow, by the say we can say plants can listen and hear. Carnivorous plants can move or grab with their leave by sensing the touch of insects. As water molecules direct insect activities or animal activities calling that instinct in animals in reality water molecules are the originating directing control in their surrounding same inside plants, water molecules can prepare plants to defense its body form also can fight by manufacturing chemical properties to defense parasites and herbivores, releasing certain time prepared chemical at the right time when parasites are nearby to attack the plant or tree. In case surrounding of plant or tree contains other different insects that can’t be defended against with regular chemical formulas water molecules program plants or trees with great complex preparing new varieties of chemical formulas to be ready when attack occurs, I believe atoms can communicate same with water molecules that are atom clusters any gentle breeze cold or warm rain or dry is all understood by the plant or tree staying same location and doing the job properly by water molecule directives.  

Also some scientist tested laying water in plates that were polluted other cups were surrounding by irregular beat sound music some cups were sitting with people who were  release anger wrath negative hateful emotions, that senses also were recorded in water memory, people who consumed this type of water their emotion behaved very bad, all pollution on Earth with all radiations and unhealthy chemicals are effecting on Nature harmony standards and water is effecting rage and hateful effect on human behavior worldwide “Believe it or not” Water molecules control flow of activity in the brain already most part of our brain is water molecules but is also proven drinking on glass of water can make human brain work faster, activity of neurons and synapses circulation result give sharper thoughts inside the mind as water molecules are directing by sound frequency tone waves to activate building patter alignment in same pattern water molecules direct all activities inside the scull to organize brain activities. Of course consuming water over the limit will not help this progress. During rain fall great number of water molecule clusters fall to the ground as rain drop, as soon the rain drop hit the ground or any other surface it smashes the air portion where is landing at the point of contact, takes in the air bubbles segment of drop data is shared with air molecules and released to the air, this portion of air bubbles are released as aerosol to the environment, probably you have noticed how we sense air freshness in the atmosphere after it rains it is called "Petrichor" process inaction.

Entire Universe contain unseen force field that control Accretion oscillation of all energy and matter quantum theory gravity field as fluctuation of vacuum energy warping all atoms are combined by this two variety of forces Dark-Energy and Matter lurks in Universe, that’s why every formality adopts geometric formalities by connection into warping loop of extraterrestrial field, every cloud you see has delicate formalities or shapes every snow flake has own representation of geometric formalities, all stones take form in the mantle obey crystal ionized formations according to principle varieties of chemicals that I call it tone reaction from cluster of atom frequencies, they all adopt Universal directives that is based on sound frequency wavelengths based with geometrical tone holograms or metrics. Same persuaders also are involved with DNA fluctuation that based on individuality sound harmony wavelengths that body releases to entire physique frame forming finger prints and eye print variations.

What sort of person you are?

Two invisible life form energies (Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter) are spread inside the entire Universe including planet Earth connected to all individual atoms that also part of this energy each atom contains portion from two energies that also are other form of living things, one as protons other as electrons and also contain source of life, most direct communication fields goes in between this two supernatural forces with water to behave like living organisms, each atom contain sound harmony individuality tone wavelength pulses. As water flows naturally on normal environment as traveling gently in smooth paths with some curving flow water keep their sound harmony data forming natural musical vertices, I mentioned in my blogs “Mother Nature” so water presides as force of Mother nature as a living substance, as we consume this sort of water our living process continue in harmony directives with nature, in case water from this qualification will form beautiful hexagonal crystal forms when frozen. In other cases when water travels long distances inside high pressure pipes, sometimes going through processing plants or going through unnatural sound noises that has no harmony, water will be damaged, all its harmony variations will be disrupt by receiving static sound, as soon we freeze this sort of water we will deformed disturbed formations of crystals that have no any harmony, as most of our body is water and people say you are what you eat or drink, all atoms have behavioral effect in our biological cells, wherever our food is grown whatever they contain, whatever designated cluster of atoms form our intake, we are that sort of a person.

Some might have experiences disturbing stories because of receiving organ transplants.

