Thursday, August 20, 2020






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 Why do humans exist? If we do not know, it does not mean that there is no reason. Every person I have ever met, and every person I will meet in the future, individually they have details about their complex-characteristics, for "ME" to analyze no matter how long I live with them. Still, there are many hidden viewpoints to explore. Some Supreme, intelligent being created the entire Universe, that is visible to all, a big, majestic, powerful, harmonious Universe with over two trillion galaxies each with about 500 billion stars and each with a trillion heavenly bodies. This brings us to the question: why were they created? Space fluctuating figures. Approximately each human being is made up of approximately seven Quadrillion atoms that were formed a long time ago in these galaxies.    

Only a Supreme, intelligent being can take up the undertaking of galaxy formations, as well as all atomic activities - with their fusion behaviors - guiding them with vortex strictness in quantum field exactness. All flow in vortex movement, from galaxies to single planets to DNA, to biological living spores - all flow in vortex movements. A single hydrogen atom contains friendship force Dynamic-Energy as God as electrons and center core Dynamic-Matter as protons that represent Jesus. In comparison to the vast Universe, a single atom contains such complex data that makes scientists ponder. Scientists discover theories but invent nothing because all things discovered already existed in the universe. Some intelligent being organized their activities for a reason, yet we do not know why.

Most people challenge themselves to be popular, someone with authority or fame, others challenge to collect big wealth, just to prove they are someone special, others unrestingly image to careless moral imagination, to a point that they loose control in their behavior, ruthlessly to condemn the weak, by jealousy trying to reap joy by raping other, torturing others, to get loose joyful love. No matter how much make others suffer, criminals felling they are nobody, repeatedly damage others to show they have the power to do anything they want. Most people do not recognize that human beings have great position in fame and grand value by just their existence, priceless formation that can live think, have emotions and creativity that money can`t buy. They don’t have to prove others that they are valuable, they already are.

If me and you think from where material that are about 7 Quadrillion of atoms, or building block in our body from where it came by. Some scientist estimated that big bang created everything, including atoms, while electrons can live trillion of light years, galaxies are made of atoms, once a while stars can explode releasing all sort of atoms as clouds of stardust, trillion times trillions of atoms, atoms that landed from cosmos enriched all sort of ingredients to build biological beings, what is the purpose for our existence? Two invisible energy forms, that created the Universe are already working hard to keep the entire Universe in orderly and harmony. 

One thing for sure, what is our main goal in life, main research that what we are where we going, is the most essential procedure interests, in me. My main desire in life is, to know who is me, and why do I exist, what is my accomplishment in life? As I look backward of my history, I see good and bad things that I accomplish, whatever bad marks were on the statue of my myself, always good or bad indications will remain, that we can see scratches on life history our sculpture, one thing for sure, I can`t change or erase it, it’s a printed pattern, it is me, part of the whole configuration individuality.

With follow men, life is a great experiment, there are some nice people, but also we find others that always argue with some sort of confrontation, I do my best to be nice, and respectful to people that are reverent, I quit spending time, stay away with opposes, by that I do a big favor to Me. Main energy people spend is the time and effort to prove others that they can handle many challenges, reaching to great accomplishments, trying others respect them, unfortunately, as they reach to their goal, to be famous in wealth or reaching challenges, other people might get jealous, not respect but hate each other, all people`s character is their fate, in their life, some try to show that are great artist, others skillful professionals, others challenge to gather more wealth, they give all their efforts during their entire life time. In reality we have grand privileges, when our body atoms traveled in millions of years, to be gathered on this plant, collectively our body build up quadrillions of atoms to make Me, no one can challenge this sort of task, but still we applied to gain grand collective sources from many other stars and galaxies, already that fame is not considerable fame. Let`s unload needless gains from our environment, avoiding to please, or looking for measured fame compliments from others, leave out to others to praise each other if they can. Avoiding stress, let`s collect knowledge how to be happy and satisfy, it does not mean that let`s be crazy. Let`s use logical sense to figure out, what knowledge and wisdom atoms carry in us, how we can have real satisfaction. What are those force fields inside the atoms? 

Me in center point of mental power that directs into peace. It can be your power too.


Like atoms there is force field inside Me. Though it is depressing to watch people that have no affection toward others. I have noticed how human behavior react toward each other, terrible, extremism, supremacy with race, nationality, religion, political, economic, slavery, social, cultural and legal military educational planning’s are imminent.

