You are part of UFO
Gabriel Logician Jabrael
UFO`s are invisible dense bubbles of Dark-Matter or D.M, invisible colorless it look like liquid similar to mercury but it is 15 times more dense than lead. Scientist is pending to know more explanations so limited in this fields. D.E they don`t have regular size but are Bubbles inside other shape of bubbles. Largest ones couple billion miles wide divided smaller parts are as small as group of clusters to fit inside atom as protons, but without any color, the core of all planets are D.E but are regulated or effected by magnetic field very dense mass we call it Dark-Matter. Once a while they disconnect portions separated from center of the earth`s core that is also big ball of Dark-Matter, it can give opposite forced messages to other elements by low octave sound frequencies that result in covalent bonding can attract and even becoming dismounting before reaching into surface of the Earth. Because all basic centers of atoms are protons that are made of Dark-Matter Bubbles they communicate, all atoms communicate to each other by covalent bonding by tone vibrations. UFO moving around as a large ball of sphere shape portions going in the mantle by scratching or scraping Atoms that can detach and add on the surface of D.M like rhodium effect any slenderest fast move can leave aside the dust like other atoms that sitting on bubble of D.M. Core of the Earth is big mass of positive D.M like principle of Atoms that are described in other chapters of my notes, they provide the gravity of our planet this system of D.M core also is center of all planets moons stars, Black Hole is pure D.M. Protons inside atoms and electrons communicate with other atoms by low octave sound frequencies in the principle of covalent bonds joining with other atoms, some show and act as hurricanes. Same similarity of Jupiter also operates down on the surface of our Earth. On planet Jupiter dark zones we find dust like clouds that storm and move around that planet, this is like solar wind attracted hydrogen atoms ions helium silicate carbon or even iron and other dust form similar to interstellar medium, but controlled and guided by Dark-Energy or Negative D.E having opposite form of electricity the cloud travels contrasting to Jupiter circulation. Same system is maneuvering in deep Earth`s core as soon portion of D.M separated from the big mass some small portions of D.E can be joining these new figure. The figure of D.M can appear like shape of a UFO attached smaller portions of electron D.E that can penetrate certain level in D.M and can surface according to opposition reaction not stable. D.E has electric qualities because they are first ruff stage of electrons, so they have electric generative power giving effect that the so called D.M or (UFO) spaceship has lights. As soon this mass comes out under water or under the soil or they are already in the clouds in the sky can maneuver any direction fast, by connection to other forces in Cosmos. Sometimes people notice this UFO`s hanging somewhere and have a metallic color`s or shape that is surrounded by other atom dust particles like rhodium effect, as soon the UFO make a fast move to other direction those shallow thin element particles dropped down and all remained its location nothing because that D.M is already invisible giving effect that is invisible or went somewhere else so fast. Everything we see around us have some sort of life in a different form, like Atoms they live 12 billion years they generate into other form of elements and apply order principle and act according to their behavioral pre organized directions. Same with electron helix they preside amino-acid form order also supervise DNA regulation and developments, Sound regulation and communication in atoms all this and many other theories are explained in my other topping information`s. D.M. Dark-Energy in stable condition change the activity when moving it form electromagnetism, smaller portions of these energy is cables of electrons that are big collections of helix filaments long and short, smaller portions turn into neutrinos. Electron are different kind of energy electrical zaps, diverse circuit force energy, like we see inside human brains communicate by electrical impulses across the synapse similar to library memory banks go through axon terminals transmitting information`s vesicles with neurotransmitters by electrical stimuli, this circuit carry information motion pictures data about smell temperature feeling and register emotions, everything humans can see and feel can be registered in those sparks electrical flickers recordings in full detail and transform information’s to other locations that have the capability to registering ascribe by same principles pattern spurs impulses electrons have the ability of all those capacities. D.E have own sound presides to act and move in principle order like Atoms and planets and stars, Probably you recall, only UFO`s are Aliens from other planets killing humans you can see that only in movies not in real life, usually aliens ignore humans, because is misinterpreted to confuse the public they never attack on humans till now. Are there living other beings or Aliens on Earth? Check my other title Angels.
UFO`s are Dark-Matter bubbles, they exist in every Core of Planets Moons Stars, they don’t contain Aliens and they are in peace with us till now. Because they are, part of us. There are many other form of life forms that are not familiar to us, we can`t rule it out, Just 90% of living thing on earth in the oceans are not recorded by humans and are unknown. Same with atoms that can live 12 billion years, can communicate apply physics principle, gradually by fusion mature to other form of elements and die; they are different form of living things. Same with Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, God is life form everything he created contains some sort of living procedures, Like the cells in animal act different and collection of those cells as animal act different, same with single birds in heaven can act solo or with the swarm maneuvering collectively probabilities act different . Same thing is with Protons or Dark-Matter that we call it UFO. Dark-Matter in entire Universe has communication some sort together in Universal language that is low octave sound frequencies waves it is a field of sound.
If there are real flying orbs or spacecraft’s that aliens are traveling by and we
proof their existence, then we cannot continue naming them unverified flying
Objects (UFO) after identifying them, according to progress of big nations
flying spacecraft’s I will not surprise if some nations made similar crafts
that are been used by air force. In history or many ages people witnessed UFO`s
at the times when modern technology did not existed, so what they were UFO`s? Many consider it with speculations. Some scientist find out that UFO crashed debris with 253 different isotopes of building material, it is out of this World, by more advanced civilization, plus the speed UFO travels and maneuvers, is out of the capability than any Gov Air force on this planet.
