Entire friendly establishments that could be beneficial for human’s best
interest, is other way around, Banks. Are they working for men’s benefit or
their own? Same with Pharmaceuticals, Religion, Armaments, Media news,
Politics, Education, all this links mostly follow their own self-interest not
about communities to be men’s best friend.
We use to visit Syria once a year with all family. When I was 4 years old in Jebel Druze
were visiting the fields of harvest with my grandfather, we visited field where
they separating grains from scraps using 2 feet by 2 feet square board hundreds
of nails sticking underneath that face the grain on the soil a donkey was pulling
the wood sheet turning in circle around the hay stag, the farmer allowed us me
and my grandfather sat on top of the blog and spin about an hour while my
grandpa was singing. Later went together to watery area standing to the edge of
a deep pound he was watching the sheep in the field flocks and grains in the
field he get emotional remembering his old Zeytun in Turkey and start to cry, I
noticed tears coming from my Grandpa for no reason and I get very upset, so
went backward a few steps run toward him and pushed him into the cliff to the
water, he felt inside deep water and hardly swimming came out all wet. Because I
put my grandpa in water I start to cry also hand in hand we return to my aunt
Trfanda home. When our family noticed us me very dry but my Grandpa still soaking
water from his “Sharval” (A pant that has extra hanging section in between legs
old Middle Eastern use to wear) so they came and wondering what happened and
get full details from my grandpa.
We did a review about false companions but still seeking for true friendship, there is a story in the Bible by comparison to that story we can see the calamity and problems of our world, in the story of Faithful Job, his name it means “object of hostility”. Year 1957 my aunt Trfanda Darakjian live in civilized city of Suwayda, Jebel Druze or Jebel Arab, married to Karekin having a wool coloring small manufacturing professional in making carpets in downtown Sweida alsa was very respected in his community, his home was always open to Syrian Armenian soldiers that usually came from other suburbs, when they were serving in that Southern territories, so in return soldiers took my aunts family to places to visit where other are not permitted using army jeeps, on those days almost few had personal cars. I was born and raised in Beirut Lebanon, as a young kid with my family visited to my Aunts family Suwayda in East of Israel also some villages in Southern Syria traveling by army jeeps on unpaved roads to Shahba and Qanawat, first we experienced a wedding feast prepared by the villagers “Mansaf” poured oil on rice and participated laying on the ground large 6 feet wide metallic plate of pilaf, one large cooked lamb in the center, First men allowed to sit on the ground surrounding the plate and all eat by hand, second term serving comes to young boys, after they finished, all ages of females continue the leftovers in plate all by hand, so we knowing their custom, before they started we asked for exception to be separated because we were not used to their custom, so they were kind to separate for us a portion and we used our own spoons. All were watching and laughing for our misbehavior. When visiting with Armenian soldiers to very far towns. Some town have no water pluming they had a large pit of muddy water, lift up water by buckets of muddy water put aside for several hours the muddy substances sink down and upper layers water was used to drink the colorful water, of course now there must be great civilization improvements to the erea. Most important part of the trip that our soldier friends already knew and even some residents there insisted a site that was the cemetery of from the Bible figures Faithful Job, also we see the caved in house where the wind killing all Jobs children’s. Later that day we visited the tomb of Job, sighting momentous stone wall 7 feet up from the ground is a side tiny hole, where only a child can fit in with difficulty, soldiers ask me to go in and check inside, I excepted the majorities request they wanted to know maintaining strongly, so they helped me up to crawl in push me into the opening, engaging inside noticed small room about 4 feet wide 5 feet’s long and 4.5 feet high, observed very superb marble stone on the left side, shape of tomb vault rubbing the surface by my hands felt smooth very dark green flat stone, it was very dark inside did not have any lightings, probably there were Snakes or scorpions laying on the ground but I was so extraordinary that did not carry about anything else, there was nothing else to see except vault laying and emptiness on the right, I exit the tomb, coming out of the foundational for me it felt like new birth leaving the vault grave. Remembering this connection in my older age I realized that was astonishing involvement and must share with others.
This is up close picture from that time, my parents,Avedis and Koharig Kaprielian, my sister Mary on the other side, in the middle my cousin Nawal Darakjian.
Greg kaprielian scratching his head in nearby sight of Biblical figure Faithful Jobs cemetery in Southern Syria, with my parents standing side by side and Grandfather Ohannes Kaprielian from Eastern Turkey city of Zeytun standing with my Aunt Trfanda Darakjian, her daughter top center of the colon with me, on the other end my sister Mary Kaprielian, pictures of those location is in Southern Syria, colleens are made by Romans or Greek Builders.
How does most of the World look at atrocities?
Surviving from Armenian
Genocide, my aunt lived in Syria Jabal druz, they adopted a child because they
were infertile after being in some missionary protection. My Godfather Leon in Damur
Lebanon also was infertile, many Armenian who survived they had second and many
other repetition of destruction from bigger countries in Syria Iraq Lebanon
and many other countries, sometimes they send terrorist to do their dirty jobs,
so no matter how diligently a person works to create a friendly environment, crime against humanity to gain political or
religious gain does not stop them, some greedy forces disturb friendly relaxed
peaceful life of other Nations, no matter what to reach their purpose, damaging
others to gain wealth, That`s why friendship is in big danger. For Example
Turks Massacre their Turkish citizen western Armenian resident on that land
that were living for over 3,000 years.
How does Allies of Turks
look to these atrocities and war crimes? Well Turkey has good geographic
position, even if half of Turkey formerly belonged to Armenians, regarding
Israelis they had big plans to invade Palestine and some major changes should
take place, using Turkish government most of high ranking army officers and
ministers were Jews that declare themselves accepting Islam religion, also this
Jews were members of Free Mason organization. Wikipedia mentions about this
atrocities of Armenian Genocide by Turks. “The Young Turk regime ordered the
wholesale extermination of Armenians living within Western Armenia. This was
carried out by certain elements of their military forces, which either
massacred Armenians outright, or deported them to Syria and then massacred
them. Over 1.5 million Armenians perished.
The Republic of Turkey, the successor state of the Ottoman Empire, does not
accept the word genocide as an accurate description of the events surrounding
this matter"
1959 in Lebanon. Me, my father Avedis and my sister Mary.
Probably you heard about story of Job. From a wealthy respectful life all of a sudden Satan came to test him killing all his children taking all his stock and hitting him with sickness making him helpless, Job was living in Middle East his story take takes place about 1600 B.C.E. Job was suffering in great pain (Job 2:7) struck in all his body with malignant boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. Somehow Job represents the whole human race that is suffering now and full of problems today, in chapter 2:11".. They did not recognize him" In human suffering and the challenges that people have is similar to Job Satan know by challenged all people will reject God, nobody will be with on the side of God. Job 2: 4-5 " ... Satan answerd "Skim for skim! All that people have they will give to save their lives...men will curse you to your face" So the lesson about friendship was not only between Job and God but between all human race and God. Some friends came to ease and comfort Job, those friend also represent communities and organizations that are available for humankind to give same comfort and help to people like Jobs friends. First one was Eliiphas the Temanite, for me he represents all religions figuring from his discussion. Second so called friend was Bildad the Shuhite, had dialog as represents all community leaders and Governments, third friend was Zophar the Naamathite, he exemplifies the financial, medical, also general markets shopping moles, food products, goods and merchandise systems. Those tree organization work to make human pain and suffering less hurting to help Man. These 3 companion friends instead of helping and sympathizing with Job (Or human race) they blame and damage the feeling s of Job, even the wife of Job said to him “Do you still persist in your integrity? Curse God and die” Job 2:9 after listening to his companions pronouncing God wicked, like the first companion groups religions describe God vicious monster torturing man with burning everlastingly torchers in Hell fire. (You can have additional details in my other title about religion, Where is the Hell?)
Human free will and thoughts have
their own conclusions, for example in Jeremiah 7:31 mentions how ancient Jews
throw their children in fire as pagan worship ceremony deed, to Baal “…in the
valley of Hinnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire a
thing that I had not commanded and that had NOT come UP INTO MY HEART” “it
never even crossed my mind, to throw children in the fire” also Ezekiel 16:20-21
“slaughter their children”
So called Bible academics description
and clarifications brought to the supposition that burning in fire is a way of Gods
righteous way of punishment, labeling him as criminal, Not a God of Love
Second companion friendly groups for suffering mankind are the Governments, consider killing of one man a crime making long trials, but killing some soldiers and hundred thousands of innocent children and old people is just some political process. When these heroes of the action get old and start using dippers, then they will start to feel and understand that they don’t have any friends. Third group companions so called friends are Merchandising companies produce if contains harmful substances they don’t mind, they reword some authority leaders to close their eyes and let it go harmful substances to be sold freely even in nutrition food, allowing unsafe vaccinations and selling harmful medicines that destroying new generations giving side effects and sicknesses all markets principle is to find out ways to make more money praising fashion and new life is priority, teaching under the name of entertainments also giving many bad descriptions about God, those rich people after making great wealth leave the country so they don’t pay taxes to their formal countries. In the first story after listening to his companions Job became depressed. Having so many friends now he had none. Today human society have a problem issue, companions of Job bring out the same main issue that all humans in this times have similar problems that Job had, they have to overcome it or to get real solutions Job 35:2 brought out, saying “You have said my righteousness is more than Gods” same is today people say I know better than God; I am better than God is doing nothing, lacking the patience to listen or learn from God. Reality is the false companions are not able to help ordinary people to be their friend. How about the Almighty is he your friend? Is that possible? Yes for example James chapter 2:23 say “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness and he was called THE FRIEND OF GOD” after Jobs 4th friend Elihu had conversations, later also God talk to Job in chapter 40 and 41 and in chapter 42 Job answers to God, in conclusion God also became friend with Job and rewords double blessing same numbers of children he had and in coming paradise after the other children resurrected they all be double in numbers Job 42: 12-16 Job lived a satisfied life having God as his best friend, possibilities is open to everyone.
During lifetime anyone can decide if has a true friend by their attitude,
of course we should not hesitate to go into conclusion from one encounter, our
friend might had a bad day or any negative experience somewhere else, but
during time we can add all their feelings toward us to make a conclusion. A
good friend shows support during difficulties, do we? Whatever good qualities
we are expecting from them we have to show it as well. Are they honest and
respectful? Are they considerate you emotions and feelings? Or right away start
to counsel us to give spontaneous advice every time we misstep, because some
might take advantage to stress our faults to reach loftiness to control us, a
good friend first love us regardless our flows before giving advice first they
encourage us some of the good thing we had, any moment where we had overloading ourselves with too much work and
very busy agenda, we might not have calm behavior or the patience to listen to understand
gravity in between two friends
is to listen good hear each other intensively, to find out what sort of good approach
is the best way to help us, yes by intensively listening what happened to us.