Where does the secrete stands in human history, for peaceful life? According to the bible, God Almighty gave to first human couple, everything they need on planet Earth, food and shelter, peaceful environment with all sort of animals, plenty of food all sort of growing different plants and trees. Secret point of harmony stands in with one rule, men can eat million variety of fruits, except one tree. That`s how men will understand center-point behavioral tree, showing there is one super-rulership that must be obeyed, unselfish loyal behavior, having center point of trust on Almighty, an emotional reliance. A basic force to make people to understand, that man has no right to be superior on other men. The secrete of peace relies understanding mental power of knowledge tree stands as benevolent concern for good of other, to be emotional to their family and for other people. This is great knowledge and understanding for ME

As human race did not follow the basic disciplinal behavior, behavior of individuals went into all sort of conduct, that we see people have, and react toward other people.

Since the presentation of tree of knowledge in book of Genesis 2:15-17 tree of knowledge was represented in the Paradise, as soon it was rejected Satan and men, for men and other nations that will come in the future, Almighty continuously explain by his prophets, what was expected from people to live peacefully as the tree of knowledge stands for. Many nations keep these commands, in their religious book, without applying or paying attention to what it says, for example Christian and Hebrew faith admit Jeremiah 18:1-23 that they are like clay in the hand of Almighty, not understanding much about the tree of knowledge, as we see in Christendom and Israeli stand point in World power, how about the Muslim faith? In their holly book of Quran on many occasions refer to Allah as Al-wadud, which means the loving one Quran 11:19 mention Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim that which means “Most compassionate” and “Most merciful” All other religions teach love from God, as we see, political reaction does not show mercy to humankind. People are too far from the tree that represents Almighty as center point, respectful behavior of knowledge, about tree of life, as Proverbs chapter 3”1-35 will explain good and bad behavior of men to apply the good, toward other humans and toward God.

First friend of Dynamic Energy was portions of the same source that transformed into Dynamic-Matter, other friends were created by this two grand forces were the Angels, then atoms to complete stars, galaxies planet, hydrogen atoms were created inside stars, it is explained in my subject of my Blogs “Atoms” “Atoms are other form of living things” “Mother Nature” “DNA” “Cornerstone” and many other subjects in my Blogs. First biological friend that is collective of atom formation was man, God called Adam. God called Adam his friend. Later the first human couple, Adam and Eve were Gods friend. At that time, the entire planet was occupied by all sorts of living things which existing peacefully, causing no harm. Jesus engineered God’s plans, and all galaxies formed in creation were friends of God. Electron of atoms separate portion energy to join portion energies of proton to form particles and neutron, stars give light, everything show friendship by giving forward, except the one that hate friendship, Satan an enemy to all friendship, rebelled against God telling that his way of ruler-ship that is based on lies can bring human ruler ship to better objective in peace and security, before God giving a judgment and verdict to Satan, God allowed Satanic ruler-ship to be tested, Satan on one time ask Jesus Christ to bow him, for reword Christ can get ruler-ship on entire world populations, but Jesus refused, for 6 thousand years now under satanic influence the entire population revolted against God, developing major big number of religions that only protect their Nationality interests committing barbaric Genocides and massacres to other Nations, declaring that they are pleasing their god, protecting their faith, injustice will continue until the day Satan receive the verdict, that Satanic order do not please friendship of mankind. Of course still there is a true God, who is real friend for every meek one, in back future God notice someone that respected Him, yes Job was considered by God as his friend, in the bible, activity lifestyle of Job is written the book of Job.


ME, is a title I call myself, so you do, we have to know who is our greatest friend, When they ask Jesus He answer about himself “Before Abraham I AM, energy force to exist came directly from Dynamic-Energy God to make Jesus to coexist as invisible Angelic form, his assignment was to create all stars and Galaxies including living atoms and biological life forms. Dynamic Energy is source of power to create, Jesus as participant for creation work in John 5:17 said “My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working” every time Jesus performed a miracle he felt the loss of power and ask from his Father new energy to continue, Jesus was used as engineer using power source from his Father, before humans were around, Jesus already existed, before respectful virgin Mary subsist on Earth, Jesus only used human Miry to transport to be born as a child, to be considered as perfect human being, to sacrifice his life to buy life value of Adam, adopting entire humans to give them chance to be excepted by God. When Moses ask god what is your name? because Egyptians had ten gods that were  insects, frogs, grasshoppers, bull and other worshiping titles, as god representatives, during 10 plagues, God used those false gods representatives as plagues over ancient Egyptians, also last 4 hundred year of slavery in Egypt, Israelis continuously ask themselves, why God is not helping us? Who is God, what is his name? Through an Angel God replied to Moses in Hebrew language at Exodus 3:4 “ Elyeh Asher Elyeh” that means I am that ( or Who) I Am” God called himself I AM that I am. Later on mount Zion God announced his name as YAHVEH in Hebrew, Jews try to pronounce that name as few times as possible, Israelis had to add pronunciation marks from their minds, dialect on writings to stress sounds, they had to add to the writings from their own mind, in 70 AC when Nation of Israel was dissolved by Romans, killing one million Jewish population, saving only 100 thousands young Jews to be sold in Europe as slaves, during times Israeli young slaves learning new languages forget using their pronunciation marks on letters, on the other hand Arabs have Syllables pronunciation Diacritical marks “ ـَ ـُ ـِ ـْ ـّ”

As Arabs translated Gods name Yahveh they spelled with pronunciation marks Yahuah, Armenian that also historically old language in Middle East, they pronounce the name as Yehovah, in English that sounds as Jehovah. This name Inside the Bible has been mentioned 7000 times, but so-called religions try to eliminate that words from new biblical publications, also not using the name in their worship.

