Open plead to scientific community, respectfully to all scientist of the
world. Labeling word Dark to Energy and Matter is confusing and improper do not
suit giving expectation that we should see something Dark in this Darkness, considering science data, we should be reconsidered by scientific authorities and they give many scientific reveal calculations, about the mass range condense of Dark-Matter inside the Universe, my suggestion. “Dynamic-Energy”
and “Dynamic-Matter” I name them Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter. Already there are Spectroscopic instruments following movements of Dark-Energy, still no one verify that this two forces conscientious capacity and they are living forces, they created everything inside we see in the Universe. Hydrogen atoms a created by this supernatural invisible intelligent forces, they fill in entire universe, all atoms by fusion contain portions from this forces, stars, planets, like atoms contain same forces, so entire universe is great neural network, similar to our brain.
Gabriel Logician Jabrael
Examining the Universe it seems great unknown energy is in order to make
everything else in order. One large scale force has been noticed that is
releasing great gravitational effect, already there are many unseen other frequencies
such as radiation, infrared, radio waves, gamma rays and many other form of
invisible forces that release effect absorption on other exposed matter where
most effect can be seen from invisible Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter that form
each individual atom and entire galaxies in the Universe. D-E data can be received by Dark energy spectroscopic instrument (DES) where spectrum of colors with red shift phenomenon used to sense cosmological constant.
Dark Matter can be noticed by (LCDM) Lambda system.
Usually any hard to notice connection transforming power or data we call it
filament but there might be other unseen connection that might controlling between ordinary matter
that are totally invisible, so unnoticeable that calling them filaments might
not apply. Two forms of energies fall in these categories, Dark-Energy and
Dark-Matter and they are pure Universal life form energies with supernatural intelligence
and power. In my Blogs (Cornerstone of the Universe) I explained how these
forces created the Entire Universe.
How Dark Matter operate?
In my perspective, Dark-Matter has no any gravitational
force, Dark-Matter has intelligence, conciseness, and is a other form of living
being, have invisible energy field, spread to entire universe, Dark-Matter entreats
with vast complicated frequency requests, send to the other living invisible
living creator force, with signals that, until now we totally unaware of it,
still we don’t have the tools to penetrate, it is not explained for us. By
entreaties from Dark-Matter to Dark-Energy, floating object are carried away to
other location, to apply the request Dark-Energy can rule and effect to entire
universe by split of second to farthest location in universe, not like limited
speed of light, affect to entire galaxies in the universe, to make them move or
spin, through the energy field of Dark-Energy, that also is dispersed to entire
universe. So Dark-Matter is the engineer inside the Universe, Dark-Energy
provides the intelligence power and material to persuade or operate.
Dark-Matter or D.M is the second largest energy field beside Dark-Energy or D.E negative force field, D.M are located different parts of our Universe blocking lights and have their own positive force field, it does not emit light or reflect light, it does not absorb light or radio signals, Scientist call it dark not for the color but because they don’t understand clearly. In my “Krikor” theory D.E+D.M=H (Hydrogen Atoms) D.E is allowance of almighty energy to create the Universe, it is repulsive force. There are Dark-Matter center in every floating object inside the Universe as a core, inside the moon, Planet, Star other floating forms and galaxies, all have center section that is invisible Dark-Matter.
In Italy`s Sasso mountains, also some other countries, scientist build
5.000 feet deep empty cave that can hold about 3.2 XENONIT, that is also
surrounded by very sensitive light sensors, as soon any reaction to strike, or
when radioactive decay occurs on xenon, tiny little bunch of charge will be
received by detectors, some scientist evaluate that isotope of xenon, that are
colorless and odorless that can be found in the atmosphere, having two neutrino
with double electron, for decades, this calculation eluded some
Theory of Greg Kaprielian
Before of any other force Dark-Energy always existed, portion
from it transformed by Dark-Energy to form Dark-Matter, every other energy
inside the Universe came from this two energy forms, including galaxies gravity
and everything that exist inside the Galaxy. Scientist discovering that
Dark-Matter does not emit light or heat neither it exclude any frequencies, in
my perspective it can expand with volume in energy or density, because every infinitesimal
invisible point of Dark-Matter is spring of limitless force field. Scientist
consider gravity as weak force bringing into conclusion that Dark-Matter
interacts with itself and other matter, I believe that entire Universe has sort
of transparent microwave background velocity function where each dot can be
attract or repel, any object if Dark-Matter directs frequencies thump to be activated by
Dark-Energy. Calculations regarding pattern of Dark-Matter by astrophysicists,
regarding two types of acceleration according Gobs and Gbar, computer
simulations can`t explain Dark-Matter hypothesis. same confusions will be
reached modified dynamics by examining lights from colliding galaxies. In my
Blogs I introduced Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter invisible intelligent force
field life forms that are not under any theoretic regulation patterns.
Dark-Energy that I call this supernatural power Dynamic-Energy as the Almighty,
Dark-Matter I call this power Dynamic-Matter as Jesus Christ the Engineer of
the Universe.
Berkley lab LUX-Zeplin (WIMP) Underground Dark-Matter detector.
Watching scientists keen on Universe noticing existence of two different elements
in the entire Cosmos, together they combine to formed stars and galaxies, only 4%
is existing matter as galaxies, combination of this two force and matter exist,
one part of radiant energy about 74 % of D.E with anonymous light with
radiation and electromagnetism flow and second elements there exist in cosmos some
undetected forces hides all over Universe thinking it binds all stars and
galaxies that is estimated by 27% of D.M, considering this two element force
and matter they came to supposition using expressions Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter
together they can combine with electromagnetism with matter to form matter
atoms stars and Galaxies. In other way, 66.2% is Dark-Energy and 33.8% Dark-Matter and other matter. Later on to analyses why continuously space is
expanding by acceleration, making galaxies further apart and what can be found further away in
the darker areas of the Cosmos still are in advance follow up by modern science
discoveries. In my perspective in other post I described how “Gravity” works how
“Cornerstone of the Universe” structures are formed and how “Atoms” and “Stars” are formed.
Dark-Energy always existed had no starting point that is force field of
life. Portion of Life force that I call Dynamic–Energy transformed into
Dynamic-Matter (Scientists call it Dark Energy and Matter) still static.
