Sunday, August 28, 2011



Atoms can communicate by low and high sound frequencies. Change their personality characters by fusion, obeys directive physics principles and live 12 billion years. We can recite their character but they have much other proficiency since 14 billion years or so that with the knowledge we have are not adequate to analyze their full progress in physics. An atom is 99.99999% Energy and o 0.00001% Matter. Measurement thickness of neutron skin is .28 Femtometers or about .28 millionth of a nanometer. Electrons come by transformation from Dynamic-Energy, Protons have mass of 938 Mev and come from transformation from Dark-Matter. Small nucleus stays in the center that is made from proton, many electrons speed around the nucleus, each electron in different patterns, we call them exclusive principle, electrons move too fast to track, but they show individual personality, electrons have been transformed from Dark-Energy that is portion from intelligent force of the entire universe. Second intelligent force of the universe is transformed into protons, that is Dark-Matter.

                            Invisible Dark-Matter materialize into protons with it`s  particles 

Two very tiny portion invisible forces, Dark-Energy as electrons and Dark-Matter as proton, when they combine, they form  hydrogen atom. During explosion merger of neutron stars, this process make great Kilonova explosion, where volume of Dark-Matter has more volume, they create heavy atom.

Atoms provide knowledge

As I proposed that atoms are other form of living things, sometimes they revealing to neurons as logical potent ideas, most scientific significant indicatives are illuminated as logical ideas. Based on logical perspectives, in 5th Century BCE, without modern tools Greek Philosophers Leucippupus and Democritus first developed the concept of atoms, then John Dalton proposed atomic model in 1803. Since then many such as Neil Bohr, J.J Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, Albert Einstein, John Argilo, plus many additional sources came more proof about atoms, all advance mathematical calculations new discoveries are based on atomic communication to reason and add advance potent statistics, comparing to atomic knowledge we are compared as plants comparing to atoms in acquaintance. Atoms are in constant, appear as solid state, they are protected by spin of electron motion each electron part spins in personal directives and speed that is different from other electron molecules that are constantly moving, release frequency vibrations. Atoms can Fission or explode to release their energy or release nuclear fission, also release their energy with radiation thermonuclear slow process, atoms also get in Fusion state by combining with a few other atoms, also by generation new matter particles, using their portions from two forces they have, Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter.  

Almost all scientists consider the atom, smallest nonliving portion of matter, considering atoms join together to form living things and other matter. Bearing in mind that atoms do not reproduce or metabolize, one thing for sure energy formed everything including atoms, though atoms do not metabolize to create life but the energy in them is packed with mass force that form living things, though atoms  can`t grow larger but inside the quantity of neutrons and other particles grow in number, same with electrons divide to multiply to transform into other atoms as shown in periodical table, living force is packed inside the atom as living thing, energy in atoms communicate with other atoms, everything a living organism needs is provided by energy that is packed in atoms, that’s why I conclude saying atoms are other form of living things.

Birth of hydrogen atom by (Greg Kaprielian)

Scientist realizes that two supernatural invisible forces already exist; I call this two forces, invisible Dynamic energy and invisible Dynamic Matter. To explain the random fluctuations they came out with the word Quantum mechanics in space, this two forces already have intelligence as we observe intelligence in entire Universe how galaxies rotate and are under superb supervision by some kind of unseen aptitude, as soon portions from this two forces join by random fluctuation this two forces blink to subatomic particles as we see with materialize matter, in existence of atom. Entire universe operate by atomic dynamics effect.

Individual atoms are tiny ball shape forms, two kind of energy in atoms Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter are invisible living force, atoms contain this force that register everything around them.

Baby atom hydrogen comes from mama atom Dynamic-Matter that is the core of invisible Dark-Matter of every star, Invisible Dynamic Energy as Dark-Energy materializes as electron to protect baby atom by orbiting in small portion. First step of new born atom hydrogen probably 600 cubic volume of Dark-Matter contracted into many single tiny invisible portion to combine as one proton to fit into the center of hydrogen atom, having additional orbiting very small portion from Dark-Energy that contemplate into bunch of electron that form as one single mass of Meons, we call single electron that also might be very big number of electrons. In this state new born hydrogen atom number one has atomic mass=1.008 amu. Comparison the size of proton to empty 99.9999999999999 % of space till it reaches the orbiting electron. All hydrogen atoms are created inside stars inside the universe.

Beginning life of atoms starts as hydrogen atoms, most of hydrogen atom is emptiness formed by two invisible forces of Dark-Energy as electrons, captive energy in center with Dark-Matter as core center, entire space in atom can be formed without taking any material structure from outside, as soon more smaller forces separate electron grabbing very tiny portions of core, together they can form material particle as neutron, nucleus, following more smaller force attachments, by electron and protons, more particles are formed, repeated friction adds without taking in anything from outside commodities, by fusion, same hydrogen atom change inside structure into other type of atom as we see in periodic chart. Starting form of Hydrogen atom, you will find no neutrons, it will be created inside atom, until it reach to uranium, atomic number 92, same ball of hydrogen, now will hold 146-238 neutrinos, that were processed inside hydrogen atom, reaching to a point, to decaying process.

To explain atom, we have to considerate physics about atoms, that scientist already doing so. Plus, we must take consideration about behavior of Quantum mechanics, new particles always form inside atom, from where they come? By observer effect portions energy from Dynamic Electron reach into the center of atom to interact portions from Dynamic-Matter, proton force is in dense phase, as soon some portion of it loses to insubstantial gentle state over its surface so some of the portions meet interaction in between to form new particles of neutrinos, where proton positive force verses electron negative forces, mostly this forces produce neutrinos that balance two electrical forces to no charge, to the point where it might transform into antiparticles, but it keeps the balance with the proton waves to antiparticle state that eliminate some particles and new ones form inside the atom.

Like a caterpillar hydrogen atom reform into other formation changing inside and outer structure, inside hydrogen there is one proton having one orbiting electron. Gradually out of nowhere by fusion hydrogen atom have new baby isotope Deuterium atomic weight 1.007947, by oxidation deuterium concentrated to form heavy water, weight four times the mass probably by mixing some tiny portions from proton and electron, this Deuterium makes heavy hydrogen or heavy water with atomic mass number 2 =2.01403 amu. Getting aged hydrogen develop another Tritium radioactive isotope to form a neutron, nucleus of deuterium called deuterion that contains one proton and one neutron Only hydrogen atoms don`t carry neutrons in periodic table chart of atoms, this new formation make hydrogen mass number 3= 3.06 amu. Combination of forces of proton and electron somehow releasing one portion of muon addition acting as electron like caterpillar hydrogen transform into second stage as helium atom. Starting point as hydrogen atom it can transform by fusion into 117 or more types of other atom forms, by adding more neurons and subatomic particles, as caterpillar change sages, as a plant grows as biological life forms and grows atoms have their own way of livelihood.

Everything is created by two  invisible intelligent forces profound effects that also created the entire universe, Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter.

Hydrogen atom is life forms.

Hydrogen atoms are created inside the stars, atoms are in their best operative state inside heat and pressure to go into fusion and they keep very active movements with their great frequency communication flow changing from hydrogen level into helium and so on, just like a caterpillar they construct or materialize to variety formations through fusion. During other environments slow range of colder range, being portion from such stuff of rock or any other conjectural substance, atoms still communicate and perform their state with frequency wavelengths delivering what to expect from their theoretical basis. We know what degree of heat gold or iron melts, we know what to expect if iron stay in water so long. So atoms operate as living life form different than we understand, comparing building block atoms to our biological life forms they are totally something else, though they are the major structural parts of our cells in our body that perform to direct our livelihood without making it noticeable..  

Every second, our Sun inner pressure converts 564.000.000 tons of hydrogen atoms and 560.000.000 tons of helium into energy. Sun radiates 4.000.000 tons of heat and light each second. Considering trillion of Galaxies inside the Universe our planet and everything belong with is, by comparison our planet with the Universe we might be considered probably one portion of dust in volume, in intelligence and everything, Wisdom of the Universe, hydrogen and other atoms carry some of the intelligence of the universe inside them. 

In cosmic abstract relationship there are so many mathematical complexities that till now is beyond our grabbing head of thinking, using imagination with logic thousands years ago Greek concluded about atoms, though I don’t back up any of this thoughts some physicist still id free world to express everyone their thoughts, some physicists now we are trying to analyze relativity quantum mechanics. Without certain theoretical proof some also lurk about dark matter, not that it looks dark but because is not understood adding that dark matter are particles called weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs also comes with vanilla version adding that are two varieties of D.M an idea called asymmetric dark matter, if two varieties are similar they destroy each other as antimatter counterparts, if they are different kind of dark matter they stay combined together. Also this group explaining that dark matter builds up inside stars causing the pulsar to collapse into black holes. As I described in my other posts dark Matter doesn’t have any particles, two years ago I mentioned invisible dark matter are bubbles inside bubbles they can shrink million times dense or expend million times large, spread in the Universe have memory and intelligent and are not under any theoretical patterns rules. Inside every star and planet dark matter is the core center; every star contains as pulsar in the center that is made of dark matter having dark energy spinning around the core. Tiny portions of this dark matter combine in center of atoms having portions from invisible dark energy spinning as electron, those are my logical imaginary perspectives, if other physicists have the freedom expressing about string knots theory, wormholes, dancing with gravity, whimper eternal relationship, abstract cosmic, God particle and life and the big one Big bang, I feel some encouragement to add my perspectives as well. As soon core of an atom starts inflammation expands breaking circuit of electrons, electrons and protons convert into one large lump and friction of this two forces dark energy and dark matter release great temperatures that we call it nuclear bomb explosion. Inside atoms each portion of Dark-Matter that represent a proton have density so condense not the pressure from surrounding but by itself  it contains pressure higher than in a neutron star.

How atoms form by Greg Kaprielian

First step formation of atom is Hydrogen atom. Proton in middle section and surrounded by electrons. This two are portions from universal supernatural living with clever invisible forces, Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter. Hydrogen atom that contain invisible Dynamic Matter Bubbles after transform into matter can be divided into much smaller portions, same with invisible Dynamic Energy transform into electrons and can be divided into smaller portions. Atoms are alive active forces because of this two distinct forces, to form active ions isotopes, in case an atom program itself by fusion to transform into Helium, then after more fusion into Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, we can see in periodical table, only some of the last numbers with periodical table atoms are formed in certain laboratories. When isotopes get closer to each other either electromagnetically grab each other or repel each other, isotopes separating portions from positive charge proton to join with portions from negative charge electrons to form a particle, if electrical balanced particles join together they can form a Nucleus that consist to balance will be neutral, other tiny joining by electron and protons can form other particles depending if one of the electron portions overtaken repulsion that balanced the particle, will be negative particle if other proton force is more in the particle it will have positive effect element. Empty portions inside atom is called coulomb barrier, divided portion from two supernatural forces using electromagnetic repulsion, in the emptiness separated isotopes attract each other to bind into a particle, regarding so called gluons it is the intelligence force between the major supernatural forces that direct creating the particles, first by releasing separation portions inside the atom, first by Fission then by fusion to distinct from each other. Opposite activity to annihilate particles can be seen by exothermic fusion by atomic nuclear explosion.   

            All intelligent directives are given by two intelligent forces that combine to form an  atom,                                Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter,  by releasing frequency  from atoms. 

                                                                       What is plasma?

String Theory or theory of everything.

So far Physicists conclude that there are 4 major forces, Electromagnetism like magnets, Gravity falling apples on your head, Strong nuclear force in atom formation, and Weak nuclear perish force as atoms decay. Till now scientist could not analyze theory of everything, physicist hoping to detect by more sensitive tools to unify and attempt super-symmetry by unify gravity with the other 3 forces, considering profound effects, everything might be tiny little particles that have dynamic vibrating strings, hoping they might get conclusions by multiple dimensions.

Regarding, theory of everything, my perspective is

Two Dynamic forces that created everything inside the Universe, Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter are forces with no limitations, each can transform into certain countenance to settle into any energy pattern individually and by mixture of different levels of quantities of the two forces it transform into other levels of dimensional utter, I explained in my posts different combination formula can form new particles inside atoms, also other formation in combining certain levels of this two forces form any of the utter of electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. I am not surprised considering indiscernible multi dimensional string force, because this two energy and matter forces are invisible it can materialize and imperceptible in any moment, they can transform into any form or effect in no time, By Greg Kaprielian, this is the Theory of everything.

According to discoveries that science introduced so far is complex knot that contradicts itself. Many names have been given into atom individual particles, so far standard Model explains all the veracity of atoms as all particles can decay some faster than the others such as B meson can in friction of nanosecond, hopefully particles will reach into a point that is my perspective where all particles don’t decay because, they will reach into a point that particle will reach into a smallest portion that is not particle but energy like nuclear energy force, where they will return into their original energy formula form, electrons as invisible Dark-Energy and protons as invisible Dark-matter, so far according to standard model cannot explain all the features of the Universe in theory of everything. Scientist with Higgs Boson are describing, there are six quarks inside an atom (up down charm strange top bottom) also there are six Leptons (Electrons muons tau and their corresponding neutrinos, some particles have carry force (gluons photons Z and W bosons and the higgs boson, regarding the meson energy down quark and a bottom antiquark that can decay in 0.0015 nanoseconds. In my perspective atoms are combinations from two force fields Invisible Dark-Energy and invisible Dark-matter atoms, any calculated portions from each force combining to the other complete a new particle as soon they are released out of an atom by slump detonation those particles decay into their originality state, I believe  Dark-Energy and Matter never decay.

Atoms are made of from two supernatural invisible forces, as we see entire Universe is made of Dark Energy + Dark Matter and less than 5% real matter such as Galaxies and so on. Dark Matter can change its compactness density from unexplained bulk dense condition into loose imperceptible strewn state almost like clouds, though invisible it is, no matter what state Dark Matter appearance form they don`t contain any particles. In my perspective profile of atom form when very tiny portion of Dark Energy force materialize into electrons and grab very tiny portion from invisible Dark Matter, that materialize into proton, this two forces together form a Hydrogen atom. These two portions of electron and proton can allocate into many smaller portions of portions energy to go in with to bond particles, by fusion every time a reforms new particles to form neutrons, every time proton divide in such procedures it transform into new atoms as we can add in periodical table, atoms don’t divide such as biological cells but in their vast emptiness the form into additional structure of particles, because atoms are other form of living thing, six variety of quarks are complex mixture scheme of Dark Matter and Energy, any moment proton split ration can be condensed into heaviest element, Other section of this blogs I tried to explain in logical sense that every center core of any planet or stat is located great volume of Dark Matter, same with each individual atom in my theory D.E + D.M = H (Dark-Energy plus Dark Matter equal hydrogen atom)

How long atoms can live. According major acknowledgements they say atoms live 12 billion years, recently after some thermodynamics researches, measuring 124 atom into tellurium, it showed by radioactive decay through nuclear absorb of two electrons it show simultaneously released double dose of ghostly particles of neutrinos prove that atoms can live, according to this test atoms can live 36 sextillion years, each sextillion contains 21 zeros. So that number is much bigger than 12 billion years, that will confuse calculations, if big bang was 12 billion years ago how come atoms existed before big bang? So far every theory we have is hanging by a thread.

Atoms have spherical shape like a ball, atoms communicate with each other always keep their principles they don’t reproduce new atoms, but inside an atom, portions from electrons as male force split and go in the emptiness into the center of an atom connecting with small portion from the core that act as a female portion of the atom, this two separated portions of the atom that have no any particles join together to form a particle, always this principle continues to make other form of particles production, atoms keep their spherical shape but inside is continuing production of new particles, by fusion they can also change the variety of the atom that is result of reproduction as a living things have. Atoms create living particles keeping them inside the spherical realm progressing to change position in periodical table, they adopt new pattern to be a new form of atom, outside remain the same spherical shape but inside having more structures, new molecule elements and structures form by two energy portions of Dark Matter and Dark Energy create anatomy of atom. First formation inside Hydrogen atom is only proton in the center surrounded by electrons. Every time portions from electron divide to form new atomic particles that are in different sizes and different charge, atom creates molecule elements compound that show reproduction activities, Nucleus and additional atomic particles such as Up Down Charm Strange Top Bottom Gluon Photon tiny Electron (that are separated from complete electron flow) Muon Tau Z Boson tree formation of neutrinos such as Electron Muon and Tau neutrinos W Boson. As hydrogen atom Life of atom starts from Stars that are combination of major force Dark Matter as in the center as core, surrounded the core by Dark Energy force as electrons, Hydrogen atoms do not create stars, stars force create hydrogen atoms that is first stage of atomic life to start in life form of atoms to go on continuing to change formation by fusion adding molecules element compound inside the spherical body to other formation of atoms but the outer shape of atoms remains always round. Atoms continuously release sound frequencies and vibrations, between molecules atoms also make sounds nonstop, joining into the universal sound harmony.

Energy from atoms

Before atom contain energy, great force field energy formed each atom, it is astonishing fact to consider through astound knowledge how 7 Quadrillion atoms formed to make up the human body, atoms contain intelligence of D.E and D.M plus how to reflect by sound frequency wavelengths pattern into their neighborhood atoms to react edifice living cells, atom patterns only assemble right group of atoms such as carbon oxygen nitrogen and some other elements of atoms to complete the fundamental ingredients of living things adding to it some energy from atoms Dark Energy and Dark Matter that is life itself, plus directive activities from atoms are released into higher levels to complete printing patterns of DNA RNA and complete living form. The entire Universe contains small tiny packages of Dark Energy and Dark Matter that form all sort of matter inside the Universe including all sort of energy forms, we as human contain some atoms from stars but it does make no any changes because all atoms inside the Universe are small portions from grand Creator Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter, atoms are representative close part of each cells we contain, all activities inside the cells and neurons are registered to inform that Grand Creator in heavens atoms that are on planet Earth or any other galaxy stars planets they all complete the Grand Creator, atoms are other life forms that contain supernatural universal life force and intelligence, so we are small element from the Universe that complete the Universe.

Every human being and all plant life including animals, fish and insects, partially we all have been in fiery hell long time ago, not in biological form but partial as group of atoms. Humans contain about 7 Quadrillion atoms that were residing inside stars Galaxies inside molten lava, because atoms are other form of living things in my Blogs (Atoms are other form of living things) and they can survive in extreme hell like environment, they survived also I mentioned how atoms can relate information’s into our neurons as dreams they remind about the interactions atoms went through.

Atoms contain holly force.

Each atom can live 12 billion years and they contain portions from Universal supernatural forces, first. Electrons come from Dynamic-Energy known as Dark-Energy and second protons come from Dynamic-Matter known as Dark-Matter. These two supernatural energies using their own volition power unity are the bases of Universal life form force that guides the entire universe, we as humans contain Quadrillion of atoms in our body that also are holy force that physically spontaneously shapes reality. Everything we do with emotion happens by surrounding data from nearby atoms or something we heard or felt other expressions from others our Quadrillion atoms echo that emotions and we feel, instinctively applying in our moods after DNA reach emotional patterns from our surroundings, try to avoid hearing bad news and information that stress you with sadness, Entire Quadrillions of atoms have characteristics and you should be the conductor to harmonies intake news and information that either sadden or make you happy. Enjoy the holly supernatural force in you even when you don`t feel direct connections with the Universal holly supernatural force field, still you have impulsively control by Quadrillion atoms in you..

Everything you see in the Universe has same basic principle. May were considering Big bang story as reality but it failed, in our times can be observed new stars are forming inside molecular clouds or stellar nurseries without getting any help from big bang, same with atoms they can be developed in vacuumed space, in many location in this blogs I described all atoms combine two energy forces Invisible Dark-Energy and Invisible Dark-Matter, atom will form into material mass when electron spins on protons that are invisible clusters force field bubbles that are Dark-Matter, together D.E and D.M form one atom, you have heard about gravitational lensing that cover large distances between distance source to observers, lights are capable of bending, same sources in gravitational sound frequency directives create a gravitational lensing in very tiny realm connecting electron to spin over Dark-matter bubbles to complete matter state as element, atoms are forms of tiny gravitational lensing in limited short distance range circle spin continuously, all electromagnetic energy forms like electrons and lights can be produced from Dark-Energy. Entire galaxies stars and planets are directed by same sound frequency tone wavelengths to be connected into the plank constant or quantum entanglement flow that is formulation of holographic principle. Everything in universe applies same theoretical physical constant principle first by two invisible forces converting or forming into matter as atoms.

                                                             SPECTRA LINES

Usually people believe that because atoms are solid matter they don’t feel or sense as nonliving things, one of my post reveal that “Atoms are other form of living things” Atoms have identity temperament. Let’s consider some of qualifications of atoms. By tone reaction frequencies they release wavelengths to apply theoretical procedures considering with their other element neighbors. They apply fusion process precisely as we can expect from their chemical groups. They can endure their process for 12 billion years. Though our ears can’t hear then the release communications by Hertz Hz cycle per seconds, abbreviations for Hz. Atoms are made of two supernatural energy forces by dark energy that transforms into electromagnetism and electrons that are unlimited numbers of helixes in electrons changing orbitals that release photon energy, second force is dark matter that are invisible bubbly force fields that can extend or contrast where clusters of this bubbles form protons inside atoms. Each individual or group going into atomic empty space to connected by portion from proton clusters they produce mass of new particles inside atom and obey time changing process of atom to fusion into other elements some protons release sound frequency wavelengths and photons declare new changing combination emitting new absorption energy, this process involves sound wavelengths and Hz cycles per second tone reactions that have always same descriptions according to their stages of maturity. Atoms release their characteristic lines or spectra lines into open surroundings. Certain wavelength corresponding colors are the effect that in split of seconds wavelengths have stop and go process that effects as code where colors or frequency abbreviations are is interrupted in very split of second distances inside each cycle, I believe that wavelengths sound and color are one combinational energy force that are released from atoms as characteristic spectra lines plus they contain coding messages that are collected from their regions to send into Universal center of communication of 73% of dark energy and 24% of dark matter intelligent life center. Lines of atomic spectra show different colors each chemical group displays same color spectra lines other elements demonstration different lines. In my other post I explained entire Universe is one energy warping as invisible one big energy Ocean of quantum flow metric hologram controlled by dark energy also realm of gravity field of fluctuation that is ignited by sound frequencies of dark matter to direct individual atoms stars and galaxies to entangle into quantum harmony oscillations. As soon atoms release spectra line frequencies they pass into the Ocean that entire Universe is immersed quantum describes in color code of elements structure, we can only sense the spectra lines in colors but additionally they contain much more complex codes full of data that still we as humans don’t have the technology to analyze their details. It is clear we can explain atomic and molecular characteristics from far away stars and planets observing their spectra lines, but we can’t describe yet how atoms are communicating with each other with the rest of planets stars and galaxies.

Dark-Matter or Dark-Energy is only a theory and has not been proven  completely since 70 years as premature equation but the scientist go inside the atoms jump over parallel Universes and swim inside wormholes to check around all based on logic not by equations. Thousand years ago when Greek introduced Atom, they could not see it by magnification. This last 5 hundred years people did not know what is radio television waves or MRI Gamma ray sand many other effects we know now. Only by logic we can grasp the values that tools are not available yet to analyze. Matter exist may billion years ago our so called   advance civilization don’t look that advance yet so first we ponder to consider in logical sense to have ambition to go after knowing more by more advance sensitive tools to analyze our surroundings Atoms are combination of two invisible energy matters D.E when steady state that is Dark-Energy 73% energy field in the universe can turn into electromagnetism when in moving action later small portion monofilament’s of these cable force field can be used as electrons when electrons divide they release 100 million helix spiral light lines after helix destructed it turns into neutrinos later returning into its original form of Dar-Energy. Meeting with another matter force individually electrons in action joining or surrounding with opposite force of D.M protons that are portions of Dark-Matter combine into hydrogen atom in my “Krikor” theory D.E+D.M= H  only D.M have mass, Dark-Matter exist 23% of the Universe each are billion miles wide bubbles, invisible but very condense 15 times more than lead, if those bubble divided into trillion and trillion times smaller they always keep their bubbly shape kernels clusters, even when become small portion to develop into proton, similar shape of very tiny fruit of pomegranate tight clusters of specks, one ball of proton surrounded by one cable of electron that whiz around to develop one hydrogen Atom that have no neutron, Every time by lost numbers of helix that lost control from the electron cable fall in an join to eight pips from the pomegranate proton develop into new neutron, certain balanced force electrolyzes of these two matters keep a nucleus in balance of no charge other numbers, Other numbers of particles of helix joining other numbers of pips form other particles inside the atom, this new formed particle group’s act according to subatomic values give different effects six flavors settled in quarks form inside atoms, they are called. Up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom. Those quarks divided also into two as their beginning material energy force D.E and D.M that is balanced always in two groups, like D.M protons contain two “up” flavored quarks. But negative D.E electrons divided portions of helix neutron quarks carry two “downs and one “up and one “down” Always more portion balanced particles have mass, electron parts have almost no mass. Those portions are evaluated and registered in Large Hadron collider (LHC) but the result is when they are shattered not when they are operative because when they are broken nothing will show except gravitationally registrations, at atoms destructive event most electrons that are descent of Dark-Energy vaporize because shattered neutrinos also annihilate by it returning to original form of Dark-Energy that is invisible force field. So for me we don’t have real standard model to penetrate and divide portions and particles of six flavors inside Atom mechanism their operative method is interrupted by a smash.  Atom is the same sphere round ball in all categories nothing comes from outside to changed character, by fusion using Dark-Energies smaller portions of electron helix coils renovated particles to add portions from center core Proton clusters of Dark-Matter combining into new particles inside atom at the main time separating helixes from electrons to spin additional divided portions of electrons giving new principles of transformed bonding or covalent bonding.

Hydrogen atoms are developed inside the stars you can read the article our Sun in this blogs where I explain  my theories that Sun is made of combination Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter. Inside generating greater, turbulence spins Dark-Matter electromagnetism rotating around the core of Dark-Matter while also, revolving reel on itself creating tremendous turbulences. Motion is like rapping a cigar roll. That’s how hydrogen atoms are formed, all hydrogen in the Universe is formed by this precession after that fusion forms, nothing from outside comes to change the personality of atom to other element except heat and pressure provisions supplied when electron cables lose some of their helix to send into space of atom inside to mix with some of cores from Dark-Matter proton clusters and combine into new particles, their variation showing electric field effect depending how much of D.E or D.M is combined into the new formality particles.