Some consider the vision of prophet Ezekiel’s
chariot of fire, wheels inside wheels that might be a UFO. Ezekiel 1:4-28
representable appearance, with four living creatures, all with wings. First one
as human, second is an eagle`s face, third a lion face on the right, and fourth
one a bull` face, on left. Characteristics of four creatures include inside each
atom, active subconsciousness, included each atom, one, very small portions
from All mighty stands as Dark-Energy force, surrounded by bright light, looked
like electrum, as chrysolite electron, with wheels all around, so atoms can
spin and investigate, also atom combine with very small portions from, Dark-Matter
that represents Christ Jesus, all subconscious wisdom combine inside the atom, in
similar capacity as humans eagles lions and bulls do, explain scientific
complex theories so Ezekiel can grasp. Almighty used vision a big chariot of
fire, that look so impressive and large. The size of that wheels inside the
wheels are presented by a vision to Ezekias’s perception. We know, an atom has
all these qualities, an atom is a flashing fire, a tiny creature other form of
living thing.
UFO`s are aggregate portions from core of
planet Earth, Dark Matter is so strong condensed force field that atoms can`t
penetrate in same with light beam or temperatures can`t infiltrate into
Dark-Matter that is other form of living thing with intelligence and wisdom,
Dark-Matter can hoist from the core, elevating upward, transporting molecules collecting
varieties scatter atoms composition with catalyst surface, this is the
experience when some witness UFO`s, temporary it’s surface that might release
spectrometric boundaries or diffraction characterization of an unidentified
object, any moment when Dark-Matter emancipate the qualitative atom molecule
formation, its spectrometric boundaries will demolish from its surface it will
look invisible, because Dark-Matter already is invisible, by the way
Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy are able to shift unexplained distances in space
time, for sure faster than speed of light. In my article “Cornerstone of the
Universe” I express how the creator of the Universe are Dynamic-Energy and
Dynamic-Matter, physicist call them Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter.
In modern times there man made similar shaped manufactured disk shaped flying
machines that can be categorized as flying saucers, in this post I will explain
that Dark-Matter energy force has intelligence geometrical forms that can
travel or maneuver similar to UFO`s. many news TV programs and books bring this
subject of UFO`s. It is reality scary phenomena’s keep people depressed not to
stand up to represent their values and kept controlled by other. The media manipulate
and control public with such subjects and many bias people take advantage to
show blurry pictures about UFO to keep everything inaction using wealth or financial
control to fear the public, there is no any major civil aeronautics legal group
that can present. To give an example there was a country where fear of
revolution was possibility, what the government did, suppose a person need 1000
$ to make a normal living a month, the regular average wage was set 700 $ and
gave the public opportunity to steel from factories about 300 $ a month, this phenomenon
kept the public always in fear from their government not standing up for
revolution, Same is the news media where bias people control the news and
always manipulate audience showing them nudity competitions and fear filling up
human brain with trash to not reason in logic and reasoning’s, probably you
raised sometimes certain questions, why news media is focusing about certain nonsense
news when there are more important matters to inform.
Triangle, moon size UFO.
have been seen on many occasions, on planet Earth, on the moon and on our Sun, some
of the sightings are big triangle, large almost the size of our moon, other
time same size square block, shape of triangles should have a meaning some sort,
one thing for sure every portion of matter in the Universe is made of atoms,
each atom is 99.99999% empty, because they are made of energy force, when we
call unidentified flying object, the two forces inside the atom contain portion
from Dynamic-Energy as electron and portions from Dynamic-Matter as protons,
this two supernatural force fields remain Unidentified force as UFO, also all
other group as stars and galaxies including us are portions from
Why UFO`s are here?
You believe or not, some describing UFO`s as
vehicles of unknown origin, also many are emitting, including respectful pilots,
a sphere encasing a cube that have no emitting engine to release any exhaust
plumes or any infrared residue, flying nonstop all day about 5000 miles per
hour or stand still in air or any moment disappear in thin air, some are
describing UFO`s as extremely classified drone operation. We believe or not officials
are reporting such findings that can surprise us with question, what they want
from us and what are they doing here and why till now they did not enforce
their supernatural forces on humans?
Why UFO`s are here, only inside the solar system.
After rebellion as Satan and his Angels against
God, God took Satan`s Angels ability to have Nephilim children. On one occasion
Satan came close to God`s presence, as was mentioned in book of Job 1:6- Satan and
his Angels were allowed to travel the entire universe.
Later on, Satan figure out the God has a plan
to bring by Armageddon war against Satan in the future, as was mentioned in the
book of revelation 20:1-3 20:7-10
God mentioned people with great power that are
against him, like in Ezekiel 29:3 calling Pharaoh king of Egypt, great sea monster,
as mentioned in Rev. 20 dragon the original serpent the Devil. Preparation for
Armageddon invisible Satan spend time to armor his army with machinery that we
call it UFO`s, using materials beneath the moon and Sun, also other planets in
the solar system, God has the possibility to bound Satan with limitation to keep
only inside the solar system. That is the reason astronomer who stargazing
galaxies and nebulas in orbit, with astronomical advance telescopes, that can
find asteroids in space, can`t find UFO`s. UFO`s are only limited to exist
inside the solar system. When Armageddon comes, Satan and his army will be
bound for a thousand years. Rev 20-1-3 Every single atom is in the control by
God, all powers and forces inside the universe is controlled by Almighty.