This will make them dependable and we consider them thoughtful or considerate,
anytime we have difficulty we will feel free to share our difficulties by
communicating, always expecting good things from them and always we like to
always have their company, their friendship will makes us happy as good friends.
If we don’t have a good friend like this lets try we be a friend like this to
other to be a good example as real friend.
World powers according to the Bible
During history of time many different nations and races came to exist, each
Nation had almost certain type of characteristics, what was they seek in life?
What were their priorities, how did they respect their elders and follow men? Each
time in history certain Nations come that belong into their time of life, the
bible mentions that some nations had higher and more valuable of mind, variety
of people reside on Earth during history, the word of God characterizes
describing this nation by precious ore less precious metals, symbolically where
in time we stand in comparison of valuable people in time?
Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon Empire ruled as king from 605 BC till
562, God gave the king a dream as a message to explain what sort of big power
government will come after him in the history of mankind, no one knew the
meaning of the dream to mention. Daniel explained in book of Daniel 2:31-35
that the interpretation may be given to him about the immense image that the
king has seen in his dream.
The large bright head of the statue represents the Empire of Old Babylon way
of life including the king Nebuchadnezzar, the life style and characteristic was
represented with precious good metal gold. By Darius Babylonian Empire began to
fade after Medo-Persian Empire arrived to conquest Babylon. The following
Nation in time will come by a nation represented as the breast and its arms
made of silver. Silver portion is represented by Grecian Empire by Alexander
the great, he intended to make Babylon his capital. Other nations came into the
world seen as powerful force but they could not be called as World Empire. Prophetically
next most powerful Empire was Roman conquest, its belly and its thighs were of copper,
as Democracy started in Rome after Rome glory fade its political way of
governing continue by other two powerful nations England and America, yes its
legs were of iron but its feet that refer into later times that is in our
modern time legs were partly of iron and partly of molded clay. As you see big
government exist in our modern times that have power as iron but somehow they
are very week to manage all populations, they can’t control manage addiction
crimes greed and so on. AS you see comparing to the head of bright gold we in
the later times of history been resembled or characterized into iron and clay
mixture. No matter what material world powers represent they cannot bring true
peace and security, political representatives will enjoy their activities till
somehow expose any moment by opposing party, how about religious
representatives that stand to be exemplary for moral values, their lifestyle show something else, life
they are living in our days is like iron mixed with molded clay.
This historical image of Government will be demolished according to the
bible Daniels 2:34. A stone was not by hands it will strike the image on its
feet of iron and molded clay and crushes the statue image. Altogether the whole
statue will be crushed to become like the chaff from the summer threshing
floor, and the wind will carry them away until no trace at all remains, the
stone that represents new theocratic form of government or ruler ship will rise
not only for 1000 years but to remain forever.
Unfortunately there is another approach in
friendship diversity that is called Schadenfreude Schaden Damage or harm Freude
(Joy) or (Harm-Joy) English equivalent is “To gloat” Human civilization
activities we witness many competitions in social comparison theory, all other
people continuously are on stage showing their qualifications and advantages in
life, every time individual feel failure or extreme disappointments at the same
time seeing others in success that give apparent static in emotions, as soon
seeing someone else failed no matter who she or he is, To gloat is kind of
sadistic feeling the side fail and success are on opposite side of Si-So, that
is elevating individual emotion goes high up level to pick up comfort and
pleasure, as a friend we expect that other friends feel with our pain, they do
if they really care for us but sometime that control snaps out to insensitive empathy.
Watching sport games sometimes audience really anticipate for their team to
come out victorious, any frailer suffering arrival team misfortune gives
pleasure and joy to those that are guided by schadenfreude, it was mentions
that during similar games audiences beat up their competition team and their
fan audience on many occasions big fighting ongoing competition games, beating
each other . Same with some TV programs I watch on cooking channels, when there
is game to find out who will be the winner good cook. As soon they announce the
name of frailer misfortune cook you will see the winner cooks face a big smile
and joy, in similar amusement programs many form of competition games can be
revealed, unfortunately in human behavior its normal almost everywhere as
controlled by social comparison theory where people enjoy seeing others to
suffer when bad things happen to them, the good news I also experienced to see minority
of people that can’t enjoy watching other peoples misfortune or suffering
somehow they overcome this schadenfreude emotional reaction.
In my “DNA” and “Neuron” posts I mentioned that
all living things have their own personality sound complex frequency arithmetic
coding wavelengths that are like melody instead of playing 2 hour long melody
with many notes abbreviating all that notes in fracture of a second timing, any
song or melody reaches your heart that melody might be close to your
personality complex chart in elevating notes, some might be mellow or soft
music others Sophisticated or refined, Intense or passionate Contemporary or
modern style, other music’s might matches your taste of sound harmony. No
matter what group you in they divide into 1) Empathizing or sympathizing with
personality that can get alone with others the 2) group is Systemizing that
always tries to stay away, not collaborating, sound code of individuality can
be noticed not only Humans but also in behavior of animals in dogs cats sheep
birds you name it all fall in this two categories because of their complex
personality sound harmony they retain.
Individual are modifiable configurations or system that can be regulated or attuned to change into any programing diversity of individuality personality, either be in good social character attitude by shaping their behavior or preferred standpoint mood, like improving accumulate responsibilities, or rebel and go downgrade to limitations even to dysfunction very similar to computers, humans also can be upgraded their brans function first by sensing seeking the need awareness trying to imitate or learn the new presentations, by studying to gather knowledge accumulating the need to function better as a friend.
During pregnancy babies in the womb start to grow continually, while starting to receiving sounds and vibrations surrounding environment, beside the low octave sound frequencies from atomic structure that is complete part of infant’s body tone process. Human mind take responsibility of commands by sound frequency sound signals that pass through the synapse by electrical stimuli flashes. Inside a computer humans can make the programing what they aspire to, but inside the brain the priority preferences to seek the best in certain realm of activity is left to the preferences of the individual mind seeking careers, their outlook on doing and not-doing preferences what having and not-having. First it doesn`t know exactly what to choose then it conclude to certain level of preferences if they failed become reluctant and miserable, if they succeed feel pride and accomplishment overcoming the difficulties and some have unwillingness to try new things to change their presentation’s.
The reason I had the encouragement to approach this thoughts was the result of human behavior differences in families during growing up cultures in families and traveling to other countries mixing into other cultures and behavioral changes. I observed by the effect of music and class of entertainment how it effects on the new generations that will be totally different variations in action attitude from their parents in the house they grow up in same household but different musical listening different styles from the radio appliances and TV. Parents and children come to the conclusion that the other one is acting strangely, even crazy. Every baby have unseen emotional preferences and habits to adapt, they love to choose programs improving themselves to upgrade and have better qualifications. Lifestyle and entertainments have great effect on personalities because our mind functions by musical tone pulses that are much complicated when operated in low octave sound frequencies that are thousand variations in very short micro seconds tones, Songs musical feelings rhythms make great differences on the brain and personality character temperament. Someday people will except that and take action, it will be understood that excessive violent entertainments will overflow like a volcanoes damaging their surroundings, we have many examples like the one in Colorado Batman movie, Human mind is a printer everything an individual watch or think indirectly get to move to directive action. Entertainment is programmer of cultures; some make big money but what influence it might give is no limitations by society.
God has great power, one thing in his capacity is
impossible that he can’t do He don’t lie and is not afraid of hiding anything
for lie, on the other hand opposing Satan has one defense mechanism principle
that is based on lies. Everything bad going on in history of men is recorded
and considered as collective data by true God to be kept as information
documents so in other everlasting no ending life this harboring offence’s do
not repeat having the right to judge why Satan’s way of approach to rule is
harming humanity and angelic realm in heaven.
Activities of human toward their fellow friend
still been recorded by God since men rebelled against Almighty. By choosing Satan’s
way of government men choose selfish tendencies greed and lust, rebelling to be
under respectful authority that was based under constitution of love ruling
only on animals and not on each other.
Almighty has the power to rule and direct entire
Universe moving all object in galaxies orderly, considering of only Milky Way
galaxy by just travelling in light speed take thousands of years to reach to
the other end also there are as far as we can observe there exists 500 billion
of Galaxies in the Universe. All this weight and pressure is handled by
Almighty (Jesus said my heavenly Father always work so do I) regarding humans
their temperament of characters sometime give weight and pressure on others. As
Almighty maneuvers the entire Galaxies similarly He is maneuvering entire world
population to see and observe how neighbors will effect in the mood of their
fellow humans individually and in groups to see their interest orientation,
what values they will search to find in their social role choosing or rejecting
expressive role in their life.
Inside atom exist two portion intelligence life
energy that are portion from Almighty by invisible Dark Energy as electrons and
invisible Dark Matter as proton core, everything happening around atoms are
recorded to be connected to entire universal sound frequency wavelengths in control
of almighty God. All collections of atoms as molecules and DNA inside cell structure
of biological humans can collect intelligence data by non-biological life force
especially by H20 molecules that already is proven by many
researchers that water molecules contains memory and intelligence in emotional
values, biggest volume in operating human brain contains water and indirectly
yet we are not to the point how all this miracles around and in us is operating
plus all entire Universal complex activities.
In my experience I believe that every other
person I met in my life as a neighbor or friend in school or work someone they affected
on my emotions that implemented on my personality character, after considering
behavior of other people I tried to resemble them as variety of spices herbs
and sometimes disgusting odors not mentioning poisoning attitudes in their
characters, other occasions I met people with good fragrances in their
characteristics, so I resembled them into nice bouquets, with limited human
capacity if I can evaluate those differences Almighty also is taking evaluating
all personality effect on each individuals noticing how they will react to each
other, what directions they will take in their emotional thinking, all this communicative
implementation regarding their temperaments are recorded by atoms water
molecules to assemblage characteristic that is mixed good with bad in human
cultures, Almighty have only Good approach, but this human nature with Satanic conflict
against good will register informative role and their effeteness as spices herbs
effect in the taste of food. Creation of the Universe atoms stars planets
Galaxies and creation of men has a purpose by Almighty, still we have
limitations to follow up all intelligence that exist around us, by patience and
persistence we might get answer for everything that we did not know today, always
there is room to learn and to improve, meanwhile we have to endure all variety
of tastes surrounding us with all this herbs and spices, they exist for a purpose
and we have to endure and learn experiences.
Who are good or bad people
In modern time people have the means to travel foreign countries where every
trait he knows does not match with other way of quality life and behavior. They
have different sort of faith, different religions, it comes a moment where a
bad person can`t keep conceal emotional characteristics and it burst out to
harm other Coulter considering them as enemies. In same distinctive circumstances
good people behave different, no matter how different others are good people
consider other people valuable giving always to others certain viewpoint of respect
to others, a good person considers peace more valuable than their outlook
attribute in life, no matter what always keeping RESPECT to other people..