Scientist analyzed atoms figuratively calling names giving like colors or spices giving names to particles inside the Atoms, some particles are called Red down quarks, others Green up quarks others Blue down quarks. Other particles called group particles Hyperons Baryons Hadrons Nucleons bosons, then you have Antiparticles Fermions, Other group is called Mesons Hadrons Leptons also antiparticles of Bosons and Fermions and Photons as boson particles, each have different group of charge and mass. In my theory always Protons that are chunk of Dark-Matter contain Positive energy, portions of this matter join and combine with electrons helix negative force that are hunk of Dark-Energy. Uneven portions and quantity of opposite volume portions combine inside Atoms and form variety of particles inside Atoms. In my theory electron cables that contain big numbers of helix strands, they might be able to separate breakdown to smaller filaments, shorter ones can be serve as neutrinos. Always they carry some energy of Dark-Energy in their helix whirl. Those two energies produce electromagnetic force, only in combination to form nucleuses two forces are in balance of no charge.

Atoms produce peculiar low octave sound frequencies according to their periodical table and the total mass multiplies the tone, each atom has its describing statement in sound pattern, its age the exploiting permutation laying measures inside will take declaring its serial number by sound variation patterns assumed by other atoms in bonding process, each have also personality eccentricity that is stated by electrons to the surrounding demesne. Atoms have big space inside and echoes travel in low octave sound frequencies, let`s suppose that we are enlarging figure design of an atom into trillion times trillions continuously until that size of atom reaches into eleven floor building in height sphere shape, electrons are circling starting from ground level up to eleventh floor sphere circling down back to the ground level, after multiplying the size of proton according to the expansion to the size of the picture, proton will look the size of grain of sand, similar to sand shape size pomegranate fruit with many clusters of coronel bubbles that all are made of tiny Dark-Matter bubbles, comparing to protons even in this new measures mass of electron comparison to proton will be 1/1836 times smaller mass than  hydrogen proton, though hydrogen has the largest size condense Dark-Matter in all atoms. Inside an atom is 99.9 % empty and hallows space around the protons underneath the sphere of electron.

Atoms are empty space 99.999999% with very tiny particles of protons and electrons, if we remove emptiness volume from all atoms of the entire Nations of the Earth total remaining volume of particles will complete fit in size of one cherry space. That’s why already it is recorded in the bible Isaiah 40:15 “Look! The nations are like a drop from a bucket. And as the film of dust on the scales they are regarded…”

Atoms and planets stars are too different in their sizes but have similar outlook with round shape, planet Earth and the moon or other planets have very small opening in the bottom and top where the axes endings are located, same with atoms no matter how fast electrons spin around the core they have a point in the center top and bottom part that electron don’t pass over it, it is a window for core Dark-Matter to pass whenever it expanding in excess size or volume so don’t feel captive in the core spot. Inside the star is full of diluted Dark-Matter but there is a tunnel of opening in the north and south center point of Axes spot.

Let`s consider a cluster of atom melted down with many variety of elements, then becoming a piece of metal, each element generating certain variation of low octave sound frequency in dissimilar note tones, cluster of gadgets that have their own melody, besides each atom has its own exploiting permutation laying measures of describing statement, so the sound are produced to combination in each millisecond or 1040 seconds or in one micro second condensing millions of notes of sound variations, then arrangements changing in variations into another group doublet, Triplets, Quartets, Sextets, and continuing in steps thousand levels, each have declarations in sound notes by variation musical notes that we first we can`t hear it, we don’t understand it without interpretations, even though our mind function in this level between cells to cell through synapse stimulus flash sound signals predispositions, somehow this information’s are translated to animals as we call it instinct, electrons carry knowledge that guide all sequencer regulations in atomic behavior to bond or repel transform in certain milieus to fusion, all steps relay program to controvert or consent. All directives are connected to Universal sound frequency harmony of communication by vibration and sound.

Lets consider putting metals touching each other on natural environment two sums of metal stay separate because humidity and other floating gas elements are in between two pieces but if you put two pieces of same type metals touching each other in space or vacuum environment in short time elements by covalent bonding communicate with neighboring similar atoms get jammed together like soldered together in metal based construction, this prove that atoms can communicate and take action to join with their race or same kind lastingly.

Atoms are active by sound tones communication by covalent bonding they interact pull or push each other according to guided theoretical principle by imbedded two forces, Dark Matter protons as core and Dark Energy as electrons anything nearby have to be checked and responded, is visiting substances are mass in origin core react to that if the coming visitors are light particles or photons electrons will interact, sometimes they also can form new structures as ions matrix this force that atoms carry help inside hot molten lava to bring new crystal structures to form stone as semi-precious or precious, but for atoms they are all exquisite to be considered and manufactured day and night inside molten lava.

My perception, Dark Matter don’t have certain precise mass, it can enlarge expand or shrink to condense not as matter but as force field invisible bubble that contains many other smaller bubbles inside its bubbles like Russian nesting dolls “Matryoshka” during atomic explosion Dark Matter expand to the point where it releases all inside energy as hot temperatures and radiation, electron portion of atoms that is Dark Energy it releases only electromagnetic charges only Dark Energy releases radiation.

Protons are made of Dark-Matter, they are invisible have no precise shape or form. In massive volume they complete as a big bubble, fill up 23 % of the Universe D.M. Single particle of a Proton in the Atom can be also divided into over 1000 cluster kernels. By fusion first level for Atom to develop is hydrogen, combining one element of proton and one element of electron. The greatest volume of all atoms is hydrogen, it’s the first step production of elements by D.E and D.M is constant force, uniformly affecting the Universe and propelling its runaway expansion, pushing space apart. Invisible D.E produce Electrons, they are very small compare to protons 1/1836 that of the spin around the proton. Entire electrons cable do not smash to proton center, only few helix or single ones distract the circulation loose by a hit knock out from rest of electron cable separated filament go in to mix into single or numbers of proton pips. Marginal electric reaction from electron, burst into new specks of protons, add up more quantity of particles transform atom to other element. Electrons tightness pull surrounding protons produce frequencies of element combination individuality sound tones, by sound tone atom know who is his neighbor by covalent bond characterization joining together, also scientist use valence bon theory and ionic bonds. (According to S. Alexjander. Hydrogen sound tone is C to C # in a lower octave 324.8) Unfamiliar to our ears. First developed Atoms are hydrogen and without neutrons. After hydrogen completed, if fusion occurs inside tension of a star, one fraction of the electron go in the circle of electron and join into a fraction of the proton, proton surrounds the electron fraction inside an combines a neutron, when inside the hydrogen atom will exist one particle of proton one particle of neutron surrounded by two electrons, this condition is called Deuterium, when two Deuterium join together, or the process of hydrogen divides and produce new separate portions of neutron and electron and proton new pieces, like two pips protons two neutrons two electrons combination by fusion, atom will be called Helium. By fusion Hydrogen gain more spikes of particles, develop into helium. I heard a scientific joke once "Neutron drinking a glass of beer ask the bar tender how much? The answer was no charge" Neutron contains mixed equal electrical values of proton and electron balancing definition charge into (No charge) like the definition anode cathode as Diodes principle returning current forward and reverse direction continuously. Electrons are negative charge protons positive, neutrons are equal balance of D.E in the center and protons surround the fixed electron like taking the position of electron inside the spin of electron to form a new neutron. In reality D.M and D.E mixture provide new Quarks. All other atoms have more neutrons, number raises. Last stage proses, H, turn into carbon or iron by fusion. Heat does not penetrate in protons, except D.E or electrons; they can infiltrate only a coating level deep, only in certain notch of saturation. That’s how these two forces develop H, Atoms. Protons have unaffected degree of temperature, unchangeable in volume no matter what environment in, greatest volume of all atoms are hydrogen, because the proton still not divided to splinters Electrons are made of Dark-Energy (will be more proper to call Dynamic-Energy) they are invisible strings flow of energy represents 73 % of the Universe D.E. In massive volume like filament cloud, transparent clear Electrical structure D.E can piece hypothetical as cosmic strings; condensed qualification of electromagnetic forces. Small sequences can keep always dividing series without reaching to last splinters, at last can continue dividing to form light waves. The biggest task participates in Atoms and developing to large stars. Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter combine, each delivering, one particle of proton and one electron, hydrogen atoms form, Krikor theory DE+DM= H when more fraction of splinters get involved, in nuclei, the numbers add, by fusion, as the atomic numbers change and multiply, required number series electrons arrangement divide and add up circling on nuclei. Like a thread. Rope like twisted loop D.E flows in Plasma. They are like DNA (musical compositions concerts) information filaments. Plasma in Universe, are production of limited joined materialization D.E saturation with D.M. By percentage contain more Dark-Energy; contain electric current sequences, like a thread. Rope like, twisted loop D.E flows and saturated, they carry "blue print" of atoms particles and all value of chemical reaction principles musical tone-reaction by "Gabriel" determine physical characteristics or traits just like DNA Electrons are also contained in plasma. Plasma also act like DNA information filaments Solar wind, gravity and other gases are wave flares, leftover fusion specs from stars and supernova explosions. And by Black Hole disintegration of Atoms I will explain later on.

Atoms communicate with each other and with connection with entire quantum space time field using low and high octave sound frequencies that are ripples waves to be connected to entire realm of Universal Dark-Energy realm usually on average every sound pitch atoms release are D notes almost 20 octaves, to be understood to us it is a not highest sharp point on regular pianos note, sound that are released by atoms are not regular sounds it contains codding informative message pitch that are implicit by other atoms, anytime atoms be collectively in larger form of mass their sound pitch variation change according to their cluster form and whatever they contain in their lump. In other post I will explain how atoms are other form of living things.

All normal particles are thought to have antimatter partner with the same mass but by opposite charge, where matter and antimatter meet. Already function change by Anode cathode, exist in nucleus but when greater opposite charges D.M with D.E particles they change position with electrons to annihilate each other. Antimatter divided, particle proton. They are spread around the Earth by connecting some sort of low gravity values generated by the core of Earth which is pure Dark-Matter. Electrons stay on the core like pulsar and keep surrounding continuously Interactions mislead balances, Anti proton held with proton with portion of electron, called the positron. Particles of protons change position with electrons to a Zener voltage. My concept, egg layer can be break at ease from inside out, there is enough stress build inside, D.E is surrounding D.M, has to work more intensely to retain shielded the positive magnetism. Forcefully surrounding proton center point, where D.M grain is located. Electron must work harder to keep pressure in the empty space, between proton and electron where the magnetic force statute, D.M can feel differences when combinations of alpha particles develops, new compositional structure in the proton. Stable the opposition gravity by D.E forces, to condense gravity of D.M stay this position continuously for billions of years. Theories of scientist might be changed. Other scientist say (the field of quantum mechanics all fundamental forces are carried by particles, for instance. light is made up of massless particles called photons carry D.E ), Ruling force in the Universe is electromagnetic forces, they are D.E. Still some scientist elucidating creation started in Universe by gravity (the graviton is the theoretical particle that would carry the force of gravity, scientists have yet to detect gravitons which are tricky to find because they interact so weakly with matter)

Dark-Matter can be condensed or scattered depending surrounding pressure, when it is scattered in unperturbed space it can be react as weakly interacting hypothetical particles or WIMPs though they are invisible sound signal frequencies they generate interactions to weak force or gravity. Variation of sound command can go to different levels; from far away in the middle of milky Galaxy we might receive signals from them as much as 110 GeV to 130 GeV. Dark-Matter is invisible and inactive only after being close to D.E become visible, start to operate when adjacent to Electromagnetism or Dark-Energy that is 10^42 times stronger than Dark-Matter by active spin of electrons. Scientist might consider WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles, in my perspective entire Dark-Matter particles in any state are combination of one force field connected and have intelligence however invisible, opposite to this energy is Dark-Energy covering entire Universe react as electromagnetism and electrons have one individual own intelligence and personality, yet invisible. Matching Antimatter particle for example, hydrogen atom by mixing antiprotons with positrons Antielectrons-in a vacuum chamber. But the frequencies coming from pulsars, Black holes Dark-Matter and other stars have great influence on gravity by connecting to the frequencies of individual elements. I will discuss it later.

Till now all findings about Universe and about atoms are inconclusive, some of the factors are that comparing our milky galaxy to the cosmos is billions times trillions and keep continuing repeating several days calculating that times our galaxy is smaller than Universe, now let’s compare planet Earth to milky galaxy how many times is smaller, we go same calculations, how about our body how many times is smaller than planet earth, let’s go again in same calculations, now haw about how many cells do we have how many atoms in one of our cells and how vast vacuumed atoms contain comparing to two substances they compete protons and electrons tiny structures and great emptiness inside atom, as you see we need more wide angle comparisons and calculations to figure out where we are standing in this vast complex environment, looking hopeful we can go step by step into wisdom harmony wavelengths  in communicational capacities of atoms.

                                                             COVALENT BONDS

 Atoms have characterized associated jointed in action or relations to bond when developing to be partners in molecule formations, they do it in very organized procedure and regulations and they have patterned categories to bond. Between proton clusters and electrons are great gap some neutrons spin in different layers of circuit’s in that emptiness and obey to variety of low octave sound frequencies Instructive development, according to their instructed forms electrons give command to share or attract sometimes even show repulsive force to other atoms. Most of the time they share by strict regulations and principles in Covalent bonding, they have many variations regulations and interactions, there are Valence bond theory and other covalent bond varieties agnostic interactions. Three-center two-electron bonds and others. Though scientist call it as they call everything chemical bonding reaction. But someday they will recognize that all this bonding’s are done by sound tones as I mentioned before “Tone-Reaction” All this activities show that wisdom and knowledge and accuracies are adapted by certain kind of programing that atoms apply in communicating in low octave sound frequency tones, many varieties of covalent bonding still exist like metallic, non-covalent, covalent, Hydrogen, and many others, all this participations activity bring us more close to realize that atoms are living things

                                                        HOW DOES A STAR BORN?

My study about Black-Hole explained how Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy. Atoms became degenerated turning back to invisible D.E and invisible D.M big cloud bubbles. Dark-Energy that also is electron cables are accelerated as electromagnetism through space. In the vast Cosmos when traveling Dark-Energy dynamism wavelengths hit into big mass of Dark-Matter it penetrates almost to the center of magnetism force take control and surrounds the opening, inside it might resembles as indescribable large pomegranate fruit shape sphere with bubble D.M each several thousand million miles big. Electrons circle in the big bubbles circling in the sphere center portion photosphere will be created by separating big mass of bubbles of D.M from the center core. Electrons are trapped in extreme and cannot leave the surrounding layers of D.M bubbles, so D.E circles around the core like a pulsar, rubbing to each other two matters produce hydrogen as I mentioned in my “Krikor” theory (D.E=D.M=H) (Dark-Matter +Dark-Energy =Hydrogen atoms) Under the surface of star photosphere many bubbles of Dark-Matter push each other to not allowing heat to penetrate by making a fence similar to order like inside the pomegranate fruit orderly raw of kernels or pips, but each bubble pips several thousand miles wide holding and pushing each other tight clustering together several layers. Inside the sphere inner part of convective zone. D.M do not penetrate heat or light that’s why 2 million  F, lowers down to 6.0000 F until heat reaches to the surface. Flair explosions on the star are leave 50.000 miles dark spots darkest patches because Dark-Matter bubbles come to the openings and block the exit and looks cooler than 6.0000 F because D.M don’t penetrate heat and light, cooled down elements scatter around the surface of star as a skin covering but that portions have nothing to do with protecting release of Dark-Energy to scatter just lays on surface of the star (observation by NASA`s solar system probe also reported that even big invisible bubbles jets out of our Sun) in my view they are Dark-Matter or D.E that might leave out if the dark spot hole is not big enough to cover the exit hole so they are gone out. This filtration of D.M allows small level of heat and light on the surface of the star, deep inside the star pressure builds up and more by fusion even more variety of elements are produced, Life cycle of the star continues as long it can produce basic hydrogen first then to fusion to new elements if not it goes to be a red giant. We see far away stars twinkle, because till their light reaches us it pass through wafting atmosphere for us to see.


European Organization for Nuclear research project ALEPH 27 kilometers in circumference accelerating until reaches the speed of light, if the wall of the half foot magnetic tube get worm, there might be possibilities that some electrons might miss the collision point and get out to the air. In CERN they combine. Diligently doing many test. But those Atoms in acceleration collisions that are breaking down are valuable precious gems, I will explain later people want to know much about it. DE and DM representation combine into the cells of invisible Gods force complete 100% of the Universe. Atoms are life forms. NASA /Glen Benson Send AMs-02 ALPHA magnetic spectrometer instrument or probably ALPHA (Anti- hydrogen laser physics apparatus) can shed more light on the subject. But first they have to deal with the most capable one who created all those matters, D.E and D.M. There is no 4th matter in the Neutron many say that there are 3 quarks in neutron. In my theory only two D.E+D.M = H Atoms Produce all other particles (Kathodos) or cathode in Greek language is descent or way down. There is always opposite electrical charges between D.E negative and D.M positive. When spark of electron go into center of atom, concentrate its spin into concentrated position on itself stay like a planet or star and rotate faster, and a portion of the proton separate and surround the round electron recombining, and current flow negative charge direction change to anode cathode equilibrium between D.E and D.M current definition and eliminate the flow outside neutron particle to keep no charge label. As a logician my Krikor logic theory is. D.E+D.M=H (Dynamic, Dark Energy + Dark Matter = Hydrogen, my second theory is (Sound tone reaction) Not chemical reaction

                      Also there are some other viewpoints about Hadron Collider as well.

Many tests are done in large Hadron collider, but they never take into consideration of Dark-Matter Bubbles being protons and yet some area of Dark-Matter is more condense and can have over 100 times more mass than the remained parts of protons.

We can add new element astatine on periodic table. Uranium has 92 protons and 92 electrons, in my perspective electrons are one large cable of millions of helix flows all connected and later the cable can be detached into many individual electrons then into helix neutrinos. Astatine has 85 protons and 85 electrons, proton of hydrogen is big number of bubbles clusters that can be parted also electron cables are big number of helix that can detached as neutrons. If one electron removed from astatine in forms into ion or charged particle, life time of astatine is only 8.1 hours to decay.

Scientist want to know more about atoms, researches are going regarding Dark-Matter, one thing is left out they are not considering that Dark-Matter have intelligence it is invisible and capable to transform from condensed to more impenetrable mass, have gravity directive sound frequency waves and communication with other atoms, only Dark-Energy can go through in some degree indentation space.

Also scientist want to know more about the unparticle to consider mass-bearings range spin interactions, how far their spin distance can be go. Plus they want to know about radioactive uranium decays finding geoneutrions having confidence in that the radioactive decade is causing to generate driving motion of tectonic plate, not considering the assertive scrub between Dark-Energy around Dark-Matter core in the center core of our Earth. In my notes “Gravity” I have some points regarding this matter.

Also scientist experiments involve nucleon rare decay, of course protons and neutrons will be change their performance, sooner or later these particles will be stopped from their activities but not before they dispatch all their input data in right core for continuous memorandum, in my notes black hole I been explaining how all elements and their particles return and transform to their preexistence invisible Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter state.

 I explained that protons don’t have standard stable mass they can be changed into different physique that can vary into relaxed form or more extreme condensed form, like the stage when forms into pulsar cores and defocus into other heavy gravitational stage like black hole, so reduced Dark-Matter protons can be 15 times more dense than lead and go to 126 times than that impenetrable mass and beyond into unknown capabilities. The new elementary particle they found in Higgs boson it contains 126 times the mass of proton sometimes this particle is referred as the “God particle” protons are Dark-Matter they are very tiny bubbles that contain outnumber tinnier bubble clusters, if the volume go larger still it condenses in larger bubbles and larger ones, they can reach volumes bigger than galaxies and divide into thousand clusters to form one proton.

While Higgs Boson is searching to find what accomplished our Universe, searching for gluons winos photinos all the super symmetrical group that are very tiny particles that have to be discover, still have hope to find rare particles as B-s (“B-sub-S”) 105 “Free paramotess” physicist still don’t have complete number of particles, such as Higgs or Higgino gluons bason vice versa W particles that have winos, now already know some about gluons gravitons fermions quarks electron neutrinos bosons

In my perceptive many particles that are register in Higgs acceleration collisions probably don’t include in the atom but are combined after the blast in Higgs Boson, these explosions can develop at the moment new particles that don’t exist but form in last second.

Still many researched followed about Neutralinos Gluinos gravitations unparticle chemeleon particles.

Dark-Matter can be tightly packed or weak in densely packed having shape-shifter according to low octave sound tone waves procedures from other variable mass such as solar or galactic cores. Recently some Dark-Matter bubbles cluster particles have been collected in the international space station but everything kept secret. There are Gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes that trying to collect data about this elusive particles in chok areas that might be Dark-Matter. Like I suspect that bock-globules is one of these condense points


In Cosmos, also in our milky Galaxy are dust clouds are mostly 75% hydrogen and 25 %helium including some atoms molecules ions electrons and iron. There is ordinary hydrogen in Universe, but the more massive type is deuterium (from a Greek word for second) or hydrogen 2, by microwaves scientist find out that 20% of hydrogen in Universe is hydrogen form 2. Later iatrochemistry explained that dust clouds can contain also silicates carbon atoms ice and other compounds altogether about thirteen varieties of atoms manage to be formed in the thin near vacuumed matter of space in complex molecules and other more complex groupings. In my theory Dark-Energy (Electromagnetism or electrons D.E) + Dark-Matter (Protons) = Hydrogen. “D.E + D.M =H” Hydrogen to be composed in our Universe by 75% can be done by joining electromagnetism spectrum to Dark-Matter it combines to hydrogen atoms. Dark-Matter is   spreader in Universe 23 % most as big bubbles. We can always see change in heliosheath area that is not smooth and it is filled with magnetic bubbles that also agree my theory. Obviously no need for Big or tiny Bang for creating hydrogen. Most interesting exists in our Galaxy. Universe solar wind is are called Heliopause. Other moving clouds dust or Galactic wind are Interstellar medium or {ISM} they are dilute that can travel up to 52.000 MPH. most the dust in milky way is interstellar gas. When big solar wind rising escalating from Our Sun traveling is stopped by force of termination shock interstellar medium or (stellar winds) that also contain magnetic force and protons or Dark-Matter even Dark-Energy that the whole Universe is filled of that Matters, they also can produce by collaborating "D.E + D.M =H"  Probably there are other force fields in the Universe that we are not aware of it,   mainly in our solar system exist large heliospher that resembles to a ballerina skirt. According to two voyager probes in June 2011 they registered in situ heliosphere measurements that in these area of heliosheath are thought to be filled with magnetic bubbles “a foamy zone” each about IAU wide. That also back up my theory of Dark-Matter collection. Is there Matter in Universe we cannot see? We calculate the pull that each galaxy in a cluster are moving relative to each other, also all the dust particles and galactic winds, we come to conclusion that some gravitational power pulling and holding clusters together, to keep the clusters in peculiar place. Some astronomers call this energy matter “the mystery of the missing matter”

                                                                     BOW SHOCK

My conclusion, by logical perspective similar to our Oceans I see the entire Galaxy is like a other energy force field Ocean that I have to call it inertia field scientist noticed recently Bow shocks in between magnetosphere that is an ambium or deflection angle against Galaxies and stars to collide as typically interstellar boundary force wave boundary against stellar winds that energy field considered as bow shock. The entire Universe is guided by this energy to stop any flow that exceeds the harmony; all movements are permissive except the excess movements in planetary and galactic over supersonic unusual flows are stopped by this inertia field, for example we don’t see Bow shock around our solar system, in case our solar system starts unusual movements from its harmonious flow boundaries right away we can meet probable opposite flow against our solar system to collide our solar system this stagnation point will reform from the energy field of inertia until then we will not see any deflection angle against our solar system.

We can have this test by firing a bullet from a gun, we are emerged also in this inertia field that can make moving object to continue their trip and keep their force if there is no gravitational interferences that can slow down the inertia and also inertia will keep this supersonic angle that continue upstream and build detached shock to reentry into old harmonious balance of flow, in vacuumed universe moving object will continue nonstop and gradually might get more speed whatever the inertia force field ocean permits in the magnetosphere. All atmospheric reentry that can be materialized or visible force out of nowhere in our Universe as Bow shock.

Bow shocks face as a shield against on rushing solar winds in small, short, yearn and stained pulses, this reminds me Binaural beats we receive from the Universe that are also great volume of sound fields of electron diffusion signals according to Dark-Matter magnetospheres’ portals. This process is studied by (MMS) it will be sent four spacecraft that will circle the Earth to study portals, as I described in my perspective we can see the volume of Dark-Matter in other planets, moons and stars, gravity is sound frequencies released from Dark-Matter core all elements take commendation to act connecting covalent bounding that are reenergized by same harmony sound echo ( like the example I used in other articles A string note on violin starts to vibrate and make sound when outside note A reach to the violin that have same value tone condensate twitch. Same process I explained in Black hole gravity and in title our Sun.

                                                                   Radiation Belts.

