Main important section of man is his or her brain, galaxies communicate
with each other like neurons inside the brain, in Genesis 1:27 says “ So God
created man in his own image ”similar to the universe, a tiny universe inside
the scull
Each atom can live 12 billion years and they contain portions from Universal supernatural forces, first. Electrons come from Dynamic-Energy known as Dark-Energy and second protons come from Dynamic-Matter known as Dark-Matter. These two supernatural energies using their own volition power unity are the bases of Universal life form force that guides the entire universe, It is difficult to believe what the bible say about your hairs are numbered in the book of Luke 12:7, in reality not only our hair but also each individual atom in our body is numbered, we have about quadrillion of atoms in our body. each atom contains portion from God`s force Dark-Energy and Dark -Matter, we as humans contain Quadrillion of atoms in our body that also are holy force that physically spontaneously shapes reality. Everything we do with emotion happens by surrounding data from nearby atoms or something we heard or felt other expressions from others our Quadrillion atoms echo that emotions and we feel, instinctively applying in our moods after DNA reach emotional patterns from our surroundings, try to avoid hearing bad news and information that stress you with sadness, Entire Quadrillions of atoms have characteristics and you should be the conductor to harmonies intake news and information that either sadden or make you happy. Enjoy the holly supernatural force in you even when you don`t feel direct connections with the Universal holly supernatural force field, still you have impulsively control by Quadrillion atoms in you.
How Dark Matter operate?
In my perspective, Dark-Matter has no any gravitational
force, Dark-Matter has intelligence, conciseness, and is a other form of living
being, have invisible energy field, spread to entire universe, Dark-Matter entreats
with vast complicated frequency requests, send to the other living invisible
living creator force, with signals that, until now we totally unaware of it,
still we don’t have the tools to penetrate, it is not explained for us. By
entreaties from Dark-Matter to Dark-Energy, floating object are carried away to
other location, to apply the request Dark-Energy can rule and effect to entire
universe by split of second to farthest location in universe, not like limited
speed of light, affect to entire galaxies in the universe, to make them move or
spin, through the energy field of Dark-Energy, that also is dispersed to entire
universe. So Dark-Matter is the engineer inside the Universe, Dark-Energy
provides the intelligence power and material to persuade or operate.
Gods Particles.
Most scientist leftward god. Recently, some scientists
considered a name “God particle” Watching the universe, scientist came into conclusion
that entire universe is filled with force particles to permeate and guide
everything, naming standard model of particle physics, later they called God`s
particle. Scientist except the building blocks of the universe, consist of 12
fundamental particles, 4 particles called bosons, responsible for 3 fundamental
forces of nature, strong force, weak force, and electromagnetism, leaving
gravity out of this model. In my perspective, beginning stage of atoms,
hydrogen does not consist with fundamental bosons. Portions from electron join
with portions from proton to form new particles, as I explained in other blogs.
The substance that Universe contains in all so-called space is an invisible
field that permeates all matter to exist, all galaxies with their stars,
planets, and moons to operate, one thing I disagree agree with them, “God`s
particle is not a particle” But invisible, very tiny force field that can start
a new Big bang, it is super power of Grand creator or God, his force has been
names Dark-Energy. I call invisible Dynamic-Energy. Another forcefield that was
created by God, is invisible Dynamic-Matter, combing very tine portions,
transforming energy, discharge into a hydrogen atom. Each atom contains God`s consciousness
and lookout its surrounding. We are embedded in field of Gods particles that
allow us or permeate us to exist.
Almighty introduces, or mentions his name to Adam.