Many times I explained single atoms have two supernatural forces Dark Energy and Dark Matter, atoms form our cells inside the body with DNA and RNA and many other protein forms, atoms contain memory everything happening inside and outside your body, whatever you see feel hear or taste, atoms themselves keep private data for 12 billion years. All characteristic taste and personality also is patterned through the atoms inside every organ you possess. If someday you needed a organ transplant, it will be better you consider that you are going to adapt some memories and data from the donor, if the donor is dead still the information that was kept in certain organ that you will borrow also contains memories of the dead person. There have been cases where a organ receiver sow half awake vision who killed the individual body that the organ was donated, in very clear memory who the killer was. A heart transplant recipient noticed how his personality was changed becoming very near to the personality of the heart donor was. Another case organ transplant receiver from a suicide victim, after a short life receiver had suicide in almost same pattern, other individual that receive organ transplant had memories how car accident victims experienced before death. In all cases recipients somehow adapted characteristics from the donor’s personality as when they alive, here are enough experiences that justified that atoms effect on personality characteristics, when body organs transplant into other individuals their behavior with memory qualities pass into the new individual data recollection that are based individually in each portion of an atom procedure collectively in organ forms that was available to be donor to recipients, so atoms can deliver memories through all-embracing organ structure including through blood transfusion. I have a theory in my blogs “Atoms are other form of living things” of course there are more other complex approaches where memories and personality building form of the individual is in pattern by his or her coming offspring through DNA and RNA patterns, not only for the next generation but passed down through generations.

                                                                  HUMAN TEARS

Water molecules are the most volume mass in our brain, water molecules contain memory of all sort of activities they transmit data to brain and also register everything inside our brain circuit by communication figures, salt and potassium with other organic and chemical substances are main ingredients mixed with water molecules inside the brain. Sometimes for special task protein-based water molecules are produced to lubricate our eyes as tears.
Brain releases special sound frequency field wave that has individuality as I mentioned in my blog, any foreign sounds are detected by white blood cell to attack to defend personality sound harmony of individuality that show private finger prints on our fingers and special individuality forms in our eye retina. As soon certain strong emotion rings bell buzzer generated from the body cells to the brain greater interpretation is needed from biological life form cells to Universal sound tone realm communication water molecules release through stimuli into lacremal glands that release fluids tear gland tear fluid deposits that are same pattern mixture after stimuli signals reach to it to release at that moment tear mixture take into special unique redirected pattern form of cluster shape expressions, sound of bang messages, as soon eye covered by tear secretor lubricant outside light will penetrate tear responds that are private pattern neurotransmitter in color collecting data to electronic pulse form to circulate reaction from cells into water molecule data form to copy, very big number of color distends are already based inside iris that surrounds main center pupil of the eye culinary mussel adjust flow of colors enter the retina, tear drops contain organic substance sectors of meibomian glands that mostly is oil to hold tear drops together not to run spilling, lacrimal gland are also in tear drops to protect from infections that are made of water molecules, tears also contain mucins that called conjunctival goblet cells to distribute tears evenly over the eye. When light penetrate through tears to deliver the eye like a microscope will receive electrical spark signals that contain antibodies enzymes messages all suspended in salt water, under microscope tear drops reveal happy fact cluster of water molecules, happy or crying tears by microscope also we can show patterns of crystal forms that are in different variations, emotional tears are different than chopping onion tears same are different in basal tears crying reunion tears or grief tears some differences in laughter tear clusters remembrances hope and so on, they all contain inner emotional feelings expression like sorrow or pleasure through pattern forms to be detected and analyzed by light flow quantum colors through the pupil by helping hand from Iris colors, as Action potential resting potential complex exertion prepared inside synapses by the help of water molecules mixed with salt and potassium close simulations are done by water tear drops to transform messages from sound vibration tone frequency waves from neurotransmitters phonological into light quantum etymological transformation for atomic language communication that control amino acid behavior, major component in water molecules, entire oceans contain salty water molecule that stores all data from water molecules to be kept for safe keeping they echo details to each other working as large brain that Earth planet have to collect data, water molecules are the main control power of knowledge transportation reinstating that is available on Earth.