All atoms combined represent field of gravity like bow shock of solar system or in galactic forms each planet or star contains radiation belt move very hard to notice, regarding Earth`s encircling belts you will find doughnut-shaped rings similar to black hole accretion disk around our planet this flow is generated by two poise forces, as I described in other articles core of the earth is made of positive energy Dark-Matter in variety of condense form inside the core D.M is hundred times more condensed than surrounding form of D.M that has the form of liquid they generate sound frequencies spontaneous way in physical process that always follow to guide all elements in our planet in covalent bonding sound frequency regulatory, sending into planet and its surrounding, wherever Dark-Matter exist her is surrounding balancing procedure by Dark-Energy that have negative energy doughnut shape radiation belt ring positive ions of high-Energy electrons that are Dark-Energy and they travel almost close to speed of light, this rings are two or more that surround the planet reaching from 1.000 to 50.000 kilometers overhead Earth`s atmosphere. Sun is 93 million miles away too far from this radiation belt but sun also have his own radiation belt that is also Dark-Energy mixed with high electron particle positive ions, as I described earlier in article “our Sun” center of Sun is pure Dark-Matter surrounded by spin of Dark-Energy that also is surrounded by grand volume of Dark-Matter as the sphere of the star. In same process those rings also have 3 levels in radiation belts, the belt that surrounds our planet the middle ring is not very clear to only briefly might appear once a while in many years, always radiation belt contains negative ions as Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter always contain positive force field. Earth follows in fast orbit 108.000 Km/h. Our planet spin 940 million Kilometer during each orbit, during entire trip, when Earth is far from Sun it is called “Aphelion” in early July, when Earth is closest to Sun during “perihelion” some that happens every January energetic positive ions can be exchange with Sun`s radiation belts move, entire our solar system is connected by their radiation belt move process, in 365.242199 one solar day all radiation belts adjusted according to Bow shock of rest of solar system and our Galactic bow shock measures



Saturday, August 27, 2011




How large is our Sun comparing to some other stars? We have to consider Helios "Sun" physics "study of Energy and Matter with their interactions" 

                                                       So far the largest star we know is

I am the first logician signifying that in every star center is a pulsar that originated from Dark-Matter, from starting point of stars life existence, declaration in August 27. 2011. Blogs. Under the subheading “Our Sun” Imagination is more important than the knowledge. Knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein) As Earth orbits as oval shape around the Sun, varies distance from 146.000.000 Km up to 152.000.000 Km. Sun has diameter 110 times the diameter of the Earth, about 870.000 million miles. Sun contains 67 elements, it produces hydrogen atoms at its surface core that is made from Dark-Matter having interaction with surrounding  Dark-Energy. All stars, also our Sun contain 74% Hydrogen and 25% Helium, everything else in stars are 1% of everything else. Our Sun has been traveling inside the Orion outer arms of Milky Way galaxy traveling about million Km.  Revolving 18 times inside the Milky Way galaxy and still capable to continue 25 more times around the Milky Way galaxy; so every morning as we watch sunrise, also the sunset, that will come from different location inside the Universe, our sun can fit inside the largest star Uy Scuti 5.1 billion times. The sun is the administrator or conductor of the solar system, there are unlimited magnetic invisible rope like flows between the sun and the rest of the planet including all other object mass as far as Oord inside the solar system. Our solar system travels around the Milky way once every 225 million years. Sun can provide light and life to planet Earth all the good things, as the sun have knowledge to provide good, also can revenge to our planet, secret punishment force that sun have is hazardous asteroid that always hiding behind the sun, available to use as revenge to punish Earth.

Secrets of the Sun.

Somehow without any special effort, I can receive logical conclusion in my neurons by atoms, where I believe they are other sort of living beings, wherever I ask a question, in logical conclusion I figure out the outcome, I do not stop thinking, until I receive a logical explanation or conclusion. In my perspective, sun has 6 layers, first the outmost corona layer sky, that has million degrees 0 C. going through the corona 3.000 Km into the sun, we reach the second layer, that is the chromosphere. It has massive bloom with 10.000 0 C. after that we will see the visible surface of the sun that is not form solid ground, it is molten generating space weather with heat, on this locations you will see solar flares, it is the photosphere, it contains hydrogen and helium gas, also has tremendous gravity pulling in power. As scientist approve, Dark-Matter do not allow light and heat to penetrate its mess, (in my perspective) some of Dark-matter bubbles can be seen with openings of black sunspots on the photosphere, they have zero temperatures, sunspots contain tremendous pulling power with magnetic fields that release solar wind. Underneath the photosphere surface is called the convection zone. They contain some areas with 2 million 0C, other locations, 500.000 kilometers underneath radioactive zone is invisible Dark-Matter, it rests down as cold state, where no heat and light can pass by, so mixed inhibitions of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy move around, its lover level is called radioactive zone, why core of the sun is much hotter than the corona surface, because core if pressed frictions from surrounding Dark-Energy spinning surface over the Dark-Matter core, where Dynamic-Energy spin around the core, just like electrons spin around the proton. This friction movement of electron spinning around invisible Dark-Matter core to generate 15 million 0C. Also in my perspective, some very tiny portion separated from Dark-Matter invisible realm, transforming into protons, get connected with very tiny portion from invisible Dark-Energy, transforming into electron, they combine to form hydrogen atoms. Very small portions forces from surrounding realm on the core of the sun is Dark-Energy joining with frictions on surface core of the sun that is Dark-Matter, detached loose forces, each combine together to form single hydrogen atom, establishing great gas mass of the sun, that contains over 92% of hydrogen atoms, by pressure hydrogen atoms fusion or they converted into less than 8% of total weight into helium atoms, by fusion, very small group of atoms convert into oxygen and other group of atoms, most of light we detect from the sun are gamma ray following up some high temperature.

This is surface, also inside the Sun looking from above into half portion of the Sun, in this picture upper half side or northern side of the Sun is removed. Dark-Matter core in the center collection of Dark-Matter invisible bubbles, yellow and blue lines are invisible Energy field of spinning Dark-Energy, surrounding on that again Dark-Matter bubbles. In Greg Krikor "Kaprielian" theory that will be explained. It is reality, Sun existed by great ingenious possibility to support or maintain life by releasing balancing degree of stability in heat and light to supply necessity of Earths plantation and other life necessities, also Sun persist condition of life with great care, other stars don’t have same balance functioning like our Sun, Dark-Energy in the shape of ball lightnings, spin over sun`s core that is Dark-Matter, reaching to Eddington limit, sometimes for several years the release hundreds of years great tremendous heat and light other times they go dim and shrink into their functioning, but our Sun always is stable, of course once a while surprised flares are released as granules, but don`t damage existing life on Earth. So Sun is 90 million miles away from earth, it`s size is 99.8 mass equals to all other planets and moons together inside the solar system and has influence over entire solar system. Earth and Sun together are synchronized with great design to support prolong life necessities, they are designed with great intelligence. In my Blogs I will introduce to you that life and all other matters inside the Universe is result of two intelligent invisible life forces that scientist call them Dark Energy and Dark Matter, I rather call them for their grand supernatural force, Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter. Though each second sun releases  great mess, over 1.3 million tones, that reach to surface as solar winds, plus energy, in reality core of the sun having friction with surrounding Dark-Energy, develops all this forces in every second.


Sun has a large core of dense invisible Dynamic-Matter, surrounded by invisible Dynamic-Energy, some tiny portions from these two dynamic forces by nuclear fusion join to form hydrogen atoms, some mention that stars collect hydrogen to form, how much they must collect? Our sun that is a tiny star, it can consume about 564 million tons of hydrogen per second to produce 380 billion megawatts, into fusion each second mass of hydrogen is converted to 560 million tons of helium, stars produce hydrogen in entire Universe. Sun`s surface core friction with Dynamic-Energy electrons releases new hydrogen atoms, and huge prominence, as hydrogen fusion occurs, photons are released by fusion of helium, 2 protons are released from each hydrogen atom nucleus to cross various layers bubbles of Dynamic-Matter bubbles, outer edge of the core, by friction great temperature is formed by D.E and D.M releasing 27.000.000 0 F protons travel to the surface of the sun in about 170.000 earth years, as they use the word “Drunken walk” as photons are released to surface of the sun, they illuminate their surroundings. Far away stars look twinkle, because till their light reaches us light should pass through space and the wafting of our atmosphere. Billions rain like tendrils plasma, jump out from surface from sun, as far out over 6.000 miles away, then resettle down.

To see the sun from Earth, we have to go through atmospheres many filtration such as much variety of atoms and dust particles beside the ozone layers that Earth is surrounded, probably it is strange to mention also this realm contains great number in big variety of viruses and other living dust particles, looking from Earth the yellow color that we see over the Sun is affected by this filtration that make us see the sun yellow, in reality the Sun looks white.

The core temperature of the sun is 15,000,000 °C.

7 years ago I introduced my point of view that something or Dynamic-Energy spins over Sun`s cold core (Dynamic-Matter) of the sun to generate grand temperature. same with our planet Dynamic-Energy curl Earth`s Dynamic-Matter core.  

Before seeing or reading any editorial about the core of the Sun that has surrounded by spin of electromagnetism energy field to form nuclear fusion, I had the courage to inform that sun has core of Dark-Matter surrounded by flow of Dark-Energy, similar statement I had before hearing anyone that Sun has detached portion of energy field centered Dark-Matter cluster bubbles move discretely without knowing what to name them that scientist today call it “Conveyor belt” before I use to call it convolution “Waltz” or ballet theory that change its passages underneath surface from North pole of the Sun to its Equator and other Dark-Matter cluster spin connected by Dark-Energy spin move from Equator to South pole of the Sun and repeat the process in the form of spring that I am giving details later.

                         In 2011 I introduced the that core of the Sun is invisible Dark-Matter

Inside the sun is  a star within a star, core of star is Dark-Matter realm. Dark-Energy spin around Dark-Matter core first by roll-lover or spins on itself, then continuously spinning over the core of the Sun. this process mixers D.E (as electrons) and D.M (as protons) to develop hydrogen atoms they together act all principle of binaries tend in developing atoms all Matters and elements exists in the Universe. Our Sun is fascinating and complex object, because the Sun has no definite boundary like the rest rocky planets All the mass in our Sun contains is nearby 99.8% of our entire solar system, but yet it might be the volume of Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter that still developing hydrogen atoms.


                                                              Very close look at the Sun

                                                              Looking into Sun at night

There are more than one system of fusion inside the Sun, one of them is fusion of Hydrogen into helium, the other one is CNO cycle fusion mixed with other elements with hydrogen that effect with subatomic particles while in fusion. By nuclear fusion are released many jets, as magnetic reconnection is produced to tangle other throwing flares.

Coronal mass is created by the chafing D.E and D.M on the core of the Sun or in the Conveyor belt, developed coronal mass ejection huge wave of plasma and charged particles came to the surface of the sun by solar flares mixed with D.M and D.E blowing bubbles of Dark-Matter that is returned back into the Sun as soon come out together with electromagnetism Dark-Energy, but if the coronal mass ejection is guided toward the Earth it travels million miles per hour and takes almost 17 hours to reach our planet and can disturb all Earths-orbiting satellites, all radio systems and can damage electrical systems power black-outs as dysfunction well radio communication.

Dissimilarity in my perspective than other myths, stars to be formed need basic elements or ingredients creative two energy and matter substances are invisible Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, others still believe that collection of hydrogen atoms with universal dust and gases ignited to continue physics in Fusion power as basic reality, I agree that nuclear Fusion is continuous process inside the Sun but additionally contains originator production basic force that is Hydrogen atoms, continuously Suns core of Dark-Matter rubbing from surrounding Dark-Energy that also environs by another layer of Dark-Matter mass as rounded sphere underneath with many detached wobbly twisters of isolated flow of smaller clusters of D.E and D.M that forms flares, ongoing continuous action supports generating endlessly new hydrogen atom quantities that later they go through Fusion. Atoms can Fission or explode to release their energy or release nuclear fission, also release their energy with radiation thermonuclear slow process, atoms also get in Fusion state by combining with a few other atoms, also by generation new matter particles, using their portions from two forces they have, Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter.

In 1970 scientist start to use new technique called Helioseismology, astronomers start using sound waves to examine interior of the Sun try to find out approximately details about the internal structure to analyze the solar Furnace and magnetic flux.

Dark-Matter leaving effect of prominence material that show scale structures, in reality do not contain any heat also has no any weight but is denser than surrounding coronal plasma, as soon solar flares are released to blend into solar atmosphere Dark matter as invisible gas floating directing magnetic fields, because Dark Matter is second most powerful force beside Dark Energy friction of powers might be notices violent circuit toss vertically on the surface of the sun. 

  In my perspective, the difference is, core of the sun is Dark-Matter, surrounded by Dark-Energy.

          Also there is a bright, star like object that is 570 billion times brighter than the sun.

There are speculations about stars, how they are made? Or what constitutes a star assumption doesn’t cover. Great privilege it is to study the Sun. Some of our ancestors even worship the Sun as God, to get the location to enjoying life, continuation of our life on Earth. To find out fundamental processes that Sun produces. What are those black spots on the Sun? "Sunspots" that have dark areas called Umbra surrounded by penumbra surface. According my personal view and added by other scientist valuations it comes into a new theory that is. Inside the Sun heat reach to Chromosphere upper Photo sphere to 6.000 K. inside the separated by "Tachcoline" line Convective zone and Radiation zone it reaches to two million K. On the surface Photo sphere six thousand K Under the photo-sphere "Surface" the Sun because in between exist vast full of many D.M bubbles, line up like honey combs or like a dense permanganate combined by million bubbles of Dark-Matter that are more condense than lead 15 times heat cannot penetrate in D.M, they circulate under the crust of the Sun in big Numbers. The Sun was huge collection of Dark-Matter bubbles once, when a circuit of electromagnet flow hit into the bubbles penetrated in and divided portion of the mass as core and started to spin around the core getting more eccentric (or` excited`) mode that are also big numbers of Bubbles of D.E and separated other shell of D.M bubbles by radiation Zone, rubbing Dark-Energy and Dark. Matter produce hydrogen atoms, yes nothing can penetrate in DM, except Dark-Energy, only in certain notch of saturation, cloud of D.E attached in partial external connection to D.M bubble. By chafing they produce hydrogen atoms, D.E as electrons, D.M as protons combine. Center of our Sun is in shape of large ball of pomegranate dense bubbles of Dark-Matter, Surrounded by fast moving spinning Dark-Energy to of these bring to abrasion scuff that rubbing D.E and D.M together producing new Hydrogen as shown in my theory (Krikor) D.E + D.M=H  that`s why it 72% of the Sun is Hydrogen, the circulation and positioning of Dark-Matter and the speed of scrabbling Dark-Energy precedes to a rhythmic time divisions or cycles every 11 years, also dark-Matter give limitation notch to Dark-Energy to penetrate only limited notch and push back the circulation inside the sphere domain, that’s why there is a heartbeat coming as solar eruptions from the Sun we sense it by solar winds. Jane Plat comments. Solar flares are Dark-Matter bubbles also contains Coronal mass ejection with plasma embedded with Dark-Energy electromagnetism flow, as soon they burst out unleash intensive eruptions on the surface plasma prominence. Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy returns back to the mass of the Sun.  

In my theory, core of sun is condensed Dark-Matter invisible force field, surrounded by Dynamic-Energy, both of this force by opposite electrical opposite forces, are not accidently there, both contain have subconscious wisdom, they created the Universe and everything in the cosmos, they are supernatural living forces. (in my perspective all atoms, planets, stars galaxies and cosmic mass forces, are non-biological other form of living things) Sun releases hydrogen atom by rapidly fluctuation by two forces, oscillation between two forces create hydrogen atoms, the core always continuously remains stable, in synchronously in vacillation balance, both forces have knowledge to operate on same level, otherwise it can explode, that’s why sun and other stars always keep hydrostatic equilibrium for billions of years. 

Sound of the Sun

All planets and stars release their personal sound that is unique. in my other Blogs I explained “Atoms are other form of living things, atoms communicate with each other with neurons plants fish life everything that contains atoms they contact with communications, for example sound of our star, ancient people had no technology to register how our star make Humming sound and yet Buddhist monks adapt that sound in their worship, because atoms can transport that knowledge into neurons of human brain.


Each atom contains two tiny portions of Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter, memory of atoms transport data to human brain after they join Quadrillion of atoms inside human, that`s what it happened in 16th century when atoms transport humming sound of the sun, the language and sound of nature wavelengths into Humans to teach them how the sound make sounds.

                                                                   Sun in ultraviolet view. 

Dark-matter is supernatural invisible force field; it has intelligence and life energy, each atom contain portion from Dark-Energy as proton and portion from supernatural Dark-Energy as electrons, Dark-Matter has gravitational influence to its surroundings, it is very cold because it does not allow light and heat to go through giving effect that it absorbs energy, Dark-Matter is weightless but any moment out of nowhere it can reach very heavy weight, pertinent available force in the Universe is Dark-Energy, Dark-Matter can initiate this energy of relevant gravity to the environment oblige by assistance from Dark-Energy reaching nearby and distant objects.

 Regarding Solar Corona Eclipse.

Core of the Sun is pure Dynamic-Energy (D.E) though everyone calls it Dark-Energy, because light and heat can`t penetrate D.E has absolute zero 459,67 degrees F, or minus 273.15 degrees C, Dynamic-Energy (D.E) spins over the core interaction to generating 382 trillion times trillion watts per second  energy and heat that pass from in between gaps of D.M bubbles, passing to discharge only on the surface of the core where D.E is located generating into tremendous 15 million degrees Celsius, as we know sun can contain earth size planets but it does not have rocky firm mass because most of the mass of the Sun is (D.M) So tremendous heat to pass through in between scattered bubbles of D.M reach the heat to surface in lower degrees of 6.000 Degrees Celsius per second, something miraculous happen when Corona Solar Eclipse happen great portion of the sun mass D.M bubbles keep distant from each other releasing from inner D.E heat, to reach into surface, at that moment the surface of the sun into the corona reach 1 million Degrees Celsius. Sun does not adapt thermodynamics I can give similarity example of human eye with the sun. Like the pupil hole that is located in the center of the iris or the eye that allowing reflection from outside, usually dense D.M bubbles absorb and forbid the light and heat to pass easy inside the mass of the sun, as soon corona solar eclipse happen the D.M bubbles stop being crowded going into scatter state and leave easy surpass of heat to pass through reaching the surface of the sun, corona loops are Dark Energy flows mixed with plasma structures, they are not effected with magnetic fields, that`s why all of a sudden at corona solar eclipse heat of the surface of the sun reach into 1 million Degrees Celsius. As soon corona passes D.E return to condensed and remain in former compactness inside the sun.

Sun has cycle, that changes all the time, its panel will change from solar minimum into solar maximum. According to NASA and NOAA, SWPC (space weather prediction) as the sun begins with new weather cycle it will be seen with more solar or coronal mass ejections starting Sept. 15 with giant explosions, until July, year 2025.

                                                                        M-class flare

It is so common to see magnetic field disturbances over the Sun fires off solar flare eruptions  on plasma "Prominence" Huge waves of plasma and charged particles Coronal mass ejections or flares can be categorized into four separate classifications according to their strength. Regular ones are (B) ten times stronger ones are (C) another ten times stronger is (M) and ten times stronger than M is (X) so each letter represent tenfold increase. Sometimes it might send intensive back-to-back solar eruptions, if strongest flares guided to earth can spread small radiation doses over Earth. In my perspective those eruptions are codded directives to solar system, also the vibration magnetic force released by our gravitational field coming from our core of the Earth, also contains messages to other planets and to our Sun, they all are in full harmony communications as we see in all atoms and amino acids in their surrounding communications by covalent bonding’s. Our tools are not complex enough to analyze what message measures are going between Sun and Earth`s core but they are connected, so extreme solar storms are extreme actions in turmoil on Earth`s atmosphere that can disturb wide range circuits of electricity and other utilities, every time stronger flares it expected more serious natural disasters on Earth.

On earth we have oxygen nitrogen air that can flow as wind also as tornadoes, over Sun also can be seen whirled tornadoes that can go about 200.000 miles per hour an hour on its atmosphere, the multiple prominence effect comes after flares erupt and magnetic multiple wavelengths join against two different frequency sound tones of D.E and D.M the effect we can see on Solar dynamics is not same air we have on earth but mostly invisible Dark-Matter conflicting with Dark-Energy moving with some loose element by magnetic field making it whirled 3 times larger than our planet length so Suns planet might be disturbed on surface wavelengths without making any changes to solar dynamic in upper photo sphere and surface chromosphere. If in future when Sun get expend to form red giant still the round form stays in many stages of growth that’s why our star cant crack and brake apart it keep always its sphere shape.

Multiple magnetic loops can be seen on the sun by magnetic disturbance flare eruptions, those multiple lining liner loops are escape revolving D.E and D.M solar eruptions that I will explain in my blog as “Tango Effect” releases their activity of separate spinning than pulsar core center movements, but as soon loops released they go back to sun by magnetic enormity connection to the big volume in the sun but all plasma prominence  particles move as waves continuing  in blast, going out nowhere, some reach to our Earth and we can feel as Auroras.


Earlier I described Tango effect inside the Sun, beside the condense Dark-Matter core there are loose portions if Dark-Matter connected by separate Dark-Energy flow inside convection zone, they are called “Conveyor belts” it’s current movement is banana shape flare streams of Dark-Energy spin over Dark-Matter clusters the whole ball of action move under chromosphere from north pole to Equator like  peeled bananas white surface, consider for example shape of a spring holding on edge and follow its dimension how it can be followed round spins it does not have a constant velocity, same with conveyer belt inaction  reaching to equator helix role return gyration passage like the yellow skin form returning on same shape backward from equator into north pole, watching many flares over the Sun I came into conclusion that first invisible Dark-Energy and invisible Dark-Matter first outburst from surface of the Sun then visible flares follow into path of two invisible forces of Dark Matter and Energy. Prominence bubbles are created by cigar flow mixed with gravitational expansion, they suspend to puffs, like dome-shaped filaments over the photosphere or surface of the sun, later on return back to sun`s surface gravitation field 

In logical energy productivity of flares tell us that maneuvering center flares are rolling helix activity in originality they might be round ball of spins but when they change locations in form of banana that are called “Conveyor belts” helix rolls with its circuit of spinning electromagnetism change locations of their heading in complete form just like a soil worm carrying like our moon size Dark matter with electromagnetic Dark energy spins. This cluster of Dark matter is moving by gravitational balancing and electromagnetism following by spinning over it, as soon the tip of the conveyor belt reach into crust of the Sun that also is Dark Matter bubbles balancing backward but some of the helix spin stream on the rampage of surface as flares spins bounce into one direction turning right to left spins to a certain point then return gyration passage beneath the other circuit spin that is turning like spring form turning from left to right spin spring-tide helix forms, same activity we can notice on the surface of our Sun flares that are carrying right to left spin streams and also some left to right spin flares, I been watching many flares over the Sun that`s what is showing, flares spinning once a while in opposite direction of spins. Anytime grater force X flares released on the surface of the Sun you can realize that it is on one side rounded flow like an spring reaches spinning from right to left and another flow of helixes spring shape bright force as flare reach the surface spinning left to right spin and hit collide each other as bright flare, both flow of spinning helix's are Dark-Energy dragging with its force Dark-Matter and other particles with plasma by opening from ball of condensed Dark-Matter bubble shield underneath surface of the Sun, after the flare released invisible Dark-Energy returns back into Sun, same with invisible Dark-Matter bubbles that are also returned, only solar wind is released to go far from the Sun mixed with plasma and other particles.Other disconnected Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy from core also repeat same procedures from South Pole into equator inside chromosphere of the Sun in the convection zone. Once a while some helix flow of Dark-Energy separate their conservation flow of the banana conveyor belt and go up the surface of the Sun in great force, trying to snap the chromosome blow up with disturbance some coronal mass that already is covering over chromosphere as Granulation, most of the time we experience seeing flares with multiple magnetic loop lining because that’s how helix are always heading or guided, then Dark-Energy releases the material of coronal mass ejection as falling rained debris back to solar surface or chromosphere, also once a while we experience in coronal mass ejection some invisible ball shape emptiness a magnetic flux, most probably that is Dark-Matter that sometimes always can escape the surface with the Dark Energy and sometimes do not return to the Sun, those disjointed Dark-Matter cluster bubbles can leave Sun`s chromosphere. Earlier I described in my perspective there is already large volume of Dark-Matter core in the center covered by surrounding Dark-Energy electromagnetism in radiation zone interior forming hydrogen atoms, this mass also is covered and surrounded by other great volume of Dark-Matter. If I have to consider measurements from Helioseismology inputs the conveyor belt should be 1000 K/m deep under the chromosphere then convection zone will be 200.000 k/m under chromosphere and radiation zone starting 300.000 K/m in radiation zone. My logical perception encourage me to tell that conveyor belts should be in between radiation zone exterior to some portion of convection zone. Every time disturbance befalls by discharge of parting from conveyor belt either Dark-Energy or Dark-Matter they carry with them large portion of energy and neon’s gas filaments with plasma and hydrogen from convection zone then blows out moving up big portions of Granulation from surface big coronal mass ejection that are shown as magnetic flux and returned as falling debris creating spicules all granules on Sun`s chromosphere.

In this chapter you will find my cigar theory, once a while D.E and D.M spin out of the sun as solar flares,  entire Universe is created and guided by these two electronic forces, if tangled magnetic compressed plasma to burst out from single sun spot as (CME) when facing planet Earth, sun`s strong spark eruption will impact electronic unstable weather disasters, on the surface of our planet. Always solar flare eruption activities can effect geomagnetic storms.

                  Sun release energy force and granules from interior all the way to the atmosphere

 In my perspective Dark Matter bubbles are invisible bubble clusters in larger bubble clusters, they can be detached in very big numbers released from main mass parted as circular mass of bubbles spinning close to the surface sunspots of the sun, this anomaly giants can be seen swirls when certain frequency wavelengths released granules from the sunspots, with up and down oscillation motions, later on they will return to their original group mass inside the sun under surface in the chromosphere, this process has nothing to do with explosion flares on the surface, sometimes violently with large churning scale.

Very powerful flares form large arch shapes some scientist figure that are plasma calling these arches (Prominence) for me they are mixture of Dark-Energy and Matter mixed with plasma they yield banding like an arch down into Star mass. Any moment solar events can be seen on Sun, one of them is flares that are light energy burst form of lights an X-Rays, of course light travels at the speed of light, releases flares reach earth in over 8 minutes of time, solar flares usually can have fallowing explosions combination of CMEs that are coronal mass ejections that are big clouds of elements with many varieties of particles, because they made of matter substances if the explosion is heading toward Earths` space, if the ejection is so intense it can reach in one day, regular earth facing coronal mass ejection we can feel in 3 days.