Dark-matter is supernatural invisible force field; it has intelligence and
life energy, each atom contain portion from Dark-Energy as proton and portion
from supernatural Dark-Energy as electrons, Dark-Matter has gravitational
influence to its surroundings, it is very cold because it does not allow light
and heat to go through giving effect that it absorbs energy, Dark-Matter is weightless
but any moment out of nowhere it can reach very heavy weight, pertinent
available force in the Universe is Dark-Energy, Dark-Matter can initiate this
energy of relevant gravity to the environment oblige by assistance from Dark-Energy
reaching nearby and distant objects. Also Dynamic-Matter that is unlimited numbers of invisible bubble forms can shrink in size or expend with great mass, with invisible lumpy paradox.
Dark-Matter is invisible matter without any particles such as normal
visible matter, it is unknown supernatural force field, they are not any
subatomic particles unless when tiny portion of invisible energy of Dark-Matter
(proton) bond into small portion of Dark-Energy (Electron) it forms atoms also additional
severance of this two basic energies form additional neutrons and many form of particles
inside atoms, all stars and planets are formed by unification of this two
Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter partition to form visible matter. In invisible
state, Dark-Matter proof its existence by invisible gravitational field inside
the Universe, as I explained in other sections in my Blogs Dark-matter is
invisible bubbles inside other bubbles, they are very tiny smaller than atom
particles force fields and they are also in all other larger shapes of forces
as big as they can gulp entire galaxy to direct inside Universe, its effect
might vary as we see milky way Galaxy spherical field that stars and planet
inside are directed by Dark-Matter force field, each star and planet are also suppressed
by same force, as proof anytime two galaxies merge we see each star don`t
collide with drop in individual stars, they all keep their conventional distant,
Dark-Matter can have unlimited power to condense or spread in no time and it is
not regulated by any scientific theoretical principles. Singular separated
energy portions of Dark-Matter guzzle each living biological cells also each
living thing animal’s insect’s birds and humans. Men are already swig by Dark-Matter
before they are born to come to life. These perspectives are my own. The energy
that Man call God, is two supernatural energy that make everything to exist
inside the Universe Dark-Energy and Dark Matter as I explained in my other
post, Reconcile God and science.
What is the difference between Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter?
Since 90 years scientist suspected the existence of Dark-Matter, during
time they had more technological sophisticated tools to register Dark-Matter
and also Dark-Energy, to register Dark-matter they use gravitational Lansing
measurements, as we know how Dark-Matter is warping light from distant
galaxies, noticed on effect distorted light in the background of galaxies, regarding
observation of Dark-Energy the best achievement is the D.E Camera on mount Blanto
in Corro Toloto observatory in Chile` with optic filter wheel with 570-megapixel
CCD to register Dark-Energy. Inside the Universe every form of matter is based
on same principle such as an atom. in my post (Cornerstone of the Universe) I
described everlastingly existed Dark-Energy that did not need any space to fitting,
at the right moment portion from intelligent life force Dark-Energy transform some
of his force into intelligent Dark-Matter, we call this adequate moment is the
beginning, some analyze as the big bang, Dark-Matter is inflating invisible
materialized bubbles inside the atom, that is the proton that push outward,
electrons are materialized Dark-Energy to clamp or secure unit of atom. Dark-Matter
is the force field that needs space expansion inside the Universe; it is
assigned to do certain tasks that Dark-Energy allows him to do..
Dark matter is not any
matter but invisible life force energy that can`t be sensed through so called
by our advance tools, no matter how sensitive tools can be still particles of
Dark matter can’t be seen because they are supernatural intelligent force same
with dark energy. When this forces materialize to combine as an atom, each
contain portions from Dark Matter as core and a portion of Dark Energy electrons. Inside nuclear fusion
energy machine can be seen Ghostly lightning sparking waves inside a nuclear
reactor, similar the waves seen in ionosphere. Still there are many unknown
energy forces that is not clear to the scientists
Dark-Matter is unknown to scientist, cosmologist awaiting further clarifications, some are noticing from its light-bending characteristics even scientist can calculate dark-Matter clumps, for my understanding Dark-Matter is like Mercury metal without the coloring, invisible and having 15 times more mass than Lead, light and heat do not penetrate in, it is pure proton made as tiny bubbles gathered in larger and greater bubbles 26.8% of the Universe and is the only mass substance available. It has supernatural mind of its own and is a marvelous living thing of totally different kind and part of the living Universe, we can see it from the living planet of our own Earth. Still people only expect living from other planets should be only in one sort category of bald head and two large eyes, beside that anything is rejected by humanoids. Dark-Energy was discovered from captivating supernova explosions, when stars die and the hidden invisible energy is released. We might be surrounded by elusive realm field of Dark-Matter sprinkled spread bubbles all around us, like the flow of air in liquid soap forms very easy to collected in bubble form all sizes, everywhere can be found invisible bubble form regulation to be adjusted by other matter to be stimulated by their environs we can’t see but the effect occurs all around us and in the entire Universe.
Dark-Matter is protons in the core of atoms and in the core of all
Universal large body objects like planets stars moons pulsars and black holes,
Dark-Matter is invisible condensed force field made of bubbles in bubbles,
smallest portion to fit inside atom also is large number of bubbles as cluster
in tiny Centre of all elements, it releases low or high octave sound
frequencies that cannot be heard by our ears and give directives to other
protons to activate covalent bonding their connection to inertia force field of
Dark-Energy and travel connecting through rail force fields that are all around
the Universe and this action effect as gravity in process.
Dark matter is hiding inside every atom as core and are called proton still
scientist are working on Alpha magnetic spectrometer (AMS) to find Dark-Matter
in the universe watching cosmic-ray particles that come and collide with
Dark-Matter bubble clusters, scientist call D.M WIMPs weakly interacting massive
particles, one thing for sure Dark-Matter cannot be seen by telescopes because
are invisible and light cannot penetrate through it except Dark-Energy, in my
other chapter article about (Our Sun) I been explaining how react Dark-Matter
and Dark-Energy to form hydrogen atoms and function as a star.
