Image of Dark-Matter
Examining the Universe it seems great unknown energy is in order to make
everything else in order. One large scale force has been noticed that is
releasing great gravitational effect, already there are many unseen other frequencies
such as radiation, infrared, radio waves, gamma rays and many other form of
invisible forces that release effect absorption on other exposed matter where
most effect can be seen from invisible life force Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter that form
each individual atom and entire galaxies in the Universe. Astronomer Vera Rubin brought dark matter to light and kept in the dark. It is so complex and misleading that scientist still have difficulty to explain what really is Dark-Matter?
Physicist from ETH Zurich developing a system by HIRAX large telescopes with hundreds of small radio telescopes to study Dark-Matter
In my Blogs you will see, Dark Matter and Dark Energy they both are
invisible supernatural intelligent life force that can’t be measured unless in
a Femtoseconds (millionth of billionth of a second time) they can transform
portions from their force into electron and proton to form atoms. These two
forces that complete the existence of the Universe will always remain elusive. Mass is a function of velocity. without Dark-Matter galaxies don`t keep their positions or their boundaries, otherwise galaxy stars interacting gravity they will scatter all over universe. Before energy existed there was invisible force
that creates energy matter after supernatural invisible energy transform into
Dark-Energy as electrons and Dark-Matter can be strong mass and change its position by being faintness as protons, it can be found around black holes as haloes, but they have no any particles and called Dark-Matter, I name it Dynamic-Matter it is property of space, though they are untouchable, it will be more proper to call them Wonder-Energy and Wonder-Matter. Far away inside the universe, when antihelium generates antihydrogen, it will make sensible atmosphere of Dark-Matter.
My respect to Dynamic-Matter
Some consider Dark-Matter a scalar field, as invisible waves bouncing
around galaxies. One thing I consider, Dark-Matter is not something or some
force that can be discovered like gravity, like discovered by Isaac Newton, id
is a supernatural force that is living force. Still scientist believe have true
potential to discover Dark-Matter, using laser interferometers, considering two
beams of light bouncing between mirrors, traveling 4 Km long arm range in “L”
shape before meeting up on detectors. If I meet a living force, that has second
position with Dark-Energy to control the entire Universe, I don’t consider as a
discovery, but a reality encounter to living invisible force field that select
my existence to be on planet Earth, Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy, naming them Dynamic-Energy
and Dynamic-Matter decide my coexistence, comparing to Grand Universe, still entire Universe is full of unknown forcefields, invisible barriers directing galaxies, plus shielding the galaxies, with visible and invisible shooting beams, all mass forms spinning harmoniously, comparing with the Universe, all
nations are like dust on a scale, and I am a insignificant part of it, humbly, with great respect to creator Grand super energy power.
I think, Dark-Matter that has effect with gravitational waves is also has
possibility effect with sound frequency sound of gravitational or cosmic wave
background, that was detected by North American Nanohertz observatory scientist,
regarding gravitational waves signals from distant pulsars, this test indicates
gravitational Universal background or the resonant “Hum” sound that was
detected by (NANO Grav,) I consider same effect of Vortex movements inside the entire
Universe, where all galaxies stars, planets, moons, also all living plants on
Earth, including DNA is guided by vortex movements.
Current technology can`t detect Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, that are two
major invisible forces with opposite electromagnetic field, science considers
their effect by noticing on galaxies, Dark-Energy releases magnetic radiation, Dark-Matter
interacts with electromagnetic field, it does not absorb reflection of cosmic
microwave background CMB, this two-force process combines, invisible flow of Vortex
movements, that we feel everywhere with spiral cascade formation inside the Universe.
Scientist in Italy constructed a large detector that is called Xenon-1T
that can operate in 93 degree Celsius and can control (WIMPS) weakly
interacting massive particles, so far Xenon-218 and Tellurium-124 figures could
not detect what they were expecting, new plan is to build 8 metric Tons of the
instrument that will be ready in 2023, unfortunately scientist are not
considering that Dark-Matter has no any particles, it can divide into smaller
formations individual bubble forces without being any particles. Other are searching for traces of dark matter using neutron spine clocks. Dark Matter is
supernatural intelligent life force that can transform itself into proton and
reside in center of atoms.
In Italy`s Sasso mountains, also some other countries, scientist build
5.000 feet deep empty cave that can hold about 3.2 XENONIT, that is also
surrounded by very sensitive light sensors, as soon any reaction to strike, or
when radioactive decay occurs on xenon, tiny little bunch of charge will be
received by detectors, some scientist evaluate that isotope of xenon, that are
colorless and odorless that can be found in the atmosphere, having two neutrino
with double electron, for decades, this calculation eluded some scientists.
Theory of Greg Kaprielian
Before of any other force Dark-Energy always
existed, portion from it transformed by Dark-Energy to form Dark-Matter, every
other energy inside the Universe came from these two energy forms, I believe,
both are invisible to sense. including galaxies gravity and everything that
exist inside the Galaxy. Scientist discovering that
Dark-Matter does not emit light or heat neither it exclude any frequencies, in
my perspective it can expand with volume in energy or density, because every infinitesimal
invisible point of Dark-Matter is spring of limitless force field. Scientist
consider gravity as weak force bringing into conclusion that Dark-Matter
interacts with itself and other matter, I believe that entire Universe has sort
of transparent microwave background velocity function where each dot can be
attract or repel, any object if Dark-Matter directs frequencies thump to be activated by
Dark-Energy. Calculations regarding pattern of Dark-Matter halo by astrophysicists,
regarding two types of acceleration according Gobs and Gbar, computer
simulations can`t explain Dark-Matter hypothesis. same confusions will be
reached modified dynamics by examining lights from colliding galaxies. In my
Blogs I introduced Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter invisible intelligent force
field life forms that are not under any theoretic regulation patterns.
Dark-Energy that I call this supernatural power Dynamic-Energy as the Almighty,
Dark-Matter I call this power Dynamic-Matter as Jesus Christ the Engineer of
the Universe. Entire Universe is one volume of energy. No matter how far each galaxy is
far from the other, no matter how far a star or planet or moon is far from each
other, they all are connected with each other in invisible force of
Dark-Matter, since 10 years I have been mentioning my perspective that entire
Universe has connection of invisible strings between each mass no matter how
far they are from each other, major two invisible forces of Dynamic Energy and
Dynamic Matter form atoms and galaxies, each atom contains portions from this
two energy invisible forces, to be United the entire Universe is connected by
invisible some sort of energy similar to gravity that also is invisible. I am
glad to hear that others also are considering invisible network of
Universe-spanning strings that are flooded with invisible particles (though I don’t
call it particles because dark matter has no particle it is pure energy) surrounding stars and galaxies as haloes, so
this is the picture some scientist present. Of course the picture is material
but the action strings are invisible. Already there is a 1000 light years wide haloes bubble surrounding Earth, that is invisible, but we can see it`s effect.
Majorana boson. Halves.
Some scientific groups consider uncovering physical entity of helves, known
as Majorana boson considering that protons can divide or split into halves,
they take formations by quantum cryptography, where they say they can isolate
helves, that can travel in speed of light in vacuum space, also they apply same
principle with electrons. As we see Before proton and electron exist, they were
invisible forces without any material substance, a realm of force cloud does
not divide into materialized formations, they just separate into any size or
any density they wish, or they feel the need for. In my theory, Dark-Matter
force is levels of different condensation of walls that are on top of the other
like the Russian toy as you see here. Dark Matter can gulp entire galaxy or it
can only cover an apple, whatever is needed.
Usually it`s hard to notice connection transforming power or data we call it
filament but there might be other unseen connection that might controlling between ordinary matter
that are totally invisible, so unnoticeable that calling them filaments might
not apply. Two forms of energies fall in these categories, Dark-Energy and
Dark-Matter and they are pure Universal life force form, energies with supernatural intelligence
and power. In my Blogs (Cornerstone of the Universe) I explained how these
forces created the Entire Universe. Because it is very hard to
penetrate an invisible force Dark-Matter and its pair Dark-Energy, they both
are connected team have entire Universe in their control how great and powerful
they are, both are invisible except Dark-Matter does not interact with light,
it can be condensed thousand times of lead and same time can be in any instant
weightless and volumes, Dark-Matter can direct and make gravity generated by
its sound frequency into any section in the entire Universe where Dark-Energy
already is spread, so gravity is not generated from Dark-Matter but the
directive frequency sound from Dark-Matter counter the energy from Dark-Energy
also directing galaxies, influencing all activities inside the Universe, those
power do not belong to Dark-Matter but he can use as long it is allowable to
Dark-Matter from Dark-Energy. This both energies have most grand wisdom also
force of life, they give into each individual atom that are very tiny portions
from this two energies. Atoms contain characteristics that transform into the
mass they complete as matter, including all personalities are released
according to what different of cluster of atoms are included inside the person.
In other word entire the Universe we are a test ground to collect what effect might
give according the combinations of variety of atom clusters but mostly water is
the main connections to release all results from the human body into the
Universal two superhuman energies Dark Energy and Dark Matter. Inside atoms each portion of Dark-Matter that represent a proton have density so condense not the pressure from surrounding but by itself it contains pressure higher than in a neutron star. Also Dynamic-Matter that is unlimited numbers of invisible bubble forms just like water bubbles in space that can shrink or condense in size, or expend with great mass, with invisible lumpy paradox.
Dark Matter is regulating gene
In my prospective atoms contain
two major invisible intelligent life forces, in our genomes Dark Matter I call
it Dynamic Matter has the capacity to contain basic genetic code of every sort
of microorganism to regulate gene expression according the basic variety of
protein coding, Dynamic Matter releases genetic sequences for nearby atoms to participate
forming molecules in vast amount of genetic code to form cell formations, when
other genetic pattern exist such as microbes viruses animals plants and other
form of living things, Dynamic Matter influences to regulate gene expressions
in different forms living things, because basing life formality patterns are
contained inside Dynamic Matter invisible force fields. Some Scientist believe that
genetic codes in our genomes contain Dark Matter, in reality each singular atom
of any sort contain Dark Matter but to influence regulating gene expressions
happen when certain formality of genomic sequences by codes s to activate
expressions biological genetic material.
Scientist calls it Dark Matter because it is dark in their mind how to visualize Dark-Matter. Dark Matter is invisible force that is everywhere, we are experiencing extreme heat, Astronomers know the invisible stuff dominates our universe and tugs gravitational on regular matter, but they do not know what it is made of. Dark Matter has no gravitational property but it can generate frequencies to matter to get connected into Universal force fields that we call it gravity. Sound frequency from Dark Matter makes all other matter to be wrench connected into Universal force fields. Dark-Matter has intelligence and is a invisible being in great supernatural scale. Gaia observatory spacecraft following to grasp the movement inside the Universe, some say that Dark-Matter is known to be clumpy with multiple component that moves through galaxies in different velocities, in my perspective Dark-Matter is everywhere in Universe including inside every atom as proton. Dark Matter does not generate gravity but makes Universal force field twist into directed direction accordingly to directives from Dark Matter. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not trying to start a Dark-Matter religion.
Let’s consider a few birds from
four thousand kinds of birds, they all sing according to their variety, they
all make nest according to their variety, mocking birds can imitate their
surrounding sounds including car alarms, some birds sing romancing melodies to
invite a mate, some can sing thousands of notes, some can release two pitches
of notes at same time, some conclude that birds learn from their parents to
sing or make nests and so on, in reality Dynamic energy express to the brain of
the birds genetic code and regulating expressions, is you grow up a singing
bird isolate from its kind, you will notice they will react exactly as other
bird of same kind, because Dynamic Energy will guide by genetic sequences
making know them what to do how to react, same with all other insects microbial
living things plants and animals.
Scientist try to explain dark matter by quantum field theory describing exchange
of vector boson starting smallest subatomic particles to the largest scales of
matter. The main question stand out, why the Universe accelerating? In my blogs
Cornerstone of the Universe, I explained, two major supernatural forces, two
big positive and negative forces that don’t cancel each other, one as Dynamic Pure
Energy (that need no space) that created Dynamic matter (that need space, a non
zero energy) accelerating orderly because it needs space, so vacuum expectation
(VEV) value has nothing to do with it.