Inside the Sun there are many chambers of openings that still a mystery for us, basic group of stars contain electromagnetic force field that are made of Dark-Energy spinning over Dark-Matter bubble core, inside the Sun there might also be chambers where electromagnetic force are in the center as core and surrounded by Dark-Matter bubbles, they contain great energy that don’t contain solid matter.  Those individual separate opening inside the sun blockage of convective that is generated by DE intense magnetic field in spinning inward Compressed magnetic field that is less mass than other elements inside the Sun take upper locations in the sphere of the Sun, once a while this large chamber might raise upper level and explode out to stratosphere, we can observe similar Coronal hole release of stream of solar wind that is result of these Northern hemisphere magnetic field that escapes into space, after releasing solar wind openings of Coronal holes remain long periods over the Sun till entire mass of Dark-Matter bubbles form into sphere circle form of the former realm. Usually flare eruptions leave umbra sunspots that seem cooler depression on stratosphere than their surrounding melted atom substances left from other atomic fusions that results to 7000 0F it shows the perspective effect that dark spot sunspots they do not allow light to pass through that is the main quality function of Dark-Matter bubbles. In 19th century Wilson effect was introduced convective blockage sunspots on the sun that is seen about 1000 miles large or smaller that left after flares seen in different wavelength bursts and gradually in several months it is closed by shiny particles to join surrounding bright look. During 11 year-period of solar cycle that was first observed by Heinrich Schwabe in 19th century, but as we see this variations might be different anytime in history, regarding solar stream that are released from Coronal holes can surprise and might also be released from southern or middle stratosphere on the Sun, it is still not known much about this action.


Star Sun`s gravitational cycle flips every 25 years changing its atmosphere, all things happening on the surface of the Sun do not apply same principles on Earth, Dark Matter and Dark Energy in greater tense heat operate different theoretical laws, there are some similarities but billion times stronger weather, for example, gravitational flow inside Sun drives atmospheres materials with cosmic winds creates a twister into tornadoes, we have on Earth but tornadoes on Sun is in the size range of our planet or more and in mysterious range of temperatures, it doesn’t rain water on Sun but it rain solid melted particles, plasma that burst in great temperatures upsurges then reverse granulations to Sun`s gravitational field slightly cools down and fall as rain drop sizes large as Texas. Planets and Stars move and spin and behave in their atmosphere but billions and trillions time stronger and more effective. Moving and operating forces stay in same principle of directives from Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter with vortex movement waves. Subsequently, every 25 years we will notice the sun`s pole shift 3 D matrix lifting or flipped, this is something every 25 years and does not harm our planet Earth, it is nothing extraordinary and we should not worry about it. As everything else, all planets, stars and galaxies obey vortex movements, including spin of Dynamic-Energy over Dynamic-Matter core, vortex movements levels inside the sun, on top of the core, makes fluctuation level changes, to make more intense flares or slower pace by number of flares, this operation also effect with sun, radial compound of the solar magnetic field, will show some differences in magnetic polarity, will be reversed two Polaris, that will be noticeable sunspots, that will effect Earth satellite communications, taking into consideration (time vs solar latitude) super synoptic map, according to(GONG) starting year 2020 we will see 80% more sunspots, until year 2030.

From what is the sun and galaxies in the universe is made of?

Universe all planets stars, every moving object and atoms contain portions from Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter that contain life force, this two supernatural forces are invisible living beings. Generated life force transports life force to their creation. Considering Helical model of the solar system, we notice planets apply same vortex movement like living plat spiral formation. Planets don`t run as a thrown rock motion into one way, but apply vortex movement as the rest of living things on Earth apply in their activities to grow. Planets and all mass objects inside the galaxy, including galaxies they apply life spiral vortex motion, not simple rotation. For example consider nautilus shell chambers, chambers follow in spiral vortex form, adding on that please take into consideration sun flower seed formations inside the flower, mathematical patterns on the pine cones, aloe phyll-taxis, spiral Aloe, Fibonacci sequence plants that always repeat the leaves growth in vortex motion, pineapples, you name it. All living things follow this principle like DNA entire planets and galaxies follow living formation of vortex movement, because planets and galaxies are other form of living things.
Flares that are visible plasma prominence eruptions on the surface of our Sun, flares always leave with invisible bubble siphoned "Prominence" all materials that the blast carry is outside the bubble that later fall back in dazzling display with all the plasma and hot melted metals in falling materials slams back the stellar surface by speed of hundred miles per seconds over large fraction to crash back on the surface, as I described earlier entire composition disk material of the Sun is condensed Dark-Matter bubbles covered by very thin melted hot materials, falling rained back debris packed up on stellar surface though reach down in high-energy emission to infatuation the surface only can go deep until reach the dividing shell portion of lava and Dark-Matter bubbles during accretion flow, so flare eruptions are combination of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy taking out composition materials from deep beneath constructed hydrogen atoms and other elements like plasma to go out as flares about 160 billion particles per cubic inch as stellar accretion flow, but Dark-Matter always preserve its bubble shape plasma "Prominence" on different sections limb and return back D.E with D.M back to suns interior leaving generated detectable material compositions on surface pushing large volume of plasma out to space.

As I described some helix flow of Dark-Energy separate to reach region coils into magnetic field lines to rotate out, some of this flare lines are stretched larger than size our Earth together with other particles from the Sun, the lights we observe in ultraviolet light is Dark-Energy that are detached from their conservation flow like banana shape active singular Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy skipping parts in conveyor belt and go up the surface of the Sun in great force, trying to snap the chromosome blow up with disturbance some coronal mass that already is covering over chromosphere as Granulation, so all the multiple rotations that are released and then tugged back by magnetic forces are the effect of negative and positive tenets of Dark Energy and Mater each force field reunite with the original active region, plasma and atoms join to no light color Dark-Matter collecting all plasma piles condensed  particles to fall back tugged back to the Sun and Dark-Energy joins out to reach other light flare lines to be connected and return the flow back inside the Sun, all activity seen over the Sun is the circuit flow of individual detached form rotations of banana shaped paths that are spinning by electromagnetic fields over clusters of Dark-Matter sections in tango effect that I already described.

I persuaded that before any eruption happening over the Sun it released great blast of frequency outburst explosion sound wavelengths, we don’t hear that because sound cant travel in vacuumed space, material that sitting on the surface all of a sudden raise up slightly because of noise bang then followed by flares with magnetic loops that are invisible Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy, this show that before to travel out as flares Dark-Energy and Matter release this outburst of sound frequencies to separate making a crack opening through fence of Dark-Matter bubbles, sound extent to surface before flares snap to reach into exterior of the Sun.

In my other post (Dark-Matter Bubbles) and other posts I described that dark matter bubbles are bubbles inside bubbles they can be expanded billion times larger or condense in the same rate to very small space as we see inside as core of atoms that are great number of invisible dark matter bubbles. If you can observe NASA flares about the Sun on July 19 2012 you can notice large blobs inside blobs that are holding all sun particles like magnetic field liners bordering or shaping looping rain of elements are sliding on top of bubble border back down to surface of the Sun, as you watch you will notice that flares are looping or sliding back down by variety of different invisible bubble surfaces that are inside other bubbles. Later Dark-Matter bubbles and Dark Energy electromagnetic flows also return into the suns inner layers. Core of.the Sun is pure Dark Matter, mixing with small layers  with Dark-Energy it forms Hydrogen atoms, every second it forms over 10 billion pounds of hydrogen, by fusion hydrogen converts helium and so on into other formative molecules of atoms about 10  billion pounds of mass into energy.

Very condensed Dark Matter bubbles portion getting more expanding look when leaving the Sun.

Atoms and planets stars are too different in their sizes but have similar outlook with round shape, planet Earth and the moon or other planets have very small opening in the bottom and top where the axes endings are located, same with atoms no matter how fast electrons spin around the core they have a point in the center top and bottom part that electron don’t pass over it, it is a window for core Dark-Matter to pass whenever it expanding in excess size or volume so don’t feel captive in the core spot. Inside the star is full of diluted Dark-Matter but there is a tunnel of opening in the north and south center point of Axes spot.

Watching so many coronal mass ejection I noticed some of the ejections are flying up without having flares in its back or the flares coming to the erupting surface after great distance of time, it shows or give impressions that sound frequency waves are coming from beneath the Sun and sound tone reactions push all magnetic field visible spectrum outlook up as spectacular view in the air, the bright string flow that come out in spinning mood is always electromagnetism Dark-energy flow that is released in my Tango theory, so miles long erupting magnetic filaments can burst by ejection of mixed mass of hydrogen and neon mixed with dark-Energy and Dark-Matter with solar material and sometimes it is only result of sound frequency burst in tone reaction waves. That pushes material by sound vibration waves.

Also flares that are visible reentering electromagnetic string can make us to understand that what sort of activity going on inside the sun the string helix's go in to join spinning activity that ongoing underneath string go back to their connection circuits, in my other sections in this subject I made clear that loose portions of Dark-Matter have it own personal group of electromagnetic flow sections that can change locations inside the sun. many electromagnetic strings that will entre back inside the Sun have to find small “scar” entrance weak points that will have room to renter, so all string connections tell very important information’s and the outcome might be that inside the sun the building blocks are many form of Bubbles of Dark-Matter,
observing our Sun it seems most of the flares are in the middle section conveyor belt is coming up like a caterpillars hitting beneath the crust of Sun that also is Dark-Mater and bouncing back releasing some of the spinning that by itself reach the surface as flares snatching with the coronal mass ejection discharging Sun, other loos elements particles inside the pressure atmosphere out of the surface. Suns’ Meridional build up is results of chafing Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter that produce new hydrogen atoms, by fusion change into other elements gathered as plasma, increased charged expansion make its position dense, positioned all around deep inside our Sun about 62.000 miles deep, pressured plasma activity and moving direction generate all the conveyor belts and once a while the pressure is released flares as erupted many coronal mass ejection over the Sun.

Any time if it shown dark spots over Sun, they are not small or super –colossal hole inside the sphere of the Sun but only on surface where molten elements float on surface core, they are “scar” entrance weak points that will have room to renter that is volume mass of Dark-matter as wall bubble buffers, it completes all around the sphere and inside realm that is the major mass of the sun that has no temperature and looks dark spots. Only Dark-Energy can penetrate those walls dragging other volumes of elements as flares.

By same principle of atomic structure, center core of the Sun is Dynamic-Matter; Dynamic-Energy spins all over the core in almost speed of light. This process can form thermonuclear effect, this interaction makes nearby flow of hydrogen atom rotate inside the Sun almost 4 times faster than the rotation rate of the middle layer, of the Sun almost once a week by Earth time process, plus the Sun has no solid body, two forces variation oscillations might fluctuate by more or less condensed hydrogen’s domains are available, by the way hydrogen atoms are created by interaction from two supernatural forces Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic Matter.

Invisible Dark-Energy and Matter released first from the surface of the Sun followed by neon with other elements released as flares following their path to be injected out from the surface of the Sun, same principle is done on Earth before any Earthquake, first invisible Dark-Energy and Matter released from the surface of the Earth crashing each other energy fields then effect of the electromagnetism consistencies resist each other inflammations to create gravitational earthquakes, it is the same principle in slower and weaker motion on Earth the way happen stronger motions flares happening over the Sun.

Somehow all activities happen inside and out of our Sun is connected not only to Earth but entire solar system and Sun already contains 99.9 % mass of entire our solar system control all its surrounding planets by sound frequencies through erupted flare messages. Once a while we see those eruptions facing to Earth or other positions limbs from Earth, expert might think as long those flares are not Earth-Facing side it is not dangerous because some straight flares can effect on electrical equipment’s that’s true, but in my perspective all flares no matter what direction from chromosphere of the Sun are released flares generate magnetic loops this generated granulation contain codes in low and high octave sound frequencies like sound wave loops after loops they carry this codes from Sun, as Earth is rotating around the sun it is in that reachable zone to register waves that are released from Sun no matter what side of the Sun releasing spicules flares pointing us or not. Earths core that is Dark-Matter will receive directives by codes from the Sun regarding temperatures wind activity projects hurricanes tornadoes Earthquakes as regards happening on Earth including activities of “Polar Vortex”

Thickness of the crust at the chromosphere may fluctuate in dimension some areas have more mass than other locations that might be found more wider or narrower “Sear” as soon the flow of loose granulation follow with Dark-Energy flares through the gyration passage, if the thickness is narrow the flares reach out in B classification if gets wider crust level goes into C then M if least thickness the chromosphere is found the classification of flares reach additional tenfold increase to level X or higher, in this circumstances conveyor belts endings helix activity discharge with great intensity X. I have additional information in convoluting “Waltz” theory in this article

Recently we have more astronomers discerning the Sun, comparing statistical from formerly activities for analysis about our Sun with activities over background physics showing comparing to our planet like winds and earthquakes it show Earth and Sun are synchronized very much and connected with gravitational pulses and signals by high and low octave frequencies, probably it is a reasonable factor that Dark-Matter core of Earth and Dark-Matter core of the Sun are coordinate if there will be more acceleration on Sun with flares we should expect more happening on Earth by acceleration of winds and Earthquake.

Some scientist believe that the Sun is large lump of melted granule structures sphere ionized gas with spiraling patterns, that’s how it looks at the surface, also the Sun contains big sea shape convection zones granules that are made of solar plasma some call it convection cells. According some observance’s they noticed about 18.000 miles across, those are granules that flow about 6.700 Mph. heavier other elements keep slow in this flow, there are also larger convection zones that are 120.000 miles deep, some spirals are larger than 60.000 miles across can be found on top of the Sun colossal giant spiral shaped hot solar plasma that also is called convection cell, if the Sun is a complete melted lump of liquid form hot structures the coronal mass flares should be 1000 times more energetic larger lumps of eruption ejections, as I consider only the surface should contain hot plasma lava not that deep the way some are describing especially after eruptions we can see black stellar infatuation surface that will close back with molten elements gradually later on, but I also agree that some portion of the surface of the un might contain deeper elevation with magnetic field convection flow that are like the surface of the Earth comparing with water and land differences, also Sun have some higher thicknesses of crust granules of Dark-Matter condensations and some scattered convection cell or flows.

Under the topic “how hydrogen atoms are made” after the mid-section of the article I am explaining how stars are formed, for many years scientist mentioning that stars are formed by collection of dense dust in Universe, my perspective is totally different and right to the point how stars are developed.

“The Sun sends by solar wind flow carries part of the Sun`s magnetic field into space" sometimes also pushing flares of Dark-Matter and even sometimes Dark-Energy, with gamma ray flares solar winds into space that are photons and neutrinos that come to surface from deep radioactive zone, at that flares might be considered Billion times more energetic light if the erupted flares contain Dark-Energy it might be several billion volts even the magnetic field might be changed by the flares and might look even brighter than X-rays produced by flares, inside the Sun rotation of pulsar activity makes rhythm pulse sound, reaching the Earth tender to report about every 27 days and 43 minutes In my Opinion inside the Sun. Nearby chromosphere circling all inner part of convective zone like several layers of D.M bubbles like brick wall others are connected to D.E energy puffs, rotating around the D.M in the Sun that contains magnetic dynamo in this layer, also the surrounding D.E layers. The Sun has no definite boundary like the rest rocky planets. The photosphere is the visible layer that we can see or the surface that contains its lowest minimum temperature. Association to other connected D.E D.M entities, come into a constricted situation with crowded other D.M is joined with D.E clouds, get crowded underneath the crust of the Sun chromosphere, there is photo-sphere that is the thin layer of the Sun 300 miles thick, upper portion of sun is wormer than the lower parts, starting from bottom about 7.500 degrees F to upper levels in 11.000 degrees F. Some estimate that inside Sun can be found hottest temperature`s reaching to 142.(add 30 zeros kelvin.

Probably you have seen what effect frequencies can form sand dust on a piece of metallic plate, Entire Universe is directed by sound wavelengths same with the Sun. Core Dark matter of the Sun release tone reaction sound vibration that can be regulated in variety of level (Hz) This is what it ticks beneath the sound frequency wavelengths that later reach to the exterior of the Sun just like the effect of sand on plate frequencies change its shape, friction between core Dark Matter and rounding Dynamic energy over the core create extensive oscillation heat close to 15 million degrees inside the Sun, tremendous spectrum heat can’t pass through other great volume of Dark Matter that complex, while dark matter do not allow heat and light pass through its density only small prominence's of heat released between 6 to 10 thousand degrees to the chromosphere and later such blemish show as pockmark photosphere. Duel between DE and DM only small volume of heat can pass through to its heliosphere, many claim that Sun was a leftover of blasting supernovae explosion and something (naming gravity) went over collecting all the hydrogen atoms to form a star, they are not telling much from where the star that exploded came from to be supernovae, composition of the sun don’t start with 73% Hydrogen with 24% Helium, the origin starting of any star is with 0% hydrogen, combination of Dark-Energy and Matter form a star to produce Hydrogen atoms and later on fusion nuclear furnace powerful as 12 million largest hydrogen bomb to releases Helium, in the future activity it might percentage of atoms show new records, in my perspective Star don’t need hydrogen to be formed into star, Star creates hydrogen by friction between D.E and D.M, surface of the Sun have different line of spinning speed, portion in equator around itself in 26 days at the pole like a ring form it spins in 37 days around the Sun, I described in my post “Gravity” Dark Matter can be divided into different bubbles and act as separate command, inside the Sun as core Dark-matter directs equator of the sun and poles and other section in different speeds, as the ancient cultures like Armenians my ancestors thought that Sun was a God to give humans life energy and life faithfully visiting them daily, we as modern people realize that in our solar system sun stands as a powerhouse sometimes we see intelligence in its activities there is wisdom in its structure but as you know he can’t be a God because inside Universe there are trillion by trillion stars, one thing for certain in my post “reconciling God and science” I am introducing that Dynamic-Energy or Dark-Energy and Matter are two invisible life forms that make everything exist inside the Universe. Also in my post “atoms are other form of life form of living things”

 On the surface of the Sun we can measure existing atoms like iron oxygen neon carbon magnesium nitrogen and other elements, underneath the chromosphere and photo-sphere is big body of bubbles of Dark-Matte to be considered the convective zone. They also have the look of dense pomegranate kernels each 1000 million miles wide bubbles of Dark-Matter Situation where surrounded D.E has nowhere to linger, one side facing DM bubbles distributed around under deep convective zone over 50.000 miles. Saturation of D.E with D.M tense environment, D.E breaks down to electromagnetic radiation when some of helix filaments break, give sound anomalies also produce gas and plasma, any matter cannot prolong to stay in center of the Sun. Some of Dark-Energy releases speeding Plasma through pattern as granulation release flares mixed with Gas filaments that are cooler clouds comparing solar material that are tethered on the surface of the Sun, the loops that are solar filaments are plasma tentacle if are visible scientist call them prominence loops or solar disk, they can give eruption of solar plasma that also contain magnetic field of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy but those invisible forces return to magnetic realm of the Sun , only plasma keep going into space.

                                                   Dark-Matter released from the Sun

Once a while large scale of Dark-Matter is released from core of the Sun all the way up to Suns atmosphere, The mysterious phenomenon was noticed by a YouTube user Streetcap1. The SOHO observatory, which has been operating in space since 1996, took several consecutive images that day, capturing the Sun as it rotates around its axis. In 2016, an image taken from the Solar and Hemispheric Observatory (SOHO) puzzled observers. In the frame, there is a certain white object, from which a thin trace stretches towards the Sun. The object either takes off, leaving a plume, hovers near our star, sucking plasma from it, or is about to penetrate inside. According to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center astrophysicist and solar astrophysicist C. Alex Young, a prominence was captured in the frame. And it looks dark because it is colder than its surroundings. It contains a cold substance that has risen above the surface of the Sun, which holds the magnetic field. In my perspective Dynamic-Matter (People call it Dark-Matter) repels heat.

Coronal mass ejection on Sun as flares shot out into space it carries big amounts of elements by the dome shape ark that is Dark-Matter, the invisible ball shape stays on all the atoms that are on top of the ball bubble in a phenomenon known as “coronal rain” falls down dazzling magnetic display like Fiery loop raining but always in a shape of an ark because Dark-Matter do not allow atoms to pass through Dark-Matter.

Region of the sun temperature jump between inner section of Sun and outer atmosphere thousands of times hotter, before reaching to surface Dark-Matter bubbles don’t allow heat to penetrate only once a while separate portions of Dark-Energy force whirl with flares to surface making magnetic display. According to some scientist; there is possibility that both poles of our Sun reverse to change either in October or November 2013 as soon that happens by my perception Earth will follow in reverse poles following our Sun. Atoms contain invisible life combine forces D.E and D.M, collectively our sun comprises same forces that contain life, having different form of astuteness that is still have great intelligence.

Our solar system is in inner extend of Oort cloud that guzzling the entire our solar system and control the balance of our Sun with its eight planets and their moons with all smaller objects in asteroid belt Kuiper belt trans-Neptunian objects all are inside the Oort cloud this clusters that I mentioned spin inside Oort called orbit of Sedna that is outside the solar system we know our Sun and eight planets that are inner solar system but we are only part of our solar system that includes everything inside Oort clouds belt. When the time come and gravitational changes should be done all connected solar system planets and our Sun is attached they all flip their magnetic field. Some planets like us have hard crust for example Mercury Mars Venus they have hard metallic or rocky hard material surface and are called terrestrial planets. Other Catha gory of planets are Gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn they are mainly composed of helium and hydrogen. Other Catha gory planets in our group are melting point substances as water or ice, ammonia and methane they are called ice giants. Other smaller floating objects that have individual gravity depending how much atoms or Dark-Matter they have that are protons, also this smaller objects are connected in their region group as smaller objects and spin with their flow inside asteroid belts or Kuiper belt or inside Oort cloud, plus on their own controlled by Dark-Energy flow interstellar wind that travel in between all heavenly bodies.

All individual planets have ecliptic plane in their center realm that all are not seen or register, but all together our solar system have its own personal ecliptic plane also entire Universe has one, when the proper time come in their spin as part of the Milky Galaxy that carry 200 billion stars that also have their own ecliptic plane altogether the entire Milky Galaxy have its own ecliptic plane, as soon time comes for gravitational magnetic field reverse in entire Galaxy or in the entire solar system they all obey the command of Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter that contain intelligence to act according to time procedures.

Some scientist assess that light start its rout as soon hydrogen start to fusion into helium inside the sun releasing positron and neutrinos, generating 15.000.000 0C most surprising part they believe that light travels inside sun for 150 hundred thousand years then finding a weak spot released out into atmosphere over sun to 695.000 radius of the sun traveling light 300.000 Km/sec to reach Earth after traveling 150 million miles in 8.3 minutes. In my perspective hydrogen atom do not borrow any nuclei from its neighbors to form helium, everything atoms need to fusion to other elements singular hydrogen has all the accessories inside, protons are big number of Dark-Matter bubbles that can be separated from proton clusters, same with electrons they contain unlimited numbers of helixes that can be separated from electron cable and go in to join with loose particles of proton or protons to combine to form new particles as nuclei is the joins D.E and D.M and equal in electron forces negative and positive to form equally no charge nucleus's, if forming elements of D.E and D.M are dissimilar the forming elements will combine to certain forms that exist in atoms, everything we know about this electromagnetic spectrum from the Sun also from the entire Universe is only 1/10 billionth of data obtainable, regarding radiation of elements light also is other form of radiation system breaking helix coils into smaller parts of gamma ray photons protons positron neutron and other numeral element forms that we still have to figure it out so radiation and light are different in principles theories, major power forming atoms are D.E and D.M that also contain knowledge to endure existing with communicative values with other atoms in covalent bonding and into other form by fusion, atom can generates new particles without collecting other particles or materials from its neighbor atoms.

 I conveyed in other blogs that there are two major opposite energies and matter in Universe Dark Energy and Matter together they form collaborating all mater in the cosmos; they both have directive sound tone waves to direct their surroundings. Dark-Matter is in level of releasing frequencies to elements to pulling magnitude or gravity by connecting element structures into field that resides in the Universe Dark-Energy moving into time zone transportation by inertia pitch. Dark-Energy exploit by its own directives that is based in electromagnetism energy. Inside the Sun I already explained my perspective on the surface of the Sun D.E clouds also like a cloud is spread over chromosphere, temperature of photosphere that is the thin layer of the Sun 300 miles thick, upper portion of sun is wormer than the lower parts, starting from bottom about 7.500 degrees F to upper levels in 11.000 degrees F. but far away from the sun surrounding contain more temperature atmosphere because spreader Dark-Energy activates its fire reaction that can generate greater temperatures some call this difference energy “Delete” supposedly by getting in touch by great volume of plasma in upper atmosphere of the Sun, basis of temperature and light and time is based with Dark-Energy force.

Once a while some Dark-Energy also is released with plasma formations mixes in an Arc shape that stretches across with other elements on the surface of the Star, they might start gigantic eruptions like tornadoes on the surface of the Sun and eventually some small portions of D.E and D.M leave to other directions in the Universe. These arks contain Dark-Matter. Using Jan Oort`s discovery that density of matter near the Sun was nearly twice what could be explained by the presence of stars and gas alone, according my viewpoint that also contains a Dark-Energy.

Also adding a comment from Silvia Garbari " These could be the first evidence for a disc of Dark-Matter in our Galaxy as recently predicted by theory and numerical simulations of Galaxy formations"

The Sun loses weight 6 million tons each second, about 200 trillion tons per year. Those materials are produced in 60.000 miles deep convective zone causing the surrounding D.M make plasma to be very hot it "converts". By D.E circling around many bubbles of D.M, once a while D.E grabs Bubble of D.M and moves with the circulation inside the circle domain, qualification of the Dark-Matter is no matter how smaller portions id is divided still can be found smaller bubble balls even smaller portions that can become protons they also contain smaller kernels inside atom. Circulation speed inside the Sun can break or push out portion of Dark-Matter trying to throw away inside out of the Sun, the heavy portion of D.E hit inside out and open a crack for a second or so, this action that generating heat, working like many pulsar, circling energy that shoots out flares of solar wind with other material neon and plasma a beam of particles and light, the principle is D.E rotates generating heat, working like many pulsar, energy that shoots out a beam of particles and light, D.E rotates like beam around D.M continues in life of the Sun, when Dark-Energy take speed new modifications become electromagnetism, the small variation become electrons, when they divide still one electron can divide into 100 million helix's.