Smallest portion of Dark-Matter bubbles are single portion part from
cluster bubbles that complete in one proton inside one atom. Bubble Dark-Matter
can be condensed or spread-out by great distance, in my perspective hundreds of
Dark-Matter bubbles can fit inside one hydrogen atom, or one singular
Dark-Matter bubble can disburse into one large Heliopolis bubble to contain our
entire solar system. In my other subject “Gravity” I described that gravity is sound
frequency procedure to be connected into Universal quantum time locations dots
in the entire Universe that all elements can be connected or released by time
phenomenon motions, magnetic field of our Heliospause is coordination tone
reaction between other loose elements that are harmful to us, they are
protective cocoons not allowing entry in the interstellar medium spreading
cavity in interstellar space by tone reaction, so other radiation and galactic
cosmic rays, all particles can be stopped passing through its layers of
shielding, still it isn’t also impermeable wall large bubble Heliopause still
can allows anything that should be passing by its intelligence capacity because
it contains life and intelligence to not intermix its boundaries that is well
defined, has a well-regulated edge that can allow or stop accordingly to its intelligence
capacities, somehow it gives me the sensation that solar entire Heliosphere
functions as one large invisible planet and Earth other planets and our Star
are inside its large Bubble. If we consider distance to the edge of Heliosphere
between the distances of our Sun is almost 11 Billion miles. Steel all together
we as solar system with our Helospher traveling about 50.000 thousand miles per
hour, as I described we already are immersed in greater Quantum force field of
the Universe so we are moving through this energy field of time and inertia permissiveness
that is in one command of “Universal language” of tone reaction that I explained
in before. How much we know about Heliospher, as scientist send long time ago
IBEX voyager one and 2 cannot penetrate invisible force field of Dark-Matter
bubbles plus if they can be seen already several instrument on this voyagers
cameras are dysfunction, if they can take any pictures they can send to us and
be received after 17 hours.
Image of Dark-Matter
Connecting protons to spinning electron cables of helix that are from
Dark-Energy spins create atoms that collectively forms into normal matter
everything we see stars and planets and matter. Dark-Energy existed over 14
billion years ago because is very grand power I give the name Dynamic-Energy;
it was discovered by humans 1998 this force field is mysterious enormous powerful
Energy field. Both Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter contain intelligence and provide
life to all their created body forms, in my other notes I have explained this
theories. Many years ago humans did not realize that solid corals are life
forms now they do, in my other theories atoms are living things that can live
12 billion years and hear and express by sound frequencies and collect data by
electron helix stimuli the way process done in human brains transporting data emotion
and memory to other neuron cells, all plants express collectively combining
cluster atoms enchaining their personality sound variations.
Calculating the entire Universe, normal matters as stars and galaxies are
4.9 % of the Universe. Dark-Matter 26.8 % and the largest force field
electromagnetism Dark-Energy is 68.3% of total Universe
Dark-Matter is protons; inside atoms is big number of smaller proton clusters
or individual bubbles, particles radius is 0.84087 Femtometers . Smaller measurements are considered billionth
of a meter that is fathometer, also protons individually separated from their
clusters are much smaller also protons are considered 4% smaller than recently
accepted by scientists. Electrons are bundles of helix varying length and once
a while some are released in fusion to go in and join to individual proton
Distinctive line between
Dark Energy and Dark Matter
In my studies I came at conclusions that electrons contain big number of
helix thread that also can divide into smaller portions to ensure many Weyl for
other properties, stimuli neutrino and other particles electrons are small
portions from electromagnetism field to combine with proton clusters bubbles to
form an atom, also electromagnetism derive from Dark-Energy field that exist in
entire Universe, some effective portions can be noticed similar in solar winds.
Each invisible particle of Weyl can change electromagnetic post expending into
a bubble of Dark Matter in same principle of matter and antimatter, Weyl that
transforms into bubbles of Dark Matter react totally as new invisible subatomic
particles that can expand or shrink in super extraterrestrial levels, follow up
of this transformed Weyl clusters are collected inside electrons spinning gage
to form Hydrogen atoms. So the separation line between DE and DM is
transformation of Weyl into bubbles, origin of everything, everything was created
by Dynamic Energy science name it Dark Energy. New form Weyls as D.M can either collide
to interact with other elements or particles as well it can slip past all
particles because bubble form of energy that can react totally different range
of theoretical presumed standards that we valued till now. New Weyl bubbles
that are now Dark matter communicate because they contain life force energy intelligence
and are part of the great volume inside Universe contained inside every atom as
core and inside every planet and star as core that also communicate in low and
high frequency wavelengths in Universal language that’s how core of an atom
communicate with their neighboring atoms binding together also untying Dark
Matter bubbles from its cluster position meet detached other Weyl from
electrons combining into new particles inside atoms to form new characteristic
adding more liveried combination they go into fusion forming hydrogen atom into
helium and so on. Dark-Energy is more abbreviate than other locations it is a
steady force field that contains intelligence
supernatural life force being dynamism power about D.E ability I call
this Energy Dynamic Energy some people give title God the most powerful force
in entire Universe. Dark-Energy is scattered mixing in massive area in the Universe
assorted with clouds this can be seen in smaller portion in solar winds and large areas like Magellanic clouds
located about 200.000 light years away located one side of Milky Galaxy, large
and small magellanic cloud as ribbon of gas form spin half way around Milky way.
In logical opinion Dark-Matter is invisible bubble clusters as dense they
get than mass get tighter, regular standard form is 15 times dense than lead
but it can be expended to thin nothingness or go compressed that lead thousand
time, in condensed form it has liquid procedure it is non-biological living energetic
thing, scientist are trying many experiments by WIMP bouncing off an atomic nucleus
of xenon still not ordinary Dark-Matter that is invisible also impenetrable and
same time can pass through solid metal from side to side all other elements resembling wind, all
interactive massive particles contain balanced forms of Dark-Matter and
Dark-Energy. I wonder what the scientist find when it is invisible and can
react inversely because it is other form of living thing so no theoretical
models can apply on these Matter in any models Dark-Matter nor Dark-Energy both
invisible forces with all experiments they can defined by leaving background
radiation or nothing at all, can be impassable if it reacts to be compressed because
these two are supernatural actualities.
Scientist analyzed atoms figuratively calling names giving like colors or spices giving names to particles inside the Atoms, some particles are called Red down quarks, others Green up quarks others Blue down quarks. Other particles called group particles Hyperons Baryons Hadrons Nucleons bosons, then you have Antiparticles Fermions, Other group is called Mesons Hadrons Leptons also antiparticles of Bosons and Fermions and Photons as boson particles, each have different group of charge and mass. In my theory always Protons that are chunk of Dark-Matter contain Positive energy, portions of this matter join and combine with electrons helix negative force that are hunk of Dark-Energy. Uneven portions and quantity of opposite volume portions combine inside Atoms and form variety of particles inside Atoms. In my theory electron cables that contain big numbers of helix strands like human hair bundles, they might be able to separate breakdown to smaller filaments, shorter ones can be serve as neutrinos. Always they carry some energy of Dark-Energy in their helix whirl. Those two energies produce electromagnetic force, only in combination to form nucleuses two forces are in balance of no charge.