After Universe was created and all form of matters
existed in all detailed registered in Almighties Video album (Stimuli) for
record keeping and watching, activities of spinning all-stars, planets, pulsars
and black hole, all accomplishments of insects and humans and everything else
existed belongs to the recollection of the Almighty. Any moment God can and is
capable to reform the time and co-existence of happening and materialize the
beings or matters and refill their emotions and memories to the subject and
make it happen again with very simple easy thought, of course this is almost
impossible for us but not for the capability of Almighty.
All living things are made of Atoms that contain two kind of intelligent
behavioral living energy, Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, in other notes I
mentioned atoms are living things, they are 99.9999% empty inside the living
force inside them is invisible, everything inside atoms still is under
investigation and with the total intelligence studies of human achievements
still that tiny world is unreachable to us to comprehend fully. One thing is
sure we see behavioral activity between animal’s migration social network how
active they are in touch and learn from each other sometimes new behaviors, this
qualification are given to animals, flocks of birds, fish and many other living
things, by other intelligent edicts guiding them for common practices.
In my perspective atoms are also other form of living things that live 12
billion years after they born inside the stars during time and circumstances
change behavior or personality by fusion without borrowing other particles from
outside electro walls, also they can attract to each other as called covalent
bond, if one atom is bond to another atom attract to each other and stay
together we call this wedding a molecule or compound, if two or more atoms form
together as one group we call it chemical bond (I call it tone reaction)
because by sound pulses they grab each other oppositely-charged ions. In case
both atoms use or shared equally they form a covalent bond and also be
considered nonpopular.
Invisible portion of Dark-Matter energy, that is the core of an atom has living
personality character, each proton cluster bubbles contain their own
characteristics, collective forms of atoms ranging their personality popularity
number of characteristic effect on individuality insect mammals or any living
form, some have stereotype dangerous characteristic behaviors that effect to
entire body that they are majority part in that living thing or body. Probably
came to your mind why there are so many galaxies stars and planets inside the
Universe, we people on this Earth and all other sorts of living things have
been studied by supernatural force as some call God. In the future after all
calculating results had been collected all rest of planets might be developed
and presented by all other form of living things with variety of characteristic
regulation to be habitable, there should be a reason to their existence, Grand
Dynamic power in the Universe is Dynamic-Energy others call it Dark-Energy that
has life force supernatural intelligence eternal energy that entire Universe is
in his power. We humans are encoded culturally also genetically to perform what
is expected of us to see any good in our behavior we are reprogrammed with
limited freedom of choice to confirmation personality behavior; only our moral
logic if there is any can explain the importance of time existence life
epigenetics that we contain in respectful manner. Our personality harmony will
reflect what sort of music we will play or listen to, what morality we should
have and it will be full of greed and pride that stay in control or humble attitude.
We are observed by supernatural force field.
Atoms are very complex terrestrial forms that can communicate in tone
reaction by high and low octave sound code reaction atoms function in very
complex form, but still some will try to smashing them into tiniest pieces to
study their formation ignoring that most major energy portions of atoms are
invisible force of Energy and invisible Matter. In the beginning LHC test were
very limited superconducting punches, then they went into 6.5 Tev or MJ, than
is the energy in each beam of a single proton when they punch each other almost
range of speed of light, by two counter-circulating force that releases beams,
that for me it is not single but clusters of bubbles of Dark-Matter, forceful punches
atoms against each other release energy from protons electrons as partons
quarks gluons and no one can describe how they look while in active utility
inside atoms, only they sense the expurgated particles, during time LHC became
upgraded accelerated from 450 Gev to 7 Tev, now they going to try 40 Tev by
sending in speed multiple bunches of atoms that each one 115 billion protons
inside each bunch, bunches up to 2808 bunch collision rate of 40 MHz, inside
collider are used 96 tones of superfluid helium holding magnets that contain
copper-clad niobium-titanium, bunch crossing intervals of 75ns that in
collision it can release light of LHC reach 10 34 cm 34 cm-2
s -1 [37] also they are planning to upgrade this heat and
luminosity to higher levels that that can melt tone of copper in no time. It looks
so strange when many are afraid of something worst might happen as starting a
black hole or opening a gate to parallel Universes. Studying atoms I realize
that each atom contains intelligence of two forces Dark-Energy and Matter, they
contain life energy plus all other physiognomies temperament that we as humans can
possess, same with insects other animals and other living things, they borrow their
dispositions from atoms, in my perspectives Angels are as tiny as atoms they
communicate with us with mental stimuli sparks flow to express themselves the
way all atoms planets stars and galaxies communicate as entire living form
cosmos by Universal language. WLHC will never have the capacity to start a
black hole or opening gates to parallel universes, unusual images that some
experienced while working nearby LHC is the painful stress that atoms are
releasing during bunch crossing intervals and collision that are released by
beams that are multiple stimuli sparks of emotions released from atoms.
Atoms contain characteristic
behaviors because they are living thing that contains life, atoms contains
small portions of Universals supernatural Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter we
call it electrons and protons. Human behavior is generated from 7 Octillion
atoms, by wavelengths atom clusters reflect their emotions, including other form
of livings plants animals they also through atom clusters that release same
emotional behaviors
This is my perspective conclusion about human and animal behavior. I believe
each atom of different element has dissimilar characteristic diverse personality,
when atoms combine with different variety of atoms depending various quantity range
sort, they combine to cluster form to muddle up their singular sound wave ling
combining frequency, swiveling into delicate complex coding of harmony, big
mass of planets and galaxies they have their own combination of harmony sounds
according to their collection assemblage of atom cluster formations that complete
unique personality.
Same with people according atom cluster formations inside their biological cells
collaborate with personality harmony when connecting atoms to form new clusters
into a cell, echo sound of personality harmony guides the atoms to combine
according to personality to supervise a complex coding in DNA and RNA
directives, it seems complicated complex coding communications in between atoms
and atom clusters, it will be more complex coding to see some animals insects
and birds communicate with their brain cells with each other by atom cluster in
their brains.
Let’s consider Arctic Emperor penguins that live in polar regions, female
penguin lay her eggs deliver to her mate that keep on top of his feet covering
on top with feathers of his stomach, she leaves to feed in Ocean sometimes
several weeks, when she returns releases certain sound that for us it is very similar
sound pitch into thousand of other penguins, her mate recognizes her complex
coding sound and answers back, she can pin point to meet to reach into the
chick to feed, so subsequently they take turns foraging at sea. More amazing
situation when it get too cold wind reach into the thousand of penguins, the
ones that are outside edge revolve slowly walk inside the group and new ones
from center come to rotate outside edge to keep the colony protected. Basic
knowledge and characteristic is based inside each atom that directs biological
cells plant cells and all rest of other living things because life exists
inside each individual atom that are combination of Dynamic Energy (electrons)
and Dynamic Matter (protons).
Atoms contain two supernatural forces that distribute and join in certain
portion to form new particles in atoms; these two forces are Dark-Matter and
Dark-Energy. Each contain life energy and intelligence that is connected to
entire Universe, naturally they also contain behavioral characteristic temperament,
as cluster of water molecules remember forms to penetrate in the shape of snowflakes.
DNA receive directives from water molecule clusters that is released from
combined atoms flowing with other instructions including intelligence characteristic
behavior to make all cells of the body release through their personality consciousness.
Major fountain of all energy is release by two forces from all atoms. As humans
and all living creatures existed all receive individuality characters including
insects birds fish and plants, High level of life is existing in the Universe,
somehow that life energy was connected from atoms into biological animals and
human through low and high octave sound frequency wavelengths. Behavioral variation
also contains flow of disparity in characters, basically the creator has all
sort of this characters that are pattern inside atoms and atom clusters, as any
human receive his own individuality personality that is a pattern in his or her
individuality harmony of sound wavelengths as I described in post “DNA” so each
person work on personal temperament adding certain approaches strongly or
passing lightly until propagate into certain mold of characteristic pattern that
was fully-fledged while he was growing, basic starting point of all animals
plants and living thing on earth is through atoms two basic energies also the
entire Universe contains characteristics in stars planets galaxies all floating
mass and invisible forces of Dark-Energy and Dark-matter containing intelligence
life energy with temperament.
According to the Bible writings Almighty are not shy excepting animal
behavioral characteristic as his own energy force temperament. For example in
book of Ezekiel chapter one starting verses 4 and on describing appearance of
four living creatures, verses 10 describe a human face Lion Bull and Eagle
face. Of course they also can be Angel representatives from God, continuing the
verses also add other appearances showing power of God, especially in verse 16 the
structure appearance look like glowing crystallite, the structure looked through
a wheel within a wheel, my perspective I consider it an atom through atom going
into all direction altogether characteristic temperaments is carried out to DNA,
electrons on atom exactly spin like wheel within wheels carrying portion from
Universal wisdom intelligence to other life form.
While growing up there was a time when I hated other people who have different
characteristic than mine, now I understand that basic temperament are all from
atoms that is portions from Universal two forces on Earth, all other form of
characters also the ones that make me feel strange basically are from the same
fountain though some add other personality blurry particles in their own
character that makes unnaturally disgusting. I have to reconciled with strange
friends that make me uncomfortable with their behavior by understanding their
basic starting point of temperament, so what do you see in a tiger, a gentle
animal? How about a lion a snake turtle dog cat grasshopper virus bacteria
butterfly, there are billions variety of characters and believe me
the real number of atoms exist no one knows that many temperament there is all coming
from same fountain source, in all this you are free to choose to have a cat or
a dog, you are free to add on your characteristic good quality behaviors or revenge
or greedy money scam greed to hate revenge or trying to control others,
basically character you have is preliminary credence in temperament but you are
going to operate just you operating a car to care of it, let’s not blame God
for patterning us with temperaments but Almighty will have all the right to
blame others depending how they treating their personality and personality of
other, basically our goal should be to be a to complete yourself by effort
developing to be a good friend.
In my lifetime I met all sort of so called friends, some did not harm with
emotions or approaches other tried to put me down with words to offend me
hoping that they will stay in higher position comparing to me according to
their expressions, some tried to tease or make fun of every weak point I
expressed or mentioned leaving me choice either to forgive them or have grudge
to them, many years later in life I came into conclusion that all people are
created by God and allowed their parents to bring out Childs to this world that
will participate in communities as good or bad people. My perspective is each
person in formed by trillion times trillions of atoms amino acids, all atom
clusters and cells have own personal characteristics that combine with the
complete body personality to react behaving whatever they see is the best or
more successful or fun to express themselves in every incident in their society
not caring are they hurting others or helping to enjoy their life as true human
beings, then i concluded that if one scum tried to heart me, one way I can
ignore him saying so what? Then try to not go down into that low creature level
to compete, this will make me analyze about how disgraceful a person can be if
following his or her low grade selfishness to control in lower grade of fame
and pride. Many times I presented the idea that each individual has own
personality sound frequency wavelengths harmony that control their entire body
to approach and react to their surrounding, sometimes reaction of atoms will be
static by irregular combination by atoms that joined into wrong type of amino
acids that spin opposite to DNA sound harmony making static sound that do not understand
love empathy sympathy with compassion, those people are failure in friendship
communities, this is my regard for static personalities where after they
realize their wrongdoing their DNA RNA will complete analyze that something is
wrong with their approach regarding to other people, realizing having no
respect on themselves and others. I will never go mad on them because I
consider them helpless failures especially for those who are not trying to help
themselves in healthy sound harmony for their body to reject faulty atom
clusters, those that accept their shortcoming their personality sound harmony
will work automatically rejecting faulty cluster atoms out of their body to
purify themselves. They all are collections of good marbles or bad marbles same
with atoms good collection of atoms in amino acid lines necklaces and bad
static irregular lines of amino acids that are dysfunctional. As a jeweler for
48 years I appreciate beautiful art work of gorgeous Necklaces.