Regarding my instinctive or my logical perspectives they are different from everyone I don’t meant that my models are above others it is a just different approach overview, scientist trying many ways to describe the Universe, some are more appropriate than others and always the principle is to demonstrate that logic with merit mathematical bridges regarding the distinctions to connect with other theories though some after mathematical bridges later on in time was rejected. Regarding my perspectives it might be limited, because my knowledge regarding mathematics is limited, so my approach stay only in logical intuitive. I blame no one; some Nations are very supportive to their countryman than others. I grow up in my Armenian community in Lebanon where education was not free. Armenians highly praise their companions if they accomplished great things in life and they passed away by death, before that the individual hardly receive any recognition or support by their friends, in my case I need the mathematical reversal checkup that are missing to support my perspectives that, so unfortunately all you will have the logical perspective if you have the patience to read my perspectives, I am hopeful that some other sophisticated people that can compare my perspectives to their probe group models and something might connect to Physical Universe.

The cigar theory

This is a close look how Dark Energy spins over Dark Matter in cigar shape.

Spiral cascade formation is everywhere because principle of physics apply spiral patterns, entire empty space inside the universe has very tiny obstruct force field walls, anything is in line of direction will whack those smallest tiny force walls, as the directive is programmed into inertia cascade of beam flow, that are made from Dark-Energy in the shape of ball lightning effected by opposite gravity energy released to jet, by bending, it will continue its coherent nature directives by slight edge of opening overcoming their wave formation of obstruct, go around it, this movements are part of photon flow inside the Sun where light pass through Dark Matter bubbles edges of opening, light will pass through a slit in cigar formation patterns shape beams as cascade of beams transporting coherent light to reach the surface of the Sun, same flow can be seen in DNA spiral regulation, also in many variety of plants. Some believe that coronal loops on surface of the sun might be optical illusions, I believe that each beam of cigar theory force flows, might contain many numbers of ball shape lightning Dynamic-Energy traveling through Dynamic-Matter force fields.

I have "CIGAR" theory and WALTZ or Tango theory inside the Sun; together they make great action of flares that you might encounter. Center core of the Sun is Dark-Matter bubbles, surrounded by spins of coiling Dark-Energy, once a while small blocks of bubbles might be separated from the center that also will be joined wherever it goes by other adjoining of Dark-Energy electrons this separated parts will be acting like tangoing or waltz twirling inside the Radiation zone that might trigger solar max flares on the sun being not regular sun cycles because this convolution waltz movement can go any direction inside the sun and does not have constant velocity that are released once a while with pressure outside to the surface. Sometimes it energy is released as swirling prominence. Beside large flares that are noticeable, comparatively, there are trillion by trillion numbers of tiny cigar flows that are released on the surface of the sun, like macaroni shapes, those also are smaller form of cigar shape released Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy forces, as soon the reach the surface of the sun, gradually two super power forces return inside the sun to reach deep, where gradually form to their original forms, Dark Matter return to the center of the sun to join the core volume. One more proof that the sun is a living creature, as the rest of planets and stars.

As you see in the picture, as soon cigar pair energy of D.M and D.E released as flairs from the sun, D.M returns back in directed into core of the sun, leaving vacuumed position black spot, surrounding flares granule structure return to siphoned bubble "prominence" sunspot. With cigar formation, D.M and D.E join together, after powerful flares, they release each other. 

As combined separated portion from proton core, Dynamic-Matter clasp by Dynamic-Energy electrons, into reformatory turbulence cigar forms, traveling million miles per hours, heading to surface, similar to H-alpha frequencies, that is inverted by the force of spinning electrons over protons, by turbulences, grabbing all surrounding plasma form, with all other particles and hydrogen atoms, combination of solar energetic particles spread flares and loops, leaving solar wind effect to reaching end of solar system. 

Why mostly sunspots appear in groups?

Once a while, when one cigar beam can pass through openings sideways from Dark-Matter bubbles, other cigar shape Dark-Energy flows can feel other openings sideways of Dark-Matter force, that will help to go to the surface to release as sunspots that we see at prominence's. As middle section spins faster in middle section that gives more possibilities to create solar max flares.

This is also my theory, Cigar and Nanojet theories, by (Greg Kaprielian)

The head of cigar shape energy flow front have positive curvature, as soon energy reach completely to front it takes negative curvature, same with the other end of cigar flow, as the cigar energy flow reach to surface of the sun, we can observe same energy frequency ratios, how energy solar max flares burst and return back to the sun surface. So logically, long straw shape force field inside the cigar flow is long core beam of invisible Dynamic-Matter where Dynamic-Energy, you can call electromagnetism as well, that surrounds the flows as cigar shape theory by Negative curvature and Positive curvature process.  In this theory, as cigar flow two force energy, Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter reaching to surface, might be separated into two forces, outer portion of cigar force returns as electron balloon shape floating bright inside sun`s corona rift tore, making by frictions with solar structures, causing more heating realm in (Aka atmosphere) traveling in perpendicular directions. Invisible Dynamic-Matter will not show at all. (Iris) spectrograph, captured the round bubble lights naming them “Nanojets” As Nanojets lights travel randomly inside sun`s atmosphere, it creates more heating than the surface of the sun.


Additional spicules flare by Cigar theory that fills entirely over the Dark Matter core of the Sun.

                                  GIANT EXTENSIVE CABLES OVER THE SUN

One way or another adjoining D.M and DE adjoining cigar shape activity change its mechanism or direction, inside the Sun cigars are capable to reach all the way to the skin of the Sun but somehow they reverse direction back into the Sun, sometime they don’t stop at the surface but crossing out usually good news for us from Norther or Southern hemisphere to not be directed toward Earth, leave the Sun continuing as giant extensive cables crossing, released force is made of Dark matter inside the tube covered in a shape as tubes by Dark Energy, conflict interaction of this two energy forces create hydrogen atom because atoms are made by this two forces protons are dark matter electrons are dark energy plus in tremendous spin swirl hydrogen fusion into helium then releasing other particles as plasma, by process they release in whirl friction from cigar shape combination force field forms giant rambling cables that are similar shapes of tremendous soaring cigar shape force field that can process particles behind their path and they are very long distances cables as cable shapes, probably twenty time or more taller than the Sun. As more such Giant extensive cables seen near by Sun it will follow less energy released from Sun less light radiation to reach Earth.

We can observe, not exactly the same but similar phenomena were explained by Nickolas Tesla called “Teslaphoresis” Electrical energy causes carbon nanotubes into self-assembly into long wire shapes, any moment release energy can simultaneously can assemble transforming energy from a location into other distant location in open air, surface of the sun is full of energy and can release in long wire shape power circuit tubes that can form on the sun as it can form on any energy form field.

There are inside Universe many other forms of energy that we still know nothing about them for example 3.000 light years away in the constellation of Sagittarius exist an quasar called PKS 1939-313 by quasar`s path of light into the surrounding and by modern scientific tools through gravitational lensing they have been detected giant numbers of invisible noodle shaped objects some in other shapes, lensing effect record that they are moving in 30 miles per second similar to extensive cables that I introduced earlier, as material mass exist inside Universe many other form of invisible energy structures also exist that are unknown yet our most sensitive instruments cant record their edifice.

Black holes can transform into a large star.

Process of the black hole pattern is to grab by gravitational pattern disk inside the event horizon radius, to grab other object, stars or planets. All mass that becomes part of merry go round doughnut that is controlled by Dark-Energy almost close to speed of light travels inside the mass debris of atom dust, intense force to split or detach atoms into two formerly combined forces that were Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter into their original form, distinct atom dust cant travel in same speed as the Dark-Energy. So as we can captivate bright portion of the event horizon where Dark-Energy light travels through the tunnel passing into mass debris formation of atom dust seed, where some locations of the loop has more dust density that looks similar to a large doughnut shape where some portion of it looks bright where Dark Energy is more visible and the other portion is more dim where too much mass debris are located effect light to dims, In my subheading “The Sun” where I explained how Sun operates by to forces, Core of the Sun is pure Dark-Matter, surrounded by intense speed of Dark-Energy, as the fraction together the generate heat and light. In the same theoretical process, if formation of atom dusts mass debris is distinguished, tow remaining powers left will be Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, so Dark energy will spin too close over Dark-Matter mass that will generate light and great energy to be transformed into a large star such as star Antares and others. So any moment is the light goes brighter it will be expected that a new star is in process.

Massive stars

Without explaining from where hydrogen atoms and Universal dust come to condense as stars, scientist figures that atoms are formed from neglected hydrogen atoms, if that is the case how come binary two large stars form side by side, I explained with my perspective that hydrogen atoms form by combinations of Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter, stars produce hydrogen atoms, stars don`t collect hydrogen atoms to complete, without explaining that big bang is a nonsense, it never existed, scientist don`t have any explanations how large stars went 30.000 light years away big bang explosion. It is reality truth that stars reach into supernova explosion cataclysm, but still we have no one that was in the star to tell us what happened. Atoms contain Universal knowledge about all stars and galaxies, to be connected into that knowledge is the difficult part, how stars die, how gamma rays form, how large stars evolve? Why stars and planets exist?

                                                                Dyson Sphere

Right away some consider it Alien civilization mega-structures seeing hypothetical massive set of constituents inlaying stable fashions around the star from a distant not touching the star, some figure out they are solar panels to collect vast amount of energy from a star, for example star named KIC8462852 falls to this category. Before this subject I already described my about friction from cigar shape force field particles leaving behind them a path long path cable shapes that are twenty times taller than the sun, in my perspectives those giant extensive cables can be connected to stars gravity field without touching into the surface of the star, first starting partially blockage, later on with additional giant extensive cables form whole large practices of geometrical formations that gives similarity to solar array satellites. I believe Dyson spheres has nothing to do with Alien civilizations, watching our star we can see,In the northern hemisphere of or northern poles of the sun underneath are many more cigar spin coilers than the south poles, that’s why temperatures of the north is 7 to 8 % higher temperatures, effecting on entire Suns temperature.

In my Cigar perspective there is no body form of cigar form but flow direction shape that form geometrical shape of persistent current screwing through in the cigar form flowing through one another large helix's in Natural made altering current two forces Dark-Energy and Matter run this helix flow of double helix's in opposition creating a magnetic interaction that is controlled by variety of frequencies in sound wavelength pulsate tones that we see their edge of its flow as released flares on the surface of the Sun.

As we study all activities of the Sun we realize that Earth`s atmospheric activities plus earthquakes have connection also with all other planets in our solar system all the way into Oord atmosphere, in my post “Gravity” I described dark matter directs by low and high octave frequency wavelengths to forward response bringing all elements to quantum entanglement vacuum energy that is in control of Dark energy D.E, D.M participation does not show all we sense the electromagnetic effect, every time more flares reach into earth from the Sun more auroras are noticeable, I believe Suns center core Dark matter D.M wavelength signals for more current conflict with D.E from north and south sphere of the Sun, main current starts to grow effecting into secondary current, together making differences with increase magnetic field, increasing strength shows by increasing magnetic strength appears releasing magnetic flux ropes but in reality Dark matter inside earth’s core direct effective wavelength to cooperate with dark matter connection that seems to be electromagnetic connection between Sun and Earth inside the Sun.

Lately astronomers been observing most of the flow of flares on the Sun calling them solar prominence's magnetic flux ropes and coronal loops, it seems that spinning loops that reaching to the surface of the sun already are in spinning action of the force, previously are in process of spiraling twists, as I presented cigar shape approaches with electromagnetic (D.E) field mixed with (D.M) mass reaching to smash the surface of the sun grabbing with it all loose plasma and other elements, because the possessing structure in spiraling is in drift of (D.M) and (D.M) the flow is held under same spinning magnetic field lines, generating force of this two energy partings D.E and D.M are small split-up portions from the core of the Sun having Dark-Matter core that is surrounded by Dark-Energy spinning electromagnetism unstable spin all over the core of the Sun, depends how big portions were separated from the core guided to reach into surface that much more powerful eruption flares like arches will be shown on surface as solar flares, that also carry geomagnetic flux cords flares.



                                     The Sun (according to Gabriel logician Jabrael)

One million planet Earth can fit inside the size of the Sun, and its mass is almost equal to the mass of entire solar system objects, sun is 99.8% of the solar system mass, any object weight on Earth can be heavier multiplied 27.9 times to gravity over Sun. Light travels from sun into Earth about 8.5 minutes, I will explain how the sun has connected with the entire solar system and Milky way galaxy by invisible intelligent two forces of Dark-matter and Dark-Energy.

100 % of this demonstration is my perspective without using any other explanation or portrays by others. Outer yellow section is the atmosphere of the Sun, red section is melted vaporized elements with tremendous temperature forming the chromosphere, round purple sections are large Dynamic-Matter (Dark-Matter) bubbles that always look black as observed over the Sun shape of coronal loops because they keep light and heat impenetrable, Bubbles go more denser as they reach convective zone and radiation zone, over center core yellow color with green represents Dynamic-Energy (Dark-Energy) spinning around the core that give conflict to create hydrogen atoms, this section is called conveyer belt, yellow color Dark-Energy forms pulsars, every star has a pulsar in its Mids. Fast spinning Dynamic-Energy that move like helix sometimes are parted in distinct levels of energy, Black portion in the picture core and other round shapes represents Dynamic-Matter, yellow represents Dark-Energy spinning the core as all pulsars do, confrontation in two Forces of D.E and D.M create hydrogen atoms, this two forces before joining together both are invisible but as soon portion of D.E as electron spins on clusters ration of D.M protons, together they form matter in this incident hydrogen atoms, after that two forces combine other smaller portions of this two forces see to forming particles inside atoms, every star has a pulsar in its center as core. Fast spinning Dynamic-Energy that move like helix sometimes are parted in distinct levels of energy, greens colors spinning with yellow in picture show my cigar theory that reach to surface as flares that are frequency outburst explosions, originally they were detached energy portion from center by friction forming one measure D.E and One Measure D.M effecting unceasing spins as cigar figure, purple round bubbles are Dark-matter same as center core, like an layers and layers of different volume of invisible bubbles under the surface of the sun like an umbrella Dark-Matter does not allow light or heat to be penetrate out to surface by its invisible dense force this bubble energy force can change their level of density from 15 times condense than lead to millions times more in density when form into black hole, Dynamic-Matter does not allow light to be penetrate its invisible dense force bubbles but sometimes Dynamic-Energy dragging out chafing cigar theory moving plasma formations and other elements to transporting out to drive across the tight bubbles to reach to the surface of the sun as flares sometimes as prominence arches that we can see expending bubbles and gamma rays X-rays burst out. The location that remains as dark spots or large coronal supper-colossal hole that has no any temperatures, black portion you see on the surface is the real body form of Sun`s wall chromosphere that are swept from thin layers of melted soft materials

                                            HOW DOES SUN GENERATE HEAT?

Fusion can release heat; starting point generating heat process inside the sun goes beyond that, defining heat process with electromagnetism grating other particles might release or let loose some of the peculiar energy electromagnetism ensure, helix's will be released when electromagnetism striking mass to pass through material objects, though invisible but Dark-Matter can be condensed 15 times or much more than dense that lead, any flow of electromagnetism hit into Dark-Matter summation it will vibrate reflecting some of helix's carrying in high speed and will be randomly released protons photons and other electromagnetic wave thermal energy separating from the main flow, this will be the first initiative to form hydrogen atoms that will release heat, next steps from that point on any fusion from hydrogen to form other atoms will additionally release more fusions.

As I describing inside the Sun besides the pulsar like core there are other loose portions of Dark-Matter that also have separate portions of Dark-Energy that are spinning randomly and once a while their verge of spin are released to the surface as flares, those banana like or cigar like detached alienated turfs can generate 3.9 billion degree Fahrenheit just like a pulse that takes 100 nanoseconds according to speed of their spins, every pulse can generate 80 trillion watts of electric power, that’s how temperature is to topping together with center core that contain biggest portion of Dark-Matter and biggest spin of Dark-Energy on the core just like an pulsar, together they generate constant fusion reactor creating new hydrogen atoms and leading to fusion reactor, according to my perspectives heart function of the Sun to generates intense heat is by this function.

The speed electromagnetism spin in the Sun against solid invisible D.M, they mixes together by saturation's releasing shock waves, act as normal hidden Neutron star rubbing around each other, and D.E circling around, spinning packed into spheres, generating greater, turbulence spinning Dark-Matter electromagnetism rotating around the core of Dark-Matter while also, revolving reel on itself creating tremendous turbulence inelastic collision between D.E and D.M. Motion is like rapping a cigar roll, this is the stellar Fusions starting point, that’s how hydrogen atoms are formed, all hydrogen in the Universe is formed by this procession after that fusion forms, nothing from outside comes to change the personality of atom to other element except heat and pressure provisions supplied when electron cables lose some of their helix to send into space of atom inside to mix with some of cores from Dark-Matter proton clusters and combine into new particles, their variation showing electric field effect depending how much of D.E or D.M is combined into the new formality particles, there is always struggle D.M and D.E spin to be the core building first Hydrogen atoms then stellar Fusion making about 70 other or more elements that later will arise passing through the interface layers or that is multiple bubbles of Dark-Matter completing the tachyons line I consider this section as construction Zone, by releasing shock waves all-stars produce hydrogen by same way after Hydrogen is formed it don’t need any other material to convert fusion beside extensive heat and pressure. According the lineup bubbles of D.M stressing reactions produce rhythmic beeps 27 days and 43 minutes that mean values to other stars. Stars take direction beat regulation from Black hole in our Galaxy and pulsar. according to its shock waves Sun gives rhythmic guidance to the Earth and D.E clouds circle the core according the tone of the Sun 27 days and 43 minutes tone echo variation, sound frequency waves are commands to be respected

All cosmos is connected together by sound. Same experiences continue where trapped D.E again cannot be permeated, only choice is facing stratosphere. At this moment Dark-Energy mostly composed Hydrogen atoms get condense ejections blast into flares can spout about 20 billion tons through convective zone then by gravity disseminate back to the Sun. As you see on Sun explosion The flare go circular pillar on the Sun not straight up, Most of the time D.M bubble get crammed to the hole, that called dark spots, or penumbra, held there, penumbra loop gradually by surface atoms and melted lava repairs, dark spot crust, it last from a few days to several months. Spots can be small as couple hundred miles across, larger ones close to over 50.000 miles. Dark spot`s look cool because, wedged in cool Dark-Matter cannot mixed with the heat, as darkest sunspot patches. Exceptions are possibilities (observation by NASA`s solar system probe reported, certain invisible bubbles jets out of Sun) Watching eruptions of solar prominence is great privilege for us, seeing up so close the activities of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy in action dark holes spots.

 I explained that protons don’t have standard stable mass they can be changed into different physique that can vary into relaxed form or more extreme condensed form, like the stage when forms into pulsar cores and defocus into other heavy gravitational stage like black hole, so reduced Dark-Matter protons can be 15 times more dense than lead and go to 126 times than that impenetrable mass and beyond into unknown capabilities. The new elementary particle they found in Higgs boson it contains 126 times the mass of proton sometimes this particle is referred as the “God particle” protons are Dark-Matter they are very tiny bubbles that contain outnumber tinnier bubble clusters, if the volume go larger still it condenses in larger bubbles and larger ones, they can reach volumes bigger than galaxies and divide into thousand clusters to form one proton.

Dark-Energy is facing D.M bubble core also Dark-Matter bubbles distributed around under deep convective zone over 50.000 miles. Saturation of D.E with D.M tense environment, D.E breaks down to electromagnetic radiation when some of helix filaments break, give sound anomalies also produce gas and plasma, as long the radiation zone is tight it releases new manufactured hydrogen atoms if the radiation zone get wider and larger production of hydrogen will be reduced. Inside the Sun there are many cycles of energy producing segments by merging, in my perspective as you see first phase is hydrogen production. The main energy source is not burning hydrogen that’s the second period energy stage by fusion turning hydrogen into Helium then carbon Oxygen magnesium silicon and so on so, all this process develops generating heat of 275 watts/m 3 _  So the main generating power is not hydrogen burning that is only part of it, total activities together combine into the heat process that we feel over entire Sun activities.

Watching the Sun`s flares that are sometimes colossal magnetic loops by watching forcefully you might find sum round invisible form that emanating to the surface of the Sun with some plasma and other materials forming arc solar loop of rain fire, I personally conclude the large ball with the flare might be Dark-Matter bubbles and return back in the Sun, gradually also some Dark-Energy electromagnetism is mixed with the plunging rain fire.

Why amplitude of the cycles varies intensity or reach solar maximum? Center  core of the Sun is Dark-Matter bubbles, this is the main core surrounded by spins of coiling Dark-Energy, once a while small blocks of bubbles might be separated from the center that also will be joined wherever it goes by other adjoining of Dark-Energy electrons this separated parts will be acting as new sideways conveyor belt that will spin separate one section in upper level another one in lower level belt that also spins around a volume of Dark-Matter like tangoing or waltz twirling, all this mechanism are spinning coil of electromagnetism around lump of Dark-Matter that is not stable gradual goes north then down to central section then again to north with spinning Dark-Energy all the way but spinning coil of D.E that is also electromagnetism coils around this figure of banana shape Topological structure form like Klein bottle on inside and outside flow and does not touch the Dark-Matter lump, if some superfluous chafing occurs D.E get  twisted on itself more hydrogen are produced and released inside the Radiation zone that might trigger solar max flares with intensive magnetic storms on the sun being not regular sun cycles because this convolution waltz movement can go any direction inside the sun and pressure outside to the surface. When conveyor belt get smaller or dissolves the solar peaks also vanishes on the hemispheres, in this minimum density of conveyor belt volume the southern hemisphere of the sun covering behind the north, if new separations from core become available as conveyor belt waltz dance, several years ago (Observation by NASA`s solar system probe reported, certain invisible bubbles jets out of sun) in my perspective this volumes are separated Dark-Matter bubbles released from the sun, if the volume is released from conveyor belt it will reduce colossal solar flares. What exactly will happen inside the sun is a mystery, will speed density in radiation zone increased? Or decreased? The outcome should be reflected.

Recent activities in enormous magnetic super heated plasma flare solar loops we experiencing on the Sun releasing Dark blemishes on the surface of the Sun, those dark spreading after effects are in reality cooler because the material that spread are invisible Dark-Matter, this matter substance to not allow heat to penetrate nether allow other elements to pass through him, only Dark-Energy can pass through Dark-Matter to a certain notch, some of the colossal sunspots are so gigantic that several Earth can fit in.

One thing for sure all combined pressured forces of Dark Matter with Dark Energy are released as flares invisible Dark energy will not appear but Dark Matter with other gravitational particles will return back into same opening sunspots they were ejected as flares.

It happens regularly every time flares leave the crack opening on the sun’s surface as flares it leaves dark blemish spots on the surface, on top of the sun it can be seen as coronal holes, as I described earlier Sun is large cluster of Dark-Matter bubbles covered with some hot leftover lava elements that is hot, underneath that surface D.M is cold have no temperature penetration also D.M is colorless it might give a look of empty holes dark blemishes when to recover takes longer times to recollect solar material back to atmosphere to reach and recover the spot.

The Sun loses weight 6 million tons each second, about 200 trillion tons per year. Those materials are produced in 60.000 miles deep convective zone causing the surrounding D.M make plasma to be very hot it "converts" extreme large dark areas "Umbra" can be seen on our Sun by extreme greater explosions or hurricanes electromagnetic eruptions on Sun solar flares, if those ejection be large mass of metallic gigantic chunks that will travel to Earth 2 million miles an hour, during human history there is not any evidence that great volume mass from Sun landed on Earth except the regular Aurora borealis, Regular year Sun loses about 6 million tons per second or about 200 trillion tons each year, so fortunately we did not receive any big packages metallic large volumes from Sun to us, hopefully we continue to receive only beautiful Auroras till now. So do not be alarmed by extra-large spreads of black dark surfaces in case be seen on the Sun, the main material Sun is made from Dark-Matter is condensed holding together large cluster bubbles, as soon great volume of metallic flare eruptions go up metallic lava return back to Sun is gravitational force only Neon cosmic dust and loose elements continue to go far some of that flare fly toward Earth to create Aurora after touching Earth’s protective field.

Also there is possibility that these extreme large dark areas on our Sun might be the starting point of our Sun`s poles be reverses, it shows that already the north of our Sun started to change the sign and soon the south pole of the Sun will follow so both pole will reverse. Our group of solar system is not only our star with 8 planets, all this group are hiding inside the Oort cloud circle like a hula hoop it spins around far away from our planetary group it develops own proper gravitational field, our group of stars spin peculiar behavior inside the orbit of Sedna, planet Pluto collect portion of gravitational field from Oort as another hula hoop spins and delivers the field force into our star and planetary group, still Pluto stay attached to Oort, unseen magnetic energy activated by low octave sound frequency waves ripples starting from Oort into inside solar system giving command to induce to sun to generate electrical current that will be connected to entire realm domain inside Oort circle space, this amperage flows change transition like the vibrations we can see on large plate of metal, during entire heliosphere so consider as large hula hoop Oort loop as current sheet it goes none side up then go down making the opposite side of hula hoop down making very wavy dip on side then the opposite side all transitions from one side to another is delivered by Pluto in entire orbit of Sedna, inner solar system follows Our Suns amperage flows in surrounding region this will follow Suns both poles to reverse then our Earth and entire solar system, it might give great damage on the surface of our Earth that I am unaware what might be, weather disasters or oceans swiping large areas of land? I don’t know.

According my theme subject that is reconciling God and Science, this might be the great day that all religions are expecting, the bible mentions the day and the hour nobody knows but it does not say the month and the year nobody knows. The generation that lived 1914 were the great corner or turning point in human history with many wars and earthquakes, if we consider the wars all the period of times from first century to 1913 and add the numbers people killed and loss’s in damage, and compare with 1914 that was 7 times more disaster than all previous years, 2 world war was 4 times stronger than the first one and until now we still in those hateful merciless destruction's till now. Bible mentions in Matthew 24:33 “Truly I say to you that these generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur” it will be 100 years from 1914 to 2014 human life capacity is around that period “100” years.