Dark Matter have intelligence to direct into composing super symmetric capabilities
to form joining with electron helix into new particles inside atoms also is
capable by low octave sound frequency waves vibrations to command always active
in developing to super symmetric particles inside atoms and into surrounding in
principles of covalent bonds, new physics we know trying hard to collect
information in standard model to explain new physics, that will stay new for
time being. All equations that describe shattering atoms make more close to understanding
that the word decay is the process sending particles into their original form
Energy-Matter, D.E and D.M. Dark-Matter in (SVSY) doesn’t show much, at Higgs. Boson Super symmetry too
shy because it is invisible force gets materialized only by trace to electron
helix energy. Tests might show in the future that as soon atoms dismantle
Dark-Matter return to invisible state, only particles that still have
combination mixture between D.E and D.M show on the scale.
Dark-Matter can be condensed or scattered depending surrounding pressure,
when it is scattered in unperturbed space it can be react as weakly interacting
hypothetical particles or WIMPs though they are invisible sound signal
frequencies they generate interactions to weak force or gravity. Variation of
sound command can go to different levels; from far away in the middle of milky
Galaxy we might receive signals from them as much as 110 GeV to 130 GeV.
Dark-Matter is invisible and inactive only after being close to D.E become
visible, start to operate when adjacent to Electromagnetism or Dark-Energy that
is 10^42 times stronger than Dark-Matter by active spin of electrons. Scientist
might consider WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles, in my perspective
entire Dark-Matter particles in any state are combination of one force field
connected and have intelligence however invisible, opposite to this energy is
Dark-Energy covering entire Universe react as electromagnetism and electrons
have one individual own intelligence and personality, yet invisible.
Dark matter is hiding inside every atom as core and are called proton
still scientist are working on Alpha magnetic spectrometer (AMS) to find
Dark-Matter in the universe watching cosmic-ray particles that come and collide
with Dark-Matter bubble clusters, scientist call D.M WIMPs weakly interacting
massive particles, one thing for sure Dark-Matter cannot be seen by telescopes
because are invisible and light cannot penetrate through it except Dark-Energy,
in my other chapter article about (Our Sun) I been explaining how react
Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy to form hydrogen atoms and function as a star.
Two major forces exist inside Cosmos, that I like to title them invisible
Dynamic-Energy and Invisible Dynamic-Matter control everything, this force is
in so grand scale and powerful that their title should also be grand designating
award, this two forces and matter first start to forming new hydrogen atoms
collectively forming stars planets moons and Galaxies. Grand force of the
Universe exists covering entire Universe. Astronomers name them Dark Matter and
Dark Energy, till now many were discerning that Dark Matter that is inside
galaxies holding into each other, in reality there is no visible matter that
can grasp into each other to upswing as Universal objects holding each other,
galaxies are not flying apart nor the stars inside the Galaxies bonding each
other in their appropriate orbit forms. Repeatedly I mentioned my belief that
entire Universe is immersed inside space-time field of quantum energy that is
in rheostat of Dynamic-Energy in Grand fabric of space-time. Dynamic-Matter
releases sound frequencies from atoms planets galaxies influencing the orbit of
every matter esoteric open range field directing elements to be connected into
the field of fabric of Space-time to be relocated, entire Universe is one body
holding all collections of Matter inside Cosmos. The force field that I
mentioning is invisible let’s say Quantum particles but really they are
portions of that energy force realm that control all elements so called forces gravitational
movement or journey in space to idealized springs or harmonic oscillators that
are attached each other inside zone field of the entire Universe, they have nothing
to do with Galactic-scale electric field nor negative or positive charges. Electrostatic
forces are different than opposite charge distributions, gravitational
connection into quantum zone fabric field is totally different sort of bond periphery
revitalizing propel gravitational elector field charges. Unknown energy specimen
relating force surrounds all galaxies and penetrates into each atoms core hooked
on quantum flow gear communicate with Dynamic-Matter atomic cores to bind all
matter elements within spec time.
I explained that protons don’t have
standard stable mass they can be changed into different physique that can vary
into relaxed form or more extreme condensed form, like the stage when forms
into pulsar cores and refocus into other heavy gravitational stage like black
hole, so reduced Dark-Matter protons can be 15 times more dense than lead and
go to 126 times than that impenetrable mass and beyond into unknown
capabilities. The new elementary particle they found in Higgs boson it contains
126 times the mass of proton sometimes this particle is referred as the “God
particle” protons are Dark-Matter they are very tiny bubbles that contain
outnumber tinnier bubble clusters, if the volume go larger still it condenses
in larger bubbles and larger ones, they can reach volumes bigger than galaxies
and divide into thousand clusters to form one proton.
Some scientist brings
idea of double-disk Dark-Matter model. A new type of dark matter that forms “dark
atoms” may clump into flat disks around galaxies, physicists suggest in a new
theory called the double-disk dark matter model. Novel twist on an intriguing concept, that is very
complicated and I don’t agree with that high illusions.
From starting activation of star electromagnetism spin over core center of
star like a pulsar, we can see some similarity on Saturn`s monster storm
blaster, Dark Energy is the original force of electromagnetism when flow forward
as force and can produce light and X-ray when smash to other energy Dark-Matter,
that are oceans of proton bubbles they can produce radio waves and low octave sound
frequencies waves to command the bonding motion of all elements seem like
gravity, in reality elements are connecting themselves into universal field of inertia
field that quantum energy operated in the entire Universe according to the command
of Dark-Matter.
Electromagnetism and electrons are from same quantifiable
of Dark-Energy D.E but different quantity force field, before nothing there was
always existed something that have no beginning the Creator, because life form
enfold life, everything he created encloses life of some type. His Energy form
of dynamic Dark-Energy always existed in stable state is D.M, but when in move
and action that force become electromagnetism always existed with no beginning.