By the way let me mention also, this harmonious sound that people have is
like a symphonic classical composition as I explained in my post “Dream” all of
a sudden this people receive attitudes or expression that make them feel close
to their heart because it is close to their personality sound harmony. You will
notice these groups close as a religious group or nationalistic groups and also
you will notice separate group that have certain way of life and habits and addictions
bringing other to likes and dislikes, I
met people who gather and sing religious hymns, people who associates them they
have to sound expressions same behaviors to make them feel having near sound
tone harmony frequencies, on the other hand you will meet nationalistic groups that
have expressions that thrill other individuals with their own sound harmony
wavelengths, or discrimination's to different races or communities, they need to
find people with same choice, they all feel free to gather or spend time
together, same with other multiple different groups in society that have other live
through civilization or with other communities.
In other notes I mentioned that electron cables have many helixes that have qualifications in audio recording also emotions and history and personality, in my notes neuron I described how this stimuli transform this behavioral details from one neuron to the next one, this bring to my conclusion that electrons can see act behavior and direct same energy in a powerful way having positive influence on bigger volume compounds animals to behave just like atoms. Attract to each other or oppose or learn new thing in behavior, transfer knowledge between them, atoms always guiding each other and other living forms guiding them for common practices.
Captivating how people mature I realize that individual personality taste cultivate and Temperament sequence ripen until the age 20 after that almost it stays the same level of character no matter how old a person get, 80 years old personality keeps almost the same taste of character and mentality as when they were 20 years old. Once they ask a Italian poet his age, by the way he is 82 years old and he answered “ 4 times I restarted my development age so I am 2 years old” because over 20 he did not count and started his life from beginning.
Inside memory bank of each individual exist an award museum that only the
individual goes in to memory bank and look at the trophies and sweet memories titles
happy occasions it is a very personal environment no one can go into that
museum, during time the individual visiting memory medals see that those trophies
explain other perspectives also that never was clear formerly each time looking
into the trophies they explain other emotions and feeling, during mature developing
surroundings people look into difficulties and successes from more extensive
angle same happening that left certain effect on individuals become more wider interpretation
of understanding by just looking into same happening or trophy so during time
titles inside hidden museum gives a better more overview clear summary, many
things can be gained in life, losing also is gain if we grasp the experience
why and how it happened so don’t allow to repeated same mistakes in life, if we
learn from mistakes it will be also big gain. Inside the personal museum door
that say “Do not enter” all bad memories and difficulties bad memory portraits
are in that galleria, some go in so often to that personal corridor. Naturally
our brain reverses all memories that hurts us emotionally and erases during
time but if we continuously go in that horror gallery and re memorize that agonizing
episodes the memory bank cannot delete those unfortunate reminiscences they
will stay with us.
Probably we have certain weaknesses that are harming others to be our
friends, or other people have certain approaches that are harmful. Sometime we
work very hard to be connected into harmony with other characteristics but
unfortunately it does not work, or at least they harm us grabbing or paralyzing
our peace and security throwing in roller-coaster. The arrogant person will harm
you also many other damaging characteristic people like the demand er the
envious the twister the gossip the victim the manipulator the judgmental,
harmful temperamental people gradually distract our peace with others drain our
zeal and happiness sometimes without making us realize how they burden us evacuating
real friendship sentiments that we try to collect daily, all of a sudden all
affection is unfilled, love is lost.
Pinocchio Wonders Where
Modern Civilization and Humanity Are Heading
There is a lesson for modern civilization in examining the adventures of a
wooden puppet that a carpenter formed him by the name of Pinocchio. The
Adventures of Pinocchio began with a curious wooden puppet that received first
golden opportunity when fairy gave him life to become a young boy that was
curious about the world around him. He wanted to fit in and be like others and
he hoped to find the best that life had to offer him along the way. He was
eagerly anticipating having more fun, entertainment, popularity and whatever
else the World might have to offer him.
Pinocchio met a circus master that wanted to throw wooden Pinocchio into
fire, circus master regretting his fault to the puppet then the second golden
opportunity was when circus master gave him a few golden coins. On the way home
he met a fox that was pretending limb together with a cat that pretending blind
they convinced that by planting this coins trees will grow money trees and they
trapped him steeling his money and run away, the fairy helped Pinocchio one
more time helping him to understand every time Pinocchio lye his nose will grow
longer, later on some enticed Pinocchio introducing to land of toys where he
could go to experience the best life imaginable. He could experience freedom
and pleasures in toy village to the full in a magical amusement park where he
wouldn’t be bombarded with restrictions and rules. This was such a thrilling
concept for Pinocchio to hear of this perfect place called Cogan. The picture
he was shown of the fictional land appeared to be so entertaining that he never
for a moment worried that anything could possible go wrong. Pinocchio saw no
reason to be suspicious of such an amazing invitation. He had no idea the
hidden misfortunes and misery that awaited him there.
Anyone who is familiar with the story of Pinocchio knows that this
seemingly perfect fun filled world was a trap where procedures were in place to
transform all the people that attended this supposedly entertaining heaven of
freedom into slaves. This amusement park was like a machine that took and each individual inside that park was
going to be vending goods to make the purchaser transform into slaves, all boys
and girls associating with him eating candies pies and cakes play pools having
fun on rollercoasters, following all new fashions, gradually were going to
transform into more hear bodies all around their body including new fluffy
donkey tails, transformation must continue with longer ears their minds way of
thinking will be changed losing their speech get humiliated, absolutely their
transformation irreversibly will lead into worst stage bringing them to be a
Pinocchio had some sort of consciousness that was Jiminy cricket which keep
warning the danger, but the entertaining fun was so great that he could see
nothing else inside fun forever land. Probably we think that we are smarter
than Pinocchio. In modern time most societies are lost in anarchy of pleasures
inside land of surprises toys entertainment Fictional land, in human society
main goal is to have a great name to be popular famous not seeing that some
intellectuals are planning on him to transform behavior of individuals into
absolute irreversible mental attitude that will benefit only the overpowering
rich organizations, almost all communities today are somehow getting fun with
TV Movies Video games and they have not to go somewhere far into a anarchy
pleasure amusement park, that entertaining center can follow into your bedroom,
modern society are burdened with credit cards and easy loans not thinking where
that will lead them, basic teaching is a name of fame so everyone will
recognize you calling the individual “Star” or a politician, just be a famous
individual by sacrificing your time, the modern civilization promises fame to
many, with many offers to make all happy and yet the purchaser transform into
slaves making them mass brainwashing society, many famous person can’t walk in the street with public they are
surrounded by many limitation to fell freedom, other people are stuck with bad
addictions corruptions and feel free till they are detained leading them into crimes and all the way into
jail, powerful entertainment will lead to consequence that will be so strong
that our cricket will have no any voice to be considered, there are many big
scams of continuous planning to bring people into calamity suffering to enslavement.
One thing puzzles me I never imagined that some could invite people from all
over the World into desert to bring all their all their money whit their own
will and spend while fancy thoughts guiding them enjoying it to spend lot of money hoping to
be an millionaire after losing all they got leave the location to return
another time again repeating other time, if someone person can’t travel that
far, lottery tickets are sold just in the corner of the block, every week 100
million losses, they don’t announce the losers but the person that gone astray had
a no win ticket already knows who the looser was, and checking machine
apologizes “sorry not a winner” once a while one or two win, yet those who
think that found the fountain of wealth can`t adjust the new lifestyle, I heard
about one winner from Canada that had done rhodium to his testicles gold
plating and that caused his death, many others
loose it in different way, there is great effort from luxury
entertaining investment representatives are studying all sort of personalities
and how to grab their curiosity attention and control for the advantage of
greedy power seeking sick disturbed communities.
Quietly humans will get bombarded
Last two hundred years it has been giant effort to bring human race into destruction.
After studies, to find out mast damaging weak margin of the individuals and
populations. biologist and chemist paid to prepare and use harmful substance in
food and water also in the air we breathe, medical pharmaceutical companies
farm produce new GMO Monsanto many different foodstuffs damaging products to destroy
human race. Every new month we notice other new products in telephone power
range, tobacco using new harmful tools, always adding new chemicals turn out
human brain adding fluoride to human consumption, very small portion of it give
children dementia if children use the kitchen faucet to drink water. Mercury,
Pesticides such as Organophosphate, chlorpyrifes used with agriculture make
humans behavior less intelligent with lost memories, neurons don`t operate
regularly in transmitting through synapses into confusion. Daily use of
products contain Tetrachloroethlyne and phthalates harmful chemical that is
used in cosmetics shampoos plastic and aluminum wraps perfumes dry cleanings products
and also mostly in all consumer products, plus with varieties if narcotics. Now
you realize what happening to Pinocchio in the entertainment park, how he found
himself transforming.
People that seek power and authority like International mafia big bankers
Elites Religious leaders hurting the common people all together have limited
time to live each are busy with their routine daily involvements; no one is
surprised what’s going on. When asked what surprised him most about humanity
the Dalai Lama answered “Man sacrificed his health in order to make money, then
he sacrificed money to recuperate his health. And then he is anxious about the
future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not
live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die and
then dies having never really lived”
Third golden opportunity Pinocchio had when hearing from
neighbors about his maker carpenter Cappeto was searching Pinocchio went to the
sea where swallowed by a whale. Pinocchio went to rescue him with in humiliating
downgraded circumstances in the form as donkey, successful he find Cappeto and
saved him, as a reward the fairy gave Pinocchio the best golden opportunity by
transforming this puppet into a real boy. This lesson show us when humans and
friends are in great need, they can show appreciation to their maker or any
individual that is enslaved by this system and do everything to show
appreciation by helping them, that attitude count as greatest opportunity helping
humanity that are in need anyone can show or ignore depends what sort of person
he or she is during their lifetime, a wooden puppet was successful, how about
Friendship can be very challenging for some people considering the environment
we are living in today. Many people are influenced by media politics movies
theatres school in working places video games on TV, the programs they see on
television when men and women engaging in unethical manipulative and violent ways
while enjoying entertainment. There may be times there one may feel guilty
about how they have treated people in their life, but once they sit down to
watch television, and seeing these unethical manipulative and violent scenes
they may calm down decide they don`t feel so guilty after all, it seems they
are perfect angels compared to what they see on TV. Every time individual consciousness
declares warning inside individuals emotions whatever we watching in the media
and gives the sense that nothing wrong. Whatever way we spending our free time
will effect on possibilities to find real friend and support ourselves to be
good friends to others. there are possibilities to watch entertainment 24 hours a day, where they teach immorality, crimes and so on. what the bible say about this in James 4:4 friendship with the world is enmity with God.