Dark-Matter is invisible matter without any particles such as normal
visible matter, it is unknown supernatural force field, they are not any
subatomic particles unless when tiny portion of invisible energy of Dark-Matter
(proton) bond into small portion of Dark-Energy (Electron) it forms atoms also additional
severance of this two basic energies form additional neutrons and many form of particles
inside atoms, all stars and planets are formed by unification of this two
Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter partition to form visible matter. In invisible
state, Dark-Matter proof its existence by invisible gravitational field inside
the Universe, as I explained in other sections in my Blogs Dark-matter is
invisible bubbles inside other bubbles, they are very tiny smaller than atom
particles force fields and they are also in all other larger shapes of forces
as big as they can gulp entire galaxy to direct inside Universe, its effect
might vary as we see milky way Galaxy spherical field that stars and planet
inside are directed by Dark-Matter force field, each star and planet are also suppressed
by same force, as proof anytime two galaxies merge we see each star don`t
collide with drop in individual stars, they all keep their conventional distant,
Dark-Matter can have unlimited power to condense or spread in no time and it is
not regulated by any scientific theoretical principles. Singular separated
energy portions of Dark-Matter guzzle each living biological cells also each
living thing animal’s insect’s birds and humans. Men are already swig by Dark-Matter
before they are born to come to life. These perspectives are my own. The energy
that Man call God, is two supernatural energy that make everything to exist
inside the Universe Dark-Energy and Dark Matter as I explained in my other
post, Reconcile God and science.
There are some locations on the planet, where Dark-Matter resides as
expended clouds, as I said many times this energy force can change to effect
density as he wishes, you might find a location in Mexico, it is called "zone of
silence", Dark-Matter does not allow gravity to pass through, where radio signals
are lost, similar effect is noticeable by Dar-Energy in New Zealand with bend
trees also on some Poland country in Europe. These two supernatural forces are
not controlled by theoretical calculation principles, are invisible beings,
with consciousness, these two forces, (Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter) to create
atoms stars and galaxies, they can hear, and see, and invent, travel, every
possibility we have is given to us by them, all life forms and solid matter
have supervision possibility and knowledge to live and exist.
Universe contains 27% of Dark-Matter according to scientist discoveries and is not cosmic kinks. Noticing some lights band into different direction when reaching a designated zone, figuring out that there is invisible matter of some sort or energy, because they don’t know exactly what it is call it Dark-Matter, even dough it might be more proper to call it DYNAMIC-MATTER. Some scientist refer that all matter that are made like atoms are part of D.M (Dark-Matter) in my logical outlook all protons that are in Atoms are D.M, in other section of my notes HYDROGEN are described how the function in Atom, also described article SUN how the act as a shield or umbrella in the Sun, Dark-Matter is major part of, title BLACK HOLE, also in title the EARTH and Jupiter it show all the core of planets and Stars are Dark-Matter. In religious views how D.M represent the Gods representative. Everything God created represents some sort of different life forms. Dark-Matter can be condensed or scattered depending surrounding pressure,
when it is scattered in unperturbed space it can be react as weakly interacting
hypothetical particles or WIMPs though they are invisible sound signal
frequencies they generate interactions to weak force or gravity. Variation of
sound command can go to different levels; from far away in the middle of milky
Galaxy we might receive signals from them as much as 110 GeV to 130 GeV.
Dark-Matter is invisible and inactive only after being close to D.E become
visible, start to operate when adjacent to Electromagnetism or Dark-Energy that
is 10^42 times stronger than Dark-Matter by active spin of electrons. Scientist
might consider WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles, in my perspective
entire Dark-Matter particles in any state are combination of one force field
connected and have intelligence however invisible, opposite to this energy is
Dark-Energy covering entire Universe react as electromagnetism and electrons
have one individual own intelligence and personality, yet invisible. Dark-Matter in (SVSY) doesn’t show much, at Higgs. Boson Super symmetry too
shy because it is invisible force gets materialized only by trace to electron
helix energy. Tests might show in the future that as soon atoms dismantle
Dark-Matter return to invisible state, only particles that still have
combination mixture between D.E and D.M show on the scale.
To detect Dark-Matter (D.M) astronomers giving great effort, Albert
Einstein explained that in the universe there are where light bends some unseen
distortion allows light to be lenses, I believe anytime if light is distorted that
show other invisible matter or invisible force field giving effect on flowing
light, in our modern times already astronomers sense this objectives and they drew
a map of effected area of the universe that D.M might be spread, another prove
about D.M spin force of galaxies that are home of millions of stars, it was believed
that pushing force of moving force is from core of the galaxies, all galaxies are spinning inside the Universe like colossal strands, dark invisible matter holds everything together, recently they
found out motion of stars in central position inside galaxies and the stars far
realm of the galaxy all are moving in the same speed motions, that explain that
gravitational regulations till now we adopting don’t calculate same theoretical
values, this is where I described gravity motion revision in my post of “Gravity
“that D.M direct all matter or atoms by sound frequency wavelength tone codes
to be connected into time warping loop wave or into quantum entanglement flow
gear in my other posts. Dark-Matter are not made of hypothetical particles all
tiny objects, D.M is invisible weightless force field bubbles that can expand its force or
contract with no matter substances but by for fields that is based on sound
wavelengths codes, directing and accelerating the entire universe is based by
sound frequency that connect all elements into Dark-Energy vacuum warping field
of fluctuation invisible structure, my question is when we are standing on this
planet that comparing to universe its piece of dust grain, individually we are
a piece of dust of grain comparably to this planet, yet we boldly stand up and
call this most two powerful respectfully power sources dark-energy dark-matter,
instead of having decency to call them Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter that
entire Universe contain their power. Yes it is very uncivilized.
What is the difference between Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter?
Since 90 years scientist suspected the existence of Dark-Matter, during
time they had more technological sophisticated tools to register Dark-Matter
and also Dark-Energy, to register Dark-matter they use gravitational Lansing
measurements, as we know how Dark-Matter is warping light from distant
galaxies, noticed on effect distorted light in the background of galaxies, regarding
observation of Dark-Energy the best achievement is the DE Camera on mount Blanto
in Corro Toloto observatory in Chile` with optic filter wheel with 570-megapixal
CCD to register Dark-Energy. Inside the Universe every form of matter is based
on same principle such as an atom. in my post (Cornerstone of the Universe) I
described everlastingly existed Dark-Energy that did not need any space to fitting,
at the right moment portion from intelligent life force Dark-Energy transform some
of his force into intelligent Dark-Matter, we call this adequate moment is the
beginning, some analyze as the big bang, Dark-Matter is inflating invisible
materialized bubbles inside the atom, that is the proton that push outward,
electrons are materialized Dark-Energy to clamp or secure unit of atom. Dark-Matter
is the force field that needs space expansion inside the Universe; it is
assigned to do certain tasks that Dark-Energy allows him to do.
My perception enigmatic Dark Matter don’t have certain precise mass, it can enlarge expand
or shrink to condense not as matter but as force field invisible bubble that
contains many other smaller bubbles inside its bubbles like Russian nesting
dolls “Matryoshka” during atomic explosion Dark Matter expand to the point where
it releases all inside energy as hot temperatures to lurk throughout Universe, electron
portion of atoms that is Dark Energy it releases only electromagnetic charges
only Dark Energy releases radiation.
There are many researching organizations to experiment to detect Dark
Matter like the Axon Dark Matter, LUX-ZEPLIN, Super Cryogenic Dark Matter and
many others. Main confusion is that most of them guessing Dark Matter are
particles probably there expectation will be ineffective because Dark Matter is
invisible field and can be divided into smaller force fields as invisible
bubbles, it does not measured with other theoretical principles, for example
electron particles are neutrinos and helix flows they are small portion energy
of electron seem as particles but are energy field portions, Dark matter so called
particles are more complex than electrons.
Cell structure of Dark-Matter
Science already has proof that atoms communicate with each other by frequency
sound wavelengths, same with planets stars comets and so on they all
communicate with each other expressing themselves not by English or other
planetary languages but by Universal language. At dangerous points when two
galaxies came to collision to each other, none of the stars were collided by,
for many years I been expressing myself that invisible Dark Matter bubble have
gulped entire galaxies to control all normal matter movements, lately observed by
Lansing studies 2 galaxies merged that came into collision point scientist
realized that not a single star or planet collided with the intruder, that gave
them strong evidence in presence of dark matter that provided gravitational hallow
surrounding force the entire galaxy to extend its effect beyond its edges. In
my “DNA” article I mentioned that Dark-Matter surrounds every tiny molecule viruses
bacteria cell or DNA RNA strings, every living order is imbedded inside the
force surrounding Dark-Matter, as living things or mass sized differ still
Dark-Matter surrounds in larger ranges, so large that planets Stars solar
systems Galaxies local clusters and groups are part of the process to be
surrounded by this force. Starting tiny living things atoms molecules proteins,
according to their sizes Dark matter is in control similar to a eggshell, as a organelle
Dark Matter is invisible and surrounds living things such as egg shell,
everything is formed as round sphere shape, if you consider a plasma membrane
cell wall, inside galaxies you can find similar to biological cells as golgi
vesicle similar to galactic solar systems, inner galaxies are more condensed
black holes nucleus and nucleolus, stars are more closer to each other, logically
galaxies look like living plasma membranes.
According to measurements that a living cell should be theoretically Dark-Matter
controls the process, viruses are smaller than bacteria 20-400 nm some living
cells start from sizes 10 to 100 micrometers, starting from goat cells 3.9 um
to horses others to human we reach 7.9 um, then cell sizes become larger,
elephants 9.3, chicken 12.1, salmons 16.7, crocodiles 20.6, three-toed amphiuma
70.0, seeds as cells grow larger with energy of Dark Matter that surrounds
accordingly, this supernatural energy force can condense or expand into halo
state as bubbles, always surrounds controlling all individual and group mess
inside the Universe, so human cells animal cell plant cells and others all are different,
same with non biological stars and planets are other form of living things
controlled by Dynamic-Matter, it is so powerful and supernatural grand power
but still scientist call this form Dark-Matter.
In cosmic abstract relationship there are so many mathematical complexities
that till now is beyond our grapping head of thinking, using imagination with logic
thousands years ago Greek concluded about atoms, though I don’t back up any of
this thoughts some physicist still id free world to express everyone their
thoughts, some physicists now we are trying to analyze relativity quantum
mechanics. Without certain theoretical proof some also lurk about dark matter,
not that it looks dark but because is not understood adding that dark matter
are particles called weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs also comes with
vanilla version adding that are two varieties of D.M an idea called asymmetric
dark matter, if two varieties are similar they destroy each other as antimatter
counterparts, if they are different kind of dark matter they stay combined
together. Also this group explaining that dark matter builds up inside stars
causing the pulsar to collapse into black holes. As I described in my other
posts dark Matter doesn’t have any particles, two years ago I mentioned
invisible dark matter are bubbles inside bubbles they can shrink million times
dense or expend million times large, spread in the Universe have memory and intelligent
and are not under any theoretical patterns rules. Inside every star and planet
dark matter is the core center; every star contains as pulsar in the center
that is made of dark matter having dark energy spinning around the core. Tiny portions
of this dark matter combine in center of atoms having portions from invisible
dark energy spinning as electron, those are my logical imaginary perspectives,
if other physicists have the freedom expressing about string knots theory, wormholes,
dancing with gravity, whimper eternal relationship, abstract cosmic, God
particle and life and the big one Big bang, I feel some encouragement to add my
perspectives as well. As soon core of an atom starts inflammation expands
breaking circuit of electrons, electrons and protons convert into one large
lump and friction of this two forces dark energy and dark matter release great temperatures
that we call it nuclear bomb explosion.
Until now still invisible Dark-Energy that is source of electromagnetic energy
and invisible Dark-Matter that do not absorb or release light form energies
both are considered elusive invisible phenomena, observing far distance
galaxies and between their spaces in between we can use probably telescopes
that can detect radio, infrared, X-Rays and by regular visible telescopes,
sometimes watching all this variances we can note some other unseen forces through
spectrum's in between galaxies that don’t show, signal ranges slightly indication
possible other hints that show hypothetical patterns but Dark-Matter on its own
do not adapt or regulated under any form of theoretical patterns, Dark Matter
can direct elements through sound frequency wavelengths to connect atom cores
that are portion from Dark Matter connecting into Quantum entanglements or
quantum flow gear that is in the force field of dark Energy, I will describe in
other chapters. Dark Matter contains life energy and intelligence; it is energy in
invisible bubbles and has no gravity but can direct elements to be connected by
sound frequency wavelengths into vacuumed energy time warping or Quantum entanglement.
As crystals and other formations of stones form, they contain certain formation patterns that were affected by passing by invisible energy realms. Memory of invisible energy that shaped the facets remained after crystals get cooler.
Unknown Dark Matter
Though no one can locate but 23 % of
the Universe is Dark-Matter neither can be locate unknown 73% of Dark-Energy inside
the Universe. Some fantasize that D.M and D.E are ghostly subatomic particles, Dark-Energy
is pure energy and Dark-Matter is transformation of Dark-Energy into Dark-Matter
invisible bubbles that will be used the basic block of atom that serves as
proton, any combination of this two energy and mater to form atoms their small
portions forces that are separate combine to consist atomic particles, this two
pure invisible forces have intelligence pure form of life energy and power. Entire
Universe is in control of Dark-Energy force field activity movements of
galaxies to decelerating or accelerating expansion any moment it can inflating
the Universe. By watching the far stars, scientist are observing billion years
of history of the Universe by method of standard candle quantitative Gage to
register red shift velocity distances of stars and galaxies, light that were
traveling since billion of light years ago we just are observing their movement
which happened billion years ago..