In US. Nuclear launch facilities control in Montana center was manipulated by UFO`s, 1967
March 16, nuclear base control was interacted by visible lights of UFO on the facility
that is 60 feet underground, UFO standing on top, tried to check procedure of
human facility control. Suddenly, 1n 1967 UFO`s disabled 10 US nuclear missiles, nuclear facility Launch control was offline, diverse
from their operational capacity. UFO is in control in case UFO interact, to reject
nuclear warheads to be fly or not into sky, to eliminate meteors or meteorite, but
when Universal battle starts with heavenly forces, UFO will, and it can make
all nuclear warheads delivering ignition to launch into heaven.
Most active UFO locations on Earth are in, Skin
walker ranch in Utah, Henderson in Nevada, Tucson in Phoenix in Arizona, Bonny
bridge in Scotland, Falkirk triangle, Würzburg , Germans build new UAP
detecting system called sky Cam-5 detectors of UFO`s, on one occasion entire airport
of Bremen was closed because of UFO`s.
Another protection researchers are preparing
are PI “short for pulverize it” action, it is a rocket powered bomb for planetary
defense from asteroids. PI contains penetrator rods that contain explosives,
prepared to reach around Earth heading asteroid, to their regions, this tool
can also be handy by UFO forces from Earth against Messianic heading forces,
during Armageddon.
Productions and designs are always changing
Starting of 19th,
century, invisible bad forces, invisible bad forces directed humans to
eliminate each other and progress use with more advance weapons, plus,
invisible forces made available in humans minds to create nuclear weapons by
destroying atoms, since then nuclear possibilities are getting more accessible worldwide.
This force will be reachable for more catastrophic capabilities, for example
using cause that, they will protect themselves from risk of colliding asteroids
that might collide to our planet Earth, to protect from extinction event, in
reality using all available nukes before the asteroid extinction reach us,
already the Word is seconds away from worldwide destruction that ever happened,
Nation will throw on each other to eliminate humankind, somehow protecting themselves
in underground shelters, this case will be more damaging than human extinction from
asteroid event, on top of that, some scientist are preparing a new weapon,
tracking asteroids, by extra power of detonation, several times stronger than
nuclear bombs, to deviate space mission capabilities, with more advance technology,
guess what, with this possibilities, under the name planetary defense, Satan
will use this technology to fight Universal Angels, representing Almighty.
UFO`s are made from energy forces that is available in our galaxy
and planet Earth, Satan, with 333 million of rebellion Angels are prepared to
attack on Universal grand Angelic powers, that have included one billion
Angelic forces. Satan and his army want to keep their rebellion government
against Almighty`s forces in to emulate their capabilities in Armageddon universal war. Satan knows well, by
using all weapons of the world governments, including thousands of nuclear
rockets, navy, many submarines and airplanes, cannons, and tanks, biological
warfare, space weapons, cannot protect Satanic army. UFO`s are shown up in military's bases, we are observing them flying in airspace, also on the moon, we can see them over nuclear weapons sites. In Europe some military jets weapons' during act of war were disabled, autopilot systems were disabled. It happens instances,
where nuclear bases went hot wire with unknown stages for test by other forces monitor us, regardless of the source, it is unknown to humans. Paradigm researchers group mentioned, they claim
in 2008, some cases Aliens turned off nuclear weapons to show how useless they
are, most of the time, UFO`s are hovering over military bases and Naval ships. I believe those unidentified forces, that also might be Satanic forces, as
they are shutting down nuclear forces are also capable to put into action on
nuclear rockets to charge for action. It is in power of Satanic forces as well
to eliminate the inhabitants. Also god will not allow extraterrestrials to entire in human population to vanished
in Armageddon, Satan will try to expect that God failed, because god’s word
says, “The meek ones will inherit the Earth” Second choice for Satan to prepare
for himself and his army arsenals, from forces available to prepare more
advanced war gears, that are able to cover regular speed of 1800 mph, 1000g, travel faster than Hyperspeed propulsion, 16 times faster than sound barrier, 46 thousand miles, avoid radar in flying, without showing any engine activity behind them, or wing or surface control activities, with anti gravity effect, they can break sound barrier by 13.000 miles an hour, without sonic booms, also in speed of light, it can make a stop any moment and
move into interstellar distances in days, they can hit surface of waters not breaking apart. Traveling underwater at hundreds of knots. As far that we can see, UFO`s might have unknown technological hidden civilization, probably in large base under ground or sea. Any moment, UFO`s can vanish or
materialize. Some believe that UFO`s base is under Oceans and sea, others think that they come through Portals. Satan also has the possibility to use internet with Artificial
Intelligence capacity. UAV (Unidentified Anomalous vehicles) or UFO`s
(Unidentified flying objects) inorganics (portals) are nothing but war machines
of Satanic Angels to prepare for Armageddon war, probably they are buzzing warships as well, to be prepared against the Supreme power of
the Universe. Since Nations were developing satellites, shooting
down satellites has been around, developing sophisticated anti-satellites weaponry
to kill with ballistic missile shooting down other satellites, for example ASAT
test, announcing that it (failed), one thing for sure, they did not shoot any
other satellite yet, but technology is up there available, also from ground
Earth up by anti-satellites technology, as the prophecy mentioned in the Bible,
they will shoot up Daniel 12:1 On the other hand, there is also possibility that UFO`s
might be faithful Angelic forces, like rebellion spaceships. On several