According to the bible, God mentioned to other
living forces beside him, Gen 1:26 “Let us make man in our image” (To have conciseness,
individuals with personality character) in Heaven God is surrounded with big
numbers of Angels, high ranking Cherubs (it means specials duties) in (Ezekiel 28:14) also (Seraphs it means
burning ones. Isa 6:2-6) The great engineer of the universe, Jesus Christ, and
also one high ranking Angel, Lucifer, that later transformed himself into
When God collected from the ground soil, about
7 Quadrillion of atoms, with DNA RNA, forming a biological man with complete
body form, in Genesis 2:7 Almighty introduced his name to Adam, “God blow into
Adams nostrils the breath of life, man became a living person. Gods original
name is Yahweh, breathing or respiration happens, by inhalation or breath in
air, that contains oxygen, the sound to inhale make sound like “Yh” to exhale or
breath out, the sound makes like “Wh” Human breathing respiration for entire
lifetime repetition, unknowingly appeal name of God “Yahweh” Entire population
that came through Adam, until now, they all pronounced Gods name, through their
There are two guiding forces, states of God`s good
forces and Satan`s bad feelings moods or spirits, Satan`s guidance is effected
on all selfish greedy people, for example take any people, giving them great
wealth, power authority, it will give them monsters attitudes, consider the
emperors, kings, people with political power, great business people in great
wealth, people in authority by wealth, religious, financials, all of them they
keep veins of hysterical want to have more and more, imitating Satan trying to make
bigger name for themselves. Opposite to this flow, God gives freely and care
for other life forms.
If we use our imagination, we can see a wider picture of the universe,
entire Universe is like a large brain with galaxies spread all around, it gives
scale of neurons inside a brain, all stars and galaxies communicate with each
other like neurons, as we watch further there is a large wall surround entire
Universe, as Universe is embedded in that large wall, so there is great
similarity with large supernatural skeleton like force field around brain like
Universe, according to the bible, Genesis 1:27 say “God created men in his own
image” Entire Universe is a supernatural conductive living forcefield, like the
shape of human head. Many people keep asking, why there are trillions of
galaxies, stars, planets, and so on? If there is a God, Why God created so many
objects in the Universe? If gravity or other force build these galaxies, why so
many needed? In my opinion God is Almighty, God`s power is supernatural, beyond
our perception, one thing I am grasping, everything you see in the Universe, though
we can`t see all, they are sections of God`s supernatural forcefield brain,
Almighty is Grand creator.
For many years we expected that out of nothing can`t produce something, the during time science explained that strange virtual particles that are not seen by us can combine into new existence of matter, sometimes squeezing of certain particles can produce a mass, still our sophisticated tools cant penetrate to explain nothingness, as we go deeper into squint of nothingness, that doesn’t meant everything to grasp inside nothingness with our modern tools, also it don’t conclude that there are, unexplained fluctuation can be existence in nothingness as pure energy without any virtual particles, some might consider as paradoxical absurdities or philosophical theories, no matter how deep we go one thing for sure by logical conclusion from nothing came out something that existed, there was nothing now we have something, material existence of the Universe with great volume of supernatural forces of Dynamic Energy and Dynamic Matter that contains knowledge wisdom power love and life force. Many call this Energy “GOD ALMIGHTY”
In human history many tribes tried to grasp fame and power for themselves and their Nations using many tools to accomplish that, best tool that gave great consequence and has been used till now is the name God, of course God has nothing to do with their selfish gain but those entities used religions positioning name God in the center of their discussion so whatever has been said have been promise by God, anytime their representative say something guarantees to followers God spoke with me this is what you should do to go to heaven. Not any single faithful customer who died can come back to complain “Hey I did not go to Heaven, you were lying to me!” so business goes smoothly. Every attribute and suggestion representative teaches saying go kill, do not have any mercy, conquer other lands, those who don’t have our religions have no right to live. This teaching do not match with a loving God who gave everything to humans, free water free products free lights, loving God created everything with love all nations and tribes are his beautiful loving children. People who are very busy with their entertainment and fun have no time to analyze with all this teachings, as soon they come close to end their life start having limited interest to know where they are heading spending some wealth to religious staff to guaranty insurance to go into a nice location after life probably into heaven where everything they like will be there.