6-10 billion light years away from Earth you may find nothingness without
any matter mass or space dust , large space cavity about 1 billion light-years
across completely empty, both situation with Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter are
invisible force field that contain all the force field to create new bodies in
space energy that create matter. You may find additional information in my post
“Our Sun”
Many scientist think there might be a particle out there called a dark
photon, which could carry a new force that would explain dark matter, that is
invisible substance that makes up more than 80% of the Universe`s mass (stars
planets and atoms) the other 20% of atoms are made of Dark-Energy as electrons.
Hungarian team led by physicist Attilla Krasznahorkay did some studies firing
protons at thin targets of lithium-7, a collision that created unstable
beryllium-8 nuclei, which then decayed into pairs of electrons and positrons. This
theory of fifth element is too close to my category of Dark-Matter and
After many tests scientists still can`t say they found definitely Dark-Matter,
it never detected directly, by test noticing gamma rays in galaxies when reach
to hit territories that contain invisible forces such as dark matter as soon
gamma rays collide into this invisible energy they glow releasing some sort of
fractions in lights, naturally there should be a reason probably center of
galaxies contain more condenses invisible dark matter where is more noticeable
collision of gamma rays into dark matter where outer parts of galaxies contained
scattered invisible bubbles of dark matter where the collision gamma rays defuses
less glowing.
Usually people believe that because atoms are solid matter they don’t feel
or sense as nonliving things, one of my post reveal that “Atoms are other form
of living things” Atoms have identity temperament. Let’s consider some of qualifications
of atoms. By tone reaction frequencies they release wavelengths to apply
theoretical procedures considering with their other element neighbors. They apply
fusion process precisely as we can expect from their chemical groups. They can
endure their process for 12 billion years. Though our ears can’t hear then the
release communications by Hertz Hz cycle per seconds, abbreviations for Hz. Atoms
are made of two supernatural energy forces by dark energy that transforms into
electromagnetism and electrons that are unlimited numbers of helixes in
electrons changing orbitals that release photon energy, second force is dark
matter that are invisible bubbly force fields that can extend or contrast where
clusters of this bubbles form protons inside atoms. Each individual or group
going into atomic empty space to connected by portion from proton clusters they
produce mass of new particles inside atom and obey time changing process of
atom to fusion into other elements some protons release sound frequency
wavelengths and photons declare new changing combination emitting new absorption
energy, this process involves sound wavelengths and Hz cycles per second tone
reactions that have always same descriptions according to their stages of
maturity. Atoms release their characteristic lines or spectra lines into open
surroundings. Certain wavelength corresponding colors are the effect that in
split of seconds wavelengths have stop and go process that effects as code where
colors or frequency abbreviations are is interrupted in very split of second
distances inside each cycle, I believe that wavelengths sound and color are one
combinational energy force that are released from atoms as characteristic
spectra lines plus they contain coding messages that are collected from their
regions to send into Universal center of communication of 73% of dark energy
and 24% of dark matter intelligent life center. Lines of atomic spectra show different
colors each chemical group displays same color spectra lines other elements demonstration
different lines. In my other post I explained entire Universe is one energy
warping as invisible one big energy Ocean of quantum flow metric hologram controlled
by dark energy also realm of gravity field of fluctuation that is ignited by
sound frequencies of dark matter to direct individual atoms stars and galaxies
to entangle into quantum harmony oscillations. As soon atoms release spectra
line frequencies they pass into the Ocean that entire Universe is immersed quantum
describes in color code of elements structure, we can only sense the spectra
lines in colors but additionally they contain much more complex codes full of
data that still we as humans don’t have the technology to analyze their details.
It is clear we can explain atomic and molecular characteristics from far away
stars and planets observing their spectra lines, but we can’t describe yet how
atoms are communicating with each other with the rest of planets stars and galaxies.
This is the reason when a great sound frequency code directives sent into
large galaxies it can effect connecting distance realm of elements connecting into
universal cirrus extraterrestrial field that is in different speed of oscillation
range, in space this contrast generate quantifiable effect in light flows
passing by, somehow space time or quantum entanglement engender gravitational
effect that is originated by sound frequency directives from Dark-Matter, we
can only notice from far distances only visible distortions that sound tone
wavelengths are creating certain lensing effect on traveling light realms
across the far surrounding in the form of large bubbles that is the form of invisible
energy of Dark-Matter.
Watching scientists keen on Universe noticing existence of two different elements
in the entire Cosmos, together they combine to formed stars and galaxies, only 4%
is existing matter as galaxies, combination of this two force and matter exist,
one part of radiant energy about 74 % of D.E with anonymous light with
radiation and electromagnetism flow and second elements there exist in cosmos some
undetected forces hides all over Universe thinking it binds all stars and
galaxies that is estimated by 22% of D.M, considering this two element force
and matter they came to supposition using expressions Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter
together they can combine with electromagnetism with matter to form matter
atoms stars and Galaxies. Later on to analyses why continuously space is
expanding making galaxies further apart and what can be found further away in
the darker areas of the Cosmos still are in advance follow up by modern science
discoveries. In my perspective in other post I described how “Gravity” works how
“Cornerstone of the Universe” formed and how “Atoms” and “Stars” are formed.
Still great confusion exist about existing of Dark Energy and Matter but
tools observations of cosmic microwave background radiation shows that this
forces DE and DM exists tools by (microwave Anisotropy probe) in my post “cornerstone
of the Universe” I described that DM is transformational energy from DE that is
72% of the Universe, DM is 23% of the Universe, only small 5% of the Universe
is normal matter stars and galaxies that are combination materialized energy
from DE and DM. We already recognize qualification of DM it does not absorb
electromagnetic radiation that is released from DE. Entire Universe with all
intrinsic empty space is full of DE energy that is unseen, no matter how far
objects accelerating by showing red shift still all vacuum empty space contain
Dark-Energy filling all the gap inside the Universe, theoretical configuration of
Einstein to interact gravity does not add up to explain cosmological constant,
so we are very sure regarding vacuumed energy density of empty space that shows
in a process considering overriding factor shows Dark-Energy exists same with
Dark-Matter is protons in the core of atoms and in the core of all
Universal large body objects like planets stars moons pulsars and black holes,
Dark-Matter is invisible condensed force field made of bubbles in bubbles,
smallest portion to fit inside atom also is large number of bubbles as cluster
in tiny center of all elements, it releases low or high octave sound
frequencies that cannot be heard by our ears and give directives to other
protons to activate covalent bonding their connection to inertia force field of
Dark-Energy and travel connecting through rail force fields that are all around
the Universe and this action effect as gravity in process.
Hastily Dynamic-Energy was
called Dark-Energy. Dynamic-Matter was called Dark-Matter in reality it is not
dark at all, D.M is invisible cluster of bubbles inside other as energy bubbles
that can expand as large as Galaxy and condensed to form cluster bubbles to fit
in atom as proton. Or condense in other form of energy bubbles that repel
temperature and can effect through sound frequency tone wavelength to direct atoms
and other elements by warping loop to be connect into fluctuation field energy
that some call it Quantum entanglement flow, subsequent effect of this field
also creates friction between D.E that is the force of vacuum energy warping materializing
with D.M conservational friction, Dark-Matter can be seen as infrared
wavelengths rare shine around galaxies, as we know D.M has grand large bubbles
that comprise in its entire Galaxy.
Two most powerful possessions exist inside Universe is First and grand
power invisible Dynamic-Energy, portions of this force works as electrons with
many helixes, second one invisible Dynamic Matter that are contained small
portions of clusters as core of atoms. Every core of atom contains knowledge
inspirations strength and life force that obtain all info up-to-the-second around
atoms, this force from core can penetrate our DNA and our consciousness with
hydrogen atoms, that water molecules contain inside our brain and once a while
permits some of that inspirations knowledge way of thinking and life to our
neurons to infiltrate with that data flow so we can also penetrate into personality
variances and knowledge.
So many sophisticated tools now can identify unusual locations inside the
Universe that are not normal matter, for example inside the Dragonfly galaxy
that is located near coma constellation, it is near the size of Milky way galaxy
with a few stars, it will not be possible for a few stars to hold together in
so long space in between, this might bring by some scientist into conclusion
that entire Dragonfly galaxy contains a few stars that is “Normal matter” and
the rest is dark matter, as I described on many occasions combination of
invisible force of dark energy as electrons combing wit invisible dark matter
energy form a hydrogen atom and entire stars are formations by this two major
energy forces D.M and D.E presented as “Normal matter” the rest of the Universe
and beyond is spread energy of dark energy and dark matter as invisible force
energy that is not made with any “Matter”
Distinctive line between
Dark Energy and Dark Matter
In my studies I came at conclusions that electrons contain big number of
helix thread that also can divide into smaller portions to ensure many Weyl for
other properties, stimuli neutrino and other particles electrons are small
portions from electromagnetism field to combine with proton clusters bubbles to
form an atom, also electromagnetism derive from Dark-Energy field that exist in
entire Universe, some effective portions can be noticed similar in solar winds.
Each invisible particle of Weyl can change electromagnetic post expending into
a bubble of Dark Matter in same principle of matter and antimatter, Weyl that
transforms into bubbles of Dark Matter react totally as new invisible subatomic
particles that can expand or shrink in super extraterrestrial levels, follow up
of this transformed Weyl clusters are collected inside electrons spinning gage
to form Hydrogen atoms. So the separation line between DE and DM is
transformation of Weyl into bubbles, origin of everything, everything was created
by Dynamic Energy science name it Dark Energy. New form Weyls as DM can either collide
to interact with other elements or particles as well it can slip past all
particles because bubble form of energy that can react totally different range
of theoretical presumed standards that we valued till now. New Weyl bubbles
that are now Dark matter communicate because they contain life force energy intelligence
and are part of the great volume inside Universe contained inside every atom as
core and inside every planet and star as core that also communicate in low and
high frequency wavelengths in Universal language that’s how core of an atom
communicate with their neighboring atoms binding together also untying Dark
Matter bubbles from its cluster position meet detached other Weyl from
electrons combining into new particles inside atoms to form new characteristic
adding more liveried combination they go into fusion forming hydrogen atom into
helium and so on. Dark-Energy is more abbreviate than other locations it is a
steady force field that contains intelligence
supernatural life force being dynamism power about DE ability I call
this Energy Dynamic Energy some people give title God the most powerful force
in entire Universe. Dark-Energy is scattered mixing in massive area in the Universe
assorted with clouds this can be seen in smaller portion in solar winds and large areas like Magellanic clouds
located about 200.000 light years away located one side of Milky Galaxy, large
and small magellanic cloud as ribbon of gas form spin half way around Milky way.
One of the proof of that can be found 250.000 light years away over the
Galaxies NGC 470 and 474, invisible Dark Matter bubble shapes are surrounding
this Galaxies like alternative shell ripples in a point, some areas show also tidal
tails, in my other subjects blogs “DNA” I explained Dark-Matter bubbles can join
with other bubbles and expand or inflate larger than Galaxies, in smallest
portions starting to combine clusters of bubbles to fit Centre of an atom as
proton, then can be separated and swell into basketball sizes to hold babies
inside the womb, if twins more bubbles are introduced, after birth invisible
Dark-Matter bubbles keep surrounding the person until the moment or a little while
of death of the individual. All living things on Earth contained in individual
Dark-Matter bubbles, all animals warms lizards plants insects birds bacteria’s viruses
and microbes, they all are inserted inside individuality Dark-Matter Bubbles.
Connecting protons to spinning electron cables of helixes that are from
Dark-Energy spins create atoms that collectively forms into normal matter
everything we see stars and planets and matter. Dark-Energy existed over 14
billion years ago because is very grand power I give the name Dynamic-Energy;
it was discovered by humans 1998 this force field is mysterious enormous powerful
Energy field. Both Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter contain intelligence and provide
life to all their created body forms, in my other notes I have explained this
theories. Many years ago humans did not realize that solid corals are life
forms now they do, in my other theories atoms are living things that can live
12 billion years and hear and express by sound frequencies and collect data by
electron helix stimuli the way process done in human brains transporting data emotion
and memory to other neuron cells, all plants express collectively combining
cluster atoms enchaining their personality sound variations
in principle are bubble cluster from small point as bubble clusters inside atom
as proton and larger and larger ones bubble clusters as big as Galaxies in the
Universe, some principle bubbles can be seen by infrared imaging, scientist
call them hierarchal bubble structure, it will be noticeable by collective
groups of dust cosmic bubble forms in the universe some very big and some
smaller formations.