Creation of dynamic Dark-Matter is Gods first creation that contains mass and
can be used as protons in Atoms can be recollected by Black Hole when atoms are
demolished to be returned to its original form of energy. Dark-Mater can be
contained in center of all planets and stars as core. I will explain in other
chapters. Dark-Energy Is invisible vast great space field of Energy; belongs to
the invisible All Mighty, electrons are partial energy of GOD. All living
creation, even every cell, has D.E portion of the filled wisdom of the Grand
Creator, some call it instinct in animals, birds, Creation artistic abilities
in humans, disposition character or nature. Significance Dynamic DARK-ENERGY is
the body of the Universe organization of Almighty GOD. Electrons part of those
particles to organize the universe, to Humans and the planet, and everything,
Every Element contains part of his Creators serving of Energy. In the beginning
there was no Dark-Matter. But Dark Dynamic Energy, always existed, present with
God. However Dark-Matter has a beginning Gods first creation, Almighty created
Dynamic Dark-Matter and gave a small portion from his energy to Dynamic
Dark-Matter this energy field also was a life form and he had a beginning, that’s
why it was mentioned from beginning God created Jesus. Everything existed
afterward, was by ingenuity and by skill of Jesus. Facility of available
unending Energy comes of Dynamic Dark-Energy, provided by almighty, Combine
energies with certain collection of
mass of that Matter. Deep space is permeated with giant bubbles of D.M. Each
one million miles wide and each are collections of smaller bubbles go smaller
and tiniest are used to form inside a atom that are clusters of protons they
contain other form of life energy. Combining with cables or filaments of
helical patter D.E surrounding on D.M protons develop a different personality,
or taste of character, other individuality as the volume of combinations inside
atom changes by fusion. When particle of proton mix different numbers of helix
from electrons form in variety of elements that complete, amino acids are also
collected by electron helix to be used inside the cell to form, some call this
mother nature but it is pattern of knowledge recorded in electrons and protons
to complete the body of individual person, in other chapters you will find how
all these activities are patterned by low octave sound frequencies gathering of
building the atoms collectively for the individuality. Feelings and emotions of
individual differ according to personal sound variation behavior. There is registered
in the core of Atoms in the personality individuality. Everything the body
wishes for exist in the combination of the D.M and D.E. What to eat, where he
or she want to go, wants more freedom more authority or power collective D.M
power influence on the opinion of the individual being inside the mind by circuit
data that circulate by sound tone personality. According
to my perspective Everything existed through Dark-Energy, the energy flow you
experiencing is electromagnetism that is Dark-Energy in action as Saturn`s
monster storm blaster.
Let`s grasp the pure Constitution. Of
Almighty God inscribed in Atoms, in the humans DNA Amino-acids D.M and D.E.
Dark-Energy is as big as 68.3% big in Universe,
scientist have very partial acquaintance about the greatest and biggest thing
in the Universe, that’s why they call Dark-Energy. Scientist have bad
experiences about religions I don’t blame them, those representative of
Almighty are not approved so it doesn’t mean that Almighty don’t exist, In the
beginning Almighty created Dark-Matter or Jesus. Before the beginning there was
something in the Universe Dynamic-Energy that’s the power and effect of him
there was nothing else, first creation was Dynamic-Matter the principle root of
all Matter (Jesus) and as a engineer he created the stars and Galaxies using
the power of Almighty that is great Energy that does not culminate. Contains
life everything he allows to exist contains some sort of life even different
than ours, he exist on and in every atom the electric sparks or jolts we have
in our brain can carry information’s picture seen in action, emotions,
memories, all this possibilities are on the electrons and are in function for
billions of years registered on pattern data. Electrons can see and record all
surroundings everything going on, can feel and sense everything in our brain
and all in our cells and all in Nature and space and Universe, because is
portion of Dynamic-Energy of Almighty. Our eyes can see only on front of us but
those electrons can see what going on inside our cell and brain and everywhere
even inside Atoms. People can except or deny it’s up to them, suspicion will
continue until someday reality stand out until soon we can have the possibility
to realize Grand creator Almighty God. Till then scientist will continue
calling him Dark-Energy and his first creation Dynamic-Matter as Dark-Matter
Scientist call it WIMP (weakly interacting massive particles)
considering that this particles have own antimatter partner particles, adding
that when they meet they annihilate each other to be destroyed releasing one
pair of daughter electron particles positron in the process but still
astrophysical source have no definite verification regarding this theories an
indication that they have something new. In addition AMS experiments
acceleration collisions at Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland and also many
other location they have detectors around the world to find more details about
In my perspective electrons are short cable form of outnumber helix not
round though many scientist believe without seeing an electron trust that
electrons are perfectly round, it is too tiny to observe and in fast spinning
flight. There is a new method JILA`s new technique trying to measure the forms
of electrons are they round? EDM method involves trapping molecule ions of
hafnium fluoride that are (red and blue spheres) to compare spinning electric
and magnetic field comparing magnetic energy levels to indicate existing size
of an EDM. Still the results are not complete one thing for sure that electron
is smaller than were predicted. I believe that electrons can be detached into
smaller helix portions to go into sphere of atom to join with other portions of
disconnected proton bubbles from the center core clusters connecting completing
into new particles inside atoms.
According to my lookout Dark-Matter bubbles are living energy
forces they are proton bubbles inside bubbles that can expand and when
surrounded by electron shrink still keeping bubble form clusters. Dark-Energy
also is living form of energy that also is electromagnetism and electrons in
small volume, Dark matter have no antimatter potentials only the electrons have
by reversing their spin by sound tone command, electrons cables can be divided
to outnumbers of helix coils and mix with singular or croup counterpart cluster
of proton bubbles to form particles inside atoms, in reverse antimatter
reaction they too can detonate to new route’s, time will show and new data will
clear out all this perceptions, my approach is just logical presumption’s
still scientist approach are not yet definite time will verify the reality.
Dark-Flow (D.F)
In the Universe we have Dark-Energy, Dark-Matter, the
latest we have Dark-Flow, it was discovered in 2008 when scientist discovered
that some cluster galaxies that are billions of light years away from our
planet for no reason move to certain direction that do not contain any gravity
matter to pull to that direction, moving more than 600 miles per second, this
affecting have nothing to do with Universe accelerations because all this group
of cluster Galaxies oscillations to far unknown whereabouts in p recession.
According to scientist they are giving the explanation that some energy field
matters can be observed, but there are dense patch of space-time or beyond
particle, pulling those cluster Galaxies, these movement is puzzling it
conflicts with an underlying assumptions of cosmology at large scales in
Universe, some cosmologist think Dark flow provides evidence for a relative
dense part of the Universe beyond the particle horizon or the Boundary that
separates the observable Universe from the rest of the Cosmos. Is there Matter
in Universe we cannot see? We calculate the pull that each galaxy in a cluster
are moving relative to each other, we come to conclusion that some
gravitational power pulling and holding clusters together to keep the clusters
in peculiar place. Some astronomers call this energy matter “the mystery of the
missing matter” what is invisible oscillating strings? There are many other
energy forms that still not known to us scattered in the Universe all
considered in the group of D.E.