occasions, in the bible was mentioned as pillar of fire and other instances. The
bible mentioned in last days there will be scary great signs in heaven, for
assurance Isaiah 30:15 said, “For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the
Holy One of Israel, says; “By returning to me and resting, you will be saved;
Your strength will be in keeping CALM and showing trust” But you were
unwilling. It will be great fear, but also there will be great assurance with
Animals cut open on fields
Many harvest cattle mutilation have been found on
fields, probably cattle were transported to different location first, then
returned to the fields, or gravitational effect was changed, by not leaving any
blood to the ground, you cannot find any satanic cult procedures in mutilation,
only it reminds me that cattle, beside the sun, some insects, frogs, and bulls
were part of worship object with old Egyptian deities. Once a while we find cattle on fields that
have done dissection on cattle and some other animals, some say they are done autopsy
like postmortem on people as well. The operational mutation are done with very
advance precision surgery on thousand of cattle, regarding cattle their cut is left open drained blood, other cases
blood of animals left any pour marks with the corps, specially on left side of their chick, it gives the effect that
someone was studying this living animals on the field. On thing it reminds me
that before the big flood, in the days of faithful Noah, Angels use to transform
into human body, intercourse wit beautiful woman on the plane, having offspring
of Nephilim’s, but the Nephilim’s could not produce any children, after the
flood Angels loose their privilege to transforming into human males, they
returned into original spiritual form to survive, since then rebellious Angels
either go inside some humans to make them apply their wishes, or they ties to
manufacture some form of living creation, that can function like people or living
forms, I don`t know much about this subject, probably one of their choices, they are harvesting or abducting humans, or hybridizing with humans such as aliens, since then Angels try to manufacture a living form that
will carry them to apply their plans. UFO is a big proof of this activities
going on planet Earth. Every living being on this planet is made from amino-acids,
molecules that is available everywhere, in the soil, in plants and other living
Because fallen Angels can`t materialized, with great technology, still they remain spiritually in darkness, they
are using biological formation to create body that can move like humans. There are
possibilities to find materials from biological forms, plus there are many
locations where many life forms and creeping fungi cane be found, also Bdelloid
rotifers, that can be 50 micrometers wide and 200 micrometers long
microorganisms from Elbe sandstone mountains, inside abandoned uranium mines. Cattle
on open fields have been used by surgical precision tools, to study biological
forms. Satan and his army, have more powerful intellect than humans and artificial
intelligence, in fact some of destructive scientific discoveries such as atomic
bombs, are reached by rebellious Angelic opinions, that they put inside the
minds of the researchers, destructive thoughts, weapons that might be used
against Almighty in Armageddon.
Story of the Nephilim is from the bible. Also,
we have many proofs of skeletons of them all over the world. Inside the bible, before
the flood, book of Gen 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and
afterward. During that time, the sons of the true God continued to have
relations with the daughters of men, and these bore sons to them. They were the
mighty ones of old times, the men of fame. That was broken up, when God prohibited
demons to have children from humans. Satanic Angels lost the privilege to maternities.
Still some of the extraordinary size Nephilim’s, who devours its inhabitants, kept
living nearby Israel, as it was mentioned in Book of Numbers 13:31-33 So all Nephilim's did not perish in the flood.
Some disobedient Angels, that were from time
of the World flood, that were kept somewhere, not mentioned the location, Peter
visited them and preached to them. It was mentioned in 1 Peter3:19-20 There is
also on the spot, Mark 5:1-20 where Jesus restored a person in the graveyard, called
Legion, who had in him 3-000 to 6-000 men demons, (Legion in Roman Army is intended
this numbers) God punished the rebelling Angels temporary, before reserved for judgment
is settle.
Fallen Angels, who despise authority can`t materialized in human
form, during flood, God took away that privilege from demons, with advance
technology, they are using biological other formation, to create body that can
move like humans. There are possibilities to find materials from biological
forms, plus there are many locations where many life forms and creeping fungi can
be found, also Bdelloid rotifers, that can be 50 micrometers wide and 200
micrometers long microorganisms from Elbe sandstone mountains, inside abandoned
uranium mines. Cattle on open fields have been used by surgical precision
tools, to study biological forms. Satan and his army, have more powerful
intellect than, temporary demons are in some sort of limited ability, as was
mentioned in 2 Peter 2:4 “Certainly God did not refrain from punishing the angels
who sinned, but threw them into Tartarus, putting them in chains of dense
darkness to be reserved for judgment.”
In my perspective, UFO has more powerful technology than humans, why
they are not attacking us? Because UFO has a greater more powerful force
against them, any moment in near future, greater force of God, might grab them. No matter how smart demons think about themselves they always will remain spiritually dense darkness, book of Jude, starting verses 6
Why Satan does not totally destroy World governments?
All the grand powers on this planet belongs to Satan. In the bible at Matthew 4:1-11 Devil took along Jesus to high mountain, showing all grand powers governments. in verse 9 Satan said to Jesus "All these things I will give you, if you fall down and do an act of worship to me" all authorities that rule on Earth already the follow interest of Satan, so UFO has no any reason to demolish world governments.