Starting from small living cells to larger living animals and all sort of
living things, starting from tiny elements to larger matter planets stars and
galaxies embraced totally inside Dark-Matter bubbles, for example as I conclude
Bubble Nebula is a good example, in the same grip manner entire Galaxies are
grasp by Dark-Matter bubbles.
Bubble Nebula
Calculating the entire Universe, normal matters as stars and galaxies are
4.9 % of the Universe. Dark-Matter 26.8 % and the largest force field
electromagnetism Dark-Energy is 68.3% of total Universe
Considering how atoms go through cycle fusion without borrowing any
particles from their neighbors it explain that electron helixes can be separated
and go into space of atoms and combine with separated bubbles of Dark-Matter
from core to form a new particle and so on until all form of other atoms
transform from hydrogen atom to higher chart of groups of atoms with multiple
nucleuses and other great number of new particles. Many researchers are seeking
to grasp Dark-Matter bubbles that are invisible and have values beyond the
standard models to pin point its existences can be shown when Dark-Matter
invisible bubbles reveal itself by gravity, in my perspectives D.M releases unusual
effect by sound frequency tone waves to be connected into Quantum universal
time pinpoint force that is spread inside entire Universe and every mass is
imbedded in that cosmos force field.
My new theory DE+DM=H
Theories of some astronomers about creating stars elucidated that remnant
from nova explosions leave particles and great amount of big volumes of hydrogen
then gravity collects all the remnant to form a new star, my perspective
totally is different, starting stage of star there is 0% of hydrogen invisible Dark
matter is gathered to a entirety, as soon Dark-Energy meets they engagement
forming nonstop hydrogen atoms, that’s how star to form, I believe that not
only single stars but also big number of galaxy clusters reside in a expanse
where great amount of Dark-Matter exists, starting point fluctuations form where
denser or heavier volume of Dark-Matter resides, as soon Dark-Energy meet them
they start forming stars and galaxies, it is not surprising when we observing galaxies
already are in areas where Dark-Matter is more heftier inside Universe, this is
where I present my “Kaprielian” theory DE+DM=H D (Dark-Energy + Dark-Matter =
Hydrogen atoms)
Earth’s protective
invisible shield
Inside Earth core is two different condensed state of Dark Matter, deeper
core is million tomes more condensed than lead upper portion core is 15 times
more condensed than lead in liquid form of invisible Dark-Matter bubbles and so
on they can pact to contract or enlarge and get larger than our planet, this
larger D.M bubbles are touching each other, center portions of bubbles are
inside their neighboring bubble but together forming like tire of automobile,
all together D.M forming doughnut- shaped connected bubbles of D.M this forms
can be sensed over the Earth by special instruments 40.000 kilometers above
Earth, on their toper part or outside surrounding there is another larger size bubbles of D.M in same formality
like the smaller doughnut shape they also of touching bubbles combining into larger
doughnut shape bubbles, this two round tire shape bubbles are above our planet
as invisible shield, large two form bubble doughnuts contain smaller D.M
bubbles that speed over the outer peel side and spin in speed of 160.000kilometers
per second on upper atmosphere, two doughnuts together protect Earth from electronic
bombardment’s from space, on top of this two doughnuts there is also a cloud of
Dark Energy that always stay near D.M scientist call this phenomena (plasmaspheric
hiss) on top of this two doughnut shaped bubbles Earth also have a cloud that
is Dark Energy, always no matter what planet or star have combination of volume
in D.E and D.M that do not separate always are near by working together inside
atoms or as planets two groups relate to each other in every task that any
volume of mass completes combining together sometimes rejecting each other sometimes
pulling each, they are located outside outer atmosphere of the Earth all the
way inside planet`s core. Same two forces form all other planets stars and
galaxies in the entire Universe.
Dark matter is hiding inside every atom as core and are called proton
still scientist are working on Alpha magnetic spectrometer (AMS) to find
Dark-Matter in the universe watching cosmic-ray particles that come and collide
with Dark-Matter bubble clusters, scientist call DM WIMPs weakly interacting
massive particles, one thing for sure Dark-Matter cannot be seen by telescopes
because are invisible and light cannot penetrate through it except Dark-Energy,
in my other chapter article about (Our Sun) I been explaining how react
Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy to form hydrogen atoms and function as a star.
Dark matter are mostly intangible, scientist try to look far inside universe
to search dark matter they already are her with us inside atoms surrounded by
electron short cables of unlimited helix coils, we contain as building blocks
elements, we are made of atoms.
Dark Matter have intelligence to direct into composing super symmetric capabilities
to form joining with electron helix into new particles inside atoms also is
capable by low octave sound frequency waves vibrations to command always active
in developing to super symmetric particles inside atoms and into surrounding in
principles of covalent bonds, new physics we know trying hard to collect
information in standard model to explain new physics, that will stay new for
time being. All equations that describe shattering atoms make more close to understanding
that the word decay is the process sending particles into their original form
Energy-Matter, D.E and D.M.
Dark-Energy is invisible force can be convert into electromagnetism and the
small form of electrons, Dark-Energy has immortality constancy. Another
interaction invisible Dark-Matter, that can emerge to protons, combining
together, Dark-Energy and Matter form hydrogen atoms. Separately D.E and D.M Electrons
are cables with unlimited numbers of helixes that can be separated to go
through inside atoms separately to combine from protons cluster detached
numbers of Dark-Matter bubbles and form new particles, atoms can live 12 billion
years they are the combination of two living forms D.E and D.M atoms become new
form of living thing that can communicate covalent bonding by sound wave
frequency tones and can change its character into other forms of atoms or
personalities by fusion, when atom die the two major component energy and
matter return to its original form of invisible state and never dies. In the
future they can combine into new atoms cycle.
Some scientist brings idea of
double-disk Dark-Matter model. A new type of dark
matter that forms “dark atoms” may clump into flat disks around galaxies,
physicists suggest in a new theory called the double-disk dark matter model. Novel twist on an
intriguing concept, that is very complicated and I don’t agree with that high
Some scientist brings idea of
double-disk Dark-Matter model. A new type of dark
matter that forms “dark atoms” may clump into flat disks around galaxies,
physicists suggest in a new theory called the double-disk dark matter model. Novel twist on an
intriguing concept, that is very complicated and I don’t agree with that high
In my perspective as I explained on many occasions Dark-Matter can band coming
facing toward D.M by sound frequency waves before the light reach to D.M the
gravitational sensing is pushing back by sound waves and light react to move
connecting to ocean of force field quantum that governs the entire Universe. It
is true that the effect shows that light is not passing through D.M and is
bending light, the principle of “scaffolding” that D.M react with other matter
like planets stars and galaxies, all cluster concentration react to low octave
sound frequencies released from D.M to direct the energy communication of
galaxies tone reaction to be connected to ocean force field of the universe
that is made of Dark-Energy. Same principle applied to all matter before
reaching to direction of Black holes. In my perspective center core of black
hole is concentrated pure Dark-Matter. Center of all Galaxies are spread Dark-Matter and core of every atom and planets moons and stars are condensed Dark-Matter also rest of all volume form of star groups.
Some Physicists communities declare Universe comprises 27% of Dark-Matter,
5% normal mater as stars and galaxies will be left 68% Dark-Energy. They still
looking by WIMPS, It is logical to admit that that Dark-Matter like Dark-Energy
is invisible not are seen, all agree that Dark-Matter that create gravity also
control spinning galaxies except in my perspective Dark-Matter releases sound
frequency tone wavelengths to invite all surrounding mass to be connected into
Universal wide-ranging energy field Ocean directives from sound frequency sound
tone wavelengths to be connected into Universal quantum flow time zone field. Cooperatively,
two major forces that exist inside Cosmos, that I like to title them invisible
Dynamic-Energy and Invisible Dynamic-Matter control everything, this force is
in so grand scale and powerful that their title should also be grand
designating award, this two forces and matter first start to forming new hydrogen
atoms collectively forming stars planets moons and Galaxies. Grand force of the
Universe exists covering entire Universe. Astronomers name them Dark Matter and
Dark Energy, till now many were discerning that Dark Matter that is inside
galaxies holding into each other, in reality there is no visible matter that
can grasp into each other to upswing as Universal objects holding each other,
galaxies are not flying apart nor the stars inside the Galaxies bonding each
other in their appropriate orbit forms. Repeatedly I mentioned my belief that
entire Universe is immersed inside space-time field of quantum energy that is
in rheostat of Dynamic-Energy in Grand fabric of space-time. Dynamic-Matter
releases sound frequencies from atoms planets galaxies influencing the orbit of
every matter esoteric open range field directing elements to be connected into
the field of fabric of Space-time to be relocated, entire Universe is one body
holding all collections of Matter inside Cosmos. The force field that I
mentioning is invisible let’s say Quantum particles but really they are
portions of that energy force realm that control all elements so called forces gravitational
movement or journey in space to idealized springs or harmonic oscillators that
are attached each other inside zone field of the entire Universe, they have
nothing to do with Galactic-scale electric field nor negative or positive
charges. Electrostatic forces are different than opposite charge distributions,
gravitational connection into quantum zone fabric field is totally different
sort of bond periphery revitalizing propel gravitational electro field charges.
Unknown energy specimen relating force surrounds all galaxies and penetrates
into each atoms core hooked on quantum flow gear communicate with
Dynamic-Matter atomic cores to bind all matter elements within spec time. From
side to side in vacuumed Universe all object move or fall in same speed
directive command either it is thousand tone of solid iron or 1 gram of feather
they together obey same directives from sound frequency sound tone wavelengths
to be connected into Universal quantum flow time zone field.
Inside every star or planet and moon center core is Dark-Matter surrounded
by some Dark-Energy clouds, in case of stars center is dark matter surrounded
by dark energy on top of that flow is also dark matter, for example after flare
corona burst we can see dark matter cool sections that don’t contain hotness of
the Sun. after supernovae explosion the middle section of any star remains as
pulsar or other bright forms, there is possibility that any moment dark matter
can mount the pulsar and later into new star formation you can say dark matter depowered
the pulsar in reality all stars are twisted by this two energy and invisible
matter including atoms.
In my perceptions Dark-Matter is an invisible bubble inside other bubbles
that can expand energy walls and shrink to invisible dense energy lumps. Some intellectuals
disagreeing that Dark-Matter is particles “Macros” also they presenting
Dark-Matter as large chunks, that can shrink into dense atomic nuclei. They
were accepting that 85% of solid matter inside universe is made from
Dark-Matter, if Dark Matter is large chunks then how their distributed portions
reach to fit inside atoms as core. In my outline I described in many occasions
Dark Matter also is energy that can expand or get in dense state by pressures
from spinning electrons that cover into their realm, every atom forms are
balanced knobs of this two invisible forces Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter that is
my epigraphically theoretical conclusion principle as outline in all matter or elements
planets stars Galaxies and so on.
According to my perspectives there is an neutron star or pulsar depends the
two energy variation of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy, during an supernova
massive explosion particle atomic molecules give an complex image, first they
travel fast away from center and doing so right away they return reverse their
bounce traveling back into center point of supernovae, this reverse bounce
happen by sound frequency wavelengths into certain realm of circle point around
the explosion, Dark-Matter commanding all particles to rebounded into extraterrestrial
field like bubble interior, this sort of multiple bubble invisible structures
can be seen by their effect into their surroundings, for example this sort
of bubble like interiors has been seen
less than 400 years ago explosion of supernovae Lassiopeie supernova explosion,
after this sort of explosion not that pulsar or neutron star forms but already
they are inside every planet star or moon that appears after the explosion.
Probably you might think that my scheme is too complicated. You have all the
right to see that way, collective cosmological theories making Universe a
complex reality, after many others explores we can at a guess confidently realize
that other invisible forces that guiding the entire Universe has more
complexities for us to figure out, I am trying to say that collective
cosmological theories were not able to measure by their scales complex physics,
in reality it raises more questions than answers, what is the force that push
all this gravitational waves in universe the way they behave and accelerate,
that meant we need more advance tools to scale other invisible fields to scale
accurately to get a little closer to reality. In my perspective two energy forces
create each atoms planets stars, inside every mass this two forces reflect data
to their environment ant all inside Universe, one of my post describe this two
forces during existence in title “Cornerstone of the Universe”
It is human nature or we have the custom to be attracted into round forms
seeing football Basketball tennis Golf you name it, round shape make us feel familiar
like the star or the planet we live on so on.