Why current Sun weather cycle reached 24 solar cycles? In my theory core of everything including Sun is Dark-Matter, surrounding spin of Dark-Energy on the core in convective Zone preparing new hydrogen by chafing saturation D.E and D.M have made room for larger space of radiation zone, a big volume of Dark-Matter already left Sun by NASA observation a large bubble volume invisible realm left Sun, I already mentioned in other sentences. Though the diameter of the Sun remains same I am not sure of that probably it expended and NASA can verify that but the speed density in Radiation zone is increased recently, that will bring into more colossal solar flares and Sunspots.

Heaviest furnace in the sun is around surface of its center core. Continuously jump abruptly 2 million K or 27million F the core is in center that is Dark-Matter surrounded by electromagnetism radioactive zone. Frequently inner this zone, D.E astuteness on D.M, wedged on the core it becomes magnetic domains in this gigantic Fusion reactor develops other elements starting first from hydrogen. D.E electromagnetism veil circle on D.M core, 300 times a second, just like a pulsar, joining this dance many other couples in Sun space. This joyful ballet show produces great temperatures. Fortunately the bubbles under the convective zone shape of several layers of honey comb, each are heavier and denser than neutron star, but the magnetic properties is under the control of the mass it can float or it can be heavier than dwarf star. Packed D.M protection fence shield like umbrellas, reduce the temperatures down, on the surface photosphere, into 50.000 oK. Coordination of arrangements of the honey comb rake, in the Sun, effects in the timing period of the sunspot cycles, and we have our Sun cycle lasting about 11 years. Difference between our planet and our Sun, cool outside, inside the Earth Dark-Matter is in center core section, surrounded by Atoms, portions might leave and float in the mantle like a bubble, even leave the surface assuming from some as UFO`s. In the sun, center portion exist many Dark-Matter Bubble volume connected to greater of D.E. there is possibilities that some bubbles of D.M loose and separated from the core or from surrounding fence and take speed with the dark-Energy or electromagnetic field. On each D.M bubble also will circulate clouds of D.E they both contain intelligence. As explained in my theory in the center of star is located a core of clusters of Dark-Matter bubbles, opposite energy Dark-Energy rewinds rounded the core circle around the core just like an Pulsar, that’s why in the center of a star is wider and more pressed out because of the exertion force expansion loops on the spinning circle in Convective zone area that generates gigantic fusion huge reactor that only prepares new hydrogen atoms first then by excessive fusion heat and pressure transforming atoms into helium and so on through variations. During Super Nova explosion variations last assignment of stellar fusion engine gives additional over 30 varieties of elements develop. After super Nova explosion you will not find any elements. In my other chapter in the same blogs you will find title Black hole explaining how everything in Universe is recycled. Atoms in Pulsar besides two forces, Dark-Matter as center core and Dark-Energy as spinning force, all Pulsars do not contain any Atoms. All the hydrogen that is produced by the Sun become flares and fill the surrounding joining other stars forming great cloud of gas like the one engulfing our milky way galaxy (halo) all the stars composing mainly hydrogen that surrounds the entire Galaxy 100 thousand light-years across, so stars produce all these hydrogen that cover the galaxy like a smog.

The rhythmic changes starting from separated movement of bubbles in the core, because even Dark-Matter bubbles have same charging values but also have differentiation of individuality magnetic positions, when rotate the effect position will be sensed by tumultuous magnetic activity changes every 11 year-long Solar cycles. Probably you are noticing Our Sun getting more active by long light Filaments this last two years reaching into Solar Maximum heat degree, that will impact more energy to Earth`s magnetosphere more aurora will be visible in greater distances. It seems somehow 11 year solar period continuing into 22 years solar epoch. According my observance by reading latitude diagram of radial component that is effected by solar magnetic field that is generated by sound frequency waves that (you see the small version here when people vibrate a disk filled speeded sand, sound frequency changes force the sand to comprehensive different diagrams) So internal motion of our Sun the volume of Dark-Matter core and Spinning Dark-Energy electromagnetism internal spin motion guides magnetic activities inside releasing on surface torsional oscillation. In the field of sound you can find l magnetic properties that can activate other location, low octave sound frequencies contain vibrational waves that can transfer energy from on point to other locations, all in different levels of sound variations and variety of sound effects. In those changes the melted carpet on the surface of the sun have no defense energy to keep all the inside pressure to be released but many layers of invisible cool Dark-Matter Bubbles will do the job keeping all the tension explosion grab it in preventing to reach self-destruct level. Latest dramatic transformation on Jupiter. Saturn and Earth is done by guidelines in low octave sound frequency waves from Our Sun excess bustle in the middle section, comparing to Jupiter less current atmospheric changes we will experience soon on Earth by unusual hurricanes and more powerful thunderstorms because our solar system is directed by signals from the Sun. Some solar flares produce 4 Billion electron volts on Sun, they also contain sound frequency waves that are messages to other planets adjusting, regular period of activity of weather changes happen on Saturn each  year is Earthly 29 ½ years. New thunderstorms on Saturn erupt on Saturn look great white spot a massive storm 6.200 miles wide(Wider than our Earth) Our Sun have cycle of 11 years that cycle extended probably to 22 and Saturn`s intensity storm started 10 years before its regular timing that is noticeable now and very serious because new storms on Saturn is parallel with Unusual nasty hurricane and winter storms that forecasters are calling Franken storm, of course forecasters can predict the direction of storms five days ahead, But Our Sun give the beginning directives that started Dec 2010, Solar Flares are the signal Baton of Director conductor, in signals in our planet solar system.

Milky Way has taking new patterns.

Inside Milky Way galaxy our solar system rapidity inside space can bring into other field of energy that previously was not there, new location energy field might be in high velocity. Some scientist experiencing changes in our solar probably something effecting to solar system. In earlier times like two thousand years ago planet earth had stronger gravity force it is getting gradually weaker. First important body of the solar system is the Sun that has more mass than entire solar system going into major changes. Since last one hundred years gradually Sun`s magnetic field is rising 230%, because the Sun is the conductor in solar system team it can effect on each other mass in its surroundings.

Moon, recently is growing an atmosphere 6.000 kilometers deep layers of Natrium gas that previously was not there.

Mercury, lately we see strange magnetic field increasing and noticing a polar ice on Mercury.

Venus, its Aurora brightness is increased 2500% times stronger, since last 40 years its substantive global atmosphere is changing.

Mars, changes in global warming, huge storm that was there disappeared, same with its polar icecaps.

Jupiter, lately we see 200% increase in its brightness with additional plasma clouds, spinning belts on Jupiter starting to change color, radiations hotspots have discolored and later all of a sudden reappear again, same with its cloud thickness change its density frequently.

Saturn, major changes are happening last 30 years with its equatorial jet stream, great X-Ray surge from its equator locations.

Uranus, getting brighter stronger with global clouds, formerly it had very calm atmosphere, now it is changed into tensely atmosphere.

Neptune, changing its atmospheric brightness 40%

Pluto, changing its atmospheric pressure increasing 300% doesn’t matter if it’s close or far from the Sun.

Earth, of course we are walking on planet Earth and notice much more closely its geographical changes. Definitely Earth’s Axes has changed and keeps changing, landslides floods extreme heat in some locations natural disasters hurricanes mudslides typhoons stronger tidal waves, we see extreme weather changing increase of erupting volcanoes since last 100 years 500% increase, last 100 years we see 400% increase earthquakes activities, but magnetic field is decreasing continuously. All this planetary changes will effect also on population.

All this actions started after the Sun started to increase glowing plasma and recently Sun is generating 1000% magnetic field. Probably this flow will take more substantial effect in near future.

How fast you are traveling?

We already know how planet Earth spins all around the sun 942 million miles in 365 days. As we know entire galaxies move in great speed in the universe and our solar system around the milky way galaxy every 230 million years it completes the journey around our home milky way galaxy, according some estimates since planet Earth existed our planet already complete the circle 20 times 130 miles per second, additionally the milky way galaxy traveling toward Andromeda galaxy 405.500 Kph and also moving into constellation Hydra 2 million Kph. Entire galaxies of the Universe is expanding everything is moving fast, those are some of of speed measures relative to our surroundings, as you feel you are not traveling in great speed inside an airplane because your feet is touching the floor, same way as you are reading this article you are traveling in space 800 miles per second.

Besides all this complex calculation we might have additional calculation of unknown time travel into other dimensions that we know nothing yet. (I know nothing I see nothing)

This last 500 centuries people were more capable watching solar activities by filters, they did not have strong light filters to see the Sunspots by improvements we came to our times where many new methods are in progress filtering the light of the Sun to observe clear pictures, periods starting 1600 to 1700 they name Solar activities maunder minimum when sunspots were infrequent, increasing sunspots from 1700 to 1900 they name this period Dalton minimum, by better methods observing suns dark spot activities from 1900 to recent times is called modern maximum, this inquiry also made clear that sun has 11 year sunspot cycle plus by follow ups it was surprising to notice global worming climate change earthquakes all are connected to solar activities that is heading into Earth.

Corona flares activate in many variations still we have to study variances we should not suppose that only flares are released from the surface, there is big possibilities that sometimes also very extreme sound frequency sound wave tones are released to surface of the Sun and look the stage as flares jumping up of the surface without any opening outburst cracks that light coronal flares energy burst not leaving any followed cracks blemish dark spots. Sometimes that pure energy burst is only sound frequency wave tones that Dark-Matter releases from the core of our Sun. Same sort of frequencies the Earth releases constantly but in very feeble levels releasing from its Dark-Matter core.

Coronal mass is also created by the chafing D.E and D.M on the core of the Sun or in the Conveyor belt, when developed coronal mass ejection came to the surface of the sun by solar flares mixed with D.M and D.E still contain blowing bubbles of Dark-Matter that can be changed stages in their condensed variations and still combining with some electromagnetism that are Dark-Energy, their frictions release great hot atmosphere waves flowing from below Sun to the surface, in my other chapters I already described a year ago that electrons are combined great number of helix bundles in varying lengths, once a while a few helix's go into the atom at the time of fusion mixing with a few bubbles of protons that already described by me that are outnumber clusters of tiny Dark-Matter bubbles, so in principle Electrons that come from electromagnetism that are generated by Dark-Energy in principle are interweaves ensemble like hair bundles, this released out from tremendous pressure from the Sun to the surface makes their magnetic interlaces expand by releasing tremendous heat to suns outer atmosphere up to 2.7 million F As soon they relax by expending gravity inside the sun pull in back inside that is returned back, but if the coronal mass ejection some energy such as Gama rays and protons are guided toward the Earth, it travels million miles per hour and takes almost 17 hours to reach our planet and can disturb all Earths-orbiting satellites, all radio systems and can damage electrical systems power black-outs as dysfunction well radio communication, flares that are released from sun are coils that contain charged particles swirling along in magnetic field that are bubbles of Dark-Matter lines are energy circulations of Dark-Energy or electromagnetism forces.


Atoms planets and stars and other universal mass objects have same basic comprehensive two energy forces Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter. Centre core have great volume of Dark-Matter invisible force bubble fields that can contrast or it can expand not applying any theoretical forms that we are acquainted to, just considering the core of planet Earth it seems that core has several levels or legions of abbreviating stages. First outer layer of outer core is expanded bubble form energy of Dark-matter that give the effect just like water having higher and lower wave like forms, this position is 15 times more dense than lead. Second portion, inner level of the core, can be found thicker or more condensed collection of Dark-Matter bubbles making more difficult to penetrate heat or light. Third deeper portion of the core has higher dense retrenchments. Fourth level also has most dense abbreviated stage that is million times more summarized heavier than leads density; I believe that core of atoms that are protons are collection of tiny Dark-Matter invisible bubble force fields. In any moment Dark-Matter that also has intelligent control and life force can change density to expand making the entire core or certain levels of it to expand so large that can imbed entire galaxy in it or take form of a star, as soon Dark-Energy that is surrounding the inner core section making frictions with Dark-Matter it can produces Hydrogen atoms, in this approach in any moment by decisions from intelligent conclusion from Dark-Matter core any planet can be transform into a star.

In my perspective, 1- condensed dust do not cannot form new stars and it can`t generate thermo nuclear power.  2- There is an active pulsar in every star from the day they function by intermediate luminosity of the stars and intermediate effect reach to its surface of the star. According to my perspectives there is an neutron star or pulsar depends the two energy variation of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy, during an supernova massive explosion particle atomic molecules give an complex image, first they travel fast away from center and doing so right away they return reverse their bounce traveling back into center point of supernovae, this reverse bounce happen by sound frequency wavelengths into certain realm of circle point around the explosion, Dark-Matter commanding all particles to rebounded into extraterrestrial field like bubble interior, this sort of multiple bubble invisible structures can be seen by their effect into their surroundings, for example this sort of  bubble like interiors has been seen less than 400 years ago explosion of supernovae Lassiopeie supernova explosion, after this sort of explosion not that pulsar or neutron star forms but already they are inside every planet star or moon that appears after the explosion. Once a while we can see other supernova larger explosions that are called magnetar that can release 570 billion times stronger and brighter than our sun or 20 times brighter than our entire Milky way galaxy collectively with all it` stars, there is a such magnetar 3.8 billion light years away from us.

                                                        RED GIANT IN ACTION

In my perspective invisible Dark-Matter is energy force bubbles that can expand trillion times over, to explain my perspective let’s consider how star transforms into red Giant, center portion sphere is the core of an star that is pure abbreviated Dark-Matter bubbles billion times more compressed that lead,  surrounded by electromagnetism Dark-Energy spinning over, top of that force there is the great volume of energy invisible Dark Matter bubbles, as soon so forth mass of Dark-Matter expends being less condensed the volume of sun expends into red giant by the reason of all levels of Dark-matter bubbles getting prolonged, next it come the moment where all surrounding Dark-Matter swiftly condense in very diminutive time, by this pressure core does not collapse when star detonate reaching into fast bang contrary to spinning Dark-Energy spinning flow star friction with collapsing Dark-Matter force detonate as supernovae, but center portion of collective dark-Matter core rests the way it was before with spinning Dark-energy spinning form remains as it was to keep the shape as neutron star quasars or like any other shiny form variety of pulsars.

  Close shot of the Sun revealers  trillion by trillion by trillions of macaroni shape cigar theory that I explained in this Blogs.

Cigar theory.

My scientific logical approach differs from other propositions regarding Sun energy activities. Dazzling blistering fiery loops that are called massive outburst of coronal ejections are generated by my Cigar theory that earlier described, electrified gas energy that released coming from beneath of sun flow of energy is also called stage of matter, any outburst of energy released as flares is the result of immense rivers of energy flow beneath the sun that I call them “Cigar” theory that are spreader disjointedly going spiral upward by big numbers separated from core portions of Dark-Matter surrounded by twisting energy of Dark-Energy that once a while snap on the surface of the sun, friction of Dark-Energy to Dark-Matter builds up vast amount of plasma that produces active regions or flares carried out “Cigar” theory to be released to space billion tons of plasma that continuously are spread through solar system. Released magnetism that exist on the son I described in my other post “Gravity” also in post “Earth” to explain logically how gravity works. 

My Cigar theory is also described as tango portion of Dark-Energy and Dark matter individual groups that have separate roles to be moved or directed inside the sun migrating all the way from north to south, some scientist believe those are plasma clouds and calling them Meridional flow,  this flow prolongs 62.000 miles below the solar surface, in my perspectives Meridional flows are Tango flow separated smaller core of Dark-Matter that have Dark-Energy spinning around this core as conveyer belts mixed with plasma helium and hydrogen atoms, its circulation rout is deridional circulation structure that repeats same behavior every 11 year. Like streamline magnetic fields are directed to show Sun`s changing characteristic behavior by magnetic field changes and 11 years suns cycle. Helioseismic magnetic images (HMI) NASA`s solar Dynamic movements already can register movements beneath the surface of our Earth same on Sun’s surface and beneath 100000 deep beneath Suns surface registering magnetic and flare activities measuring the cycle of sun`s interior to register how suns magnetic field reset every 11 years. In my energy all basic forces that are divided and forms other atoms and particles are based on this two forces Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter, Instead labeling this Grand force “Dynamic” scientist use the phrase “Dark” comparison to gigantic knowledge by colossal knowledge in our Universe, matching what knowledge humans have, yes we still are in Dark-Ages.

Dwarf stars

As I described center of every star is invisible Dark-Matter, as a star get red giant, later on older to explode as supernova, the pressure around the core Dark-Matter add pressure masses over the core, with great gravitational force that can bend near by light rays, depending the force pressure core reacts as red dwarf or brown depending how little volume of Dark-Energy is covering the dwarf, coolest state is black dwarf, when  Dynamic -Energy totally  left the dwarf, if a small amount of Dark-Energy still surrounds the core Dark-Matter, it give the image of white dwarf. We will have pulsars if separated mass of ball shape Dark-Energy is spinning around the dwarf. Other quasars and other form of stars form depending how much volume they contain Dark-Energy and Dark Matter in what positions.

Solar storms images, weather events can explain burst of Dark-Energy and Matter from the Sun with the flares then they show their own complex stile structure in gravitational stance and return back into the Sun. During big solar storms on atmosphere of the Sun instead of wing electrical force flow can swept like wind unleashed winds and whip out large portion from the surface usually over the topside corona and move all solar material from the exterior section and because underneath that is Dark-Matter bubbles that remain as crust of the Sun, once a while it can be seen open corona on our Sun after this sort of process that will not affect complete form of the Sun it will be temporary dark "Umbra" on certain part and later solar material elements "Penumbra" and "Granule"will move back over the dark stops Keeping the Sun layers photosphere shape as before same look of Chromosphere will remain all the way down to Transition region.

Dark-Matter can be condensed or scattered depending surrounding pressure, when it is scattered in unperturbed space it can be react as weakly interacting hypothetical particles or WIMPs though they are invisible sound signal frequencies they generate interactions to weak force or gravity. Variation of sound command can go to different levels; from far away in the middle of milky Galaxy we might receive signals from them as much as 110 GeV to 130 GeV. Dark-Matter is invisible and inactive only after being close to D.E become visible, start to operate when adjacent to Electromagnetism or Dark-Energy that is 10^42 times stronger than Dark-Matter by active spin of electrons. Scientist might consider WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles, in my perspective entire Dark-Matter particles in any state are combination of one force field connected and have intelligence however invisible, opposite to this energy is Dark-Energy covering entire Universe react as electromagnetism and electrons have one individual own intelligence and personality, yet invisible.

Dark Matter can shrink or spread by means of great numbers of invisible bubbles that will halt light to penetrate, sometimes they will excessively conceals stars or clusters of stars, if Dark Energy composition  absence only Dark-Matter core remains star remaining plus if other Dark-Matter bubbles add on this volume it will appear that something gobbled it from our side, sometimes clusters of stars might vanishing, in reality they keep same position only composition of Dark-Energy is missing from its lump that was an star.

I will explain in other chapters in this Blogs, so like a quantity of pulsars, but in the end before super nova explosion it will remain only one Pulsar in the center of a star. Other portions of Dark-Matter that are not connected to Dark-Energy scattered under the crust of the Sun in many layers on layers of honey comb shape umbrellas to reduce the heat coming from core of the Sun that flows out. Limited penetration in certain notch of saturation of D.E into D.M continually will produce new hydrogen Atoms and also produce very strange sounds that is been considered but most of the sound is in low octave sound frequencies that stars can communicate with each other and with planets and moons. Conversely separation D.E from D.M pulsar state, D.M combine in core area, D.E gain distance from D.M notch of saturation on the core that is packed D.M spheres, circling 11 times a second, on each sphere to act as large pulsars.

Some scientist learned last 100 years the idea that the core of our Earth and all stars is condense elements like iron or lead even when imaging of our core show liquid material in Center. Only Dark-Matter effect can show liquid mass because D.E is more condense than lead and iron. In case of star collapsing heaviest material D.M is already in the center of the star and surrounding on top all the rest of Dark-Matter bubbles collapse to center and elements fusion reach to Iron Gold and Uranium, all atoms are released leaving only center Dark-Matter core spinning by Dark-Energy completing the pulsar. Condensed enthralling spiral structure inside the star will appear by expansion by the density of surrounding mass around the core pulsar inside the star,

Every star contains one pulsar with D.M center, spinning around by D.E inside covered by another multiple numbers of D.M surrounding D.E. Coronal ejected from the Sun are Neutrinos solar flare with cosmic substances neon, Helium, Lithium and plasma,

The center core of Our earth is made of pure Dark-Matter that contains intelligence to release sound measures and elements will analyses that into movement directive to be connected to inertia field and move accordingly as gravity effect, for many years scientist sense the sounds coming from deep Earth as oscillations waves called “Hum” involved in patches of rock moving up and down, during time those oscillation.

How does Sun sounds like?

On planet Earth sounds travels by vibration in the open space that is full of elements of Oxygen hydrogen nitrogen water molecules and many other atoms in the air we breathe but in space it is vacuum state that will not help sound travel as we feel on this planet. Inside space light can travel and many other rays also energies beside that frequency sound wavelengths travel with no problem. Human hearing is limited and can hear only between 20-20.000 Hz. Sun frequencies go higher and also lower than our capability of hearing in vibration tone reactions. NASA was able to record deep vibration sound of the sun that is like human humming voice “AUM” or “AAUUMMMmmm” Ancient Hindu religion customs are used same local voices in their ceremonies 6 BC years ago until now. Some connect their knowledge introducing same sound humming that Hindus sense Universal consciousness and they heard it with that connection, this is different than my perspective, I believe that there are supernatural beings as we call them Angels that is my other post “Angels” they can communicate with people and mimicked the sound of sun to certain people who repeat it in certain ceremonies, because Angels can travel inside Universe and can hear all other sounds that rest of the planets stars release sounds to communicate with each other as I described in my other posts, form change into coarsely ring figure waves, course rumbles was below limits of human hearing sequence that is called (Earth`s Hum) but lately starting December 2011 this effect changed and getting stronger in January 2012 and continuing into human level of hearing mysterious sounds. Some scientist call it “Tweeks” or “Sferics” or “Whisters” many people experienced January 2012 people experienced in Scotland, Manitoba Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, UK. Ireland, Brazil, Costa Rica. 2012 February, Lebanon, Missoula Montana, adding on that big numbers of black fish birds falling dead from sky, some black bird invasions, turtle’s dolphins dying without any logical reasons. Unexplained bright lights in the sky. Unusual numbers of hurricanes solar wind and earthquakes and unusual explosions and tornadoes on the surface of the Sun. So we experiencing strange sounds from Arizona to England, we use to notice a source of radio waves frequencies coming from Center of the Earth, Sun also generates sound waves that help to guide surrounding planet to synchronize in the flow of Solar system gravity arrangement of rotation though they all are moving fast forward direction still rotate under guidance of some sort of energy that I call it Universal sound frequencies harmony spinning directive. Any matter in Universe is naturally in trajectory guidance of spinning directive all-stars planets moons and even DNA on Earth. So in my clarification Trajectory motion of gravity or any movement is connection to inertia that is guided by Universal sound frequency harmony that is connected by vibration sound frequencies all around in the Universe as one body of mass. That`s why we have collaborative atmosphere on Earth and Harmony in the Universe..

Atoms stars planets and galaxies communicate each other by sound wave low octave sound wave frequencies, if we have to listen our Sun singing we can’t hear through our limited range human ears with special tools like SOHO spacecraft there are possibilities to record all sound waves vibrations speeding up sound wave frequencies few dozens of 10 million echo resonance then we might hear, Heliophysice use special calculation to determine sound tone vibrations, how does Sun sing or communicate with other neighboring planets and stars, not only planets stars and galaxies release sound frequencies they each receive messages from each other that is implicit by each other. All atoms and other form of mass can distinguish the position and location of other heavenly body through wave vibration.

Water is made of two hydrogen one oxygen in my other chapters I explained protons are Dark-Matter  bubbles and have gravitational directives to their surrounding in bonding principle also it is capable to guide vortex shapes as loops in many shapes as elongated hydrofoils because the surrounding electrons also have their additional guidance in changing configurations of shapes that that can be developed either in small portion of water or giant form explosions flares over the Sun apply same guiding process by Dark-Matter bubbles and Dark-Energy force explained in subject “Our Sun” environment of gas bubbles and water with electricity that are active hydrofoil wings can show vortex loops elongated and circulated movements colliding into charging configuration like we see on the flare loops over the Sun, always energy acceleration force to develop according the volume of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy, these energies have their own mind or wisdom to untie itself because they carry intelligence to act and develop structures or break into shards. If we try to freezing water it will be only freezing vapor molecules, clouds. Always snowflakes have its peculiar shape, brings out angles textures and color, start to branches sprout, something organize to form cones it give variety shapes basal facets, Snowflakes branching have principle order to apply the twisted hydrofoils endorsement comes from electron variation sound infrastructures frequencies, electrons contain other sorts of life forms from their basic starting electromagnetism Dark-Energy, some call this unfamiliar force on Earth that makes unidentified order they call it Mother Nature, in my imperfect human approach I link all this to the energy force that is design in all electrons that we are collection of this forces and retain protons in order for 12 billion years, that’s the lifespan of the Atoms. All patterns are kept intact and can be received information from it if we can have the possibilities someday in far future. In my perspective all atoms are other forms of living things including planets stars and Galaxies

Size of Dark-Matter are varies so small as portion of proton in the Atoms. Invisible energy Proton center core mass has similarity of pomegranate fruit pushing each other condense bubble kernels or pips, when the volume grows bigger large round mass of pomegranate fruit shape balls combine in same principle as the small one, same principle continues to add up to be larger mass. These big bubbles combine underneath the Sun surface to lower the temperature. Those are extreme portions of protons or Dark-Matter, once a while we notice escape from the Sun in million miles wide diameter. D.M can go even larger by combining into other D.M, the way stars combine and join to be Galaxies then clusters then local groups, still Dark-Matter keep the shape of large invisible bubbles, some are as big that they operate as Black-Hole, when you notice other stars bigger than billion times than our Sun will prove how vast and gigantic combined Dark-Matter bubbles are in some locations in the Universe.

