The account of Noah’s ark is mentioned in the bible, precisely they did not
located yet by significant proof many skeptics try to argue about acts hard to
believe complicated task that was given to Noah, though almost all ancient
mankind histories mentioning about great flood one time covered the Earth.
Many written explanations sometimes were transcribed several hundred or
several thousand years later, big confusion exist till our days from where all
that water came from? Water with land soil do wonders biggest agent diversity
of life, sometimes big water mass can bring disasters. Water does not belong to
our planet only, in the universe there are so big quantities of water that
collectively if joined together all water mass as Oceans, solar system can be
lost in water, on the other hand not only milky galaxy then again many other galaxies
can be immerse in that water mass. Just considering our solar system we can find
more water than our entire planet, some visiting meteorites explain their composition
structures portions of water. Over 250 different cultures articulate great flood that covered entire
population, because of many dead animals left after the flood we can find
almost highest mountains and lands remains of skeletons of all sort of animals
and fish in rocky layers of our planet Earth. Noah’s ark was about 500 feet
long could carry about 70.000 animals but it might collected less because for example
by having only a few breed of dog can produce many other breeds during time especially
with territorial domains and food can effect on their breed, birds and insects
could go in between the space of other animals, in logical and calculating
sense this great numbers of animals could fit in that ark with their food
stocks and other necessities. So many cultures with their historical old stories
from all over the Earth describe floods that occurred long time ago. I like to
discussion account from the bible about faithful Noah that receive an
assignment by unknown sound.
![The Bible did say KJV Genesis 1 Provision for Food 29 And God said ...](
![The Bible did say KJV Genesis 1 Provision for Food 29 And God said ...](
Until the time of flood humans grow bigger, that changed gradually after the flood.
Noah received an assignment from God to build an Ark, Noah was told to build
the Ark by God that meant. God was going to make Noah’s assignment successfully
and God was going to help him by wisdom, Material supplies and with angels, God
was participating in building the ark he collected gathered the animals he
closed the door and he brought the flood over the Earth, according to biblical
versions, after men were dismissed from Paradise, man lived around territories
where the paradise was located that is under the Persian Gulf waters. One of
these habitats was Noah he was living in Mesopotamia, the paradise located in
the lower ground between modern Kuwait and Iran when there was no Persian Gulf
before the flood, in modern times the satellites can show, one river flow from
North West of Iran to Persian gulf coming into Kuwait another river coming from
South Arabia to North join together with other three rivers, Euphrates and
Tigris, four rivers joining in East of Kuwait where the paradise was located,
but as the story show it was prohibited for men to enter the Paradise down in
the lower grounds of the valley and after flood old paradise became the Persian
Gulf .
To build an ark God gave wisdom to Noah to choose the right location and provisions;
some logicians might add that the Ark was probably made of cypress trees
because Gopher trees are too hard, Bible mentions that the wood was not cypress
trees, in my viewpoint, probably there was a valley that is full of many Gopher
trees Gen 6: 14 Almighty that knows everything before the project was started
already God prearranged all details and necessary supplies. There is possibility that entire inner walls of the Ark, produced large amount of mushrooms, in that dark humite atmosphere, before all biological life forms consumed vegetable nourishment in their diet.
Locating a valley that was between at least tree mountain sidewall clefts
descend down and crowded by Gopher trees. Probable organized arrange requirements
already were prepared for Noah, before Noah received his assignment already God
might add substances to the trees by growing vast volume of fungi to cut down
the smaller branches and the roots of the Gopher tree, it is known that there
are eleven species of Fungi can attack the Gopher wood and bowdlerized some
sections of the tree and later it can be pushed down all the lumber stumps that
can be tumbled easily to down in that bottom plateau to selected area, in modern times to cut
hard density Gopher trees in mills are used tungsten-tipped blade to cut Gopher
trees. Also in my perspective theoretically there should be great amount of Tar
pit pour extended or stretched in the valley field below, similar small section
you can find in Los Angeles California in La Bra tar pits, so this location in
biblical times of Noah should have at least a flat area of six hundred ft., long
by one hundred feet wide because the Ark that will be build the size should be
five-hundred-fifteen feet long by eighty-six feed wide by fifty-two-feet
height. 515ft. X 86ft. 52ft, inside the Ark it should be 300 cubits by 50
cubits. Three-stages in the Ark or three levels building that can contain space
of 36 tennis courts, windows one cubit from the top,
the entrance on its side. Usually people who read Noah’s story they forget God was
working with him with his angels.