Dark Matter is invisible force bubbles much smaller than microscopic
structures that can be attached into curved space time this tiny bubbles can be
expanded into blue whale size or pack itself into condensed stage astronomic
scale or any moment it can be stabilized into million times more dense than
lead but still having shape of superfluid vacuum theory, surrounding objects or
elements have no any disorder effect to its activities. Science might figure
out this activities approaching by BEC theoretical physics and quantum theories,
atom virtual particles that are connected joints with helix electrons and
Dark-Matter portion protons to form particles of atoms, linked portion Dark-Matters
have relativistic to all matter forms, also to all in SVT manifestation of all
gravity starting connectives into space time model gravity scales is part of
this force.
On Earth invisible Dark-Matter is visible by its effect on other objects by
bubbles, either by looking into drop of water sitting on flat spot or by soap
bubbles can be found everywhere that counteracts the buoyance force everywhere,
watching its effect similar to flexible bracelet rings or by Toroidal Bubble
vortex that are released by marine mammals like Beluga, Dolphins, Humpback
whales release, this mammals do not create toroidal vortex that spins
poloidally, somehow they know how to get connected by sound frequency into its
stabilizing term into underwater vortex rings, those mammals know how to blow
air combined penetrating into connections of sound waves to be attached into
Toroidal bubbles, the force that complete toroidal vortex ring that look like the
shape of smoke rings it is already available all around in nature and space we and
all space time is completely immersed into outnumbered stabilizing vortex field
of Dark Matter that are expanded bubble velocity ocean.
Building block of Toroidal bubble ring is collection of many other smaller
dark-Matter bubbles that attached to air molecules or gas substances despite
holding gravity into certain time period then they decrease their size getting separated
from the vortex ring diameter total volume but still keep invisible bubble
forms with outnumbered dark-Matter bubble coordination
In my other post (Our Sun) and other posts I described that
dark matter bubbles are bubbles inside bubbles they can be expanded billion
times larger or condense in the same rate to very small space as we see inside
as core of atoms that are great number of invisible dark matter bubbles. If you
can observe NASA flares about the Sun on July 19 2012 you can notice large
blobs inside blobs that are holding all sun particles like magnetic field liners
bordering or shaping looping rain of elements are sliding on top of bubble
border back down to surface of the Sun, as you watch you will notice that
flares are looping or sliding back down by variety of different invisible
bubble surfaces that are inside other bubbles. Later Dark-Matter bubbles and
Dark Energy electromagnetic flows also return into the suns inner layers.
Large Hadron collider doing many tests by smashing atoms, in my perspective
Dark-Matter is liquid form invisible condense liquid matter, light and heat
could not pass through it they are protons and core of all planets stars. Protons
are liquid form clusters of bubbles, gluons are the effect force between them
and electrons, some particles flying off the collision point in correlated
direction because ATOMS are other form of LIVING things, after the collision they
find a hot soup of particles made of quark-gluon-plasma, and each flight
particles can go into other directions. For many years scientist were
discussing about the quark connections to each other by a wire or gluon, that
is not stressed now and telling nothing about it, in my perspective Dark-Energy
and Dark-Matter are the main gradient’s or you can call it constituent’s
in atoms, and they have intelligence
and are other sort of living forms and combine into living Atom.
While Higgs Boson is searching to find what accomplished our Universe,
searching for gluons winos photinos all the super symmetrical group that are
very tiny particles that have to be discover, still have hope to find rare
particles as B-s (“B-sub-S”) 105 “Free paramotess” physicist still don’t have complete
number of particles, such as Higgs or Higgino gluons bason vice versa W
particles that have winos, now already know some about gluons gravitons
fermions quarks electron neutrinos bosons
Many underground detectors are operative like LUX. XENON-1 ton LX and
others to concentrate plus LHC gamma-rays telescopes are busy to detect Dark-Matter
dynamic phenomena. So far no any mark, still it is a mystery, though there is certainly
sensible gravitational effect. Large Hadron collider is collecting many
astroparticle experiments. Perhaps they are assuming that Dark-Matter is a
granulated concentration as a dynamic phenomenon. So far after colliding atoms
in the test only particles are registering that have material or strong energy
values, Dark-Matter individual bubbles are separated from proton cluster bubbles
to be connected to electron helixes parts to form a particle combination of
particles inside atoms. It seems that Dark-Matter is invisible and pass through
this sensitive registrations without leaving any marks when proton Bubbles or
Dark-Matter is not attached with helixes as particle, who knows Dark-Matter
might be sound frequency condensed energy circuits spinning keeping sound
inside the spinning bubble and if they are puffed in the Universe they are the
ones that generating humming sound, there might be many assumptions so far we
are not to the conclusion, in my other chapter in this blog “Gravity” I
explained how gravitational forces are generated when sound from protons or
Dark-Matter directs elements to hang on to portion location or new location by
connecting themselves to quantum time location inside our Universe,
gravitational effect on other matters are only sound directives to other mass
body to adapt their location inside space time, also in my other article “Black
holes” I have additional information regarding gravity.
In my perceptive many particles that are register in Higgs probably don’t include
in the atom but are combined after acceleration collision in Higgs Boson, these explosions
can develop at the moment new particles that don’t exist but form in last
Still many researched followed about Neutralinos Gluinos gravitations
unparticle chemeleon particles.
Scientist want to know more about atoms, researches are going regarding
Dark-Matter, one thing is left out they are not considering that Dark-Matter
have intelligence it is invisible and capable to transform from condensed to
more impenetrable mass, have gravity directive sound frequency waves and
communication with other atoms, only Dark-Energy can go through in some degree indentation
Also scientist want to know more about the unparticle to consider mass-bearings
range spin interactions, how far their spin distance can be go. Plus they want
to know about radioactive uranium decays finding geoneutrions having confidence
in that the radioactive decade is causing to generate driving motion of
tectonic plate, not considering the assertive scrub between Dark-Energy around
Dark-Matter core in the center core of our Earth. In my notes “Gravity” I have
some points regarding this matter.
In other notes I mentioned that Dark-Matter
and Dark-Energy is other sort of living vitality circuits, revealing in my
notes under the title “Cornerstone of the Universe” is explained all existing
matter elements contain life that we are unaware of it. Dark Matter is based by
energy regulation of all super symmetry structures, all atoms are made of
protons clusters that are from materialized Dark-Matter bubbles with life
containing energy, and all electron cables are helixes and released from electromagnetism
that are materialized from Dark-Energy.
Some scientist already use this word super symmetry
(or SUSY) as theory describing are
collections from fermions that carry
boson forces that are called super partners with same quantum properties, in my
perspectives supper-symmetry is released guidance to from Dark-Matter that
serve as building block to prepare all matter by combining to (D.E) inside integer
helix spins to form atoms. Every time atom smashers speed elements almost close
to speed of light in acceleration collision course destroying atoms, of course
they can’t kill D.E and D.M but try to miscarry there purposes that was
originated to combine that matter elements. Before the collision how it was operating
still will remain is unknown and many particle registrations in hadron collider
might be combined during the collision, so all messages will remain unclear.
Also scientist experiments involve necleon rare decay, of course protons
and neutrons will be change their performance, sooner or later these particles
will be stopped from their activities but not before they dispatch all their
input data in right core for continuous memorandum, in my notes black hole I
been explaining how all elements and their particles return and transform to
their preexistence invisible Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter state.
I explained that protons don’t have
standard stable mass they can be changed into different physique that can vary
into relaxed form or more extreme condensed form, like the stage when forms
into pulsar cores and defocus into other heavy gravitational stage like black
hole, so reduced Dark-Matter protons can be 15 times more dense than lead and
go to 126 times than that impenetrable mass and beyond into unknown
capabilities. The new elementary particle they found in Higgs boson it contains
126 times the mass of proton sometimes this particle is referred as the “God
particle” protons are Dark-Matter they are very tiny bubbles that contain
outnumber tinnier bubble clusters, if the volume go larger still it condenses
in larger bubbles and larger ones, they can reach volumes bigger than galaxies
and divide into thousand clusters to form one proton.
Dark-Matter is unknown to scientist, cosmologist awaiting further clarifications, some are noticing from its light-bending characteristics even scientist can calculate dark-Matter clumps, for my understanding Dark-Matter is like Mercury metal without the coloring, invisible and having 15 times more mass than Lead, light and heat do not penetrate in, it is pure proton made as tiny bubbles gathered in larger and greater bubbles 23% of the Universe and is the only mass substance available. It has supernatural mind of its own and is a marvelous living thing of totally different kind and part of the living Universe, we can see it from the living planet of our own Earth. Still people only expect living from other planets should be only in one sort category of bald head and two large eyes, beside that anything is rejected by humanoids.
Dark-Matter can be tightly packed or weak in densely packed having
shape-shifter according to low octave sound tone waves procedures from other
variable mass such as solar or galactic cores. Recently some Dark-Matter
bubbles cluster particles have been collected in the international space
station but everything kept secret. There are Gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes
that trying to collect data about this elusive particles in chok areas that
might be Dark-Matter. Like I suspect that bock-globules is one of these condense
Two major forces exist inside Cosmos, that I like to title them invisible
Dynamic-Energy and Invisible Dynamic-Matter control everything, this force is
in so grand scale and powerful that their title should also be grand designating
award, this two forces and matter first start to forming new hydrogen atoms
collectively forming stars planets moons and Galaxies. Grand force of the
Universe exists covering entire Universe. Astronomers name them Dark Matter and
Dark Energy, till now many were discerning that Dark Matter that is inside
galaxies holding into each other, in reality there is no visible matter that
can grasp into each other to upswing as Universal objects holding each other,
galaxies are not flying apart nor the stars inside the Galaxies bonding each
other in their appropriate orbit forms. Repeatedly I mentioned my belief that
entire Universe is immersed inside space-time field of quantum energy that is
in rheostat of Dynamic-Energy in Grand fabric of space-time. Dynamic-Matter
releases sound frequencies from atoms planets galaxies influencing the orbit of
every matter esoteric open range field directing elements to be connected into
the field of fabric of Space-time to be relocated, entire Universe is one body
holding all collections of Matter inside Cosmos. The force field that I
mentioning is invisible let’s say Quantum particles but really they are
portions of that energy force realm that control all elements so called forces gravitational
movement or journey in space to idealized springs or harmonic oscillators that
are attached each other inside zone field of the entire Universe, they have nothing
to do with Galactic-scale electric field nor negative or positive charges. Electrostatic
forces are different than opposite charge distributions, gravitational
connection into quantum zone fabric field is totally different sort of bond periphery
revitalizing propel gravitational electro field charges. Unknown energy specimen
relating force surrounds all galaxies and penetrates into each atoms core hooked
on quantum flow gear communicate with Dynamic-Matter atomic cores to bind all
matter elements within spec time.
Dark-Matter is protons; inside atoms is big number of smaller proton clusters
or individual bubbles, particles radius is 0.84087 Femtometers . Smaller measurements are considered billionth
of a meter that is fathometer, also protons individually separated from their
clusters are much smaller also protons are considered 4% smaller than recently
accepted by scientists. Electrons are bundles of helix varying length and once
a while some are released in fusion to go in and join to individual proton
bubbles. Electrons are smaller than protons 1/1836.
There are many other perspectives regarding Dark-Matter, some consider it
as particles that are donut-shaped small electromagnetic fields calling them Anapole, others consider
them as Majorana particles that have magnetic gravitational dipoles properties
and also they connect it to electromagnetism, in my perspectives electromagnetic
properties only belong to Dark-Energy that can be in small sections as
electrons and much smaller as neutrinos. Dark-Matter are bubbles in bubbles
cluster particles that are watery form and can be condensed or relegated to
disseminate, they are invisible and collectively they can recuperate as big as
galaxies, all atoms contain Dark-Matter as protons, all stars planets and moons
or large objects have Dark-Matter as core. Main energy they have releasing low
octave sound frequencies to harmonize other protons to be connected or change their
positions by covalent bonding principles or to be connected to the greatest
invisible oceans in the universal.
Entire Universe is in harmony conformation. Energy-Matter combination
prepared the field of existence every matter. Since 70 years there was confusion
regarding Dark-Matter even calling it “Dark” because can’t be seen. Latest
observation from observatories like Hubble NAOJ` s telescopes and WM Keck
observatory also by Gemini observatory they came to evidences regarding
Dark-Matter filaments. Also found data came from the Subaru CFHT WM KECK and Gemini
North telescopes that are located in Hawaii.
One of the observation show that between all galaxies slowly funneling
Matter into clusters, invisible Dark can’t be seen but the effect is noticeable.
Second point gravitational effect can be observed from Earth between far
away objects, surprisingly if light travels into these locations of Dark-Matter
filaments, light start to bend in large effect, invisible field forcing the
light to go into other direction like a wall banding the flow of coming light.
Third point, scientist categorized models of clusters in Universe that can
be fitted in lensing features after the experts prepared two-dimensional map of
clusters later comparing with 3D, considering measured with spectrometers by
data from the most modern observatories that earlier I mentioned.