Biblical enlightenment shown 12 dimensions of personality varieties for example Jesus’s apostles, 12 tribes of Israel and so on. First human being Adam had a brain that functions 100% of capabilities. That means Adams was an Artisan at the same complete Guardian with all sections, perfect Idealist anytime he wanted and complete Rational he could go different level of incitement personalities according to environment and situations, just like using filtration’s on a picture he could view by different viewpoints into matters. His thinking possibilities could go to different levels or groups or all group together at the same time in imaginary intensities, stay any level in his mind research through that sort of filtration of thoughts for a while then go back to different level of characters, one by one after compare come into a conclusion and return with all the good values and decide accordingly. Adams main task in the Paradise was to absorb the personality differences on animals insect and birds, later on giving them a proper name according to their character as recorded in Genesis 2: 19-18. “Now Almighty forming from the (Amino-acids) in the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creatures of the heavens, and the (Creator) began bringing them to Adam to see what he would call each one, and whatever Adam was calling it that was its name” of course this progress was not taken in short period of times because Adam spouse to study the character of that soul creature to give the proper name go with that character. Most important also Adam giving his wife a name in Genesis 2: 23 Then the man said” This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called woman, because from man this one was taken” Adam called his wife Eve in Genesis 30:20.
Like us Adam start to breath about 2.000 gallons of Air each day but
received more oxygen than we do, only in this last 100 years oxygen levels went
down 40 percent in air density, also Earth’s gravity pull is getting weaker and
weaker so human weight is getting about one gram less in every 100 kilograms in
every 100 years or so less, people start to weigh less than people were living
long time ago.
I have strange perspectives regarding human temperaments’. In my DNA post already
described that each individual has own personality sound harmony tone wavelength
that contain in split of second millions of sound tone variation frequencies
that is personalized to that individual, all cells of that body recognize the
sound that are genome wide data that releases from DNA as sound frequencies
describing all details about the person, characteristic of the person is
pattern in that sound wavelengths by cluster of atoms combination harmony procedures.
For example from the bible of gnosis chapter 12 God choose Abram saying in 12:3
“I will bless those who bless you…..” and God gave assignment to Abram to go
south of the land and live inside tents. There is no any recording what good
Abram had except his personality sound harmony frequencies that God can sense.
Second proof that Abram should proof was his obedient, by going into test how
much extend he can go to proof that he respects and believes about God to the
degree to sacrifice his son, after the great test God said to Abram in genesis
22:12 “Do not harm the boy and do not do anything at all to him for now I do
know that you are God-fearing because you have not withheld your son, your only
one from me” as you notice sound harmony was there but also by action the
individual should proof that what is his or her temperament.
Jacob that was called by his new name Israel had one daughter and 12 sons
of. Two sons oh his had bad characteristics and they show it when their sister
Dinah was defiled by son of the king Hamor described in genesis 34, they were
willing in marriage alliances and peace settlement willingness to pay high
bride price gift, those people were willing to be circumcised according Israel’s
beliefs so marriage can take place, Jacob sons Simeon and Levie Dinah`s
brothers killed every man of the king, they took their flocks all their
possessions and captured their children and wives, plundering everything else
genesis 34:25-29 Other character that
had bad sound harmony wavelengths was from other 12 disciples of Jesus Judah.
When Jesus was choosing his 12 different characteristic of students he knew
that will be defective having bad personality sound harmony wavelengths, Jesus
needed a man like that to be defective so Jesus can give his body to buy value
of first human by a sacrificial death to give his blood as ransom to all
mankind hold position of fatherhood of mankind, first perfect human on Earth Adam
failed to be the father of humankind Jesus re-bought that right to be father of
all mankind. How about Judahs position did he had pre-condemnation? In any production unqualified productions must
and should be eliminated. Sound frequency individuality release sound tone
wavelengths that produce static that are not harmonized sound tone frequencies,
if they will be allowed to live they will damage their environments, we have to
except the result what do we want make
him live and damage everyone or they be eliminated? People with this class have
uncontrolled addictions with pride greed immoral life and hate to everything
including hateful disrespect toward the Almighty God. If we study history of
mankind we will see those harmful people by their thrilled invading powers and wealth’s,
after they get old and die human society will get rid of them but other people
with same addiction will pop out to harm their environments worldwide. Human
race show by their works their characteristics.
After human race fallen to imperfections all habits were limited only according individual taste of characters, during history many psychologist add their opinion’s regarding human behavior and came to a conclusion about human varieties in characters, I am not an psychologist but have some logic and give attention to their suggestions also regarding basic dimensions of personalities. All important statistics about human that lived on the Earth their personality behaviors plus behaviors of all animals insects and living things are recorded by invisible supernatural energy fields in the electrons and conveyed to Universal condense energy field of Dynamic-Energy, scientist call this force Dark-Energy , all info’s are kept in lasting record prosperity.
According to the biblical input Genesis 11:1-9 all people used to speak the
same language. People wanted to build Tower of Babel, they completed to 300 ft,
height considering it reached the heavens, God confuse their language so they
will not understand other new formed languages, how that really happened? It does
not explain. In my logical sense humans have personality sound frequency harmony
order; God is the creator of DNA and knows what trigger individuality sound
harmony and expressive flow, through new directive in just momentum the entire
group divided into new form of expressions with new languages that might be
close to 3000 dialects of new tongue. Watching people in foreign languages I
noticed not only the language but also characteristics might have differences
that are connected to individuality sound harmony. One thing for sure they are equivalent
if one of them get elevated position in wealth and power more than their
surrounding, they might feel above the rest of other people bringing to a point
where they can do anything bad to others considering others as property that
can be sold, used and harmed in any means where the person in power feels free
to do to others, dialect has nothing to do with people to distinguish themselves,
but reaching to great wealth power capture them to greed and uncontrolled loose
manner, we see it in high grade powerful people in all culture.
Regarding our enrolments in friendship arrangements to have common peace with everyone it will be very wise to consider even before marriage, it will be better to find out what kind of personality a person has, probably some even never thought about it, also what kind of personality your future mate have, it doesn’t mean that you will have no problems living with your mate, probably by comparison less problem so you can get alone easy. There are many books to explain those differences in the bookstores it will be incitement to do some research. For example let`s consider four major personalities, that are known each group also have four varieties but main four are Artisans class, then Guardians, Idealist, and Rational. Each can handle their thinking differently regarding their positioning, self-perception the way they act, in public what class of language dialect is used? Moral standards and intelligence all should be considered to match up to both individual mates. Some psychologist giving symbolic mascot names or symbols to this personalities for characterizing example considering “Artisans” is Fox (clever and sneaky) symbols of “Guardians” is Beavers (hard working to plan a dam or barriers to protect) symbols of “Idealist” is Dog (men’s best friend, love their owners more than themselves and expressive and having alert sense) symbols of “Rationale “is Owl (when nothing can be seen they can see in the dark by their mental calculations far away, things that others can`t see) owl symbols also can be seen in educational panels. Studying human behavioral qualifications must be already written in the configuration of the maker of human beings that is Almighty, he only knows as producing company his merchandise qualifications and its enduring measures and levels knowing how far they can go. First step for individual is to find out what character personality he or she belongs, in my case after some researches I found out that I belong to personality of Artisan Composer. 40 years working as diamante setter in jewelry and gemologist, with many hobbies, study religions, playing chess and violin, but not all together at the same time. Let`s see the first group.
What did I experienced from many schools I attend is important accomplishment
if more so I was able to find the need in our community to organize and
overcome all fallout that keep our community tight. First question our
community asked “who is he from what family, is he a member in our church? Does
he jump and twist curbs the way we do?” Our experiences can be shared in a
humble and thoughtful way anytime if sense of self ego is neglected from other
personal priorities, all graduate and older members have great experiences in
their life, why we don’t share with each other openly so new generations might
be encourage to do right and discourage to have the wrong effort harming our
(Artisans) are artistic in making crafts they are promoter good performers, don’t like a dull moment having parties entertaining others, even Composers this abilities is programs in the brain that contain concrete particulars the way their brain operates according to these qualifications to introduce melodies using instrumental musical sounds. Experts divide this artesian category into four groups, Performer, Composer, Promoter, and Crafter. I apologize for my bold expression in my viewpoint I see those groups only categories of their focusing in line of their activities or concentrations relishing achievement. Starting from developing fetus they enclose possibilities to interchange their abilities to these major fields of expansions in Artistic habits but still the music and sound frequencies add on their mood or stress doing their task express in revealing situations, they like to pinpointing teasing and joking everyone else even with people that are strangers, being expressive sometimes even being unorthodox something that will surprise many and make themselves heard so listeners be more involved or attentive what they hear, always something totally new. Living with an Artisan is like driving speeding Rollo cost ride full of action life will be ups and downs, sometimes or once while can have some temper, they do not plan for rainy days, like to gamble, life for them means fast ride, like many different hobbies and fishing all sort of sports life. Main purpose they seek in their life is to entertain or grasp the attention of many by being effective promoter, some of them who have talent of their hand work focus on craftier firms, giving all their precision and focus in small details to art-craft practice using best equipment even inventing new ones to fit the mechanism of their craft in model making but sometimes they try to mold their mate personality into their own character. Most of the times even from their young age they try to gain attention of their surroundings to entertaining, planning to have right approach how to make interesting preformation’s, some give so deep emotional feelings to conclude and express their feelings being a good composer because sometimes they can hardly sense there inner mind sound variations of atoms tone frequencies and transfer into their surrounding by composing music. Most thing they appreciate seeking always pleasures, cheerfulness during their conversation using some sarcasm noticing week points in others and mentioning openly, to avoid clashes very serious thoughts can be delivered in a clever way with a little humor otherwise no one can mention it on open they always think and act regarding present time how to get best entertainment and attention that going in their surroundings. Main goal is to make impressions that people remember them. For me Artesian based on 3 major groups, first regular medium type. Then to other groups of one is expressive in their reflective thoughts and the other group comparing to other group is shy in discernments, they give contrasting expressions either shy or bold to introspective perception, I might be wrong but in my viewpoint I consider all Artisans into 3 group divisions of personalities. Medium standard group, then two other variations higher and lower, measurements in expressions.