In my gravity Theory I explained
that whole Cosmos is in energy field of existing energy invisible force that
are wheels inside wheels, they can maneuver any direction or can push any
object or matter or sound to any direction that is already going to, plus it
can add more velocity into it. These force field networks are used by all
matter or mass in the Universe. Dark-Matter core can send low octave sound
frequencies to other elements, according to the sound atoms that contain proton
that is Dark-Matter, we already know that elements use covalent bonds to
attract to other atoms, these same functional properties like shown by atomic
spectra attract to the force field wheels to move toward the directions that
are commanded, atoms can use these networks by tone variations to start to move
toward the new direction that was sent to apply as I showed in my subject
Gravity. In conclusion Dark-Flow goes parallel to my theories. Scientist doesn’t
know yet how? Dark-Matter effect on other stars and planets, D.M is basic of
all matters in the Universe inside planets and stars as core and outside
surrounding of stars in invisible bubble forms, some as large as Billion times
larger than our Sun, all gravitational coordination is based in principle of
Dark-Matter that is noticed even by Dark-flow, this force contains
individuality personality and can make decide in all coordination’s to move.
science QCD (Quantum chrome Dynamics) have close similarities to my logic about
the real Universe, to analyze gravity we have to consider the weak force,
electricity and magnetism having full reality about Nuclear weak force and its
responsibilities and also compare to nuclear force that scientist connect to
binding of nuclei then comparing to Gravity and its standard models so then we can
compare invisible oscillating strings, some call it “The mystery of missing
matter” In my other logical conclusions Everything is created by Dark-Energy
Electron cables of outnumbered helix spinning around protons and Dark-Matter
outnumbered cluster proton in the center of atoms.as soon some helix go in
the atom in fusion and get connected to some of the proton separated from their
clusters it becomes neutron particle if another individual proton bubble touch
the neutron without being combined completely it becomes deuterium, additional
of this process by joining other equal numbers of neutrons and protons
individual bubbles they become gradually tritium 3 He 12 C 16 O 56 Fe
there are many other particles in atoms that are combination of different measurements
in Dark-Energy helix and Dark-Matter individual bubbles separated from main
core Dark-Matter protons.
We can add new element astatine on
periodic table. Uranium has 92 protons and 92 electrons, in my perspective
electrons are one large cable of millions of helix flows all connected and
later the cable can be detached into many individual electrons then into helix
neutrinos. Astatine has 85 protons and 85 electrons, proton of hydrogen is big
number of bubbles clusters that can be parted also electron cables are big
number of helix that can detached as neutrons. If one electron removed from
astatine in forms into ion or charged particle, life time of astatine is only
8.1 hours to decay.
The main gravitational low energy
force is activation of protons responding connection realm force energy that
the entire universe is immersed force that move to every direction or make
other elements carried out inertia invisible force field to low octave sound
frequency waves that are released from other big volumes of Dark-Matter mass.
Probably scientist refer electricity to magnetize or weakest force as gravity,
in my understanding gravity exist all around similar to scattered Dark-Energy
type force field but it don’t activated until Dark-Matter protons connect
themselves to its rail circuits listening to command s of other Dark-Matter
commands in low octave sound frequency waves YOU DON’T NEED GRAVITATIONAL pulling
and holding matter mass for gravity as invisible oscillating strings because
atoms can travel by connecting themselves to the flow of the missing matter,
this is the emanating Dark-Flow for my perspective for the Scientist it will be
still QCD. All energy connections by low energy long distance g~ O(1) and g
-->O weak couplings are done by commands from Dark-Matter protons this is my
standard model gravity particle physics by Gabriel Logician Jabrael. The entire
Universe is immersed in this force field and all atoms planets and galaxies are
travelers on their own connection to force rail of this system Quantum Chrome
Dynamics QCD.
Entire Universe is in harmony
conformation. Energy-Matter combination prepared the field of existence every
matter. Since 70 years there was confusion regarding Dark-Matter even calling
it “Dark” because can’t be seen. Latest observation from observatories like
Hubble NAOJ` s telescopes and WM Keck observatory also by Gemini observatory they
came to evidences regarding Dark-Matter filaments. Also found data came from
the Subaru CFHT WM KECK and Gemini North telescopes that are located in Hawaii.
One of the observation show that
between all galaxies slowly funneling Matter into clusters, invisible Dark
can’t be seen but the effect is noticeable.
Second point gravitational effect
can be observed from Earth between far away objects, surprisingly if light
travels into these locations of Dark-Matter filaments, light start to bend in
large effect, invisible field forcing the light to go into other direction like
a wall banding the flow of coming light.
Third point, scientist categorized
models of clusters in Universe that can be fitted in lensing features after the
experts prepared two-dimensional map of clusters later comparing with 3D,
considering measured with spectrometers by data from the most modern
observatories that earlier I mentioned.
In my prospective I call
Dark-Matter filament Oceans because they are like liquid and invisible
structural form, 15 times more dense than lead, when they are spread are more
invisible but inside rotational field of electron they turn into more condense
form of protons to form big numbers of pips similar to the shape of very tiny
version of pomegranate ( in my other title How stars are formed you can find
also how atoms are formed) they are great field of energy and only they can be
packed in tight stage if electrons have a spin circle rotation around them, so
in the Universe Dark-Matter exist in many separate locations as invisible
ocean’s that are bib bubbles that contain smaller and smaller form of bubbles
that can go smaller to fit inside the Atom but still entire realm of Dark
Matter is one individual energy and contains intelligence that allow to pack
portion of their intelligence inside every atom (in another title of my Blog
you can find the subject ATOMS ARE LIVING THINGS)
Dark-Energy is invisible force can be convert into electromagnetism and the
small form of electrons, Dark-Energy has immortality constancy. Another
interaction invisible Dark-Matter, that can emerge to protons, combining
together, Dark-Energy and Matter form hydrogen atoms. Separately D.E and D.M Electrons
are cables with unlimited numbers of helix that can be separated to go
through inside atoms separately to combine from protons cluster detached
numbers of Dark-Matter bubbles and form new particles, atoms can live 12 billion
years they are the combination of two living forms D.E and D.M atoms become new
form of living thing that can communicate covalent bonding by sound wave
frequency tones and can change its character into other forms of atoms or
personalities by fusion, when atom die the two major component energy and
matter return to its original form of invisible state and never dies. In the
future they can combine into new atoms cycle.