We should have the right kind of perspective
to identify UFO. UFO`s are already here, though we see them we feel them it
always will remain not identified, why? They are too small to notice. Let me
make it easy to understand, water molecules are tiny, they can fly, they can
communicate with frequencies, they have intelligence with memory, adapt
personalities as vapor liquid and ice, water molecule wit addition of other
atoms form us with about 7 Quadrillion of them. In my other subject “Water” you
can look from other perspectives. Each tiny atom contain tiny portions from Universal
intelligence, they are in our neurons in DNA and every cell of our body, plus
in every other object mass and plants planets stars and galaxies, the entire
Universe is one large form of energy field and has other formations of energies
If there are supernatural machines that make
sense that also might be supernatural beings. Including the bible old
theologies mention such stories. According to the bible life form Angels were created before humans. Life form atoms have been created before Angels. I have a blog under subheading the Engels. In Angelic
realm, once they were defeated by wipe out out their half human half angel generation
of their offspring on planet Earth, Angels survived to remain spiritual
invisible form. The bible mentions in the first book of Job that Satan the head
of the Angels has some similar powers like god on the wind, ground, animals,
fire and thinking of people. Satan and his Angels also have the capacity to
form supernatural technology to manufacture UFO`s to defend themselves in the
final attack with the forces of Almighty, meanwhile whatever that humans need destruction
tools of nuclear power or other equipment to fight with faithful Angelic forces,
Satan will provide into people’s mind. Let`s ask the same question. why UFO`s
are here? they need to be prepared themselves to fight with Almighty`s armies
in Armageddon, why are not fighting with human? They don’t need to fight with
humans because they can effect on human thinking to move them to satanic
emotions in morality, selfishness, crimes, bringing good behavior at a low level
manner, subdued inhuman behavior, bring the new generation into violent animal
behavior, as soon one crooked generation is effected their generation will go worst,
Satan already has a success in that. So Satan can send Nations with full of bribery to move to kill
and destroy other nation, tech them addictions to use narcotics, introduce robots to
satisfy sexual needs, as Almighty destroyed Satanic Angels offspring of Nephilim,
already Satan with the help of his Angels they are destroying the human race.
There are supernatural UFO forces that travel on our planet and in our
solar system that can appear or disappear any moments that are not man made,
they can be in big numbers or isolated move anywhere. In any volume, anytime round bubble forms of Dark-Matter can leave center
core of Earth`s planet and reach into the surface, cervical spins opposite to clockwise
spin excavating out of the ground without registering into any seismographs sensors,
the affect might be seen symmetrically cavities round, different shapes also
might ejected from ground very quiet, like soundless volcano eruption that we
never experiencing, only effect we can see next day a giant hole or crater
cavities on the ground or in the bottom of the sea, if humanly we tried to use
boring machines to give similar effect it can’t be done especially in one
night. There is no any expectations when or where they will show out but mostly
they might be seen in northern sectors lover portions from North Pole.
Once a while Dark-Matter bubbles might release from the complete lump and
leave center core position up to the surface Earth, on its way it can decompose
entire structure of the soil and untangle collective molecules of the soil elements
and raise popping up in dense forest under sea or Oceans and in some Russian
forests leaving unravel elements to go underground through left over tunnel. Areas
that has been noticed this tunnels with no ending does not have roads leading
to these locations to carry equipment’s to drill them, by the way you will not
find any dirt nearby that could come from the tunneling. After Dark-Matter
released up later on this bubble portions can forms also into shape of UFO
vehicle that contains no Aliens but it contains intelligent and life not in
human form but in strange phenomena force mound that can change its shape or
volume and also its density, also it can be broken into so small portions that
later might be used as proton clusters inside atoms.
My perception, Dark Matter don’t have certain precise mass, it can enlarge expand
or shrink to condense not as matter but as force field invisible bubble that
contains many other smaller bubbles inside its bubbles like Russian nesting
dolls “Matryoshka” during atomic explosion Dark Matter expand to the point where
it releases all inside energy as hot temperatures and radiation, electron
portion of atoms that is Dark Energy it releases only electromagnetic charges
only Dark Energy releases radiation.
Astronautics and Aeronautics
Collective knowledge from this two institutes
can`t prove alien life that are more advanced than humans found outside the
Earth in our Galaxy or any other 200 billion galaxies around, how about our
planet Earth did alien life originated here on Earth? Many add hysterical
stories, variety of thoughts that UFO is illusive holograms, some add that they
are real living people from space. Some subcommittees take advantage by the
name UFO, this thought will allow defense budget to have more spend on nuclear
preparedness against invasions from space by UFO. Angelic forces rely on that
to be protected from Armageddon ware between Messianic Angels and rebellious
Angels. Others benefit From UFO topic making entertainment movies and shows.
The important points we might stress on
supernatural existing living things that might exist? One of the many section
of perspectives we might share is the idea of some Angelic beings that lost
their ability to form to human body at the great flood, probably might be a
possibility at that time Earth rotated very slowly probably once every ten
thousand years and that rotation might be considered one day, at the moment
Earths spin triggered to 24 hours each day entire Oceans rush on lands to form
an great flood. Rebellious Angels from that moment on Angels could not
transform to human biological body. WE might find many cattle slay into
surgical procedure in research to find out how they function, to form
biological immune system in body formations, they might also try to figure out
flying super weapons as we hear once a while about UFO`s, also there is great possibility
the from most supernatural forces of Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter together
they can form Similar UFO`s operation, Our discernment is inadequate.
Professor Enrico Fermi mentioned, where might be all of
UFO? Asking where is everybody? Then said.
“One solution to the Fermi paradox is that it is not possible to
run a world that has the power to destroy itself and that needs global
collaborative solutions to prevent that.”
Human reasoning can put forward the idea that in this entire Universe only
we are the living creatures will not be realistic, observing atoms that can
live 12 billion years and change their character personalities by fusion to
become other form of elements, observing how atoms communicate by low octave
sound frequencies tone waves still they are not convinced that atoms are living
things because they don’t carry cells and are not biological livelihoods,
though all life forms need element to complete molecules to create cells and
organs. During centuries people were interested about Aliens, revealed in old
portrayals oil paintings you might find similar to UFO design or figures,
always we hear all round Earth and on moon also in nearby space we can detect
similar unexplained spaceships and there is great global effort to uncover the
reality or the truth of this story. Is there Aliens? Already the personality of
characters fit in envisioned by Earthlings that this creatures have big eyes
tiny noses all civilized cultures conform without having a proof, there have
been found skeletons of elongated sculls, there was and still can be found some
cultures that rapped the scull of children in molded shapes and brain scull
grow elongated in long years. Some cultures found a system to make their neck
longer by adding round large rings to force the neck to elongate during time of
grow. The conclusion people have is that only Aliens can navigate spaceships
drown are operated only by humans Aliens don’t have drones, intelligence only
exists in biological two legged creatures, so everything is based according to
expectations up to knowledge that is available till now.