                                                              HYDROGEN IS ALIVE

In my other blog “DNA” I mentioned plants have no bran yet they grow and add new leaves in directions to not cover leaves that will stay behind from sun light. Entire whole molecule groups direct in collaborating with cells of the plant they make a commotion course of conciseness to reflect this flow is guided by water molecules the way they monitor DNA reproduction by sound waves to produce new cells, sound frequency that cluster of atoms on plants release are analyzed by water molecules and by sound codes have given new directives to all clusters on plants form. As example like to introduce to you insects catching plants other carnivorous plants like Venus fly trap other insect eating plant not mentioning rat eating plants but I like to considers this plant that display Thigmonasty (Touché-induced moments) without any regular reflex motion it thinks memorize and act gradually a new process Mimosa Pudica is sensitive plant that closes its leaves when it is touched shacked or feels any movement nearby to be protected from predators it folds the leaves inward, minutes later as soon it is safe it reopens the leaves as usual, this is not done by any calcium based signals, how does that motion done without any brain? Yes Mimosa doesn’t have any location for brain section in its body complex.

Veracity with atoms they are other form of living things contain intelligence memory and knowledge to direct their surrounding other living cells through covalent bonding with other cells and clusters of molecules in low and high octave sound frequency wave tones, water is most active enclosing Hydrogen atoms that encloses pure form of Dark-Matter core and not divided yet in fusion to be another form of atom, hydrogen atoms also surrounded by encircling one cable of electron that is Dark-Energy and yet it is not divided to other sections. Hydrogen releases codes to Oxygen to use additional covalent bonding parts directing other cluster molecules releasing codes of directives. Plant organism completely are controlled by this sound monitoring to be immerse into patterned root system to the ground if it rains strong plants and trees take in only certain volume of water in, water molecules inside the tree operates oversight what chemical variety that tree has to produce even though it takes great effort to comply its property chemical form different than other variety of plants and trees according to its basic start of its seed or kind. united by sound waves directing growth of new branches leaves flowers and fruits and decide when the leave have to get ready to leave the body of the tree.

As soon something touches the Mimosa pudica plant water molecules sense the sound of other movement of atoms and releases sound to certain location cluster atoms to release also sound to contract the section that holding the leaves so it can fold inward. After waiting memorizing how long it took and nothing happen water molecules release another sound frequency waves to certain locations of atom clusters in the plant to release same code echoing to certain locations to expand and reopen the leave to spread like before. Mother Nature is Hydrogen atom community sound field that control all their surrounding.

In my perspectives plants are living things but water molecules are the ones that operating their skillful reactions and growth until the time to disassemble process, all done by memory of water molecules cooperating also with all other atom forms that also are completely other form of living things, all DNA regulations completions with Amino-acids and all proper molecule accumulation is done under the directive of water molecule that are overseen by DE and D.M. in my other article in this Blogs you can see “Cornerstone of the Universe”

My enlightenment regarding Mother Nature is. First connection of life force intelligence energy field is originated by Dark-Energy, some portions of this force field transformed into Dark-Matter intelligent power field, next linking of this two Force power forces reach to individual slight pieces that complete Hydrogen atoms, third linking get by combination molecule of H2O, next the form of water molecules to communicate and release their sound frequency codes in their environment using intelligence instructions of DE and D.M, their consequence has been seen as power of Mother Nature.

Water molecules direct all principal growth and function on our planet, growth of seeds plants trees and biological growth that DNA supervises to organized and directed by water molecules. All of a sudden perfect order became dysfunctional though many other nature processes was still in harmony by great command how our planet should spin how far should be the appropriated distance between Sun and Earth in Perihelion and Aphelion measurements. According data from the Bible Earth spouse to grow all good produce to human race for enjoyment but after first couple became disobedient to Gods principles Adam and eve became cursed mentioned in Genesis 3:17 “Cursed is the ground on your account in pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. It will grow thorns and thistles for you. From that point on water molecules that supervise the growth of plants in nature change to inhospitable paraphernalia order, beside plants water atoms that contain pure dark matter cores direct their surrounding being clusters of water molecules that also supervise atom covalent process in near vicinity` for example two pieced of same type atoms in vacuumed space if touching each other they combine permanently wedged into one lump cluster of metallic form, same process on earth water molecules in between same type metals do not allow to be covalent on their own unless great heat is delivered to both metals. Water molecules are in full control in processing all progress reaction between all magnetic procedures in communication frequencies sound tone reactions by Dark-matter that is section of all atoms as cores inside all elements. Any moment theoretical principles of growth in DNA procedures can be changed according any new command from Universal sound tone waves as it happen regarding growth of thorns and thistles or get improved as to be new arrangements into water molecule actions.