Some of the Sun flares are combined with magnetic filaments about 200.000 miles in lengths. Sometimes these filaments can be seen over the sun dark meandering clouds across the sun keeping their form for several weeks as twisted line across, as we know flares and showing that contain other form of material than regular flares filaments by different wavelengths vibrating across the surface that are not same material as solar flares.

Sometime Sun releases extreme solar weather that reach the earth bringing electric current that come  to sit the ground level on Earth it don’t stay one location but move to other areas, depending the bedrock density and water volume makes great difference disturbing also magnetic fields opposing Earth natural magnetic covalent bonding sound frequencies and can start power grids, this disorder move about one meter in ground level and conflict the other harmonious energy field that is imbedded in our soil ground, as much bigger sun spots can be seen on Sun that much we should have expectation that will bring more intensive solar blackouts on Earth.

Sunspots can be predicted, said solar and Hemispheric Observatory SOHO NASA/ESA spacecraft. Sunspots appear, linked to sound wave Anomalies. Now they can measure and predict when the spots will show. The faster-moving acoustic signals were detected down to depth of nearly 40.000 miles, speed between 4 miles a second, emerge on the solar surface a day or two later. It goes parallel with my explanations. Also Feb 15 2012 article in the Journal nature back up my theory by Felix Aharonian of the Dublin instate for advance studies in Ireland, Aharonian said “Pulsar at the center of the crab Nebula researchers of VERITAS telescope array have discovered of high-Energy gamma rays coming from this object, energy came not from the pulsar but from the wind said Aharonian. My viewpoint this Electromagnetic field Dark-Energy don’t need from other force to be transferred. It goes like wind flows it is Dark-Energy and same Electromagnetism is D.E. This is backing my theory. When Dark-Energy moves and takes speed it forms into electromagnetism. Observed by Solar Dynamic observatory like the Fermi Gama-Ray space telescopes detected some dramatic increase of solar gamma-Rays output, in my perspective these is by Dark-Energy forces that released and later return back to its position by its own magnetic activity field.

Mysterious giant black cubes inside the moon and over the Sun

As technology getting more advanced to penetrate in scientific range, knowledge is having more expansion. Knowledge is getting bigger like the Universe. Recently NASA`s Grail mission registering entire continent of the Moon, Grail recordings show giant rectangle-shaped solid shell giant square structure beneath moon’s surface layer 29 miles deep, that is composed of Uranium 236 Titanium Mica Neptunium 237 those elements don’t exist on other locations inside the moon except only in giant square hidden structure under the moon, this structure is large almost 2/5 th, the size of the Moon. Of course also it shows a hallow space in the center of the Moon.

This is not the first time where giant black cube was mentioned in our solar system, on many occasions Heliospheric observatory observing mysterious giant black cubes over the Sun`s vicinity, it was spotted by SOHO EIT 284 in 2011 also in 1995 also in May 5 2012 the Giant black cube might be made from the same material that is hidden inside the moon that have to be explained, because it is too much complex and unimaginable from reality NASA is not reporting additional inquire about spotted Giant black cube that is playing hide and seek with us.

Any moment Sun can show other form of geometrical objects on top or on its side that will look strange some can be very huge, still we don’t know much about the Sun, in my perspective Sun is a intelligent life force different than biological living thing, Sun releases Jovian chorus or whistles to communicate in solar system and in entire Universe. Auroras  bow shocks solar winds radiation belts energetic codes that travel similar to radio waves but they contain gravitational magnetic rings, in any moment when Sun gear up for new declaration it can release IMF rings that are massive to declare new directives to its surrounding planets and matter, those are different than solar flares but can effect on Heliospheric current procedures, all high and low octave frequencies are based on sound wave tones that are codes to communicate between atoms and all other forms of large masses, as soon Sun reverse its axes from north to south pole it will declare by massive IMF rings.

The rhythmic changes starting from separated movement of bubbles in the core, because even Dark-Matter bubbles have same charging values but also have differentiation of individuality magnetic positions, when rotate the effect position will be sensed by tumultuous magnetic activity changes every 11 year-long Solar cycles. Probably you are noticing Our Sun getting more active by long light Filaments this last two years reaching into Solar Maximum heat degree, that will impact more energy to Earth`s magnetosphere more aurora will be visible in greater distances. It seems somehow 11 year solar period continuing into 22 years solar epoch. According my observance by reading latitude diagram of radial component that is effected by solar magnetic field that is generated by sound frequency waves that (you see the small version here when people vibrate a disk filled speeded sand, sound frequency changes force the sand to comprehensive different diagrams) So internal motion of our Sun the volume of Dark-Matter core and Spinning Dark-Energy electromagnetism internal spin motion guides magnetic activities inside releasing on surface torsional oscillation. In the field of sound you can find l magnetic properties that can activate other location, low octave sound frequencies contain vibrational waves that can transfer energy from on point to other locations, all in different levels of sound variations and variety of sound effects. In those changes the melted carpet on the surface of the sun have no defense energy to keep all the inside pressure to be released but many layers of invisible cool Dark-Matter Bubbles will do the job keeping all the tension explosion grab it in preventing to reach self-destruct level. Latest dramatic transformation on Jupiter. Saturn and Earth is done by guidelines in low octave sound frequency waves from Our Sun excess bustle in the middle section, comparing to Jupiter less current atmospheric changes we will experience soon on Earth by unusual hurricanes and more powerful thunderstorms because our solar system is directed by signals from the Sun. Some solar flares produce 4 Billion electron volts on Sun, they also contain sound frequency waves that are messages to other planets adjusting, regular period of activity of weather changes happen on Saturnian year is Earthly 29 ½ years. New thunderstorms on Saturn erupt on Saturn look great white spot a massive storm 6.200 miles wide(Wider than our Earth) Our Sun have cycle of 11 years that cycle extended probably to 22 and Saturn`s intensity storm started 10 years before its regular timing that is noticeable now and very serious because new storms on Saturn is parallel with Unusual nasty hurricane and winter storms that forecasters are calling Franken storm, of course forecasters can predict the direction of storms five days ahead, But Our Sun give the beginning directives that started Dec 2010, Solar Flares are the signal Baton of Director conductor, in signals in our planet solar system.

Some scientist learned last 100 years the idea that the core of our Earth and all stars is condense elements like iron or lead even when imaging of our core show liquid material in Centre. Only Dark-Matter effect can show liquid mass because D.E is more condense than lead and iron. In case of star collapsing heaviest material D.M is already in the center of the star and surrounding on top all the rest of Dark-Matter bubbles collapse to center and elements fusion reach to Iron Gold and Uranium, all atoms are released leaving only center Dark-Matter core spinning by Dark-Energy completing the pulsar. Condensed enthralling spiral structure inside the star will appear by expansion by the density of surrounding mass around the core pulsar inside the star,

Every star contains one pulsar with D.M center, spinning around by D.E inside covered by another multiple numbers of D.M surrounding D.E. Coronal ejected from the Sun are Neutrinos solar flare with cosmic substances neon, Helium, Lithium and plasma,

The center core of Our earth is made of pure Dark-Matter that contains intelligence to release sound measures and elements will analyses that into movement directive to be connected to inertia field and move accordingly as gravity effect, for many years scientist sense the sounds coming from deep Earth as oscillations waves called “Hum” involved in patches of rock moving up and down.

During time those oscillation form change into coarsely ring figure waves, course rumbles was below limits of human hearing sequence that is called (Earth`s Hum) but lately starting December 2011 this effect changed and getting stronger in January 2012 and continuing into human level of hearing mysterious sounds. Some scientist call it “Tweeks” or “Sferics” or “Whisters” many people experienced January 2012 people experienced in Scotland, Manitoba Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, UK. Ireland, Brazil, Costa Rica. 2012 February, Lebanon, Missoula Montana, adding on that big numbers of black fish birds falling dead from sky, some black bird invasions, turtle’s dolphins dying without any logical reasons. Unexplained bright lights in the sky. Unusual numbers of hurricanes solar wind and earthquakes and unusual explosions and tornadoes on the surface of the Sun. So we experiencing strange sounds from Arizona to England, we use to notice a source of radio waves frequencies coming from Center of the Earth, Sun also generates sound waves that help to guide surrounding planet to synchronize in the flow of Solar system gravity arrangement of rotation though they all are moving fast forward direction still rotate under guidance of some sort of energy that I call it Universal sound frequencies harmony spinning directive. Any matter in Universe is naturally in trajectory guidance of spinning directive all-stars planets moons and even DNA on Earth. So in my clarification Trajectory motion of gravity or any movement is connection to inertia that is guided by Universal sound frequency harmony that is connected by vibration sound frequencies all around in the Universe as one body of mass.

Size of Dark-Matter are varies so small as portion of proton in the Atoms. Invisible energy Proton center core mass has similarity of pomegranate fruit pushing each other condense bubble kernels or pips, when the volume grows bigger large round mass of pomegranate fruit shape balls combine in same principle as the small one, same principle continues to add up to be larger mass. These big bubbles combine underneath the Sun surface to lower the temperature. Those are extreme portions of protons or Dark-Matter, once a while we notice escape from the Sun in million miles wide diameter. D.M can go even larger by combining into other D.M, the way stars combine and join to be Galaxies then clusters then local groups, still Dark-Matter keep the shape of large invisible bubbles, some are as big that they operate as Black-Hole, when you notice other stars bigger than billion times than our Sun will prove how vast and gigantic combined Dark-Matter bubbles are in some locations in the Universe.
Sunspots "Umbra" can be predicted, said solar and Heliosphere Observatory SOHO NASA/ESA spacecraft. Sunspots appear, linked to sound wave Anomalies. Now they can measure and predict when the spots will show. The faster-moving acoustic signals were detected down to depth of nearly 40.000 miles, speed between 4 miles a second, emerge on the solar surface a day or two later. It goes parallel with my explanations. Also Feb 15 2012 article in the Journal nature back up my theory by Felix Aharonian of the Dublin instate for advance studies in Ireland, Aharonian said “Pulsar at the center of the crab Nebula researchers of veritas telescope array have discovered of high-Energy gamma rays coming from this object, energy came not from the pulsar but from the wind said Aharonian. My viewpoint this Electromagnetic field Dark-Energy don’t need from other force to be transferred. It goes like wind flows it is Dark-Energy and same Electromagnetism is D.E. This is backing my theory. When Dark-Energy moves and takes speed it forms into electromagnetism. Observed by Solar Dynamic observatory like the Fermi Gama-Ray space telescopes detected some dramatic increase of solar gamma-Rays output, in my perspective these is by Dark-Energy forces that released and later return back to its position by its own magnetic activity  field.

                                                     PULSARS AND NEUTRON STARS

In supernova exploding stars releases gargantuan amount of energy that exceeds the energy of  any star fusion acceleration level become overwhelming and new variety of rare atom are produce so process shock waves accelerate protons return to their original state of Dark-matter bubbles and electromagnetic electrons return to their original state releasing cosmic rays Gamma-rays some call the proton dismantling Fermi acceleration but in my conception protons don’t disintegrate continue to unknot the cluster bubbles into separate smaller fragment bubbles. Only Dark-Energy releases cosmic rays and X-Rays in massive atomic dismantlement Dark-Matter remain matter electrical charges from electrons release wide variety electrical particles as light and other sort of cosmic rays that are originated from Dark-Energy, in my perceptive also anti matter is just aftermath contrasting spin of electrons on atoms that can be changed rotation direction in reverse.

As I described made all matter basic is Dark-Matter bubbles how much they can be condensed or scatter thin is far from human understanding Dark matter can be 350 trillion times as dance as lead that we can sense it is contained in Neutron stars, when Dark matter is in Neutron form also releases gravity field order 100 trillion times stronger than Earth’s gravitational field, anywhere cold Dark Matter stay of course equal balance super-hot Dark-Energy can follow to struggle in opposite electromagnetic flow and spin over core D.M recording 100 times more heat than our Sun, all rest of other forms of unusual Magnetars, pulsars and neutron stars indication their substantial forms in corresponding equating volume of Dark Energy and matter. Single Neutron stars has 2 billion times stronger gravitational force than planet Earth.

Regarding some scientist viewpoint they describe that pulsars is the remnant of exploding stat or Super Nova. In my perspective pulsar already exist in star even from beginning of its existence of the star, that’s how it is formed, as I explained before Dark-Energy when move in speed become Electromagnetism, when crash into Dark-Matter clusters of bubbles, immerge in and start to swirl over portion of Dark-Matter splitting as core, spinning force is natural action of Dark-Matter that small portions serve as electrons, so they are born with spin characteristics that become wedged to center core. If we consider spinning Dark-Energy gyration after Super Nova, it will not make any sense, the rotation is there before anything and this principle theory exist in all Universes atoms, Black Holes, Pulsars, Neutron stars and everything is spinning characteristics also they all communicate by electromagnetic vibrations all together virtual vacuum Universe . So in conclusion gravitational collapse before Super Nova explosion will not remain Neutron Star, will not start spectra flow of electromagnetism over Pulsar, that still containing core of Dark-Matter and was not affected by the great explosion, regarding the rotation of electromagnetism over Dark-Matter core can verify as the mass size of the core, starting with pulsar when gradually bubbles of Dark-Matter divide to tinier bubbles dispersion from the core, variation in volume of the core and categorize the Neutrino from Pulsar, as the core start to shrink the electromagnetic spin exceeds faster observation of spectra get intensely.

Pulsars appear to pulse. Centre part core of pulsar is pure Dark-Matter its density can vary and change spontaneously depending surrounding spin of Dark-Energy, in other subject I described that each one have intelligence and personality, for example pulsar PSR B0943+10 that is located 3.000 light years from Earth show same character personality, Dark-Matter release radio waves but Dark-Energy releases X-rays, as soon the spin activity overpower the density on the core switching into more Radio waves that are released, as soon it weakens and electromagnetism s that is Dark-Energy spin faster more X-rays are released, this spontaneously switching are noticed by flipping personality of D.E and D.M

All stars and planets have geomagnetic field, our Earth contains 30 to 60 microteslas, strongest geomagnetic field effects can be seen on Magnetar Neutron stars that continuously release radiation, X-Rays and gamma rays, any small friction of earthquake on its surface might release 1000 trillion times stronger than our Sun for example scientist felt 2000 ergs energy blast effect on magnetar 1806-20 50 trillion times than our Sun un the same period. The strongest force is Dynamic-Energy, in our Universe is Dark-Energy all galaxies with their stars and planets contain, all magnetic forces are generated by commands in low or high octave sound frequencies released by D.E and D.M to attach all particles into Universal quantum time location pin points inertia covalent bonding process that still is not proven yet but in my perspective and logic only such a force can function to mechanize gravity in entire Universe

So first state of Dark-Matter is scattered bubbles that are not condensed, as soon as Dark-Energy go through large cloud of Dark-Matter giant and stay in center section of the matter start to spin on portion surrounding Dark-Matter it becomes core and form into star it don’t have a internal structure because Dark-Matter is invisible bubbles in bubbles like the description Russian toy I gave in the beginning of “Our Sun” post, this center position is a Neutron star hidden inside all-stars, by processing first element hydrogen it generates nuclear fusion into other elements, when star expends into red giant and claps it makes no any effect on neutron core, only by losing other field of Dark-Matter that was surrounding spinning Dark-Energy the core of the new form neutron get denser by faster spinning excess pressure of Dark-Energy and neutrino hidden star on open now becomes Quark star by getting denser by faster spinning of surrounding Dark-Energy that is helix condensed lightweight particles as light, as I described earlier by additional pressure from D.E. Dark-Matter can change its dense form to more denser state  becoming constituent quark, when the time comes to make faster spinning supernatural state quark becomes a black hole always having no any internal structure in all form of core and later as neutron star, quark and latest black hole.

Physicists keeping in record many stars that are millions times larger than our Sun also they found  stars that are smaller than our Sun. Regarding gravitational pulses magnetars that are from pulsar family and very rare have trillion times stronger than Earth`s gravitational waves, some are suspecting that magnetars formed after large supernova explosions, in my conclusion depending condensed volume of Dark-Matter and resistance confrontation with large field of Dark-Energy is the result of exceed force field of gravitational impulses that pulsars quasars and others have but yet they cannot reach the level of Black hole gravitational flow.

In my theoretic perspective core of every planet star or atoms are bubbles of Dark-Matter, let’s consider an atom core that we call is made of protons, they are cluster of invisible bubbles of Dark-Matter, in hydrogen atoms they remain in standard density form that is 15 times more dense than lead but any moment any individual bubble or more can change their compact level of condensed stronger each bubble portion does not keep standard density and can change in any flop moment of strong smash as they might experience in “Cern” continuously Cern technology is discovering new particles by smashing atoms for example recently they found Z(4430) and also new theoretical particle such as tetraquark also hexaquarks, in my perspective protons can change any explosion into more dense mass, all this new strong forces are same classification Dark-Matter that changes its density qualifications to harder stage, inside the Universe all other denser stars such as hypothetical Neutron stars or Quark stars Quasars and so on are made in same composition of invisible Dark Matter except in different stage of density realm that surrounding them with Dark-Energy spin.

Humming sound are not from big bang they come from wide-ranging combined sound of frequencies released by entire galaxies and atoms communication effect, because life exist in D.M and D.E atoms contain portions from this force fields that have intelligence behavior, all basic mathematical patterns are embedded in this forces that arrange forming rocks and matter inside Earths system, you can find additional data in my post “Atoms are other forms of living things” sound frequencies that are release from stars Neutron stars Quarks pulsars and all other formalities release mathematical pattern radio burst, some very week others very strong dispersion measures, some have very strange or peculiar mathematical patterns by following Universal language that atoms and galaxies use in their communicational frequency wavelengths, all scientific discoveries that was found are based on originality wisdom that revolves all matter in cosmos, we just unstated some and still have a long way to recognize completely the entire enigmatic lurk of Universe.

My limited conclusion is that every star contains a pulsar in the center that is combination of Dark-Matter core and spinning around Dark-Energy force, as intense the speed goes around the brightness exceeds, main light inside a star is the hidden pulsar that functions continuous till nova explosion reveals its center pulsar formation, a dead star might reveal that can have 10 million times more light than our star if excess material are pealed from the dead star, no matter what speed and form main ingredient for stars and atoms are D.E and D.M


All other forms of stars like neutron stars Quasars are from different volume comparison of Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, for example super Nova explosion release great energy of light but for limited time only on the other hand Quasars are the most continuous bright light in the Universe plus quasi-stellar are radio source, scientist measure quasars spectrum their light by red shift, it will be noticeable their speed and distances, they travel almost close to light speed 80% if we comparable light released by entire milky Galaxy one quasar can release 100 times more light energy, as I described how our Sun has an Quasar in its center but large mass of Dark-Matter also covers the entire sphere so light can be blocked to be released fully, all other star mechanism in neutron stars or quasars and black holes are their variation balance differences between Dark-Matter an Dark-Energy combination spinning gyrating where Dark-Energy as electromagnetism have speeding possibility to release its helixes contravention multiplying in countless volume where helix's break into light neutrinos and other smaller electronic particles assorted by radio waves.

Short term of letter Quasars is Quasi-stellar radio source, known as active galactic Nuclei (AGN) Most of quasars can be found in the middle section of the galaxy, to explain how they form is based on individual perspectives of the scientist mixed with philosophical imagine descriptions, everything we know is based according to what we know on this planet considering periodical table that we have, not considering how vast is the universe how tiny fragment of the Universe we are familiar to, some scientist try to connect quasars to energy emission from spinning of accretion of black holes that vertically twist to form white holes worm holes you name it, imagination has no limitations. In  other pages I described black holes are annihilation of matter sending back into their original form of pure two from of energy Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Human knowledge can`t describe fully how Quasars have formed, no matter what basically everything we see inside the Universe are formed by combination of Dark Energy and Matter, in logical sense proof from the researches Dark Matter don`t shine but Dark Energy does shine and release light photons, if quasars shoot out columns of astrophysical cosmic jets to every direction the only candidate for that sort of energy is condensed Dark-Energy, all electrons are released when Dark-Energy transforms into electron particles, as Dark Matter supernatural intelligent transform into proton matter to compress with unlimited to expand or concentrate that have no precise theoretical explanations and are not compromised by human intelligence capacity, similar to supernatural Dark Matter extend compress abbreviation that is explained in my other post (The Earth)  

My perspective Cosmos is controlled by Dark Energy Universal quantum flow in time zone field all rotational movements are controlled on quasars to be synchronized space-time that show aligned rotational axes rhythmic motion they move like one body though in far distance separate locations, somehow gravitational lensing are aligned precisely, according to their extends of balanced portion with Dark Energy and Dark Matter combined spheres as pulsars and neutron stars they all fall in their individuality groups categories to spin in aligned precision by space-time flow according to their dense dimensions. 

Dark-Matter or Dark-Energy is only a theory and has not been proven completely since 70 years as premature equation but the scientist go inside the atoms jump over parallel Universes and swim inside wormholes to check around all based on logic not by equations. Thousand years ago when Greek introduced Atom, they could not see it by magnification. This last 5 hundred years people did not know what is radio television waves or MRI Gamma ray sand many other effects we know now. Only by logic we can grasp the values that tools are not available yet to analyze. Matter exist may billion years ago our so called advance civilization don’t look that advance yet so first we ponder to consider in logical sense to have ambition to go after knowing more by more advance sensitive tools to analyze our surroundings Atoms are combination of two invisible energy matters D.E when steady state that is Dark-Energy 73% energy field in the universe can turn into electromagnetism when in moving action later small portion monofilament’s of these cable force field can be used as electrons when electrons divide they release 100 million helix spiral light lines after helix destructed it turns into neutrinos later returning into its original form of Dar-Energy. Meeting with another matter force individually electrons in action joining or surrounding with opposite force of D.M protons that are portions of Dark-Matter combine into hydrogen atom in my “Krikor” theory D.E+D.M= H only D.M have mass, Dark-Matter exist 23% of the Universe each are billion miles wide bubbles, invisible but very condense 15 times more than lead, if those bubble divided into trillion and trillion times smaller they always keep their bubbly shape kernels clusters, even when become small portion to develop into proton, similar shape of very tiny fruit of pomegranate tight clusters of specks, one ball of proton surrounded by one cable of electron that whiz around to develop one hydrogen Atom that have no neutron, Every time by lost numbers of helix that lost control from the electron cable fall in an join to eight pips from the pomegranate proton develop into new neutron, certain balanced force electrolyzes of these two matters keep a nucleus in balance of no charge other numbers, Other numbers of particles of helix joining other numbers of pips form other particles inside the atom, this new formed particle group’s act according to subatomic values give different effects six flavors settled in quarks form inside atoms, they are called. Up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom. Those quarks divided also into two as their beginning material energy force D.E and D.M that is balanced always in two groups, like D.M protons contain two “up” flavored quarks. But negative D.E electrons divided portions of helix neutron quarks carry two “downs and one “up and one “down” Always more portion balanced particles have mass, electron parts have almost no mass. Those portions are evaluated and registered in Large Hadron collider (LHC) but the result is when they are shattered not when they are operative because when they are broken nothing will show except gravitational registrations, at atoms destructive event most electrons that are descent of Dark-Energy vaporize because shattered neutrinos also annihilate by it returning to original form of Dark-Energy that is invisible force field. So for me we don’t have real standard model to penetrate and divide portions and particles of six flavors inside Atom mechanism their operative method is interrupted by a smash. Atom is the same sphere round ball in all categories nothing comes from outside to changed character, by fusion using Dark-Energies smaller portions of electron helix coils renovated particles to add portions from center core Proton clusters of Dark-Matter combining into new particles inside atom at the main time separating helix's from electrons to spin additional divided portions of electrons giving new principles of transformed bonding or covalent bonding.

Hydrogen atoms are developed inside the stars you can read the article our Sun in this blogs where I explain my theories that Sun is made of combination Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter. Inside generating greater, turbulence spins Dark-Matter electromagnetism rotating around the core of Dark-Matter while also, revolving reel on itself creating tremendous turbulence. Motion is like rapping a cigar roll. That’s how hydrogen atoms are formed, all hydrogen in the Universe is formed by this precision after that fusion forms, nothing from outside comes to change the personality of atom to other element except heat and pressure provisions supplied when electron cables lose some of their helix to send into space of atom inside to mix with some of cores from Dark-Matter proton clusters and combine into new particles, their variation showing electric field effect depending how much of D.E or D.M is combined into the new formality particles.

Scientist analyzed atoms figuratively calling names giving like colors or spices giving names to particles inside the Atoms, some particles are called Red down quarks, others Green up quarks others Blue down quarks. Other particles called group particles Hyperons Baryons Hadrons Nucleons bosons, then you have Antiparticles Fermions, Other group is called Mesons Hadrons Leptons also antiparticles of Bosons and Fermions and Photons as boson particles, each have different group of charge and mass. In my theory always Protons that are chunk of Dark-Matter contain Positive energy, portions of this matter join and combine with electrons helix negative force that are hunk of Dark-Energy. Uneven portions and quantity of opposite volume portions combine inside Atoms and form variety of particles inside Atoms. In my theory electron cables that contain big numbers of helix strands, they might be able to separate breakdown to smaller filaments, shorter ones can be serve as neutrinos. Always they carry some energy of Dark-Energy in their helix whirl. Those two energies produce electromagnetic force, only in combination to form nucleus's two forces are in balance of no charge.