Regarding the UFO flight that I observed in many research videos and
pictures I realized that so called UFO space ships are directed to certain direction
all of a sudden move there location many miles far either left or right or
other direction than in sharp turn continue where they were heading, there is
no visible jets around so called spacecraft. I have a theory about Gravity you
might find in this blog under subheading “Gravity” All matter follow principles
according to universal tone reaction that controls gravity, atoms use this
energy in covalent bonding principles to be connected procedures of sound
frequencies to be connected to other dot location in space like tiny warm holes
to be connected and change their position spot, researches will be continued
regarding UFO and Aliens, there are also thought about Angles and spiritual
creatures that might be energy force beings, this opinions are rejected because
they have religious stances. Regarding spaceship dishes, main dish appetizers
are orders, focused on how humans are abducted torched, directors film
producers already day and night thinking how spicy they can present these ideas
with great violence happenings in theaters and TV? There is great demand to
this fare banquets.
Before was any beginning always life force existed. Life force that is
Dark-Energy generated Dark-Matter, both this forces contain life their
combination formed atoms and space the entire Universe as I explaining in my
other subject Cornerstone of the Universe in this same blogs. Consequently this
two Dynamic forces contain knowledge wisdom to comprehend the whole lot in
perfection about location each planet or stars in the entire Universe also
govern the entire action changes of all atoms in their fusion process and have
control all movements in gravitational forms and process. UFO that we observe
are portions from bigger portions of Dark-Matter bubbles that contain perfect knowledge
and wisdom and can effect by great force not only to destroy but also to create
by combining thru Dark-Energy. Noticing supernatural energies limited humans
thinking mislaid many imaginary assumption and philosophies.
According to biblical description, men created 7 thousand years ago, there are signs in the land and rocks that bacteria`s lived, also heavenly creatures like angels, were created billion years before men did, some rebellion angels as UFO aliens lived much earlier than men, this agents have so tiny mass that thousand of them or a legions, can fit inside a men, explained when Jesus help a men inside the cemetery that contain legion of satanic Angels, Angels created much earlier than men, some left historic marks on this planet.
Stories about hot fire Hell frights interests religious communities, UFO`s
interests educated people to fears of Aliens, always conclusion is they will
come to Earth no matter how powerful Aliens might be Earthlings will win the
fight, 4th of July. Star wars you name it titles without end making
human kind more anticipated thrilled to meet Aliens to win and claim victory
like the rest of movie fellow human being making more interesting potentials, you
will go into the theater or rent a video and have some very scary moments with
the Aliens and UFO`s, film producer and actors will enjoy the money you
provided because you were having fun to be scared, further Alien stories will
be great prospect for army factories to build more dominant weapons to provide
great profits to rich people who don’t need any money but they feel more needy
to grow bigger in fortunes.
Am I saying there are no Aliens? No UFO`s. No we still don’t have the true
perspectives on hand, probably they will not challenge our expectations they
might be something totally diverse purpose or more explanations’ are needed,
probably you already came into a conclusion regarding UFO, still I need better
quality more inclusive clarification not from theaters and TV but from physics
and scientific feedback responses to have the comprehensive depiction about
UFO and Aliens.
I respect all to have their perspectives in life sometimes it might be
opposing to each other but always people have the decency to talk listen what
other have to say and later on all are free to keep the suppositions in complex
matters like UFO and Aliens that make them feel comfortable. In my other blog
already I described in the article “Angels” that supernatural force field beings
created or existed billion years before man came to exist, this other form of non-biological
living beings also were capable to reshape or transform themselves into human
forms as was mentioned in the bible before the flood, new human angels were only
male form biological beings that can intercourse with woman of the world and
have fertility to new generations of new giant creatures capable, In scientific
technology Angels had fullness in more advance knowledge than human beings, to
manufacture machinery. They are also capable to analysis field animals that we
witness once a while in open fields, it seems cattle were cut with precision
tools without leaving any blood trace over the ground. These angels that
survived from the flood by returning into their invisible force field forms
still have to be prepared against great battle that waiting for them from
Almighty in near future. In my perspective rebellion Angels can manufacture
flying weapons and tools in higher technology to be prepared t the great war
that is called Armageddon that will be between rebelling Angel forces and
faithful Angels that are under command of Highest position supernatural being Micah,
who is Jesus Christ. In my conclusion flying instruments that are different productions
from human made flying machines might be angelic force field half invisible material
that are supernatural war machines. Already there exist other forms of
materials that are foreign to human advance technology as I will explain next.