They use their imaginative creativity in any direction that will make them single out expect their talents are respected by everyone, take all their bold chances not afraid what to express daring to say anything they want, usually most serious people are the ones that talk funniness, because very serious things you can express more easily if there are presented by some humor of course always know how to turn the curb when tension grow up being flexible according to mentality environments or feelings. Enthusiastically charming, or eager to start attention in entertainment they desire and have polite craving for it don’t feel satisfy until deliver the mood by inspiration that think and feel with all their influence showing the main compelling reason to enjoy generosity or kindness willingly, aspiring always in dazzling way. Alluring their family life always being very good charismatic friend to their mate, trying to be a savior for all their needs, in difficult time absorbing the argument always take the part of mediator to overcome the conflict ions
(Guardians) Self-image that guardians show is basic to their social role earning values explaining what they are interested with, works or actions that they might be successful according to their habits might be dependable Inspectors, Supervisors, generous qualified providers and protectors. So they are divided into four category groups, Inspector, Supervisor, Protector, and Provider. Have good patients but worry too much about future, express in traditional reasonable conservative authoritative but try logistical in administrating, dependable respectful and socializer but domineering to provide and protect that’s why they can be good inspectors have talent in material gains, then again they are decent have the sense of gratefulness nevertheless don’t feel done complete accomplishment in the past, and always think about it always trying to make good decision making participating in social activities like to go impressive places, museums, they like to see their dates to be punctual even when they personally keep others waiting for them, in marriage life they can be good helpmates good entertaining parents having preservative leadership. Main interest in their life is material but do not lose their moral to accomplish it, usually work in trade of commerce like buying selling always trying to think about. While looking to anything first they see the negative version of any matter so do not trust and see what chances to take then by suspicion take their decision in buying or selling, have so much patient in dealing and continuing conversations to take best advantage in business showing indifference about the outcome so do not jump on the deal right away, do not feel sorry for the past and don’t blame themselves for what happened and focus concentrate present actions by impassiveness always see entries all around but compare with formal experiences they had before in similar instances. By working their best feel trustworthy giving their attention and time, giving their best to the society and community generously. Feel them proud and suitable to be respected. Also in my viewpoint I regard Guardians by medium standard character open expressive and the other is shy secluded introverts. Guardians also 3 character types.
(Idealists) They use different realm of their brains capacities. They like to teach or give counsel having sense of advocate, according to experts they also fall in four group categories, Logistics, Tactics, Diplomacy, and Strategy. Believe in logically with the Openion that everyone is alike equally, that’s why don’t like discrimination. They are dogmatic as unbending oversensitive and agnostics, sometimes it can keep them behind by negative feelings stop doing what they would, they like and enjoy poetry because enjoying certain fascination about good and evil that is raised. They like symbolic viewpoints with the mind`s eye always like to consider imaginations concept of eternity, feel sensitive tender devoted, in this sense they can be skilled in diplomacy use or think in metaphorical language, optimistic, adaptable, charming, accepting, but always guesses, adjusted, idealistic, trusting, responsive, trusting and sentimental. When working with hands they can do good paintings ceramics sculpting, if practiced in cooking and even musical instruments; in young age if starting in a hobby they can be quite skilled, interested in humanitarian and morals issues. Sometimes approach others in a naïve attitude, usually trust others very easy. Regarding future aspect, they guise and think from spiritual angle most of the time ready to self-sacrifice, because they are unselfish always think for the good of others, Idealists have rare temperament they obligate secrets always private feelings that make them concealed with their thoughts, but still they give all their attention to keep their relationship alive, seeking for perfect love making challenging to fulfill, but never give up, know to recite good poetry to share their skills in romantic relationship mature in the art of familiarity, very caring have forceful with self-esteem, reverentially considerate self-respect, very dependable, self-confidence with wise outlooks leading as great promoters. Also in my conclusion I consider Idealist into by two addition types making the total of three, the other are bold and expressive Idealist dimension verses seclude introverts shy Idealists comparing into the main type making the Idealist into 3 types. Medium standard group, then two other variations higher and lower, measurements in expressions.
(Rational) They don’t mix emotions or feelings with their work, that’s why they might give good qualifications to be Inventors, Field marshals, Masterminds and good Architect. According psychologist Rationale also divide into four categories are, Inventor, Architect, Field marshal and Mastermind. Most of scientist comes from this category those who are interested in technology and developing. Rationales have their own preferred mood seeking their styles that aspire to achievements, they feel different and separate themselves from Guardians because they seek only security, always definite in their precise decisions using the right words, also they are practical planner with discipline, good skill in science in technology systems, by deep certain logicality, inevitability but always skepticism about future, always having doctrine of relativism in their formal experiences, bringing always ideas or thoughts that has connections to their work, though very busy but always ready to bring breaks to unquestionably avoiding mistakes, certain in completing or finalizing their innovative inventions, in their research they are always independent and unyielding always calm to reason until perfecting their accomplishment, being pragmatic and even visionary based on proved knowledge, respecting their work with admiration. In family life regarding associate mate, always look to be friend with a lovely brain, we can call them mind mate, like to discuss about many topics there plans and pursues either in politics or ethics, economic, sometimes even religion, it is necessity that their mates should go alone with conversations in abstract topics otherwise Rational don’t feel fulfillment. Regarding their goal as a parent they teach and expect from their children to be self-reliant, their children must be individuates or distinct, work hard to make their child distinguish from other children, so they are idealistic leaders in their communities. Some Parents poster about their child in back of their car is get honorary students, for rational parent, which is already a must not exceptional, that their children in normal measures should always be successful and different than the rest of the children. Comparing to major type of Rationale same categories exist in same dimensions the secluded introverts contrasting the expressive making the total of this group into 3. Medium standard group, then two other variations higher and lower, measurements in expressions.
Some believe that having a mate from same Nationality or same faith might help, yes it has its own advantages to have similar backgrounds and traditions, food recopies and environments make people molded into pattern of characters that are routine, in some Nations man that are more dominating woman from same Nation expect to see in man more dominant qualities, otherwise fell something missing and wrong, to tie the knot from same faith has lot of advantages having same backgrounds, of course in all faith groups are people with all variety of temperament. Likewise, also prominence to find characters that should match, choosing individuals that can fit into their personality alignment.
Regarding beliefs, almost all religions have a basic introduction like the companies that sell certain merchandise also coming accessories beside the main introduction. First you have to except that only your following devotion is the right path, exemplary accessories conviction representatives are the representative of God, for example using certain holly book, their faith of should be the only source, with all the other gadgets, additional things that go with it, sometimes even belonging to same Christian faith but dissimilar Churches take contrary actions and ask different demands from their followers, same in most other religions as well having many diversities and dissections, similar diverse clashes exist in other Nationalities even same churches are divided by political disinterests, some have their own standards in beliefs also with other religions, also equivalents against faith groups from some keen Science crowds, all have their own protocol scheme arrangements to subordinate, you have to go into their secluded worshiping or adoring location to contribute be a member either for wedding or death gatherings, you have to except only leaders authority, always obedient and respectful ,if you and your mate do so obeying all their regulations, otherwise self-contradictory oppositions may arise in the future. Same methodology in Muslim faith religion do not allow to change your fait to other religions no one has the free will to do so, they have their holly book Quran and sharia law, same with Jewish regulations, then some other groups are the atheists individuals or some resilient scientist, some of them have complex to speak about God, no matter what group you meet always couple should accept their future realities of faith before they join together as mates, otherwise their friendship will fall into conflicting deep Pitt. I consider characters are imbedded inside men, let`s consider an orange, for example when you step on the orange what do you get out of it “orange juice” if you peal out gently and eat it what it tastes? like Lime? or lemon? Grapefruit ? or “orange juice” no matter how you treat an orange to find out what`s in it you will conclude the same result of character that is hidden inside. Bible book of Galatians 5:22 resembles good qualities or personalities as fruit of the spirits naming them “Fruitage of the spirit is LOVE Joy Peace, Long-Suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Self-Control” Against such things there is no law. Humans can work out producing good qualities if have love toward the others and show with drove characters or personalities.
Our brain receives directions from Universal sound and we are unaware of
it. Universal language releases humming sound, in low octave sound frequencies,
one section sound beats coming from Dark-Matter. The second section coming from
Dark-Energy they both come and reach into our brain, right brain is made
accordingly to be sensitive to the sound coming from Dark-Matter and left brain
is sensitive to Dark-Energy, both get into our brain from left and right ears
these sounds will be called binaural beats low octave sound frequencies that
will enter into human right side ears into the human brain, two side wave tones
that almost feel similar but they are not the same tone variation, this
coordination works in all living animals and insects also in atoms, protons
receive beats from Dark-Matter field from Universe and electrons receive sound
beat orders from Dark-Energy. Almighty that created everything and gave life in
different proceeded to all existing matter, because he is living form and
everything is created contains life, also he follows all the presiders of his
creations. Any moment we can receive translational language if sound get
adjusted by other octave variation from the message center. Back in history
some faithful men and women received directions from heaven by sound beats
variations. This two variety of sound travel everywhere and in the entire
Universe continuously, human brain detect this two concept together for commendable
directives, if they receive and use it properly with humility they will have
clean sensitive conches they will act lovingly to produce good kind of symbolic
fruits of the spirit like love, Joy, Peace, Goodness, Faith, Kindness,
Self-Control, Conches-ness, Sweetness, Long suffering, Faith, Mildness. Human
conches need to be complete by neurons center to collect all data sparks
flowing through synapses of human cannot operate unless the cells are active,
all details of information travels in the brain and outside the body and return
are stimuli that are released from electrons that are wheels inside wheels have
all eyes around them, that means that they can see in great measure capacity all
directions seeing inside human cells and molecules and transport information to
human conches and sub-conches centers. Humans have to obey the directives
coming through Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter Binaural beats tones, not rebel
against it. Of course good or bad people will act without even noticing it, but
their reaction will show in their personality character.
People brain can be reprogram change their behavioral standard, some sense
kind to others with sympathy but it can change if the brain reprograms them by
hate and revenge, all of a sudden their empathy can triggers into apathy don’t care
about other beings, sometime we all experiences about bad people also we might
hear about some few very young persons don’t feel sympathy to other sometimes
they can commit crime, in my perspective extreme authority seeking people or greedy
persons are categorize in the same level of indifference toward other people welfare,
apathy will guide them, priority always stay regulatory in selfish prosperity, only
toward themselves, as soon that happens there will be no room for sympathy in
their mind toward the poor and the needy, empathy will vanish from their common
Lebanese Bourj Hammoud Territory I was raised, with Armenian people who
are second generation that were survived from Armenian Genocide in Turkey, we
were citizens 4 thousand years of Turkey even before name Turks were invented,
Mongols came into western Armenia then they declared themselves as Turks. In
Nor Marash I grow up, culturally people were programmed that only rich are
valuable beings, they should have rich parents or parents have authority, I had
chance to have more education if could find sponsor that always were ready for
celebration parties, in my hometown limited education cost money that our
parents could not effort in that country. Almost all people there had the same
background almost same genetic inheritances, we always behaved to be ready
against barbarism, kind of sad music we listened were suffering experience that
our nation went through in massacres, probably you don’t know what it is but in
every century you will meet same sort of people who commit barbarism thinking
that they are pleasing their God, doing him a favor so they be candidate to go
to heaven and have excessive sexual life with pleasure in heaven under their Gods
provisions. In my community if two people watching someone passing by ask the
other “do you like that passerby?” The answer might be swearing “what a terrible
looking guy”, well another question “why do you know him or did he do anything
bad to you before?” “No we never met I don’t like his form” I grow up in this
community that people thought if you put down other you might look higher.