Modern science is presenting synthetic polymers technology that are 60.000 times lesser than a strand of hair new methods to store zettabyte that is (~280 trillion mp3 audio files) all this information’s can be stored in a single drop of liquid, this new binary methods with synthetic polymers potentially might be better than DNA aptitude. In my conclusion single water molecules has the capacity to hold trillion times more data than this technology binary methods. In fact each atom has patterns combined from D.E and D.M universal intelligence life force each react as other form of living things, they don’t consume corporeal food like us but they consume energy receiving wavelength patterns from Universe and discharge sound frequency wavelength communicating with their neighboring atoms, they all stand in position like army guards in perfect line trek forms. 

As we consider amino acids they are like bead necklaces that are not locked, they all spin on their own, as seed of a plant that contains genes or any dried vireos they all take life forms starting to grow activity and produce similar cells fluctuations, water molecules direct forming protein to make amino acids together for biological function, regarding formations of DNA RNA replications are also released by signals from water molecules to copy genomes through signals from water molecules, it is a complex stimuli electrostatic mechanism that direct virus cells, tone reactions are released in vibrational subtleties, observing water freeze as snow how they take symmetrical patterns that have geometrically appropriate figures to form crystal shapes snowflakes, same with viruses they take icosahedral symmetrical forms while assembling, we also see symmetrical-based classification in clouds and all other living forms because of water molecule directives to replicate new molecules in same order. Forming RNA and DNA genetic data is released by complex sound tone wavelengths or tone frequencies from water molecules, in the case oversees, additionally structures protective proteins plus lipids that are protective shells to protect viruses, as I described in my other post “Atoms are non-biological other form of living things” and closest living existence between atoms and living organism is the viruses, any time genetic mutation happen is results of variety atom new clusters have in static sound effect mechanism or signals on new forming complex molecules genomes in elasticity of organism replications.  

Smell is tone reaction, atoms can communicate with other atoms by sound frequency tone wavelengths, same with some animals can sense to interpret smell that is tone reactions for example dogs and bees and so on, three hundred years ago is someone tried to describe that cells contain DNA that like open book contain its pass generation with all details no one would believe it, now we do, same approach tone reaction rhythmic complicated wavelengths contain delicate data that transformed by atoms or clusters of atoms from planta trees or other living forms that still is not clear for us fully.


One time it surprised me. When watching through my window, a palm tree in a windy day, I realize how each branch of palm tree is play with the wind up and down, plus each individual leave after hit by the wind they vibrate, sending frequencies into the branch vine then to the branch and the beam, all the way down into the roots till into deep ground, this process transmits collective data from Oxygen and hydrogen, transport data to the ground. Every time wind passes thru the trees water molecules that carrying their own collection of data hit the leave, main activity hit by the wind pulsate the culticle to epidemic pelisade, vibration go through mesophyll then lower epidermis, some wavelengths go us through spongy mosophyll stomata, frequencies through the vein continue to reach the branch. Collective data are released from water molecules with main activity of movement of the leave into leaf twig branch, then to the trunk, literal root, taproot and root hairs, sending data to the ground, this sort of activities is done by all trees and vegetations, they are part of the living planet and living atom collectives, where frequency destination reach into core of the planet Dynamic Matter. Same principles as monarch butterflies and whales send data to core of the planet, Earth.