Some consider that the Ark landed 17 miles south of Mount Ararat.
According to the bible ark was built close to ancient city Sherapat Irak later
on it landed on Mount Ararat border line of western Armenia at that time area
has been called Urardu. Because Ararat is a high mountain with snow there might
be great possibility that during time the Ark might be slide down 17 miles south
to lower range close to modern Turkish territory of Mesha Naxuan western side
of mount Chudi, it is proper to mention that it was found some very large Anker
stone that has hole one side to tight a rope. Armenians were the first officially Christian Nation living these territories for thousands of years Anatolia
territories belonged to Armenian Kingdoms. Christian Armenian engraved on the Anker
rocks a large cross representing Noah small one for Noah’s wife and 6 smaller
crosses representing Noah’s 3 boys and their 3 wife’s. Turks as Seljuk or Mongols
invaded this territory of Anatolia 1241 AC. Flood instant happened 5000 years
before Turks lived in Anatolia. Always people try to explain God as Individual
person not mentioning about his powerful force field that control the entire
universe, my approach about God is same intelligence force that science and faith
refers to, a intelligent force field make all matter to be existed inside the
Universe. Since starting life on Earth until the time of flood all living things animals they only consume plantation, there were no need to eat any meat because there were enough nourishment with plants.
In other chapters I explained that core of our Earth has core of
Dark-Matter that contains intelligence, there was not enough water on Earth to
generate a sudden flood, there are possibilities that two large comets crash each
other close to earth’s atmosphere and gradually poured over Earth, other theory
there might be more water settled underground then poured out ground, in the
Bible it was mentioned that in paradise steams of vapors came out from the soil
and brought condensations of nourishment and moisture to all plants in the
paradise, whatever was the case the earth later on sink some areas and left
other areas to be raised up and formed according Earth’s magnetic variations. Until
our days scientist can prove that all the Earth was surrounded by clouds very
high in the atmosphere and never came down and all the planet contained similar
temperature in the north and in the central regions, something happened and all
of a sudden animals and mammoths in the north froze in a instant while grazing fresh
vegetation’s froze in their stomachs, also can be found frozen mammals that can
live only in warmer zones.
Second task for Noah was to declare or preach the warning, God does not do
anything judicial unless he give warning first to see change of attitude in
people, if people ignore the warning then he take judicial action, when he did
his work he did not receive money or goods from the people, he gave willingly
his time effort investments’ time working diligently not to make a name for
himself but to obey Gods command, by preaching also he face many sarcasm and
rebuke by skeptical crowds especially it was strange to hear that rain can be
falling from sky and never heard any experiences like that.
Probably Noah asked some other
people to give a hand in certain type of works by promised all his belongings
to some builders that can give a hand, but because their participation was not
in volunteer base they did not receive survival outcomes, also they did not
believe in the warning message of Noah to repent and be good, Noah did not care
about his material because he definitely knew that they will be destroyed, he
will keep only the most precious part what he has his life and his householders
Before Worldwide flood, surface of the planet contain extreme suitable nourishment, where giant mushrooms grow and very great sustenance with through giant trees that provided high quality production to make biological immune system better than we have today in our diet. Dinosaurs lived in that period and bone of animals registered high grade of carbon data, people at those days lived almost close to thousand years, after the Worldwide flood all the energetic food substances was lost into the soil by descending down to the ground, extreme large animals like dinosaurs that survived through the flood could not find same rich food on the planet, only tiny mammals could find sustainable food later on the planet. Noah’s grandchildren could not survive with big forms; gradually humans shrink to seven feet or less.