In my prospective I call Dark-Matter filament Oceans because they are like
liquid and invisible structural form, 15 times more dense than lead, when they
are spread are more invisible but inside rotational field of electron they turn
into more condense form of protons to form big numbers of pips similar to the
shape of very tiny version of pomegranate ( in my other title How stars are
formed you can find also how atoms are formed) they are great field of energy
and only they can be packed in tight stage if electrons have a spin circle
rotation around them, so in the Universe Dark-Matter exist in many separate locations
as invisible ocean’s that are bib bubbles that contain smaller and smaller form
of bubbles that can go smaller to fit inside the Atom but still entire realm of
Dark Matter is one individual energy and contains intelligence that allow to
pack portion of their intelligence inside every atom (in another title of my
Blog you can find the subject ATOMS ARE LIVING THINGS) 60 light-years-across you can find Wolf-Rayet Bubble that is a Large Dark-Matter bubble fitting inside many stars and planets and stellar wind giving th shape of large Bubble.
Core Earth have unknown qualifications
that still are not familiar to us. In my logic the core is made of Dark-Matter
and releases low octave sound frequency code tone waves to all elements and
they apply the commendation to be directed joining to invisible forces
connecting themselves to unseen force source field in same principle as bond
reaction, some might speculated hypothetical fifth force version of magnetism
that does not weaken with distance, the reason is elements they are driving
their mass according to surroundings inertia force field bonding, still
scientist is looking forward by probe down many sets of detectors deep in the ground at
various of places for analysis to conclude if there are any “Unparticles” from
lower mantle and from Universe. The Fundamental force of Nature like in any
planet or stars core is Dark-Matter.
All atoms stars and Galaxies are imbedded inside Dark-Matter
By my perspective atoms take any size collectively and separately, they gulp
bacteria’s viruses till to larger mammals till blue whales and keep slightly
larger bubble what they gulp, living forms including humans do not feel or sense
that they are imbedded with binary codes inside Dark Matter bubble, same
situation goes meteors planets moons
stars and galaxies, probably you have noticed our solar system and galaxies are
mostly speeded in flat shape, all are spinning but somehow are gulp in an
invisible large bubble with scalar waves operating higher or lower tones
frequency vibrations are guiding their formality cycles or patterns. Dark
Matter controls galaxy oscillation that is imbedded in large Dark Matter that
is adjusting all perpetual motions, because there is guided by mathematical
formulas it seems that some non-biological living energy with intelligence that
have regulatory galaxy flow patterns.
Humans always will be inside their fictional limitation bubble and don’t look to adjacent subtle reality, they can`t come out of it. We might be surrounded by elusive realm field of Dark-Matter sprinkled spread bubbles all around us, like the flow of air in liquid soap forms very easy to collected in bubble form all sizes, everywhere can be found invisible bubble form regulation to be adjusted by other matter to be stimulated by their environs we can’t see but the effect occurs all around us and in the entire Universe.
Let’s consider about an individual cell that can`t talk to us but collective billion and trillion cells when complete a body can stand up and act as a actuality and all other beings except this body as lives, same principle lies with protons and Atoms, each proton is other form of life that we don’t understand, collective trillion times trillions times trillions continue trillion times collection of protons as combination of Dark-Matter come to comprehensive body of bubble D.M, it can think act and decide to react in the center of our Earth as core of the Earth. Same exploit we see in swarm of birds, Fish, and fungus in the wild, jointly they represent something lively achievement
Earth has central core section that is complete dense invisible Dark-Matter more condense than atoms but invisible, it can move like water on its own waves of electric currents, some clouds of Dark-Energy always is circling close by, that stretch of opposite magnetic indifference activate Dark-Matter sloshes into grabbing more low octave sound frequencies that is everywhere to gush in for protection, this effect produce magnetism by making all protons that are in other atoms close by to move toward the center core section center by magnetic Pole, these will create a magnetic field, by the way in other occasions I mentioned many times that Protons are very tiny portions of Dark-Matter gurgles, so center core communicate to all surrounding protons, this action is done by just producing sounds from the core all other element they move accordingly trying to effort to go to that direction even when they are not moving. The result is creating electric currents or generate magnetic field. Beside the surrounding mass of Earth`s core Dark-Matter has more powerful force field of communication to elsewhere in the Cosmos that can manipulate giving new orders to Dark-Matter bubbles to change duration of their locations to increase the rate of movements.
Astronomers know that in our Universe some light are not passing through certain locations that there are no visible objects or dusty clouds and they are suspecting mass of invisible Dark-Matter or D.M. Lately they discovered 7 billion light-years away small invisible dwarf galaxy that reflects no light, scientist considering as Dark-Matter. The mass weight is 190 million times mass of our Sun.
According to the scientist fundamental nature of D.M remains mysterious that’s why they call it Dark in reality it is supernatural great, has importance filling in the Cosmos it will be very decent to call it Glorious –Matter and the other force Glorious-Energy, in my theory Dark-Matter are the stars in Universe they are holding in certain amount of Dark-Energy that are spinning inside on portion of Dark-Matter separating into core, but scientist evaluations they searching dark matter as a leftover particles from super nova explosions or by cosmic collisions, some are visualizing that Galaxies are residing inside Dark-Matter and looking leftover cocoon in the dust. Till now D.E never detected but they felt the effect how it cannot interact with normal matter and it does not reflect light, only they notice D.M Gravitationally. Some scientists add that D.M dominates the Universe because 98% of all matters are from Dark-Matter. Scientist has expectations from looking into clump of D.M to act according what scientist will be enjoying seeing it, unfortunately some astronomers watching that D.M is not behaving the way they guessing, But D.M clumps was abandoned by Galaxies. Still scientist are hopeful using gravitational technique by Einstein general theory of relativity, observing how mass bends in space, watching if any light can travel along in a curved path around any Dark-Matter bubble, hoping that they are like big clumps that you see when boiling slowly a thick soup, in reality as much closer they are observing D.M it is getting more complicated because the reality still too far away or may be it is too close to see, like may be D.M is the core of our Earth or is inside the Atom under different name “Protons” Someday it will be cleared out hopefully. Basic matter of all matters is D.E and atoms and planets and stars are matter
Atoms are combination of two invisible energy matters D.E and D.M. Portion of Dark-Energy that serves to be an electron is one cable but collective force field with big number of helix lines that can be separated and act individually in action joining or mixing with opposite force of protons that are portions of Dark-Matter only they have mass, they look like very tiny fruit of pomegranate tight clusters of specks, one ball of proton surrounded by one cable of electron that whiz around to develop one hydrogen Atom that have no neutron, Every time by lost helix that lost control from the electron cable fall in an join to eight pips from the pomegranate proton develop into new neutron, other numbers, I am not sure how they combine. Other numbers of particles of helix joining other numbers of pips form other particles inside the atom, this new formed group’s act according to subatomic values give different effects six flavors settled in quarks form inside atoms, they are called. Up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom. Those quarks divided also into two as their beginning material energy force D.E and D.M that is two groups, like D.M protons contain two “up” flavored quarks. But negative D.E electrons divided portions of helix neutron quarks carry two “downs and one “up and one “down” Always more portion balanced particles have mass, electron parts have almost no mass. Those portions are evaluated and registered in Large Hadron collider (LHC) but the result is when they are shattered not when they are operative because when they are broken nothing will show except gravitationally registrations, at atoms destructive event most electrons that are descent of Dark-Energy vaporize because shattered neutrinos also annihilate by it returning to original form of Dark-Energy. So for me we don’t have real standard model to penetrate and divide portions and particles of six flavors inside Atom mechanism their operative method is interrupted by a smash.
Dark-Matter is protons; inside atoms is big number of smaller proton clusters
or individual bubbles, particles radius is 0.84087 Femtometers . Smaller measurements are considered billionth
of a meter that is fathometer, also protons individually separated from their
clusters are much smaller also protons are considered 4% smaller than recently
accepted by scientists. Electrons are bundles of helix varying length and once
a while some are released in fusion to go in and join to individual proton
bubbles and electrons are 1/1836 times smaller.
In logical opinion Dark-Matter is invisible bubble clusters as dense they
get than mass get tighter, regular standard form is 15 times dense than lead
but it can be expended to thin nothingness or go compressed that lead thousand
time, in condensed form it has liquid procedure it is non-biological living energetic
thing, scientist are trying many experiments by WIMP bouncing off an atomic nucleus
of xenon still unordinary Dark-Matter that is invisible also impenetrable and
same time can pass from side to side other elements resembling wind, all
interactive massive particles contain balanced forms of Dark-Matter and
Dark-Energy. I wonder what the scientist find when it is invisible and can
react inversely because it is other form of living thing so no theoretical
models can apply on these Matter in any models Dark-Matter nor Dark-Energy both
invisible forces with all experiments they can defined by leaving background
radiation or nothing at all, can be impassable if it reacts to be compressed because
these two are supernatural actualities.
Theoretical principles sometimes do not adopt all formalities. I explained
many times low and high octave sound frequencies tone pulses direct the entire Universe
generated from invisible extraterrestrial supreme force field of Dark-Energy as
entire axis of Cosmos this wavelengths are exaggerated by invisible force field
bubbles of Dark-matter. The pulses cosmos generate that reaches Earth are based
on 786.000 vibration pulses per millisecond, in addition this wavelengths can
travel faster than light and all individual pulses in that group have their own
strength variations that are complex codes where atoms can recognize. Having
all this perspective with the formation of stones specially mechanism when crystal
grows or forms inside molten heat it surprises me to know that Quartz crystals
keep in energy flow of vibration pulses that embraces in continuum interchanges,
though quartz crystals are made of liquid but this concealments vibration that
is imitated from originality of the Universe tones are based on same vibration
of 786.000 pulses per millisecond wavelengths, this security is lockup in quartz
crystal originality form, any moment if quarts go through pressure in water
they release from its viscoelastic properties low electric current that do not
discharge its entire microbalance field, of course some changes occur in its
film deposits but still return into original property measurement in liquid
molecules when pressure release from crystals mass. My conclusion is as any cat
star or blue star stone or inclusions dimensional impurities of diamonds that keep
because other element in that lump disturbed the harmony of sound frequency
variations, formations of the stones were based on effect of sound frequency
directives inside the mantle but later Universal vibrations that are based with
786.000 pulses leave the stone formation lumps except quartz crystal keep continuously
that flow, harmony sound tone mechanism pulses keep quartz crystal in copy form
activity of the Universal grand number of pulses in each milliseconds inside
quartz stones, in reality it’s a miracle because life energy supplementary are
displayed in crystals continuum interchange formations that atoms are other
forms of living things.
(Also you can find some answers in my blogs "Water"
All living things are made of Atoms that contain two kind of intelligent
behavioral living energy, Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, in other notes I
mentioned atoms are living things, they are 99.9999% empty inside the living
force inside them is invisible, everything inside atoms still is under
investigation and with the total intelligence studies of human achievements
still that tiny world is unreachable to us to comprehend fully. One thing is
sure we see behavioral activity between animal’s migration social network how
active they are in touch and learn from each other sometimes new behaviors, this
qualification are given to animals, flocks of birds, fish and many other living
things, by other intelligent edicts guiding them for common practices.
In my perspective atoms are also other form of living things that live 12
billion years after they born inside the stars during time and circumstances
change behavior or personality by fusion without borrowing other particles from
outside electron walls, also they can attract to each other as called covalent
bond, if one atom is bond to another atom attract to each other and stay
together we call this wedding a molecule or compound, if two or more atoms form
together as one group we call it chemical bond (I call it tone reaction)
because by sound pulses they grab each other oppositely-charged ions. In case
both atoms use or shared equally they form a covalent bond and also be
considered non-popular.
Behavior is responsive method in life forms same with atoms they behave
according to their environments, receiving heat or cold like humans atoms too
are sensitive look what happens to water molecules when get warm, any circumstantial
environment we push on atoms we know what will be their perceptive chemistry environment,
water molecules contain memory feelings also sentimental to sound variations
tone reactions frequencies waves, inside human brain water with salt and potassium
release spark stimuli that carry conscious feelings thoughts images and videos
from one neuron synapses to other neurons, and by my perspective water
molecules direct DNA patterns to reform cells intellectually so DNA can direct
the collection of atoms and vitamins to be collected to form a new cell that
individually they act as a government or city that contain intellectual thoughts.
Yes atoms too have sentient living non biological living things or force fields,
individually atoms and cluster of molecules also are living as planets stars
and galaxies, in reality the entire universe is a living force field as I explain
in my Blog “Cornerstone of the Universe.