Satan, formerly a high ranking angel, in Isaiah 14:12 was called “Lucifer” after tried to seek t God position to be worshiped, by rebelling against true God to invite first human couple to look down Gods theocracy, after that name of Lucifer became Satan he called God a liar inviting opportunity for the first couple to be like a god, Satan tried governing systems to guide human race into complete peace and security if humans look forward to Satan’s greed to seek competition fame and power. The true God allow time to make appear where was Satan is guiding human race? Also after the outcome revealed rest of the heavenly angels will also find the result of Satan’s rebellion that was wrong, as we see since 6000 years humans were guided by Satan in all sort of governmental arrangement and ruler ship guided by greed fame selfish attitudes, many presented government such as kingdom rules democratic communism you name it all sort of government where the basic is to divide and reach into gain harming many. Some people might add “we are not seeking Gods position of fame, we like to be celebrities or make other people jealous about our name and fame, that makes us feel satisfied” No matter what sort of fame or legend name people are seeking is inviting attention on themselves, all glory and fame belongs only to thru God, personally we only are receivers good things from God, if we come into logical conclusion only individual who has prominence right is the trustworthy Almighty who gave all sort of good thing to men and also has the plan to resurrect all the individuals who suffer into new way of pleasant system in the future after the court decision of Universal judgments is declared and that is very close, so called god that the world is worshiping now is nothing but Satan, true God soon will take his stand to clear everything bad including so called god of this system Satan and all his demons and human associates’ for good. One thing makes me mad to see people blame the True God, not the Satan who is creating selfishness in men greed and seeking power to kill children all people, still some cockroach minded people guided by their god Satan planning Genocides, on top of that they blaming the true God, “why god is killing people, why earthquakes tsunamis and many other disasters?” if you read the first chapter of the book Job you will find out that Satan is also capable to control supernatural forces including weather earthquakes and bringing fire from heaven. True God is presented by one utterance “LOVE”
Bible writing started by Moses that were been told verbally much more earliest time periods, Muslim religion writings basic historical details are taken from the bible same with Christian writings, during time great stress was left over this writings to personalized according to their public preferences, Definitely the Creator of life will make an arrangement to release his thoughts to humans; on the other hand Satan will try his best to confuse true thoughts misleading humankind, that’s why today we have millions of religions, for example the oldest bible the Sinai bible exist in the British museum and was found are over 14.800 differences between this bible and between standard King James version, on top of the differences with the writings nationality partisans are killing other people who have the same spiritual writing because they are not part of their party, addition to that they are killing other nations and different faith groups, all are declaring they own Gods thoughts they are the only true representative of god, trying to teaching God of love but yet killing God`s creations all other people with different faiths, instead of love they are teaching hate and revenge going as far as creating barbarism valence in eliminating others. Many times I hear from some religions who declare “We represent peace and harmony” some faiths that are declaring those comments when they are minorities in different lands as soon they become majority and complete power in their hands no more peaceful for rest of other minorities in their ruling country, forcing all others to except their faith or die. Just in a split of a second somehow peacefulness in their tradition vanishes away.
Who is Jesus Christ?
Christians read the bible, to apply the word of God, in 1 Corinthians 11:3 mentions that the head of a woman is the man, the head of every men is the Christ, (but they don`t read the rest of the verse) Head of the Christ is God, Almighty always kept out of the picture. On top of that they present the philosophy of Hell. Personality of Almighty God, is based on love, God is love. he cares about his creations, to torcher them or tormenting his creations inside firry hell is totally opposite to Gods personality. In the Bible 1 John 4:7-10 was mentioned, plus we all know in fire all biological bodies are turned into ashes, to add another lie on the subject, they say man has another living thing inside him that is soul that never die.