Before Worldwide flood, surface of the planet contain extreme suitable nourishment, where giant mushrooms grow and very great sustenance with through giant trees that provided high quality production to make biological immune system better than we have today in our diet. Dinosaurs lived in that period and bone of animals registered high grade of carbon data, people at those days lived almost close to thousand years, after the Worldwide flood all the energetic food substances was lost into the soil by descending down to the ground, extreme large animals like dinosaurs that survived through the flood could not find same rich food on the planet, only tiny mammals could find sustainable food later on the planet. Noah’s grandchildren could not survive with big forms; gradually humans shrink to seven feet or less.
The major change happened during the flood was disturbing capability for
other form of livings Angles to lose their competency transforming into human
physical body so they can have intercourse with humans, that capacity was
destroyed during the flood all bad angels that already owned a human form lost
the body in flood with all other bad people who did not excepted the warning in
behavioral change, Satan’s angels restored back to spiritual physics phenomena
life form and they cannot again take form of human in physical form except
sometimes they can make other people to visualize images of strange beings,
also they can penetrate into dreams of human being if they want to do so, there
was no other solution beside the flood to eliminate Satan’s physical angels with
rest of generations of Nephilim's. In my other subject in this blogs you can
find additional information under title “Angels” One question always come out
why is not possible to locate Noah’s Ark, if people do that right away they are
going to use it in their worshiping as tools, body of the prophets and tools
they used or used on them. Because God of the Bible does not want physical
forms to be used in spiritual worship, though some followers still use images
and statues in Christian worship, which does not embrace in Gods will. Question
is what might happen if again the entire world again rebels the true God? Many human
formed Angels were creation of God and they were part of Gods heavenly family,
God did not kept back his punishment regarding unfaithful ones, so hi will
again, of course not by flood again as he put the rainbow covenant between him
and Human race, but he still has many other capabilities to destroy the bad people
worldwide, not destroying the planet he created but only the bad people who are
contaminating the nature and civilization by teaching approaches that contradicts
Gods low and teachings, in return Almighty will again ruin those are ruining
his master piece planet Earth all honest heart people worldwide will be
protected by unknown possibilities, the day and time is unknown as the day of
flood was unknown, it will be happening exactly as the days of Noah’s, everyone
was busy in their other daily activities including entertainment suddenly it happened,
it was surprise to Noah’s family for Noah’s family as well bet they were expecting
they did not ignore the warning and act accordingly to be prepared.
Mount Ararat was in ancient Armenia, now West Armenia.Remains from the Ark.
The rebellion standpoint angels had against God when they noticed that
human forms are different than theirs, Angels operate by electron force field circuit
data punctuation angels don’t have human form brain molecules angels have
invisible stimuli electrical flow similar to neurons data center also invisible
Astrocyte neuron system also have invisible synapse info flow circuits all in
complex invisible activity the way atoms operate, but angels don’t have
invisible part section of human portion Pseudo unipolar neuron complexes though
they have satellite cell fields but entire peripheral neuron system in
invisible form to complete all sensor sparks is lacking inside angels. For example
electric inside car battery cannot produce light beams if not connected to its
light bulb or electric of car cannot produce claxon sound if not connected to
horn instrument in the same principle Angels cannot produce consciousness without
peripheral nervous system, that’s why they can’t feel or sense cognizance, to
combine data into central point of consciences to direct emotions compromise to
conciliate other standpoint of others feelings understanding how others feel and
feel with them, Adam was so strong in that feeling that after knowing that Eve
failed became disobedient to Gods command and going to be punished by death
Adam felt with his wife and he also went to die with her, did not use his logic
that God gave him Eve and also God is capable to give him another Eva to complete
his life, this kind of human behavioral emotional consciousness’ was lacking in
angels invisible energy physical forms that humans have in complex molecules
combination cells that complete their peripheral nervous system. That’s why
angels use their force field to be transformed into human complex having human
forms and brain to accomplish human consciousness’s in their system, during the
flood they lost their capacity having human forms returning to basic electro
field sensors and operate similar to invisible robots and because they are so
tiny small as atoms to fit inside human complexes and control from inside out,
most conveniently from inside the human brain. Do we
need another demolition of the bad, I and you can give only our preferences,
you will not be the judge nor can I, but the Almighty will.
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