There is some similarity between
electrons and human hair string. Hair is like a cable shape it is included many
thinner narrower strings it is connected but also can be separated of single
keratin cables also they in their part can be separated to thread of filaments
rays disulfide bridges, those portions also separated to amino acid helix roles
division and separation can be continued same with electrons invisible
Dynamic-Energy, electrons contain variety of other form of energy also still
details are not available for us, dividing helix electrons can be produced to
light until to its original form Dark-Energy. Electrons travel like 1/10 to
velocity of light or about thirty thousand kilometers per second, mass of
electron is D.E it is so small comparing to proton, only 1/1836 that of
hydrogen protons or D.M or Hydrogen ions. One portion of proton inside a
hydrogen atom is like a pomegranate cluster with many kernels seeds or pips. Entire
electrons cable do not smash to proton center, only few helix or single ones
distract the circulation loose by a hit knock out from rest of electron cable
separated filament go in to mix into single proton pips. There is space between D.M protons in the center and
revolving D.E electron field of coiled springs surrounding on combination of
atom sphere, this nucleus can be added more other combinations of filament
particles when loose parts of D.E and D.M join together to make other extra
particles inside the atom filling up more space in the empty space that can be
noticed by atomic spectra, this happen during fusions to be changed variety
atoms the weight of elements so the atomic number and frequency will add up
constant increase to other elements as can be seen in periodic table by numbers
1 to over 100. Also the complete hair like D.E electron energy level will be
divided to smaller helix lines according the addition of other particles also
the D.M proton portions will divide to other smaller strings to mix with
smaller helix lines inside the atoms, so the balance in loss and gain electron
proton particles will make the difference in periodic table by fusion in this
new form of elements the principle of spectrum wavelength will produce new
values, if atomic number increase equal numbers of helix will circle around the
atom same number structure balance of particles inside as much as can hold its capacity
so each additional particle will have its own divided portion of electron helix
line to hold its surrounding energy field levels. The electron band start to
change into different levels of gap inside atomic space and having own gaps,
these new levels also can be seen by spectrum wavelength in quantum theory.
Helix lines have orderly adoption to neighboring atom electron helix lines by
sharing field energy combinations and harmony sound tones that are considered
as chemical reaction I call it Tone-Reaction. Hydrogen have one hair like
bundle textile D.E electron circling around 1 round ball of D.M proton mass in
between electron and proton a space emptiness, as many portions of these two
energy field divide and join portions to each other inside the atomic sphere it
forms to other elements. Every time D.M filament helix separates from the main
cable D.E electron goes into the center proton area picks his own kernel of
proton D.M to create a new particle inside the Atom.
Earlier I described that two major components of atoms are. One, from Dark-Energy
materialized electromagnetism electrons that are cables that contain unlimited
helix spiral coils of energy that also contain life, some helix get separated
from coil electrons and go in the space of atom to be joined mixed with the
other component inside atoms that are. Second. Dark-Matter invisible cluster
bubbles inside bubbles that can expand or condense into proton core that also
are unlimited bubbles and they contain life energy. Both force field of D.E
and D.M in large volume range or disjointed distinct least particle form all
think and act in unity as one individual intelligent divinity. Inside atom
according to combine each type of energy and volume they form small particle in
atoms or neutron bosons or the rest of the group all in balancing harmony to
cooperate to form new fusions, this two separated forces don’t need anything
else from outside to conclude fusion except exceed temperature and pressure,
they can balance the formality process inside the vacuumed atoms.
Atoms have characterized associated jointed in action or
relations to bond when developing to be partners in molecule formations, they
do it in very organized procedure and regulations and they have patterned
categories to bond. Between proton clusters and electrons are great gap some
neutrons spin in different layers of circuit’s in that emptiness and obey to
variety of low octave sound frequencies Instructive development, according to
their instructed forms electrons give command to share or attract sometimes
even show repulsive force to other atoms. Most of the time they share by strict
regulations and principles in Covalent bonding, they have many variations
regulations and interactions, there are Valence bond theory and other covalent
bond varieties agnostic interactions. For example, three-center two-electron
bonds and others. Though scientist call it as they call everything chemical
bonding reaction. But someday they will recognize that all this bonding’s are
done by sound tones as I mentioned before “Tone-Reaction” All this activities
show that wisdom and knowledge and ac curacies are adapted by certain kind of
programming that atoms apply in communicating in low octave sound frequency
tones, many varieties of covalent bonding still exist like metallic,
non-covalent, covalent, Hydrogen, and many others, all this participation
activity bring us more close to realize that atoms are living things. In my
perspective as I explained on many occasions Dark-Matter can band coming facing
toward D.M by sound frequency waves before the light reach to D.M the
gravitational lensing is pushing back by sound waves and light react to move
connecting to ocean of force field quantum that governs the entire Universe. It
is true that the effect shows that light is not passing through D.M and is bending
light, the principle of “scaffolding” that D.M react with other matter like
planets stars and galaxies, all cluster concentration react to low octave sound
frequencies released from D.M to direct the energy communication of galaxies
tone reaction to be connected to ocean force field of the universe that is made
of Dark-Energy. Same principle applied to all matter before reaching to
direction of Black holes. In my perspective center core of black hole is
concentrated pure Dark-Matter.
The energy that formed everything is a life form. Every
living thing might wary in style and carry on but still a living form, like a
coral, fish, plant, animals, insect, humans and many other diversities even
unseen powerful energy field Angels without freedom of choice to artistic
variation, thinking like a robot, but still sort of living species they can
live without consuming food like us and without filling space with their body
mass. This secret life form does not have cells like us but principle life form
is the same, everything we have by cells they have in unknown electronic force
fields, Matter and Energy.
The most capable living thing has been hiding till now,
that is Atom. Let`s do some comparison between human birth and atom birth, in
other subjects I explained D.E and D.M formation results how they proceed
merging to form Atom by my “KRIKOR” theory D.E+D.M=H (Dark-Energy adding on
Dark-Matter produce hydrogen Atoms) Now I will compare Human Semen “Sperm” with
electrons. Semen is the white or gray liquid emitted from urethra on
ejaculation, consist with glands (I explained in another chapter how glands
contain personal low octave sound frequencies of the individuality by sound
molecule clusters, that separates individuality character of sound vibration of
blood and cells in the person) Human spermatognium cells develop 40 million in
60 +days mixed with testosterone fluid of fructose that is essential nutrient
for the spermatozoa and only 75 % are alive. Human sperms also have its tail
spermatids, to move swimming foreword by beating its tail, same as helix does
in DNA and in light rays. Number 40 million represent human category of amino
acids 40 kind to combine into human body. But in nature there are 100 variety
of amino acid ruckus order, so in my logic I expect that electrons should have
100 million, helix spring coils that are combining but it can be separated.