The center core of Our earth is made of pure Dark-Matter that contains
intelligence to release sound measures and elements will analyses that into
movement directive to be connected to inertia field and move accordingly as
gravity effect, for many years scientist sense the sounds coming from deep
Earth as oscillations waves called “Hum” involved in patches of rock moving up
and down, during time those oscillation form change into coarsely ring figure
waves, course rumbles was below limits of human hearing sequence that is called
(Earth`s Hum) but lately starting December 2011 this effe 3ct changed and
getting stronger in January 2012 and continuing into human level of hearing
mysterious sounds. Some scientist call it “Tweeks” or “Sferics” or “Whisters”
many people experienced January 2012 people experienced in Scotland, Manitoba
Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, UK. Ireland, Brazil, Costa Rica. 2012 February,
Lebanon, Missoula Montana, adding on that big numbers of black fish birds falling
dead from sky, some black bird invasions, turtle’s dolphins dying without any logical
reasons. Unexplained bright lights in the sky. Unusual numbers of hurricanes solar
wind and earthquakes and unusual explosions and tornadoes on the surface of the
Sun. So we experiencing strange sounds from Arizona to England, we use to
notice a source of radio waves frequencies coming from Centre of the Earth, Sun
also generates sound waves that help to guide surrounding planet to synchronize
in the flow of Solar system gravity arrangement of rotation though they all are
moving fast forward direction still rotate under guidance of some sort of
energy that I call it Universal sound frequencies harmony spinning directive. Any
matter in Universe is naturally in trajectory guidance of spinning directive all-stars
planets moons and even DNA on Earth. So in my clarification Trajectory motion
of gravity or any movement is connection to inertia that is guided by Universal
sound frequency harmony that is connected by vibration sound frequencies all
around in the Universe as one body of mass.
Dark-Matter can be condensed or scattered depending surrounding pressure,
when it is scattered in unperturbed space it can be react as weakly interacting
hypothetical particles or WIMPs though they are invisible sound signal
frequencies they generate interactions to weak force or gravity. Variation of
sound command can go to different levels; from far away in the middle of milky
Galaxy we might receive signals from them as much as 110 GeV to 130 GeV.
Dark-Matter is invisible and inactive only after being close to D.E become
visible, start to operate when adjacent to Electromagnetism or Dark-Energy that
is 10^42 times stronger than Dark-Matter by active spin of electrons. Scientist
might consider WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles, in my perspective
entire Dark-Matter particles in any state are combination of one force field
connected and have intelligence however invisible, opposite to this energy is
Dark-Energy covering entire Universe react as electromagnetism and electrons
have one individual own intelligence and personality, yet invisible.
Dark-Matter furthermore is individual life form scattered distributed in universe as protons cores inside stars, planets, moons, moreover also inside atoms in the Universe as protons he can communicate wherever proton exists and dispose new procedures plans. Actually when Dark-Matter is in disjointed sight as Black Hole or scattered dig bubbles in universe as Dark-Matter that contains 23%of the matter in the Universe, even scattered state hi is one individual though he can divide as cells in the Universe he is specific supernatural force field operate in harmony with other supernatural energy form Dark-Energy. On Earth once a while portions Dark-Energy separates from Earths core as UFO. He is combining linking with Dark-Energy as shown once a while with light on UFO. He is a unit of living force move as vehicle but not a spaceship thou it can travel in space it’s a living form force field matter force, can thing act plan judge show emotions or hate but till now we have no definite prove that he attack on civilians, doesn’t mean that he cannot but did not. Other chapter I described that these force represents invisible personality force of Jesus.
Dark-Matter has intelligence capabilities can pull to him everything as gravity all its surrounding or in any moment can disconnect separate itself all quality of its gravity to non-existence. So Dark-Matter is pile of proton cluster gadgets in the center of atoms operating as protons, individual kernels of protons can join to individual helix coming from cable of electrons to make other particles in atoms, in great volume Dark-Matter bubbles serves as core of every planet and moon and Stars, larger bubbles of Dark-Matter can control all galaxies, and Black Hole is a dismantling process of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy process, every part of existing matter contains different size of volume Dark-Matter.
Dark-Matter cooperates with The Nature and animals. Once a year all whales in Pacific Ocean go to the deep Oceanic and produce mysterious humming sound, all at the same time whales from California to Japan making humming sounds, that are not understood to humans because tones are lower octave sound frequencies that are sent by the whales in synchronize rhythm to the center of the Earth`s core. Proton collection that is big bubbles of Dark-Matter core receive information’s, all the details whales have collected all year around and what they pending in return, all are part of their composition delicate communicational frequencies. Same principle is used by butterflies in Mexico and other immigrating animals.
Center core of the Earth is collection of Dark-Matter bubbles in very condense state that completes the inner core less than 4000 miles wide some areas even less because the shape is not typical but they are not as a whole sphere shape, in these quota Dark-Matter is extreme condense state they are separate portion bubbles that are connected to surface Plate Tectonics movements. Over the inner core we find surrounding outer core that is like liquid waves from 1700 miles up to over 3100 miles have no distinctive shape. The outer core is mixed Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy in volume of hydrogen loose atoms, this volume can elevate divided portions into mantle up to thermosphere and create oxides and other rocks and all type of stones, these mixture of Dark-Matter bubbles jumble with dark-Energy clouds can give the effect of UFO` when are released from outer Earth`s mechanical properties lithosphere, Dark-Energy that are electrons give the effect of spreading light textures lights guided by its magnetic properties and procedures, usually go out from main magnetic centers of the Earth like the devils triangle east USA, also east of Japan and wet of Catalina island, there is no any obstruction location on Earth for UFO` to come up, because they can minimize the separation particles skimming through land resources, even they use hydrothermal system either seduction zones or other field reserves. Humans always will be inside their fictional limitation bubble and don’t look to adjacent subtle reality, they can`t come out of it. Let’s consider an individual cell that can`t talk to us but collective billion and trillion cells when complete a body can stand up and act as a actuality and all other beings except this body as lives, same principle lies with protons and Atoms, each proton is other form of life that we don’t understand, collective trillion times trillions times trillions continue trillion times collection of protons as combination of Dark-Matter come to comprehensive body of bubble D.M, it can think act and decide to react in the center of our Earth as core of the Earth. Same exploit we see in swarm of birds, Fish, and fungus in the wild, jointly they represent something lively achievement. Same with Dark-Matter center core of our Earth, also the parts that are separated smaller version bubbles, they have sort of intelligible competences some sort to maneuvering and performance the way UFO`s substitute in our time they are not extraterrestrials but just extension of our existence.