People go alone with other people only if they go to same church be in same
party groups use same swearing attitude and be same political organization and
hate all other faiths and beliefs, on the drinking table they give same toss
and swear to the enemy, that’s how they bring their portion of pure Nationality
awareness. Religion community teach us to participate donation to clergy and
the church, immoral or criminals were welcome all have to do contribute to
church. Moral education we learned from our parents, my mom had strong commitment
in morality she was grown up in strict rules in a German orphanage south
Lebanon in “chimlan” my father was different he always ready to party and spend
time with other people. Social cultural teaching effected my mind program being
to different comparison character between my mom and Dad I tried to be flexible
always depending in my logical senses, by traveling to other countries I
pressure myself to be more adaptive efficient stereotyped individuality. I believe
our brain can be programmed if we can logically notice the advantages to
program ourselves.
Astrology started by ancient Arabs and Eastern Nations, watching the sky they categorize group of stars into similarity shapes or figures giving names to the cluster stars believing that stars have supernatural powers that can effect on new born child timing if the period of that clusters match to the time. This figuration is the result of several generations of people born recorded their date of instinctive, what month and day were born in the record, after many years what kind of personality the person had what trade? Was registered, probable he became a doctor or soldier or a leader all written down, whenever a child born on a certain date of the month and day, comparing previous records the concluded this man will become a doctor, because Doctor Hakim 33 years ago born at this month and became our doctor Hakim, another date show a butcher powerful Jazzar, another on different date pinpoint to a soldier. Even if there are any truth in this chart, position of stars in our galaxy went to major change in locations that the period of those ancient calculations in our Milky Galaxy, even the months and the days are messed up, still some believe coincident happenings might fit in their life and continue horoscope activities, beside that modern terminology prove that children born twins same day, might have totally different personality or characters. Some point out that Ancient intelligence people sometimes organized very clever calculations and art that was not possible with ancient knowledge, concluding that other Alien energy force organisms of different kind, those invisible life forms came and help them giving views and technology techniques, In my other chapters title (Angels) you can find that those Aliens are nothing but Spiritual beings of different kind that the Bible calls them Angels. Now our main concern is human categories, how to evaluate groupings and classify to differentiate them?
Many philosophers’ psychologists and almost all religions describe 12 or more character personalities. The Bible brings out major 12 character like 12 tribes of Israel, later 12 disciples of Jesus those are representatives Temperaments , regarding the modern philosophies they consider 16 variety of personalities in 4 key major characters multiplied by four categories, Artisans, Guardian, Idealist, and Rational, each have 4 divisions that will make 16 characters. The way I see it 4 major characters each have two additional self- image partitions that can be whichever adaptable like flexible or Over confident in their stand also one type can be reserved or introverts like stay quiet and shy person contrasting other group of talkative expressive some call them extravert. In my calculations 4 major type adding 2 extreme emotional groups’ each 4 types that are quiet and bold total characters reach into 12. By my viewpoint there are major 12 personalities and some other that come close to that tune or change dimensions frequently going further auxiliary changing their character personality or and come back to basic, depending their mood and environments, also I noticed that some of people have a little bit of everything of the major four characters, the reason of these additions because, some characters have concrete and intellectual temperaments that contain implementation of characters encompass each other personality values, as a conclusion the number brings into 12 different behaviors that can give and take conducts or Temperament, when reviewing some Artisan and Guardian characters, others have Artisan and Rational at the same time, others might have Idealist and Guardian identical similarities but not totally same identical period, so the character upgrading either have good possibilities or contrary downgrading character temperament can happen in society, either participating with new habits or addictions or continuously listening different lyric songs. Any type of music have typical inabilities or possibility moods to direct taught about certain intelligence drive upgrading or downgrading attitudes of character and personalities, already the synapse in the brain carry low octave sound frequencies stimuli that are sound tones not registered to our sensible tools already effected by sounds, this additional process artificial music can also make their own impressions on human minds. When human started life in the Paradise according to Biblical surroundings, there was no Airplanes or automobile sounds, neither helicopter sounds, but only natural air breeze water fall sound, birds were singing animals making certain sounds and at night insect or crickets making certain sounds, all this nature sound can make good impression to the brain harmony, to have relaxing mood and better behavioral temperament. Neither rent nor bills, smog’s, bad chemicals, you can name it. All the style was different background.
Regarding the Earth gravity underneath us has variety effect, Earth’s matter particle variety abbreviated buildups influence also on humans behavior even on all living things, in some situations even whole Nation individuals can be close by in their characters with each other and we see that how they can adopt certain faiths more easily than other beliefs, because of their taste in their behavioral personalities. Doing some research also noticing that elements in the topsoil where people live also has some other diversities in gravity of the soil that are other different dynamism tenets that are unknown make that living race diverse, unconnected to other race, surrounding land make them behave different from people who live on other lands, even their variety or color of skins face lively look, color of hair height with behavioral differences belong to that territory. The food that was grown in that land also make behavioral differences, for example cucumber grown in Middle East have smooth skin, bringing same seed of that plant growing in California, the new product with same kind of seed cucumbers after growing look different with spiky sharp bumps on the skin, but various people when immigrating to other countries their genetic look don’t changes in short time, because many ages left strong prints in their genetic structure, sway effective impressions, generations after generations. So people might look different but 12 characters remains as standard in my terminology.
12 Characters are.
In my perspective, by pragmatic psychology determination all major
characteristic, such as Artisans, Guardians, Idealist, Rationales, can have medium
range of self-consciousness, same personality might be leading to stronger,
bold expression or extend themselves weak or reluctant, depends with their life
experiences, some can show deliberate introvert tend, others might be less
involved in society. Some might show or seek excitement to be involved with
external territories by interacting with other people, others might be cautious
to reach into social harmony, if an stubborn individual always is disagreeable,
they know and their sub conscientious try to avoid company. On the other hand,
those openness people pursue self-actualization where their tendencies reflect
in their activities, they approach others by agreeableness. Some researches show that Gene ADRA26 can cause negative stress disorder, especially a person memorizes negative flashback, can stop
people to agree with others, usually opposite group remain always in fear, frustration,
anxiety, envy, depressed, moody, angry, loneliness, guilt, in frustration, jealousy
is the worst one, because it can grow into resentment, bitterness and grudge
that can lead to commit to crime.
In my perspective, by pragmatic psychology determination all major
characteristic, such as Artisans, Guardians, Idealist, Rationales, can have medium
range of self-consciousness, same personality might be leading to stronger,
bold expression or extend themselves weak or reluctant, depends with their life
experiences, some can show deliberate introvert tend, others might be less
involved in society. Some might show or seek excitement to be involved with
external territories by interacting with other people, others might be cautious
to reach into social harmony, if an stubborn individual always is disagreeable,
they know and their sub conscientious try to avoid company. On the other hand,
those openness people pursue self-actualization where their tendencies reflect
in their activities, they approach others by agreeableness. What can stop
people to agree with others, usually opposite group remain always in fear, frustration,
anxiety, envy, depressed, moody, angry, loneliness, guilt, in frustration, jealousy
is the worst one, because it can grow into resentment, bitterness and grudge
that can lead to commit to crime.
Most characters can fascinate each other to attract each other’s character, by listening to their expressions and watching how they react, occasionally even feel romantic or desire attraction to each other. Some of these characters have interests in the other personalities and sometimes completely contradictory standpoint in relationship. Perhaps in the beginning of their relation only craving and hankering was in control later on when everything calm down the disinterests in character show their personality conflictions, each one push-out self-contradictory goals by many explanations that don’t feet in the other persons taste and character, opposing argument will continue until separation and sometimes even beyond parting. So it will be a better choice if all characters join to their individual personality individuality style like Artisans together, Guardians with Guardians, same with Idealists and Rationales at least having some common background of taste similarity personalities. On the other hand Artisans and Guardians can get alone very good likewise Rationales and Idealist can get alone very good, but sometimes Idealists Artisans and Rationales can`t deal with Guardians because of these 3 types have individuality indifferences that conflict with Guardians. Most important the individual that knows his or her character and personality of the mate knows what to expect in their reaction if formerly considered and collected all the facts about issues that might fight to his personality, also about their interests and desirable activities to bring into common agreement to lighting up emotional friendship and relationships. Unfortunately we are living in a society sometime hearing relatives and friends are killing each other, some parents killing their children, today even in modern society is very hard to find true friends because people are changing from bad to worse, as it is mentioned in 2 Timothy 3: 16 “But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be (Their characters will be) lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanders, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, head strong, puffed up (or with pride) lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion, but proving false to its power, and from these turn away “ the question is it possible to find true friend ?
In the beginning of these chapter I introduced that in our society there are no distinct friend in our civilization considering the religion, medical fields, marketing entertainment, low firms and many other departments cannot provide true friends, because each are seeking their own personal gains, but always possibilities exists, should be possible that a true friend might be introduced. Probably you had many challenges in life before, but the biggest one is to find the right or true friend that likes to see you so often. In the beginning of human creation God showed his presence to Adam and Eve once a day having conversation and association, mentioned in Genesis 3: 8-11 Adam and Eve were just starting to learn and adapt best qualities of basic principles of friendship from their lord by associating with him, collecting all the goodies rich moral standards like into a big balloon, all of a sudden Satan the creator God of lies, enemy of all friendship principles brought a needle like quality to pinch into this friendship balloon and bursts out, that needle was selfishness pride, make this true friendship fail, man became disobedient and excepted new friendship from Satan that was introducing first false religion breaking through friendship with god after receiving many gift, like their life the Paradise garden beautiful animals and enjoyments, they felt very sorry and ashamed felt bad in his look, Adam and Eve personally felt ugly bad everything about their personality even felt naked, blaming themselves understanding the desolation, melancholy mood rule in all about themselves, felt miserable. In the field of sound you can find l magnetic properties that can activate
other location, low octave sound frequencies contain vibrational waves that can
transfer energy from on point to other locations, all in different levels of
sound variations and variety of sound values, so the brain have a logical
command energy harmonious field, in case something goes wrong according DNA
harmonious principle it activates different field of gravity that give
discomfort to entire body I call that mature conscious. (Left and right side of
the brain have separated by walls on the bottom part of the mind, when two
frequencies reach the brain one in 315 Hz the other side 324 Hz tones vibration
come in between this opening and vibrate, our couches stimuli are located in
these opening and in these space Binaural beats come into activation, people use
Monaural beats consequent to conjunction, coming into same juxtaposition by
two different variation frequencies similar to Binaural Beat. Isochoric tones
emit regular intervals continuation of pulses)
and Eve were faultless with perfect conscience that contained capacity to
declare and effect Judicial capacity, intimate body conscience felt the guilt,
all of a sudden they realize that were wrong, they did not know how to face
their shame of guilt, their conscience had the painful sense or force to make
them realize their fault and guilt, so they felt naked and had no clean
conscience to friendly clean unfold appearance to God. Even after Human rebellion. Almighty the first fashion designs couture in the Universe, cloth them garments from skin of animals I Genesis 3:21. Almighty continue to express how he feels about humans, Gods formal friends.