Main cause of Dynamic-Energy that is God, he always existed, he decided to have a friend, transforming portion from his energy into Dynamic- Matter as his engineer to create more friends in different form of living things, Inside Universe every day 4800 new stars born in every second, new friends are formed, small portions of Dynamic-Energy and small portion from Dynamic Matter combination form a hydrogen atom, In my Greg Kaprielian theory DE+DM= Hydrogen atom. Each star create in every second Centillion times Centillion continuing centillion of times new hydrogen atoms, later by fusion hydrogen forms to other form of atoms, all are other form of living things, our tiny sun releases 6 billion Kg of plasma and other atoms rejecting into space to scatter as tiny friends, every cubic inch of space contains at least 7 to 10 atoms in entire universe, some locations are more condensed, in so called emptiness, Universe is friendship force, filled by true love thoughtfulness and real friends. According to position in space each atom grabs flowing force field in quantum entanglement and each atom can have different characteristic that need to be studied and analyzed that is done by majestic force Dynamic Energy and Matter, all atoms contain tiny portions from Dynamic Energy and matter still they develop their own complex characteristics, as a friend they have to be studied, atoms release sound frequencies atoms associate with other atoms by sound frequency wavelengths, very different than biological forms but still inside human beings atoms release sound frequency to effect on neurons to new procedures regarding Art and other valuable characteristic values, atoms guide plant activities including the plant root activities, also with all animals, insects, fish, birds, you name it.  All atoms communicate between plant, from particles and other living things as friends. As we meet a new friend to appreciate it takes great time, when I married in 1975 till 2020 still we not fully recognize totally each other behavior completely, lovingly we look forward to learn from each other, imagine how we can really comprehend all the other friends we have in our surroundings, every one we meet in our lifetime, we need immense knowledge and grand brain power to analyze this matter, where as humans no one has, Only Grand creator can comprehend individual statistics about each person and each atom, meanwhile if I can`t get alone with every person that I meet, noticing different or acting crazy. We must sympathize having consideration according to their characteristic differences, who knows what quantum flows their atoms they pass through since their atoms existed. If I name myself with a title “Me” containing about 7 quadrillion of atoms that came from other galaxies, same as “You” others have, consuming daily new atoms in my body also releasing big numbers of other atoms daily, but still I fight to keep my title “ME” in reality we are a grain of dust comparing to our planet and our Galaxy yet not mentioning the Universe. I am sure when your atoms formed, you never been inside tremendous heat and pressure, inside a star, but believe mine and your atoms have been there, as friends we as individuals similar to grasp with every atom stars planets galaxies sending communication data to Grand Engineer Dynamic-Matter.

 Most comments Jesus gave were in high degree acumen, for example when he mentioned the book of Matthew 5:43-45 “You heard that it was said: You must love your neighbor” and hate your enemy. However I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heaven, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous” About 7 Quadrillion of atoms we hold in our structure contain Universal two forces, as I described earlier each atom contains portion from transformed from Dynamic-Energy as electrons, and portion from transformed Dynamic-Matter as proton, we sense that as much energy power we contain, same similarity power exist in each person around us, opposite individual front of you contains same universal supernatural force as you have. Did another person react unwisely toward you? As biological cells rendered composition of the individual, but still all atoms are assembled fabricated variety of cells are from Universal existence. later on friendship data by Jesus Christ will be analyzed when is reached to Grand creator Dynamic-Energy our grand Friend “Yehovah” All communications with planets stars galaxies local groups continue every second to keep communication with the great friend God and his Engineer, many already learn guidance from Jesus Christ how to approach God with prayer to the best friend who exist inside the Universe.

                             WHAT IS TIME?


Entire Universe contains many other forms of energy and power that not fully recognized, one of these mysteries is the force of time. According to my logical conclusions. Besides Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Power, inside the entire Universe there might be a power energy to exist, prove of that is all the matter galaxies, including us. So, I believe (Time is vacuumed expansion emptiness, that is created by enlargement of the Universe, a filament sequence, like lace pulling power into nothingness or one way out, that pulls away into outward realm, until it reaches to be collected by the wall, that is surrounding the universe, this harmonious pulling force undeviating the flow of time) Actually, time controls every one, every move of celestial objects all galaxies, inside the Universe.