Some insisting the idea that core of Earth’s
mantle is an ultra-terrestrial civilization center. Flying spaceships, or walking
around Aliens and so on. Many deep-sea sonars and radio wave indications reveal
certain noticeable fact that there are unusual activities down there. I offered
my perspective that Dark-Matter is a force field that contains supernatural intelligence,
if small portions of that energy communicate with other portions in different locations
that will give an effect of civilization especially when entire Universe is spread
or scattered portions of Dark-Matter, the energy center of all atoms is made of
Dark-Matter also the particles of atoms contain same life force energy,
mentioned in my post “Atoms are other form of living things, Astrophysicists
are registering all signals in 100 thousand of galaxies and could not find any
other form of Aliens, expecting only life form in limitation figures not by
energy track in the star track. Major center of life force is by Dark-Energy
and Dark-Matter, we exist because they exist to form us, when atoms communicate
that show the energy force in them are communicating in low and high frequency sound
tone reaction wavelength pulses that contain millions of notes in every second
that explain data to be reached into communicational field of the Universe. To bring
all quantum particles in harmony into Cosmoses perfection flow.
Center Earth`s core that is made of 15 large protons shards of large Dark-Matter bubbles that are connected stirred magnetic individual propagates and maneuvers surface plate tectonics slowly as soon core portions gravity extends lithosphere sections , on surface move large rigid and miner plates in harmonize directions to center core shards. Large plate tectonics are. Eurasian. North American. Pacific. South America. African. Australian. The small plate tectonics are Arabian. Philippine. Scotia. Caribbean. Cocos. Nolzzca. Juan. De fuca. They move starting 2 cm. per year and some move up to 10 cm a year. There are intricate measures of this liquid part outer core material that float in the ambiances like in the mantle upper mantle and crust.
Dark-Matter have control over protons behavior by low octave sound frequencies, Dark-Energy have its own effect on the matter surrounding the core, each have variation on all mass on Earth mantle asthenosphere lithosphere, plate and layer sediment, Dark-Matter inner core control the level where the plates should be, sending messages to protons to go toward in by activating seduction descending plates in, or opposite action to upwelling mantle to push the crust plate upward forming new crust, convection current don’t push or pull the tectonic on their own flow for making even Fast-spreading Ridge. Both D.E and D.M variation balance changes move the material on Earth`s lithosphere movements and each have different effect over Basalt or uppermost mantle or the crust and over the plate, also they regulate the gyration of the Earth by applying signals from the Sun. Excess moving metals by mining over surface or movements of large metallic objects like traffic of cars airplanes boats can affect all these balance of the D.E and D.M variations to activate imbalances to erupt in hypocenters. According my viewpoint convective currents are in balanced variation by D.E and D.M to pull or push tectonic have nothing to by their own ability, relation movements are done with D.E and D.M comparative variations the hypocenter is the deep location point where energy sanction matches are done we consider as fault where rapture begins then the vibration and sound are transferred to Epicenter crust depending what direction the repelling spurt blow was originated in Hypocenter. On the surface we can analyze each wave that has distinct proliferation physiognomies from type of wave’s primary or secondary waves either body waves or surface waves. Pressure over Divergent plate, convergent plates and Transform plate boundary all had done by Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy measuring balance variations. Either side to side waves or Rayleigh waves that energy rolls the ground up and down by reasoning only low octave sound frequency waves can vibrate for that outcome, like water in the ocean land will go up and down from surface moving to all directions.
Couple miles west from USA California La. Santa Monica shore in Pacific Ocean
there is unusual very large construction glance of colons at the floor of the
Ocean, sever miles further deep in the Ocean there are also very large about 4
miles wide round shapes on the floor that left a trace 40 miles snake form
lines leaving the effect that the round bubbles moved their location during
time, similar sphere shape form exists also on the moon the side that don’t
face to planet Earth. They might be Dark-matter bubbles that also have intelligent
life force but not life form humanoids.
Recently was seen on our Sun by NASA//SOHO EVT 284 large cubic 3
dimensional object floating around the Sun, This giant black cube orbiting
around the Sun, first time it was seen
06/28/2011 another time 07/23/2011 05:30 last time it was seen Dec
This story if has any relativity with the Bible revelation 21: 1-4, 7,
9-11, 18-21, 27, about new heavenly Jerusalem, in these verses you will find
the measurements of this cubits, 1200 furlongs that is (1500) miles (each side
of the cubits each edge) is 1500 miles, much larger than our earth, for example
each side of our earth, diameter of earth is about 7920 miles, these new
Jerusalem according the bible is 7920000 feet each side.
If we calculate biblical New Jerusalem cubit city it will be 12.000X12000
furlongs it will make 144 million square cubits on each side is 864 million
square furlongs. One furlong is 220 yards or (660) feet 12.000 Furlongs X 660
feet = 79200.000 feet. The story mentioned in the bible book of revelation,
city lies foursquare 12.000 Furlongs its length and breadth and height are
In my perspective does it have any similarities with this biblical instance
or not? We will wait and see.
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