Under supervision of intelligence force inside Universe sound frequencies direct water molecules to command environment elements to biological innovations, some believe that geological or chemical clues provide changes its true but DNA by water molecule directive are the source to collect what elements amino acids to collect to build variety of new metabolic cells pathways making changes in genes from one living bacteria to another by changing genes overtime into new metabolic way, water molecule directives can help to form new viruses and other living forms of microbes, after any biological devastation water molecules can use equisetic large quantity of organic matter into other cellulose eating bacteria’s, capability of nations to get more intelligent ecosystem or violent has been result of water molecule directives in that vicinity that operate sound frequency process into water molecules and how water clusters direct their surrounding living biological living creatures. Any moment in major changes in sound frequency directives into water molecules can change our entire ecosystem and humans have no any power to stop the outcome actions.

Many years we thought that water has three states, liquid ice and steam. Through electron microscopes we found out water has amazing fourth state that is called tunneling state. This last one can form under great pressure to be used inside basis formation of some mineral gems such as emerald beryl aquamarine and others. Chemical process of tunneling forms when five atoms measuring size with water very small six sided channels where molecules trapped within small quantum level, forms as tunneling, that is the fourth state of water. Water molecules direct everything nearby to reflect theoretical principles that is embedded in hydrogen atoms two major forces, Dark Energy and Dark Matter, I explained that in my post “Atoms are other form of living things”

                                    H2CAN CONTROL CONSCIOUSNESS`

Best example to understand conscience is watching spectacular bird flocks how all together dip down go up having quickness to move sometimes fly about 40 miles per hour, roll over marsh swamps, by dense groups flying in fast speed hairpin sharp turns unison accuracy without touching or hitting each other in that dense cluster bird crowd, collectively they all together seems that using telepathy because the leading bird can’t be seen after thousands of other birds but yet the get leading signal in split of a second, react in split of a second though each bird is separate individual soul in that moment all together pulsate their collective organizing thinking into one, same activities fish do in the sea. Similar activity goes inside human and any biological brains. There are billions of synapses in brain that carry billions of stimuli sparks electrical signals or messages, each stimuli keeps own data but can transport great amount of information in split of a second to all neurons as I said earlier you can’t find plant brain location but plants think to organize and protect themselves thou their movements are very slow. Same thing inside the brain we cannot exactly pin point where consciousness is located, greatest volume in our brain is  H2O
 molecules that have memory by two Universal forces Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter which atoms are made off. Water molecules supervise the entire flow of stimuli floating electrical patterns pulses inside the brain just like the movements of spectacular flocks respond bird flow, water molecules are connected to air float circuit that birds are flying their stimuli make birds to cooperate as one individual being in this as birds, sometimes we use the word instinct we talking about this process of water molecules mystical concept that can direct birds thousands of miles in migration routes making them know to know when birds have to eat rest and fly instinct take action intelligence two forces that atoms have Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, this two forces communicating through water molecules direct all insects mammals fish and other form of animals by instinct making animal brain cells to realize the code messages translating from atom language into cell language, they communicate to atoms in tone reaction of Universal language that is frequency wavelengths of sound tone, each signal spark do not hit into other stimuli signals until they go to reach their destination neurons to unload data, to make it more clear this electrical motion maneuvers release awareness to all neurons at once, neurons echo release their each section in Qualitative differences’ realm data operational definitions’ all together is collective consciousness, clouds of spark signals directed by water molecules give and take echo collective results, continuously give and take in action, water molecules also supervise Action potentials resting potentials Thalamus Ach K + channels all cells that produce Ca 2+ conductance collectively release each pulse with great number of new sparks stimuli, cooperating with Hippocampus ACH where K+ channels close, the entire brain is supervised by water molecule pastoral telepathy mystical concept, collective water molecule memory conductive is give and take expended consciousness by giving awareness pulses receiving or getting echo pulses in consciousness conclusive computation, my give and take, take and give theory of consciousness. Water molecules are connected into all other living things bacteria’s viruses’ fungus's plants and insect, H20 molecules that have memory capacity like the one they show in formation of snow forms are the main force that connect Universal directives to our plant leading all living creatures to work in harmony according to Universal language frequency wavelengths.