Atoms produce peculiar low octave sound frequencies according to their periodical table and the total mass multiplies the tone, each atom has its describing statement in sound pattern, its age the exploiting permutation laying measures inside will take declaring its serial number by sound variation patterns assumed by other atoms in bonding process, each have also personality eccentricity that is stated by electrons to the surrounding demesne. Atoms have big space inside and echoes travel in low octave sound frequencies, let`s suppose that we are enlarging figure design of an atom into trillion times trillions continuously until that size of atom reaches into eleven floor building in height sphere shape, electrons are circling starting from ground level up to eleventh floor sphere circling down back to the ground level, after multiplying the size of proton according to the expansion to the size of the picture, proton will look the size of grain of sand, similar to sand shape size pomegranate fruit with many clusters of coronel bubbles that all are made of tiny Dark-Matter bubbles, comparing to protons even in this new measures mass of electron comparison to proton will be 1/1836 times smaller mass than hydrogen proton, though hydrogen has the largest size condense Dark-Matter in all atoms. Inside an atom is 99.9 % empty and hallows space around the protons underneath the sphere of electron.

Let`s consider a cluster of atom melted down with many variety of elements, then becoming a piece of metal, each element generating certain variation of low octave sound frequency in dissimilar note tones, cluster of gadgets that have their own melody, besides each atom has its own exploiting permutation laying measures of describing statement, so the sound are produced to combination in each millisecond or 1040 seconds or in one micro second condensing millions of notes of sound variations, then arrangements changing in variations into another group doublet, Triplets, Quartets, Sextets, and continuing in steps thousand levels, each have declarations in sound notes by variation musical notes that we first we can`t hear it, we don’t understand it without interpretations, even though our mind function in this level between cells to cell through synapse stimulus flash sound signals predispositions, somehow this information’s are translated to animals as we call it instinct, electrons carry knowledge that guide all sequencer regulations in atomic behavior to bond or repel transform in certain milieus to fusion, all steps relay program to controvert or consent. All directives are connected to Universal sound frequency harmony of communication by vibration and sound.

Protons are made of Dark-Matter, they are invisible have no precise shape or form. In massive volume they complete as a big bubble, fill up 23 % of the Universe D.M. Single particle of a Proton in the Atom can be also divided into over 1000 cluster kernels. By fusion first level for Atom to develop is hydrogen, combining one element of proton and one element of electron. The greatest volume of all atoms is hydrogen, it’s the first step production of elements by D.E and D.M is constant force, uniformly affecting the Universe and propelling its runaway expansion, pushing space apart. Invisible D.E produce Electrons, they are very small compare to protons 1/1836 that of the spin around the proton. Entire electrons cable do not smash to proton center, only few helix or single ones distract the circulation loose by a hit knock out from rest of electron cable separated filament go in to mix into single or numbers of proton pips. Marginal electric reaction from electron, burst into new specks of protons, add up more quantity of particles transform atom to other element. Electrons tightness pull surrounding protons produce frequencies of element combination individuality sound tones, by sound tone atom know who is his neighbor by covalent bond characterization joining together, also scientist use valence bon theory and ionic bonds. (According to S. Alexjander. Hydrogen sound tone is C to C # in a lower octave 324.8) Unfamiliar to our ears. First developed Atoms are hydrogen and without neutrons. After hydrogen completed, if fusion occurs inside tension of a star, one fraction of the electron go in the circle of electron and join into a fraction of the proton, proton surrounds the electron fraction inside an combines a neutron, when inside the hydrogen atom will exist one particle of proton one particle of neutron surrounded by two electrons, this condition is called Deuterium, when two Deuterium join together, or the process of hydrogen divides and produce new separate portions of neutron and electron and proton new pieces, like two pips protons two neutrons two electrons combination by fusion, atom will be called Helium. By fusion Hydrogen gain more spikes of particles, develop into helium. I heard a scientific joke once "Neutron drinking a glass of beer ask the bar tender how much? The answer was no charge" Neutron contains mixed equal electrical values of proton and electron balancing definition charge into (No charge) like the definition anode cathode as Diodes principle returning current forward and reverse direction continuously. Electrons are negative charge protons positive, neutrons are equal balance of D.E in the center and protons surround the fixed electron like taking the position of electron inside the spin of electron to form a new neutron. In reality D.M and D.E mixture provide new Quarks. All other atoms have more neutrons, number raises. Last stage proses, H, turn into carbon or iron by fusion. Heat does not penetrate in protons, except D.E or electrons; they can infiltrate only a coating level deep, only in certain notch of saturation. That’s how these two forces develop H, Atoms. Protons have unaffected degree of temperature, unchangeable in volume no matter what environment in, greatest volume of all atoms are hydrogen, because the proton still not divided to splinters Electrons are made of Dark-Energy (will be more proper to call Dynamic-Energy) they are invisible strings flow of energy represents 73 % of the Universe D.E. In massive volume like filament cloud, transparent clear Electrical structure D.E can piece hypothetical as cosmic strings; condensed qualification of electromagnetic forces. Small sequences can keep always dividing series without reaching to last splinters, at last can continue dividing to form light waves. The biggest task participates in Atoms and developing to large stars. Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter combine, each delivering, one particle of proton and one electron, hydrogen atoms form, Krikor theory DE+DM= H when more fraction of splinters get involved, in nuclei, the numbers add, by fusion, as the atomic numbers change and multiply, required number series electrons arrangement divide and add up circling on nuclei. Like a thread. Rope like twisted loop D.E flows in Plasma. They are like DNA (musical compositions concerts) information filaments. Plasma in Universe, are production of limited joined materialization D.E saturation with D.M. By percentage contain more Dark-Energy; contain electric current sequences, like a thread. Rope like, twisted loop D.E flows and saturated, they carry "blue print" of atoms particles and all value of chemical reaction principles musical tone-reaction by "Gabriel" determine physical characteristics or traits just like DNA Electrons are also contained in plasma. Plasma also act like DNA information filaments Solar wind, gravity and other gases are wave flares, leftover fusion specs from stars and supernova explosions. And by Black Hole disintegration of Atoms I will explain later on.

All normal particles are thought to have antimatter partner with the same mass but by opposite charge, where matter and antimatter meet. Already function change by Anode cathode, exist in nucleus but when greater opposite charges D.M with D.E particles they change position with electrons to annihilate each other. Antimatter divided, particle proton. They are spread around the Earth by connecting some sort of low gravity values generated by the core of Earth which is pure Dark-Matter. Electrons stay on the core like pulsar and keep surrounding continuously Interactions mislead balances, Anti proton held with proton with portion of electron, called the positron. Particles of protons change position with electrons to a Zener voltage. My concept, egg layer can be break at ease from inside out, there is enough stress build inside, D.E is surrounding D.M, has to work more intensely to retain shielded the positive magnetism. Forcefully surrounding proton center point, where D.M grain is located. Electron must work harder to keep pressure in the empty space, between proton and electron where the magnetic force statute, D.M can feel differences when combinations of alpha particles develops, new com-positional structure in the proton. Stable the opposition gravity by D.E forces, to condense gravity of D.M stay this position continuously for billions of years. Theories of scientist might be changed. Other scientist say (the field of quantum mechanics all fundamental forces are carried by particles, for instance. light is made up of massless particles called photons carry D.E ), Ruling force in the Universe is electromagnetic forces, they are D.E. Still some scientist elucidating creation started in Universe by gravity (the graviton is the theoretical particle that would carry the force of gravity, scientists have yet to detect gravitons which are tricky to find because they interact so weakly with matter)

Dark-Matter can be condensed or scattered depending surrounding pressure, when it is scattered in unperturbed space it can be react as weakly interacting hypothetical particles or WIMPs though they are invisible sound signal frequencies they generate interactions to weak force or gravity. Variation of sound command can go to different levels; from far away in the middle of milky Galaxy we might receive signals from them as much as 110 GeV to 130 GeV. Dark-Matter is invisible and inactive only after being close to D.E become visible, start to operate when adjacent to Electromagnetism or Dark-Energy that is 10^42 times stronger than Dark-Matter by active spin of electrons. Scientist might consider WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles, in my perspective entire Dark-Matter particles in any state are combination of one force field connected and have intelligence however invisible, opposite to this energy is Dark-Energy covering entire Universe react as electromagnetism and electrons have one individual own intelligence and personality, yet invisible. Matching Antimatter particle for example, hydrogen atom by mixing anti protons with positrons Anti-electrons-in a vacuum chamber. But the frequencies coming from pulsars, Black holes Dark-Matter and other stars have great influence on gravity by connecting to the frequencies of individual elements. I will discuss it later.

Flux transfer events (FTEs)

On many occasions I mentioned that the Sun is connected with the entire solar system and directs all planets and objects with magnetic sensitive rope like flow to connect each movement of the planets, it’s a communication some sort that is called “Umbilical cord that has twisted helical structure seems as magnetic field that also is called ”Flux transfer events” (FTEs) Mission of Cassini spacecraft that will end in 2017 already detecting this flux rope connection or events between Sun and Saturn Sun and Jupiter, as planets have farther distances from the Sun it is more difficult to detect, one thing for sure this rope like gravitational structures are 8300 Km wide in length and go all the way to reach the other planets inside the solar system including Earth`s magnetosphere. Hopefully in future they might discover that the Sun also is connected with the center of Milky Way Galaxy, in my other post “Gravity” I introduced that gravity also is the effect of sound frequency wavelengths that make each particle to be connected into universal time warping loop or fluctuation of vacuum energy warping.


Atoms have characterized associated jointed in action or relations to bond when developing to be partners in molecule formations, they do it in very organized procedure and regulations and they have patterned categories to bond. Between proton clusters and electrons are great gap some neutrons spin in different layers of circuit’s in that emptiness and obey to variety of low octave sound frequencies Instructive development, according to their instructed forms electrons give command to share or attract sometimes even show repulsive force to other atoms. Most of the time they share by strict regulations and principles in Covalent bonding, they have many variations regulations and interactions, there are Valence bond theory and other covalent bond varieties agnostic interactions. Three-center two-electron bonds and others. Though scientist call it as they call everything chemical bonding reaction. But someday they will recognize that all this bonding’s are done by sound tones as I mentioned before “Tone-Reaction” All this activities show that wisdom and knowledge and accuracies are adapted by certain kind of programming that atoms apply in communicating in low octave sound frequency tones, many varieties of covalent bonding still exist like metallic, non-covalent, covalent, Hydrogen, and many others, all this participation activity bring us more close to realize that atoms are living things,  it is very clear as soon flair reach out with plasma as eruptions it returns particles and elements are dragged back by gravitational force whirls back into Sun’s surface, greater of mass Dark-Matter covalent bonding excess the connection to loose elements cores protons to be activated to return back to the greater volume in the Sun.

All atoms combined represent field of gravity like bow shock of solar system or in galactic forms each planet or star contains radiation belt move very hard to notice, regarding Earth`s encircling belts you will find doughnut-shaped rings similar to black hole accretion disk around our planet this flow is generated by two poise forces, as I described in other articles core of the earth is made of positive energy Dark-Matter in variety of condense form inside the core D.M is hundred times more condensed than surrounding form of D.M that has the form of liquid they generate sound frequencies spontaneous way in physical process that always follow to guide all elements in our planet in covalent bonding sound frequency regulatory, sending into planet and its surrounding, wherever Dark-Matter exist her is surrounding balancing procedure by Dark-Energy that have negative energy doughnut shape radiation belt ring positive ions of high-Energy electrons that are Dark-Energy and they travel almost close to speed of light, this rings are two or more that surround the planet reaching from 1.000 to 50.000 kilometers overhead Earth`s atmosphere. Sun is 93 million miles away too far from this radiation belt but sun also have his own radiation belt that is also Dark-Energy mixed with high electron particle positive ions, as I described earlier in article “our Sun” center of Sun is pure Dark-Matter surrounded by spin of Dark-Energy that also is surrounded by grand volume of Dark-Matter as the sphere of the star. In same process those rings also have 3 levels in radiation belts, the belt that surrounds our planet the middle ring is not very clear to only briefly might appear once a while in many years, always radiation belt contains negative ions as Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter always contain positive force field. Earth follows in fast orbit 108.000 Km/h. Our planet spin 940 million Kilometer during each orbit, during entire trip, when Earth is far from Sun it is called “Aphelion” in early July, when Earth is closest to Sun during “perihelion” some that happens every January energetic positive ions can be exchange with Sun`s radiation belts move, entire our solar system is connected by their radiation belt move process, in 365.242199 one solar day all radiation belts adjusted according to Bow shock of rest of solar system and our Galactic bow shock measures

                                            HOW DOES A STAR BORN?

My study about Black-Hole explained how Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy. Atoms became degenerated turning back to invisible D.E and invisible D.M big cloud bubbles. Dark-Energy that also is electron cables are accelerated as electromagnetism through space. In the vast Cosmos when traveling Dark-Energy dynamism wavelengths hit into big mass of Dark-Matter it penetrates almost to the center of magnetism force take control and surrounds the opening, inside it might resembles as indescribable large pomegranate fruit shape sphere with bubble D.M each several thousand million miles big. Electrons circle in the big bubbles circling in the sphere center portion photosphere will be created by separating big mass of bubbles of D.M from the center core. Electrons are trapped in extreme and cannot leave the surrounding layers of D.M bubbles, so D.E circles around the core like a pulsar, rubbing to each other two matters produce hydrogen as I mentioned in my “Krikor” theory (D.E=D.M=H) (Dark-Matter +Dark-Energy = Hydrogen) Under the surface of star photosphere many bubbles of Dark-Matter push each other to not allowing heat to penetrate by making a fence similar to order like inside the pomegranate fruit orderly raw of kernels or pips, but each bubble pips several thousand miles wide holding and pushing each other tight clustering together several layers. Inside the sphere inner part of convective zone. D.M do not penetrate heat or light that’s why 2 million F, lowers down to 6.0000 F until heat reaches to the surface. Flair explosions on the star are leave 50.000 miles dark spots darkest patches because Dark-Matter bubbles come to the openings and block the exit and looks cooler than 6.0000 F because D.M don’t penetrate heat and light, cooled down elements scatter around the surface of star as a skin covering but that portions have nothing to do with protecting release of Dark-Energy to scatter just lays on surface of the star (observation by NASA`s solar system probe also reported that even big invisible bubbles jets out of our Sun) in my view they are Dark-Matter or D.E that might leave out if the dark spot hole is not big enough to cover the exit hole so they are gone out. This filtration of D.M allows small level of heat and light on the surface of the star, deep inside the star pressure builds up and more by fusion even more variety of elements are produced, Life cycle of the star continues as long it can produce basic hydrogen first then to fusion to new elements if not it goes to be a red giant.

According to some researchers, all stars are produced by large quantity clouds of hydrogen atoms. If that is true. Consider our sun, it generates every second about 700 million tons of hydrogen atoms, some other stars generate million times more than our son with hydrogen atom production. My theory is, stars do not solicit hydrogen atoms, they produce them. After large quantity of hydrogen form, by fusion son transform  in each second 695 million of tons of hilum, the difference is pure energy, that some of this fusion eliciting to energy, that reach to our planet. All stars release generate with combination energies of Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, they construct hydrogen atoms, most hydrogen inside the Universe is hydrogen atoms.


European Organization for Nuclear research project ALEPH 27 kilometers in circumference accelerating until reaches the speed of light, if the wall of the half foot magnetic tube get worm, there might be possibilities that some electrons might miss the collision point and get out to the air. In CERN they combine. Diligently doing many test. But those Atoms in acceleration collisions that are breaking down are valuable precious gems, I will explain later people want to know much about it. DE and DM representation combine into the cells of invisible Gods force complete 100% of the Universe. Atoms are life forms. NASA /Glen Benson Send AMs-02 ALPHA magnetic spectrometer instrument or probably ALPHA (Anti- hydrogen laser physics apparatus) can shed more light on the subject. But first they have to deal with the most capable one who created all those matters, D.E and D.M. There is no 4th matter in the Neutron many say that there are 3 quarks in neutron. In my theory only two D.E+D.M = H Atoms Produce all other particles (Cathodes) or cathode in Greek language is descent or way down. There is always opposite electrical charges between D.E negative and D.M positive. When spark of electron go into center of atom, concentrate its spin into concentrated position on itself stay like a planet or star and rotate faster, and a portion of the proton separate and surround the round electron recombining, and current flow negative charge direction change to anode cathode equilibrium between D.E and D.M current definition and eliminate the flow outside neutron particle to keep no charge label. As a logician my Krikor logic theory is. D.E+D.M=H (Dynamic, Dark Energy + Dark Matter = Hydrogen, my second theory is (Sound tone reaction) Not chemical reaction.

In my perspective each atom contains a portion from Universal life force in electrons as Dark-Energy and portion of invisible group of Dark-matter bubbles as protons the core of the atom, each atom contain two portion of life forces In my post (atoms are other form of living things) protons can expand or contract in extreme complex measures, comparing to gravity force they can pull their surroundings Trillion times Trillion times Trillion times stronger or extent in same measures to weaker and larger volumes, entire Universe is controlled by this two forces D.E and D.M, every time Large Hadron collider collide atoms, elements are destroyed and killed, only two energy forces return into their former originality state.

Many tests are done in large Hadron collider, but they never take into consideration of Dark-Matter Bubbles being protons and yet some area of Dark-Matter is more condense and can have over 100 times more mass than the remained parts of protons.

We can add new element astatine on periodic table. Uranium has 92 protons and 92 electrons, in my perspective electrons are one large cable of millions of helix flows all connected and later the cable can be detached into many individual electrons then into helix neutrinos. Astatine has 85 protons and 85 electrons, proton of hydrogen is big number of bubbles clusters that can be parted also electron cables are big number of helix that can detached as neutrons. If one electron removed from astatine in forms into ion or charged particle, life time of astatine is only 8.1 hours to decay.

Scientist want to know more about atoms, researches are going regarding Dark-Matter, one thing is left out they are not considering that Dark-Matter have intelligence it is invisible and capable to transform from condensed to more impenetrable mass, have gravity directive sound frequency waves and communication with other atoms, only Dark-Energy can go through in some degree indentation space.


I appreciate all the hard work done in 300 feet below ground Hadron collider at Cern large, they been trying to figure out standard model trying to generate stronger and faster powerful collisions of atoms to explode stronger energetic showers to find much smaller particles inside atoms to figure out important figure of the Universe by knowing how it started, I know they will come into a point where energy has no any particles it is pure invisible holly energy with no particles, the effort Cern to find out as how big bang started, I believe there were no any big or small bangs and universe is in existent billions years earlier that they figure it out. Entire Universe and us are immerged in unknown energy that I call it Dynamic Energy other call it Super or Dark-Energy. This force fills all our space and vacuum space, it is anti-vacuumed energy that is everywhere operates beyond standard model it has own symmetrical characteristic that range into any element or particle inside Universe, all atoms are other form of living things they participate collecting from this energy including illusive molecular behavior, we as biological living things share our characteristic that show on our face or eyes and in our fingerprints by directive of DNA that originate its energy behavior from this invisible Dynamic-Energy, another supportive force that Universe link is invisible Dynamic-Matter, particles inside atoms are made of small invisible portions of Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter.

Also scientist want to know more about the antiparticle to consider mass-bearings range spin interactions, how far their spin distance can be go. Plus they want to know about radioactive uranium decays finding geoneutrinos having confidence in that the radioactive decade is causing to generate driving motion of tectonic plate, not considering the assertive scrub between Dark-Energy around Dark-Matter core in the center core of our Earth. In my notes “Gravity” I have some points regarding this matter.

Also scientist experiments involve nucleon rare decay, of course protons and neutrons will be change their performance, sooner or later these particles will be stopped from their activities but not before they dispatch all their input data in right core for continuous memorandum, in my notes black hole I been explaining how all elements and their particles return and transform to their preexistence invisible Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter state.

I explained that protons don’t have standard stable mass they can be changed into different physique that can vary into relaxed form or more extreme condensed form, like the stage when forms into pulsar cores and focused into other heavy gravitational stage like black hole, so reduced Dark-Matter protons can be 15 times more dense than lead and go to 126 times than that impenetrable mass and beyond into unknown capabilities. The new elementary particle they found in Higgs boson it contains 126 times the mass of proton sometimes this particle is referred as the “God particle” protons are Dark-Matter they are very tiny bubbles that contain outnumber tinnier bubble clusters, if the volume go larger still it condenses in larger bubbles and larger ones, they can reach volumes bigger than galaxies and divide into thousand clusters to form one proton.

While Higgs Boson is searching to find what accomplished our Universe, searching for gluons winos photinos all the super symmetrical group that are very tiny particles that have to be discover, still have hope to find rare particles as B-s (“B-sub-S”) 105 “Free paramotess” physicist still don’t have complete number of particles, such as Higgs or Higgino gluons bason vice versa W particles that have winos, now already know some about gluons gravitons fermions quarks electron neutrinos bosons

In my perceptive many particles that are register in Higgs acceleration collisions probably don’t include in the atom but are combined after the blast in Higgs Boson, these explosions can develop at the moment new particles that don’t exist but form in last second.

Still many researched followed about Neutralinos Gluinos gravitation's antiparticle chemeleon particles.

Dark-Matter can be tightly packed or weak in densely packed having shape-shifter according to low octave sound tone waves procedures from other variable mass such as solar or galactic cores. Recently some Dark-Matter bubbles cluster particles have been collected in the international space station but everything kept secret. There are Gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes that trying to collect data about this elusive particles in chock areas that might be Dark-Matter. Like I suspect that bock-globules is one of these condense points


In Cosmos, also in our milky Galaxy are dust clouds are mostly 75% hydrogen and 25 %helium including some atoms molecules ions electrons and iron. There is ordinary hydrogen in Universe, but the more massive type is deuterium (from a Greek word for second) or hydrogen 2, by microwaves scientist find out that 20% of hydrogen in Universe is hydrogen form 2. Later iatrochemistry explained that dust clouds can contain also silicates carbon atoms ice and other compounds altogether about thirteen varieties of atoms manage to be formed in the thin near vacuumed matter of space in complex molecules and other more complex groupings. In my theory Dark-Energy (Electromagnetism or electrons D.E) + Dark-Matter (Protons) = Hydrogen. “D.E + D.M =H” Hydrogen to be composed in our Universe by 75% can be done by joining electromagnetism spectrum to Dark-Matter it combines to hydrogen atoms. Dark-Matter is spreader in Universe 23 % most as big bubbles. We can always see change in Helios heath area that is not smooth and it is filled with magnetic bubbles that also agree my theory. Obviously no need for Big or tiny Bang for creating hydrogen. Most interesting exists in our Galaxy. Universe solar wind is are called Heliopause. Other moving clouds dust or Galactic wind are Interstellar medium or {ISM} they are dilute that can travel up to 52.000 MPH. most the dust in milky way is interstellar gas. When big solar wind rising escalating from Our Sun traveling is stopped by force of termination shock interstellar medium or (stellar winds) that also contain magnetic force and protons or Dark-Matter even Dark-Energy that the whole Universe is filled of that Matters, they also can produce by collaborating "D.E + D.M =H" Probably there are other force fields in the Universe that we are not aware of it, mainly in our solar system exist large heliosphere that resembles to a ballerina skirt. According to two voyager probes in June 2011 they registered in situ heliosphere measurements that in these area of heliosphere are thought to be filled with magnetic bubbles “a foamy zone” each about IAU wide. That also back up my theory of Dark-Matter collection. Is there Matter in Universe we cannot see? We calculate the pull that each galaxy in a cluster are moving relative to each other, also all the dust particles and galactic winds, we come to conclusion that some gravitational power pulling and holding clusters together, to keep the clusters in peculiar place. Some astronomers call this energy matter “the mystery of the missing matter”

                                               SOLAR WINDS FROM OUR SUN

Suns activity vary by every 11 years shifts becoming stronger or weaker in solar stream flares occurs at the poles an in lower latitudes on the Sun sending plasma particles mixed with other elements with sodium and oxygen particles with helium all dusty looking wind bow shocks that are ejected flares charged by magnetic re-connections to Sun`s atmosphere field velocity temperatures and density, any period when directed to our Earth it does buffering to our atmosphere and our Earth’s magnetic shield protects us from coming charged magnetic clouds by Aurora borealis, those coming winds starting temperature is 2 million F0 during traveling it converts 1 million degrees F0 traveling 500 miles per second. Without Earths magnetic protective shield we could not protect ourselves from radiation levels coming from solar winds. Many pre organized benefits are set to provide good life for humans by unseen intelligence. Our moon Mercury Venus and Mars already lost their planetary protective shield many careless people don’t give any attentions regarding privilege’s we have on Earth and trying to destroy this planet and our existence by selfish greed pride nationalistic and religious priorities to satisfy their ruler ship addictions, making 60 % of residence in poor and helpless leaving themselves helpless seekers for more power wealth and rule they never will be able to satisfy their addiction to their strange greed that flows in their blood veins. From solar winds we have protection but we have no shield power against addicted people who are greedy power seeking insensible with no any conscious.

Noticeable in Milky Galaxy many form of stellar winds, some travel as fast as 52.000 Mph.

Stellar winds contain hydrogen and helium joined with other group of dusty particles, the leading force that flow in interstellar cloud winds are electromagnetism that are transformed from Dark-Energy, sometimes we can notice the effect of stellar wind blows on our solar system resident planets on our own Sun, in reality solar winds can give great effect also in shifting adjustment of other stars to be directed into certain positions.

Our solar system is directed in the Milky Galaxy on certain flow, as soon the Son reach into stellar cloud that is in heliosphere that is around our solar system and is 30 light years across, traveling Sun while crossing or passing in stellar wind feel effect in directive flow that will effect some shift that also effecting entire solar system, recently scientist notice 6 degrees shift on entire solar system that also will effect in turbulence from stellar wind making also more energy of turbulence on Sun and rest of solar system planets, after passing interstellar cloud some cone trails of helium will be noticeable trails behind our Sun and Earth this cone also is called “Focusing cone” like the wind cones on buildings it might show what directions we are moving. The entire Universe adjusts galaxies and stars not by gravity only but also Dynamic-Energy that directs interstellar or stellar wind blows clouds to make certain adjustments regarding their shifting changes or directives.

Our Sun have magnetic range that tracks for 22 cycles but for every 11 years sometime varies. Any moment strong coronal CME mass extreme ejection that is guided toward Earth solar storm might be so powerful that can eliminate all electrical circuits for several days damaging local power stations, it might effect to destroy all function impact on surrounding satellites, solar maximal will eliminate protective shield of our planet up to a week or less.