Jesus was the greatest human being who, till
death teched his followers about the Grand Creator, the almighty. There are
many prophecies about him, how hi will born from a virgin faithful woman, he
will be born in Nazareth, how will he teach, one of his decuples will sell him
for 30 silver how will he die, and many other prophesies, where a person can`t organize
those happening before born, It was promised the bible that Messiah will be
revealed, introduced not as God, but as a anointed Messiah Christ. As Greatest
representative from Jehovah God. Luke 1:32 Angel Gabriel revealing to Mariam, who
Jesus really will be “This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most-High,
and Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his Father” as you noticed
God is not giving Jesus Gods throne, but the Kingdom throne of former David.
When John the baptizer baptizing Jesus, as a statement,
in the book of Matthew 3:17 God Almighty announced “Look! Also, a voice from
the heavens said “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved”
Disciples of Jesus recognized his position,
Matthew 16:16 Regarding who Jesus was, Simon Peter responded “You are the
Christ, the son of living God”
The reason clergy complained to Pilate about
Jesus to die, mentioned in book of John 10:7 “Jesus made himself God`s son.
Jesus comparing himself with God, he always pinpoints
his level of authority, in the book of John 14:28 Jesus announced “you heard
that I said to you” I am going away and I am coming back to you. If you loved
me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, for the father is greater
than I am”
Miracles that Jesus did, all was done by the
power force from God, Jesus asked healing power or energy, always he received holly
spirit to do miracle. On time, inside a crowd, a woman with medical problem touch
Jesus, receiving healing energy. Jesus felt some of his power was released.
Before resurrecting Lazarus. In John 11:41-42 “…Then Jesus raised his eyes
heavenward and said “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. True, I knew
that you always hear me: but I spoke on account of the crowd standing around,
so that they may believe that you send me” And later on it is explained how
Jesus resurrected Lazarus, using power of the Almighty.
After Jesus was resurrected, 3 days after his
death, Jesus informed to Mary in the book of John20:17 “Jesus said to her:”
Mary clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my
brothers and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my
God and your God.” As you noticed, Jesus is considering all his followers to
consider god as their father, and their God.
Much before prophet Muhammad was born almighty made a promise to son of Faithfull prophet Abraham that also Isaac his son will be a great Nation, before prophet Muhammad was born there were great number of Jewish trade population in Makkah and Medina of Arabia that already Jews adapted Hebrew religion trying to apply in ten commandment laws? It was common in Mecca to worship many gods that was transformed after Prophet Muhammad to worshiping one God. Before becoming a prophet he visited Egypt where is located the greatest library in the world, probably he get acquainted with Old testaments writings of Jews that was written 2700 years before him also noticing life and death of Prophet Jesus that was written before him 600 years ago, Prophet Mohammad get in touch with this details and we can see many happening that was mentioned in the Bible in the book of Quran. Because some Christian churches introduced old philosophy deities of trinity to Christians that Jesus never introduced such thing Muslims became very zealous to stand up to declare that there is only one God, How you can declare three Gods as one God? Till this day Islam stand by the title declaring “God does not have another God” and only Muhammad is the prophet from God, Muslims also except Jesus as a prophet but because this approach will give chance for Muslims to read the Bible probably some consider it will be better to avoid reading the Bible saying bible was changed to other versions that in original don’t have, but Muslims never introduced a right version of Bible saying here it is you can read this one to avoid mix-ups. In modern days Muslims are divided into different groups though they all share the same Holly Quran but their representatives explain different introductions in devotions. Because Almighty is the life giver, Jesus considers his disciples and himself creation from God, in that sense God is the father of all living. Jesus called the Almighty his father also the father of all faithful ones, by quality purity he considered himself in same quality forgiving standard as his father but he never considered himself equal to God but many Christian representatives teach that theology and this is also against the belief of Muslims. Jesus mediated between Almighty and Men to bring humans closer to God, he is the mediator, he never called Mariam his Mom but yet some Christian beliefs teach to pray to Jesus through Mariam. In reality Jesus always ask help from his heavenly father every time he was going to perform a miracle as you can read about it in my other article “What happens to me after Death”
So regarding many other religions as well their followers are fighting for their faith, but unfortunately many are not fighting to improve their devotions by perfecting themselves from sin, but fighting with others who have different faith, having no patience for God to be the Almighty judge presenting the individuals who have true faith during end of the times in his last judgments.