In other notes I mentioned that electron cables have many helix's that have
qualifications in audio recording also emotions and history and personality, in
my notes neuron I described how this stimuli transform this behavioral details
from one neuron to the next one, this bring to my conclusion that electrons can
see decisive act behavior and direct same energy in a powerful way having positive
influence on bigger volume compounds animals to behave just like atoms. Attract
to each other or oppose or learn new thing in behavior, transfer knowledge
between them, atoms always guiding each other and other living forms guiding
them for common practices.
Line spectrums also prove that atoms are living things. Hydrogen are in pure
first stage of an atom of periodical element chart, clusters of Dark-matter
invisible bubbles form protons inside atoms, they release sound frequency tone
reaction of wavelengths that contain personality portrayal of its content. Any moment
wavelength released contain also light source colors primarily emitting position
stage of protons how much combinations in (Z) and (N) in different numbers,
always new particles already are forming with electron bound distributed helix
forming new particles inside atom. Their range or stage of activity also
changes by spectrum emission lines spectra’s displaying their progressive
spectra characteristics, combination of DM and DE structure mixture receipt stage
bound declaring how many nucleus are present, spectrum of incandescent solids
reflect in wavelengths but as soon additional temperatures added on atoms their
reflection also more clearly presence of line spectrum are shown, regular
performance of wavelength degenerate secret characteristic of formation of DM
and DE in extremely complex patterns, going over regulate wavelength submission
decelerating electrons give and take into protons tenets as more collision
process done by additional temperatures that release complete data inside
formation of all excluded particles wave collision between DM and DE release emission
lines data of characteristic stages inside atoms, so released wavelengths by absorption
line atomic spectra with division lights blue green blue green blue violet and
so on to carry this lines of spectrum to far distances. Watching all-star light
we can analyses what sort of metals they possess by light line spectrum that
are released from stars.
Light wavelengths that contain sound frequencies declare in spectral
emission lines to define their characteristics in a sort of primarily emitting radiation
beam that travel continues range in space to participate communication to
entire cosmos that is one super power of metrics hologram, entire communication
invisible structure of the Universe is in control of Dark-Energy that I call
this grand power Dynamic-Energy that controls the entire Universe. Activity of
atoms declare their super power mechanism full of life force, life forms inside
atoms existed much earlier than life energy in us, before atoms contain life
there was life energy before any matter was existed. Very positive standpoint I
declare that atoms are living things they communicate show their
characteristics and form into new personalities as it was planned for them by
Grand Energy that created the Universe.
Scientist call it WIMP (weakly interacting massive particles) considering
that this particles have own antimatter partner particles, adding that when
they meet they annihilate each other to be destroyed releasing one pair of
daughter electron particles positron in the process but still astrophysical
source have no definite verification regarding this theories an indication that
they have something new. In addition AMS experiments at Large Hadron Collider
in Switzerland and also many other location they have detectors around the
world to find more details about D.M.
Inside the Universe flowing particles sometimes indicate they are shedding
on vast great globule areas that have no any matter structure just particles
are entailing interval invisible walls, some sort of invisible force seems like
gravity put it seems anti-gravity bubble that pushing away flow of particles,
this sort of hallo positions in the Universe definitely is mass of invisible
Dark-Matter bubble force field, they do not grab matter to direct sound
frequency directives all other matter to be entanglement Universal quantum gravity
According to my lookout Dark-Matter bubbles are living energy forces they
are proton bubbles inside bubbles that can expand and when surrounded by
electron shrink still keeping bubble form clusters. Dark-Energy also is living
form of energy that also is electromagnetisms and electrons in small volume,
Dark matter have no antimatter potentials only the electrons have by reversing
their spin by sound tone command, electrons cables can be divided to outnumbers
of helix coils and mix with singular or croup counterpart cluster of proton
bubbles to form particles inside atoms, in reverse antimatter reaction they too
can detonate to new route’s. Watching the Sun`s flares that are
sometimes colossal magnetic loops by watching forcefully you might find sum
round invisible form that emanating to the surface of the Sun with some plasma
and other materials forming arc solar loop of rain fire, I personally conclude
the large ball with the flare might be Dark-Matter bubbles and return back in
the Sun, gradually also some Dark-Energy electromagnetism is mixed with the plunging
rain fire,
time will explain and new data will clear out all
this misperceptions, my approach is just logical presumption’s still scientist approach
are not yet definite time will verify the reality.
Dark-Matter furthermore is individual life form scattered distributed in universe as protons cores inside stars, planets, moons, moreover also inside atoms in the Universe as protons he can communicate wherever proton exists and dispose new procedures plans. Actually when Dark-Matter is in disjointed sight as Black Hole or scattered dig bubbles in universe as Dark-Matter that contains 23%of the matter in the Universe, even scattered state hi is one individual though he can divide as cells in the Universe he is specific supernatural force field operate in harmony with other supernatural energy form Dark-Energy. On Earth once a while portions Dark-Energy separates from Earths core as UFO. He is combining linking with Dark-Energy as shown once a while with light on UFO. He is a unit of living force move as vehicle but not a spaceship thou it can travel in space it’s a living form force field matter force, can thing act plan judge show emotions or hate but till now we have no definite prove that he attack on civilians, doesn’t mean that he cannot but did not. Other chapter I described that these force represents Jesus.
My study about Black-Hole explained how Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy. Atoms became degenerated turning back to invisible D-E and invisible D-M big cloud bubbles. Dark-Energy that also is electron cables are accelerated as electromagnetism through space. In the vast Cosmos when traveling Dark-Energy dynamism wavelengths hit into big mass of Dark-Matter it penetrates almost to the center of magnetism force take control and surrounds the opening, inside it might resembles as indescribable large pomegranate fruit shape sphere with bubble D-M each several thousand million miles big. Electrons circle in the big bubbles circling in the sphere center portion photosphere will be created by separating big mass of bubbles of D-M from the center core. Electrons are trapped in extreme and cannot leave the surrounding layers of D-M bubbles, so D-E circles around the core like a pulsar, rubbing to each other two matters produce hydrogen as I mentioned in my “Krikor” theory (D.E + DM= H ) (Dark-Matter + Dark-Energy = Hydrogen) Under the surface of star photosphere many bubbles of Dark-Matter push each other to not allowing heat to penetrate by making a fence similar to order like inside the pomegranate fruit orderly raw of kernels or pips, but each bubble pips several thousand miles wide holding and pushing each other tight clustering together several layers. Inside the sphere inner part of convective zone. If you look into a pulsar it show that the look of a star inside, when outside body is removed from the star the look inside part is a pulsar without the outside crust.D-M do not penetrate heat or light that’s why 2 million 0 F lowers down to 6.0000 F until heat reaches to the surface. Flair explosions on the star are leave 50.000 miles dark spots darkest patches because Dark-Matter bubbles come to the openings and block the exit and looks cooler than 6.0000 F because D.M don’t penetrate heat and light, but sometimes can be changed, cooled down elements scatter around the surface of star as a skin covering but that portions have nothing to do with protecting release of Dark-Energy to scatter just lays on surface of the star (observation by NASA`s solar system probe also reported that even big invisible bubbles jets out of our Sun) in my view they are Dark-Matter or D.E that might leave out if the dark spot hole is not big enough to cover the exit hole so they are gone out. This filtration of D.M allows small level of heat and light on the surface of the star, deep inside the star pressure builds up and more by fusion even more variety of elements are produced, Life cycle of the star continues as long it can produce basic hydrogen first then to fusion to new elements if not it goes to be a red giant.
Dwarf stars
As I described center of every star is invisible Dark-Matter, as a star get red giant, later on older to explode as supernova, the pressure around the core Dark-Matter add pressure masses over the core, with great gravitational force that can bend near by light rays, depending the force pressure core reacts as red dwarf or brown depending how little volume of Dark-Energy is covering the dwarf, coolest state is black dwarf, when Dynamic -Energy totally left the dwarf, if a small amount of Dark-Energy still surrounds the core Dark-Matter, it give the image of white dwarf. We will have pulsars if separated mass of ball shape Dark-Energy is spinning around the dwarf. Other quasars and other form of stars form depending how much volume they contain Dark-Energy and Dark Matter in what positions.
Feb 15 2012 article in the Journal nature back up my theory by felix Aharonian of the Dublin instate for advance studies in Ireland, Aharonian said “Pulsar at the center of the crab Nebula researchers of veritas telescope array have discovered of high-Energy gamma rays coming from this object, energy came NOT FROM THE PULSAR BUT FROM THE WIND said Aharonian. My viewpoint this Electromagnetic field Dark-Energy don’t need from other force to be transferred. It goes like wind flows it is Dark-Energy and same Electromagnetism is D.E. This is backing my theory.
System probes, invisible large bubbles, filled with a turbulent sea of magnetic bubbles. Field lines are broken up into self-contained structure, disconnected from the solar magnetic field. Because magnetic properties do not affect D.M. Similarity in my theory, Dark-Matter, like a round bubble spread faceless all around our Universe. Available in space and stars and planets, as exist also on Earth innocently some call it UFO, inoffensively adding green aliens in it. By my expression I call them also UFO, but they mean something else, Dark-Matter which shoves large quantities of stellar material to space. Atoms enclosed with variety elements, by gravity concealment all over. This also prove, that in the stars, exist big body collection mass of D.M, and DE. Collectively, by different magnetic combinations, they grab each other, Electrons penetrate DM and form a new hydrogen Atoms, D.E acting as electron surrounds a portion of D.M, making new element. This process has to continue, inside a star so it can shine to exist. Otherwise, the star develops into a red giant. DE will go further from D.M. Big hollowness will grow, in the star.
Dark Matter can shrink or spread by means of great numbers of invisible bubbles
that will halt light to penetrate, sometimes they will excessively conceals
stars or clusters of stars, if Dark Energy composition absence only Dark-Matter core remains star
remaining plus if other Dark-Matter bubbles add on this volume it will appear
that something gobbled it from our side, sometimes clusters of stars might vanishing,
in reality they keep same position only composition of Dark-Energy is missing
from its lump that was an star.
Round Lightings
D.M floats in the planet Earth. Nearby Dark-Energy, that is greatest powerful Electrical structure. In 2006 large meteors were observed over brisbane.3 individual fireballs were the journal society magazine. Dr. Hugest has put forward a theory, linking the object, presumed to be the ball, lighting-to the fireball .One of the 3 fire balls, have momentarily triggered an electrical connection, between the upper atmosphere and ground providing energy, for ball lightning. 30 diameter Jump over some rocks, and follow the path of a metal fence, for "some minutes" a witness rancher said, a fireball had passed overhead. Dr. John Abrahamson, from University of Canterbury N Z, he championed same idea 10 years ago that ball lightning, consisted, of vaporized mineral elements raised out of the soil, by a conventional lightning idea, later tested with success by some Brazilian researcher`s. Watching the world on TV by news, familiarities told by people, witnessed ball lightings. In India, on the mountains, and whenever, the light bolls, on the soil when lighting touch, some realized, the electricity charge, the way regular lightning leave affect. My theory, they are collective mass of DE, combined with ground electricity, for a while then detached. There are some of these round lightings could attach to Dark-Matter, by notch saturation, and give effect of UFO lights.
Round rocks Oamaru New Zealand
Nature has much symmetry. Some of which, you can see and some are invisible. Unseen energies having principle mold shape pattern. Guide to form objects. Especially, when there is pressure and heat, surrounded by certain chemicals and elements. The frequencies in elements call each other by suggestions low tone octave pulses, these reactions combine other elements clays to combine into a ball. For example in New Zealand, we find round stones slipped to seashore, during many years. The process involving molten lava. Round rock balls are formed by carbonate of lime crystals. In certain environment that attracted minerals. Some are developed with molten clay. Largest sizes are 1600 by 1363.To smaller sizes 73 by110, most of them are in the range of, 550 by 412. The process of their development started about 60 million years ago. Under heated molten lava, one thing is very especially noticeable unknown force, formed, and developed this spherical formation of natural round rocks to shape balls, most of these round rock balls, are formed, inner coast. During time passes, they roll into the beach. It is big possibility that dark matter and D.E also had part of action in developing the spherical rocks.
By NOAO discovered on mars planet they noticed, dark sand dunes in Chasmal Boreal, north polar. These dark dunes are barchans dunes. Also commonly found on earth. Crescent shaped round with slip face. Some force formed them. 1981 after digging the ground i found rocks in Pasadena, shaped of fish, human head and a pumpkin, and some odd shapes. In addition Indian color marks existed on the, one and half feet fish shape rock. Consider and reported to natural history museum expert. After analyzing, He said it is made naturally. Also gave me the name of the location, where this type of stones is found. Probably someone found before me and berried, long time ago. Star news of Pasadena published my picture in a half page report, also details about this subject, since that times, enthusiasm about rocks research and discoveries stimulated. Bought some literature materials for exploration
Other strange phenomena`s on Earth
There is order in every production on Earth on behavior of animals, plants insects in every living organ and mammals, same orderly principles apply on every group of elements, when they combine to be a collective mater like a precious stone such like ruby sapphire or Chrystal or diamond. In the Universe according, to some discoveries scientist found out 74% of Dark-Energy 22 % Dark-Matter, and 4% planets and stars and Galaxies, in Universe. Atoms are made of DE and DM so 100% existence produced of the Universe by same energy and matter saturation. Krikor. DE + DM = Hydrogen. Let`s check our backyard.