Usually for some to get the point what life meant to them it need for them
to reach to the point where they are dying in old age grasping the value of
life, at that point in death bed many feel sorry saying why I did not spend
more time with my friends? Why I did not expressed all my feelings to my
friends? And spend too much time day and long evenings working on material gains
considering priority more than my friends? Long time ago I could be a happier
person I feel sorry because I did not think about that when I was young, this
is the point when every minute the person confronting to live more it will be
considered a great challenge, comparing to younger years when days and years were
passing by not even thinking about it as a challenge, probable the person might
regret why all his or her life lived to what others expected of him to gratify,
usually most people are selfish but in this world you have to please your boss
or your superior sometimes more than your rights, people might feel sorry that
did not had the courage at their lifetime to live for themselves. This is the
moment when collective memories are settled down to have the right conclusion
to do the right things in life but already it is too late.
We can try to show best friendly approaches to others, that don’t mean that all will appreciate and be nice to you, keep trying, real friend is are pure in heart peaceable, conscious of their spiritual needs, they are mild tempered, love righteousness, guide their fellow friend to success, never be wrathful always forgive, merciful, like Jesus teach followers the modern prayer, people use that as recite reading don’t follow, not interested to know what they meant. Bible mentions in Matthew 6 and 7 chapters plus Matthew 6:12 “That you want men to do to you. You also must likewise do to them; in fact, is what the Law and the prophets meant” So the main key in friendship or finding right mate is to learn and adapt best moral standards from Almighty Creator the approach to other beings that are busy in the same effort, to accomplish gathering same good qualities best protection will be always keep away from sharp needle and the rest of sharp damaging weapons that kill friendship qualification such as selfishness and pride and the rest that was mentioned in second Timothy 3:16 that we read before. Human beings know the measures or possibilities to find real friendship if they are liberated of their selfish arrogance pride and return to basic clean conscience integrity clean morals, and respect evaluating other people valuable the way we are, we cannot be there right away but keep in the right course to complete the task of true friendship. Like Job, humankind need uplifting from stress and willing to try anything to feel better from sufferings of evil to endure by patience by the help of a real friend. Bible book of James 5: 11 mentions “You have heard of the endurance of Job and seen the outcome” Job received deliverance from stress by tender affection and mercy.
We can depend on God as great protector friend and he promises Ezekiel 38: 23 " So I will display my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that a am Lord"
So what is the guideline aim objective
by our behavioral attitude? I find a perfect standard in human behavior
mentioned in the Bible by Jesus sermon on the mountain.
Many famous people mention the
value of the message by Jesus. Former president Harry S. Truman said “I do not believe there is
a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if
approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. Also India’s preeminent leader Mahatma
Gandhi said… “"The message of Jesus as I understand
it," said Gandhi, "is contained in the Sermon on the Mount
unadulterated and taken as a whole... If then I had to face only the Sermon on
the Mount and my own interpretation of it, I should not hesitate to say, 'Oh,
yes, I am a Christian.' But negatively I can tell you that in my humble
opinion, what passes as Christianity is a negation of the Sermon on the
Mount... I am speaking of the Christian belief, of Christianity as it is
understood in the west. (He liked teaching
of Jesus but did not like some followers that did not apply Jesus teachings)
Jesus explained in Matthew 4 and 5.
Every expression is condensed truth about right attitude regarding man to Man, explain
not only the crime adding on that accountability principle of misconduct takes
place speaking about how bad is jealousy. Grudge. Resentment and hat rate anger
that lead to crime, the biggest problem human authorities cannot grasp handle
before reaching to crime activity considering principle and working to apply it
will make us successful to understand loving your friend and all human beings.
What is expected from us as a friend? Luke 6:38 gives as best approach “Practice
giving and people will give to you. They will pour into your laps a measure
pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. For with measure that you are
measuring out, they will measure out to you in return”
9 Outstanding characteristics
Watching the world we liken many Nations some are more advanced technology
and unity than others, certain characteristics that individuals have support to
the advancement of their Nation helping each other, I believe “atoms are
non-biological living things” or beings as mentioned in my blogs, each
individual contains many atoms from many galaxies, cluster of atoms release
their personality or temperament that represent certain way of thinking that we
meet in our communities so atoms effect to human characteristics or
personalities, as atoms release energy sound frequency tone wavelengths so do
people that 100% completely are made of atoms, to mention some personalities
that is very helpful to people are, we have 12 different characteristic in this
might be found 9 outstanding individuals that are helpful to their communities.
(1) The Initiator, people who we can depend on (2)The catalyst, enthusiasm
communicator gifted individual (3)The Healer, skilled optimistic mediator
(4)The Nurturer, responsible person appreciates justice truth and love (5) The
Game Changer, intelligent individual that don’t appreciate monotone work also
might have some spiritual or philosophical way of thinking (6)The Protector (7)
The Equalizer as Novelizer, with never betraying leadership merciful with good
prestige (8) The Explorer, love for Nature having good mood to investigate
Nature with all its blessings. (9) The Finalizer is unselfish generously charitable
individual sympathetic to others also looking for solution to help everyone.
Anyone you meet in your community is the individual who is expressing according
to inner composition of cluster of atoms and their temperaments, lets except it
they can’t be you, you can’t be them.
Every Nations have certain individuals in their communities that stand out
where others notice and honoring by giving recognitions, I am aloud to talk
only my Nations Armenians where they recognize and praise helpful people who
are doing great works, after this individual Pass away and met God the Almighty
in Heavens, unfortunately only after that this hard and honest workers will be recognized
to be considered after his or her death.
Before you existed or all people
existed, values that we see around us and inside the Universe already existed before
us long time ago. Most part of atoms are 99.99999 % emptiness, two forms of
energies Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy as electrons and protons combine to form
an atom. Since life existed in energy form long time ago it reached to us
through special arrangements as atoms receive life in non-biological other form
of living things, atoms have personality temperaments or characteristics
communication and principles to perform according to surrounding effect
precisely with great intelligence power and wisdom, all great values of indulgent
was already existing we only received by some arrangement to be a living thing
that have supernatural qualities and life.
There was never a big bang grand
creator always existed with life energy and power, other matter and energy
developed by Dark-Energy I rather call this grand force field Dynamic-Energy that
is the source of life intelligent wisdom power and righteousness, his qualities
can be expressed with one word “Love” most grand supernatural force that
existed everlastingly and has no beginning, always existed everlastingly. When
the time came long time ago probably more than 16 billion years ago, Dynamic-Energy
(Dark-Energy) created Dynamic-Matter (Dark-Matter) invisible force fields,
giving to this new force energy creation a beginning transporting same
supernatural life wisdom and good qualities that he has giving also intelligence
temperament qualities, every matter existed inside Universe are based on this
two energy forms that complete entire Universe, scientist estimate that there
is 72% of Dark-Energy and 23% of Dark-Matter 5% real matter forms as Galaxies
and other forms of visible matter in our Universe. Starting with atoms formed combining small
portion of this two energies D.E and D.M most of it is vacuum emptiness but
completed to exist supernatural forces. Every value of characteristic capacity
we humans received the source that generate all qualities is inside the
Universe in great volume life and intelligence long time ago until now, life we
received because there was already in great power inside Universe, same with
other valuable qualifications already were existed out there unknown years ago
we just received it lately. Already D.E and D.M contain all this capacity
energies in their invisible formation in unknown time moments. Atoms contain
small portions of this intelligence life force, probably you have noticed how
water molecules show variety of crystalized shapes or formation with snow forms
that contain intelligence memory. Watch the clouds always composed in different
formations as a grand artist drawing on a canvass, clouds contain precise
characteristic formation, different atoms react different in their temperature environment
and in chemical circumstances, we know what to expect from each group of atoms
what to do plus atoms can change their personality characteristic to form into different
variety of atoms by fusion.
Consequently starting point of
life originated from non-biological Dynamic-Energy then Dynamic-Matter received
same treasure qualities, this two forces made matter to exist, atoms that form
mass galaxies also contain this original intelligence life forces, we as
biological living creatures contain big numbers of atoms that register our emotions
and categorize our orientation self-image interest values intellect social role
and language all our implementation are collected later on into one large memory
bank inside the Universe by this two grand life force control. We humans and
insects animals birds fish and all living creatures indirectly participate to
send data about our emotions same with other forms of living things atoms. There
is so Grand power inside universe that formed humans (scientist rather call
this supernatural treasure Dark-Energy) humans can be reformed any time after
death if Grand Creator wants us to recreate them just like in the hands of
ceramist or model potter forming clays giving each different characteristic in
face formalities, Grand creator can give men variety temperament characteristics
bringing into an environment to see how they react then all happening will observed
to registered precisely by atoms, In other post Angels I described how atoms
are Gods organization that have wheels inside wheels and they can see with many
eyes all around inside and outside of atoms and everywhere.
We all are in training examination how we will react
to others weaknesses, Supernatural force or being is observing us how individually
we are behaving in our society, are we puffed up by a few advantages having
over other people or we come to conclusion that there is a greater superpower
that created us, during lifetime each individual will make own conclusion about
nature habitat, considering others respectfully, uncomplaining shortcomings of
friends and humanity, trying to be similar to our merciful creator toward
humans, This is the perspective one intelligent
man King Solomon, as it was mentioned in book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 “The
conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard is; Fear the true God
and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of men. For the
true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it
is good or bad”
In my perspective I believe that
we are very imperfect living beings that have limited time to live as humans,
we been observed day and night to be considered and rewarded for our behavior
that we have as freedom of choice but later on we all have to answer for our
behavior. If individually we are considered as loving characteristic group
helping our fellow human beings and animals we will be rewarded even we die, just
like a shattered glass bottle how it can meted down to reform into originality
form additionally as a reward Grand Creator will reprint original behavior
characteristic into new life in better environment as an individual who analyze
life the way a blind man searches his or her environments and had that right conclusions
about moral values and realizing how precious is life acting accordingly by
rewards from the source of life Grand Creator. By the way original life that
spring from the source of life is eternal, life we receive now is disrupted by
imperfection, when everything restored life that we will be receiving as gift will
be eternal life.
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