Atoms, especially water molecules contain genetic pattern code of all living cells. As portion of human saliva is touched on a plant seed or some seeds eaten by humans, coming out of the body into the soil, seeds contain building DNA chart of the individual, also all deficiencies or short coming construction inside the persons DNA, so the new plant that grows from this certain seeds are directed by water molecules to add new genetic blue print patterns to improve health of the individual, specially prepared to certain deficiency of the individual health to enhance or improve physical condition, just by consuming the new produce from the plant seeds fruits or vegetation that contains formerly broken genetic of the DNA of the individual to develop or improve recovery for better health to individual genetic structure.  In the wild nature every deer horse cattle insects that poop out to the ground undigested seeds, after seeds start to grow into a plant water molecules direct the seed new genetic blueprint signaling so the living things that consume new vegetation to improvement health benefits, what the living things need in the nature, not that plants have super intelligence to do this changes but the water molecules atoms have major intelligence to change adaptations of DNA signaling in the seeds and plants.

Atoms are the basic building block of everything, Each Hydrogen atom contains on lump of invisible life force Dark-matter as core yet pure energy not considered as nucleus and one circuit force of Dark-Energy as electron combining to form an atom, this lumps can be separated still forming an atom through fusion, Oxygen contains six form of core proton that are considered six nucleus's and six group of electron where originally were one group in previous hydrogen form, two hydrogen atom combined with one Oxygen atom form a water molecule H2O that is the basic building block of all biological life forms, water hold together disorganized constantly as fluid effecting tight molecules with two hydrogen’s in slightly positive charge and oxygen play their role in negative charge, this form a field of poles-or dipoles that can control all effect of H2O inside living cells, ferroelectric effect if in cool state liquid form when molecules are very tight close to each, where ferroelectric alignment don’t work out effectively where water molecules don’t pattern in orderly atom forms like army formation, if scientist reach in advanced position using water molecule dipoles they will be able to improve cell formation or eliminate cells by biological warfare. Already some success scientist reached into separating water molecules by overrides of long-range dipole-dipole forces they were able to bringing hydrogen bonding inside emerald crystals trapping water dissolving within nano-scale cavity of emeralds crystal structure. Also scientist are capable to separate hydrogen from Oxygen where both of this atoms can be used as less expensive fuel that can make life more comfortable and clean.

Hydrogen are perfect atoms made of pure Dark-Energy electron cable spinning over Pure Dark-Matter protons that are cluster of bubbles that can be abbreviated or spread out mass size into larger space volumes. Before going into fusion Hydrogen remains perfect completing D.E and D.M, both of this energy and matter forces are from one origin Dark-Energy as I am describing in subject “Cornerstone of the Universe” All atoms communicate in low or high octave sound frequency wave tone codes to control covalent bonding but 2 hydrogen will be more active functioning form when join with one Oxygen atoms into water H2O and more so by molecules adapting other molecules of water join frequency field to communicate as I described in chapters of “Universal sound” and “Universal sound in fire and Quantum” in my Blogs. All atoms individually and by combination clusters of atoms release sound resourcefulness on their own initiative, entire plants have their own personal harmony sound cluster with their slight variance of sound of flowers and fruits, also after fruits are ripen can be distinguished by their sound cluster diversities where insect like fruit flies can sense, particularly bees can hear their sound of flowers and reach to pick its nectar's or pollen's, Hydrogen molecules working as Gods organization work 12 billion years nonstop, as soon weather change into cold environment you can record pattern change of water molecules in freezing environments into crystal patterns just like a plant growing to take shape according to its codding directives, why? Because they are ALIVE they are other form of living thing. My enlightenment regarding Mother Nature is. First connection of life force intelligence energy field is originated by Dark-Energy, some portions of this force field transformed into Dark-Matter intelligent power field, next linking of this two Force power forces reach to individual slight pieces that complete Hydrogen atoms, third linking get by combination molecule of H2O, next the form of water molecules to communicate and release their sound frequency codes in their environment using intelligence instructions of D.E and D.M, their consequence has been seen as power of Mother Nature.

The book of bible mentions word of the lamb regarding Water calling it “Water of life” in Revelation.7:17 Yes water contains life energy memory and all possibility gifts that man can receive. For the time being, temporary humans don’t have directly communication with wisdom of water but indirectly already water is working with all life forms that are living on Earth.

this is the result of  some other scientists