Lately we just starting to realize to observe more detailed in
astroparticle particles and other finite things that was not possible before to
measure their existence, for example extraterrestrial particles that was
recorded in Antarctica. Already I described earlier that all matter element
forms center is clusters of bubbles of Dark-Matter as proton, surrounded by
unlimited helix coils joined as cable of electron that is Dark-Energy spinning
on protons to form an atom. Same principle is found in larger scale in center
Earths core surrounded by D.E we just realized that same principle ordinance Earth
is surrounded by two Radiation belts inner and outer mode, same dust rings
contain other planets like dust rings glow that are called Zodiac lights, dust
ring on Venus orbit is from one end to other end about 137 million miles, this
show similarity dusty ring on our planet, in same principle form of atoms and
core Earth always clouds of Dark-Energy spins surrounding Dark-Matter bubbles,
there is activity all around galaxies stars and planets movement by
Dark-Energy, also in vacuumed space movements of electromagnetic solar winds,
if the moving force contain more particle of dust it will be easy to notice,
less dust that solar wind will be hard to noticed because the dust material will
be Finite, in my conclusion all particles planets moons stars and galaxies are
operational in this same theory principle, if we cannot prove now in the future
we might have more sensitive tools to observe the action, meanwhile according
to my calculations if Van Allen radiation belts are Dark-Energy that transformed
into electromagnetism that can give possibilities for the radiation belt around
Earth to travel close to speed of light because light particles are condensed
helix coils or in electron cable lines that can also travel in speed of light,
that gives the possibilities to accelerate to near speed of light, any moment
when new directives are given by covalent bonding principles that Dark-Energy
and Dark-Matter communicate it can be acquired to be achieved faster
accelerations, as I explained earlier, such as Earth Neptune Uranus Saturn
Neptune all planets in our solar system and beyond including all stars contain
this principle spinning though they are magnetically durable locked in energy
but they have principal directives in all electromagnetism radiation belt
surroundings and pulsars neutron stars and black holes some consider it quasars
they all contain this force in expanded most potent flow surrounding its cores.
From where the energy power of radiation belt comes from?
AS I described Earths core is made of Dark-Matter surrounded by cloud
volumes of Dark-Energy. In my UFO subject I described how Dark-Matter group of
bubble are separated from core and leave the surface of our planet in the forms
of UFO so called spaceships and in other forms, in the same domains, we can
experience their ejection on land in Russia by mysterious phenomena holes
inside condensed forest where equipment’s to drill cannot be moved in also
there is no dirt’s nearby that were moved from holes that go in unknown deep
stages or some call it bottomless, There was a bottomless hole happening 1997
also in Utah USA called Mel`s hole (from Art Bell) surrounding built bricks
inside like a wall, but somehow it is covered and disappeared. There are other
locations worldwide and also in the oceans. Some portions of Dark-Energy leaves
to surround core of Earth released from greater electromagnetism volume and
take shapes of ball of lightning, we can observe them every year section of 250
kilometers long section of Mekong river at Phon Phisait town of Amphoe-phon
Phisai, the lightning glowing reddish sparkles diverse balls are close to the
size of a basketball in numbers about tens of thousands every night close to
Buddhist rains in lake October, probably many years ago Buddhist felt this
strange phenomena and built their temple close by, you might find many
experiences farmers in Australia and India sow round ball lightning’s floating
over their lands. So after this Ampho-Phone thousands of balls raise the ground
they all gradually disappear after raising hundred meters up without any
explosion or any effect, their energy does not vanish or dissolve but scatter
in larger volume of less concentration forms, continue to raise up till they
reach Radiation belt zones of our planet in separate two rings forms, joining
with other portions of cosmic background radiation zones before them. Similar
to this phenomena there are other locations on Earth`s southern people are
observing Noctilucent clouds and Aurora, of course there is a difference between
this bright deluxe filaments of sunlight-reflections and Aurora inside
atmosphere, some predict that nitrogen molecules in sky is mixing with high
ground sunlight producing this flashing phenomena in my perspectives are also
Dark-Energy balls that are scattered to give luxurious effect of rippling
Noctilucent flashing lush that can be found in south pole.
Old wood
Old wood trunks for millions of years turn into stones, first the wood acts as sponge absorbs all other particles by slowly moving solutions into the opening cell walls gradually filled by chemicals and minerals, like silica (silicon dioxide) atoms are combined with electrons (Dark-Energy) D.E. And invisible protons (Dark-Matter) electrons control and guide every element exist, give different feedback to chemical changes, in reality the musical tone gambits stay where they were, what is going where still is in effect by tone reaction to lay the new blocks according formal propositions, it works like a DNA symphony. By information facts, was collected by the precision data of electrons. Previously those electrons were part of the old block, knows what goes where? first follow up the disintegrated process, following through, then give order and guide to the silica reconstruct exactly where it spouse to be, keeping all the details, suggestions and guidance of D.E, that were available data. The look stays the same.
Amino acid
Electrons are data order and information, work like a computer chip, have multiple programing to provide according to circumstances, individually and collectively it operate in human cells, giving regulatory guidance to operate in a correct way, even before the cells develop to a basic structure, they collect only right kind of amino acids, that have the right circulation, electrons on atoms combined groups in variety of different kind order, like a bead set, if other designated combination are selected they go under name of other category of amino acids some chemical combination elements. In my logician expression I call it (Tone reaction) Because each variety of elements have their own musical note values when they sense the neighboring note pulse, either they unite or force against each other. Electrons have great influence in this order certain atoms allowed to join and like a neck les beads others refused by the regulation presider`s coming from electrons combine into amino- acid, at that time electrons decide according their rows of individuality order the beads to turn from right to left or from left to right variety of amino acid group 100 types, 50 turn right 50 left, and electrons pick only one type turning to right, 40 kinds revolving amino acids to be used in a cell of human being provide what supply go in and go out. That means we have about 100 symphony overtures of amino acid recitals 50 % Jazz 50 % classical. Wrong intake of amino acids to the body will give cancer. This pattern of command projected by electrical charges, vibrations and sounds, explicable only by atoms, Provide molecules to process vitamin, everything needed to the cell for construction, and development. It is a city by its own government, private defense, factories, generators water pluming arrangement and recycling facilities, and a head quarter located with perfect regulations and message service all in the cell, and any time can duplicate itself.
Living Atoms
When I look at the coral plants it doesn`t show that they are alive, or watching the wood no life signs just plain matter, but there is life in there circulation some sort reaction going on. How about Atoms? From beginning development, for all kind off living forms Electrons contain life pattern development arrangement as a DNA, work continuously, 12 billion years, according their surroundings and environment. They collectively settle in the DNA, and organize all the building plan ant print in the DNA. Part of electron gather in the membrane of the cell and collect cytoplasm, develop in the cell, cellular power plants. Regulate pair of chromosomes by sound notes and vibrations, same vibrational system electrons collect by magnetic and sound regulations, developing amino acids to combine as, Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine and pack and connect this developed parts combining in sugar phosphate. Guiding continually what the next process should be. All other electrons in the body collectively force the cells to apply what they should do. Cells have to receive orders and commands, trillion billion trillions of electrons are available to supervise, they go with the flow of growth regulation, and dying cell removal, trash collecting clean up in the body. In a child bone development, inside portions proteins are demolished by wave vibration and sound command by electrons and outside layer add up with new construction to bigger volume to hold the weight of the new body. Humans start with one cell, then multiply, add up 100 billion trillion times larger. Grow 6 billion times heavier, altogether orderly organized and supervised. On Earth we have many form of life being. Wood plants fish mammals fungus corals bacteria`s and viruses, the last one can stay inactive like object for long time, possibilities are it might be found other form of life. Living organisms are made of atoms and there is life activities in molecules because of tone sound communications in atoms and molecules, there are a06 elements known but only92 are naturally made but the rest that are artificially made also carry electrons but added pressure by fusion to have more particles in certain atom. There are 21 important elements humans need to continue their life and stay healthy, so without this energy that elements hold humans cannot be survived, though atoms live 12 billion years and communicate but they are totally different form of life especially electrons that have personality and effect on other form of life I am the first Logician who admits that Atoms are living entity, different grace of living stuffs.
Hydrogen are perfect atoms made of pure Dark-Energy electron cable spinning
over Pure Dark-Matter protons that are cluster of bubbles that can be abbreviated
or spread out mass size into larger space volumes. Before going into fusion
Hydrogen remains perfect completing DE and DM, both of this energy and matter
forces are from one origin Dark-Energy as I am describing in subject “Cornerstone
of the Universe” All atoms communicate in low or high octave sound frequency
wave tone codes to control covalent bonding but 2 hydrogen will be more active functioning
form when join with one Oxygen atoms into water H2O and more so by
molecules adapting other molecules of water join frequency field to communicate
as I described in chapters of “Universal sound” and “Universal sound in fire-reaction
and Quantum” in my Blogs. All atoms individually and by combinational clusters
of atoms release sound resourcefulness on their own initiative, entire plants
have their own personal harmony sound cluster with their slight variance of
sound of flowers and fruits, also after fruits are ripen can be distinguished
by their sound cluster diversities where insect like fruit flies can sense, particularly
bees can hear their sound of flowers and reach to pick its nectars or pollens,
Hydrogen molecules working as Gods organization work 12 billion years nonstop,
as soon weather change into cold environment you can record pattern change of
water molecules in freezing environments into crystal patterns snow flakes bloom just like a
plant growing to take shape according to its codding directives, why? Because they
are ALIVE they are other form of living thing. My enlightenments regarding Mother Nature is. First connection of life
force intelligence energy field is originated by Dark-Energy, some portions of
this force field transformed into Dark-Matter intelligent power field, next
linking of this two Force power forces reach to individual slight pieces that
complete Hydrogen atoms, third linking get by combination molecule of H2O,
next the form of water molecules to communicate and release their sound
frequency codes in their environment using intelligence instructions of DE and
DM, their consequence has been seen as power of Mother Nature.
In the Universe can be found big dusting clouds almost all are individual hydrogen atoms and other cosmic sprinkling materials. Most delicate part of hydrogen atoms are the Dark-Energy, electrons have similarities as very small version human hair. To visualize DE electrons a single human hair. By enlargement of single hair cables we see outnumber multiple hair cells, in turn each cell contains multiple Protofibril line of helix of single keratin cables that are connected each other by (disulfide bridges) that are hydrogen bound. In another word a hair is a cable included thousands of other cables in cables. Everything God created contain life, Electrons contain life. Comparing electrons with hair. Electrons go in little spin action but straight if not surrounding a proton, they are neutrinos. But move forward as single helix going forward as millions of helix electrons the way amino acid helix roles. On spin position on the core of protons as filament cables electrons can be separated into antiparticle threads or filaments according to the need. Still spin as electron.
This field of higher ionized energy also has similarity like the electric defense field on top of Ozone layer on the Earth Van Allen belts by the ionosphere and magnetosphere. Anything go straight to it will be damaged but in case going sideways through the field can be safer, this principle system is used by NASA experts scientist. Same manner of field distribution spin is activated electrons around a proton cluster of hydrogen atom but much faster spin action.
The circulating electron cable energy sequences leave one opening capacity of outer electron shell for bonding pattern to another atom. Only one holding covalent bonds, Oxygen electron filament is divided into two and while they spin on their own core have the capacity to hold in two covalent bonds. Holding bond with two hydrogen atoms they become water molecule. Nitrogen electrons are separated into three filaments strings and have three bonding patterns. Carbon have four bonding pattern. Phosphorus five bonding patterns, and so on. This method give tendency to stick atoms together not by a glue but opening layer of series filaments grabbing other atom filaments, when energy come and pass beyond other field wall portion and spin. Bothe atom electron pulling continuously pulling each other tight in bonding patterns.
When divided portion of electron dustings go in center of atom and join into the core, separating a section from the proton core some smidgens, creates equal energy bond of neutron. This fusion starts when cable electron divides into two filaments, as many of electron Twines go in and evolve with another portion of proton new particles form in the core. Intense heat environment like inside the Sun, developing process of hydrogen and fusion into other element process goes in great speed production.
When atoms bonding they be collected as molecules, molecules are sugar and cellulose or bones, all are collected or held together in covalent bonds, most participant atoms in this are hydrogen carbon nitrogen oxygen sulfur and phosphorus, most number atoms in Universe is Hydrogen.
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