Qualities of God are, Power, Justice, Wisdom
and Love. By Power entire Universe is in motion spin and movements of all
galaxies stars and planets, when we see all those orderly heavenly bodies move,
we can notice the power, each atom contains tremendous power, that emphasis the
signature touch of God. Everything God created has a purpose, also a purpose to
work it out with other living forms. Look at those tiny, wonderful honeybees,
they feed on pollen, also pollinate flowers to produce fruits, then they yield
honey to people to consume. God created Man from ground or soil amino acids,
plants consume nourishment from the ground, when man consume vegetation, atoms
inside the plants become part of his body, when animals eat vegetation, atoms
become part of their body, when men eat meat of animals, atoms inside the meat
become part of human body, same story with the fish, they eat each other, in
Oceans fish atoms becomes part of other fish, on land atoms inside insect or
animal or bird, becomes part of other living form, atoms remain and operate as
organization of God, each atom has signature touch of grand creator of the
heaven and Earth.
There is a force field Universal power of life with intelligence wisdom love righteous that created all living things in the Universe and planet Earth, no one knows how long ago, Almighty has the honorable obligation to rule over everything. According to Biblical records Satan as individual Angel represented a case that Almighty’s way of ruler ship is not fair and totally iniquitous but if Satan have the chance to rule on humans will prove that there are better ways to prevail human life and harmony to bring appropriate rulers and governments. During history Almighty allowed Satan to represent his case allowing him to rule, in several occasions Jesus mentioned that momentarily temporarily Satan is the God of this planet, other occasions Satan introduced his power to Jesus if Jesus follow Satan hi will be allowed to rule over entire human race but Jesus refused, Jesus did not argue Satan saying “how you can give me something that doesn’t belong to you?” Yes temporarily Satan is the ruler over human race. In family arrangement a husband should be faithful to his wife; a wife should be faithful to her husband, any married woman that having an affair with different man while her husband is alive, that wife is fornicating and be considered as prostitute, when religious men and women have joined relationship with political thoughts to use Satan’s ruler ship ruling on others is also be considered political prostitution, political rulers when are controlled by other rich groups to follow the interest of others than their nation is also political prostitution. Satan rewarded many individuals by power wealth over entire planet earth to participate ruling with him over human race. As an appropriate follow-up to consider where human governments brought their nation? What sort of peace and prosperity? Human race has a spiritual husband figure or force field that everything belong to him trillion billion of atoms in our body belongs to him all matter surrounding us belongs to him life planet Earth stars galaxies and entire Universe belongs to him Almighty has the complete authority right to rule over everything and his constitution to rule is based on love. Without been mislead by so called religious representatives human race should except true theocracy, as soon judgment time come everything will be turned back to normal, all honest people will be resurrected Satan will be no more nor his senseless followers.
The Pentagon’s top general has said that US intelligence has looked into the possibility that the coronavirus outbreak could have started in a Chinese laboratory, but that the “weight of evidence” so far pointed towards “natural” origins.
My perspective in studying the Bible, (1) tiny stone will destroy World governments and economies “Tiny viruses look like very tiny stones” (2) King of the North and King of the South will fight with each other “China took the position as the King of the North” (3) False religion will be destroyed “Watch the religious centers what is going on” (4) Pandemic turbulence's will destroy welfare with shortages in foods followed by greatest earthquakes. (5) They will announce peace and security with all Nations of the World by NWO. I was looking forward the last prophesy expecting they will happen to far from each other. Lately by watching the word news I realized all this will happen together at the same time period.
Big CUBIC over the Sun
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