Like the Hydrogen atom in the center exist proton or
fusing shape of ovum, same as plants have pollen germinating embryo that makes
translational fusion, ovum gets fertilized, a sperm cell fusing with an ovum.
Similarities fusion can be found in all form of fish, animals; plants, birds,
even humans use same method of fusion principle as living things. In other
pages I explained how protons are dense kernel clusters same like the fruit of
pomegranate, surrounded by electrons that have addition another energy force
substance that is essential to electrons, once a while some helix leave the
group circulation pattern get loose by hit knock out from the group electron
great number of helix, separated filament going the atom and join to one or
more kernel sphere and form a nucleus or assemble into particles inside atoms,
later elements start to grow up into new characters and personalities starting to
be helium and on, in the first form hydrogen atom produced sound note in low
octave frequency C and C# when the form element turn into Oxygen it sounds like F
and F# . In case element turns by fusion into Phosphorus it
sounds like C or C# the capability in bonding pattern change with
personality. Hydrogen has one holding covalent bond, oxygen in two covalent
bond, nitrogen has 3, and the numbers can change with the personality, Felix
filaments that circling the atom bonding patter collected as molecules opening
connection bond covalent that exist vacancies in the utmost electron shells,
filaments pass through the helix spiral to neighboring elements loose ringlet
curl. In conclusion atoms are living things in different nature than our own
but same principles in matting them, they can live 12 billion years and die
strip and return to their original forms. Positive part protons go back to be
Dark-Matter, electron negative field energy returns to be back to form
Dark-Energy, atoms are very sensitive to heat that make them expend then melt
later start to boil and vaporized, cold can make atoms contracted, liquid form
of mercury atoms can demonstrate how they expend and pact like a heartbeat that
show they have feelings but hard and solid feel the same without showing any
movement by same principle, atoms can knit new molecules interwove DNA by
patterned information in their electrons force field gin life. To interweaves
biological humanoid cells. Atoms apply gravitational and sound frequency
patterns we know what to expect from each individual groups of elements, this
communications I call it Tone-Reaction not chemical reaction, atoms can be
found in entire cosmos that brings my conclusion into Universe is alive Stars
combining great collections of atoms have their own combining personalities
like atoms have, communicate in sound frequencies. When god created man in his
image that image is inside our brain with trillion of atoms galaxies of neurons
and sound communications in electrical pulses, that’s how Universe act in the
image of the creator, my intention is to reconcile God and Science, I am trying
to accomplish that.
Atoms produce peculiar low octave
sound frequencies according to their periodical table and the total mass
multiplies the tone, each atom has its describing statement in sound pattern,
its age the exploiting permutation laying measures inside will take declaring
its serial number by sound variation patterns assumed by other atoms in bonding
process, each have also personality eccentricity that is stated by electrons to
the surrounding demesne. Atoms have big space inside and echoes travel in low
octave sound frequencies, let`s suppose that we are enlarging figure design of
an atom into trillion times trillions continuously until that size of atom
reaches into eleven floor building in height sphere shape, electrons are
circling starting from ground level up to eleventh floor sphere circling down
back to the ground level, after multiplying the size of proton according to the
expansion to the size of the picture, proton will look the size of grain of
sand, similar to sand shape size pomegranate fruit with many clusters of
coronal bubbles that all are made of tiny Dark-Matter bubbles, comparing to
protons even in this new measures mass of electron comparison to proton will be
1/1836 times smaller mass than hydrogen proton, though hydrogen has the largest
size condense Dark-Matter in all atoms. Inside an atom is 99.9 % empty and
hallows space around the protons underneath the sphere of electron.
Let`s consider a cluster of atom
melted down with many variety of elements, then becoming a piece of metal, each
element generating certain variation of low octave sound frequency in
dissimilar note tones, cluster of gadgets that have their own melody, besides
each atom has its own exploiting permutation laying measures of describing
statement, so the sound are produced to combination in each millisecond or 1040 seconds
or in one micro second condensing millions of notes of sound variations, then
arrangements changing in variations into another group doublet, Triplets,
Quartets, Sextets, and continuing in steps thousand levels, each have
declarations in sound notes by variation musical notes that we first we can`t
hear it, we don’t understand it without interpretations, even though our mind
function in this level between cells to cell through synapse stimulus flash
sound signals predispositions, somehow this information’s are translated to
animals as we call it instinct, electrons carry knowledge that guide all
sequencer regulations in atomic behavior to bond or repel transform in certain
milieus to fusion, all steps relay program to controvert or consent. All
directives are connected to Universal sound frequency harmony of communication
by vibration and sound.
theory Dark-Energy is invisible when steady, contains life, taking to action or
move in speed he forms to electromagnetism also small portions of it are
electrons, one electron of hydrogen atom includes several thousands of helix
that can be disconnected to go in the atom joining other portions of the proton
by thrilling stress to form new elements by fusion, when election’s helix brake
to pieces it forms light and very smaller pieces into neutrinos, later
neutrino’s liquefy to go back into original form of steady Dark-Energy
According to
the scientist fundamental nature of D.M remains mysterious that’s why they call
it Dark in reality it is supernatural great, has importance filling in the
Cosmos it will be very decent to call it Glorious –Matter and the other force
Glorious-Energy, in my theory Dark-Matter are the stars in Universe they are
holding in certain amount of Dark-Energy that are spinning inside on portion of
Dark-Matter separating into core, but scientist evaluations they searching dark
matter as a leftover particles from super nova explosions or by cosmic
collisions, some are visualizing that Galaxies are residing inside Dark-Matter
and looking leftover cocoon in the dust. Till now D.E never detected but they
felt the effect how it cannot interact with normal matter and it does not
reflect light, only they notice D.M Gravitation ally. Some scientists add that
D.M dominates the Universe because 98% of all matters are from Dark-Matter.
Scientist has expectations from looking into clump of D.M to act according what
scientist will be enjoying seeing it, unfortunately some astronomers watching
that D.M is not behaving the way they guessing, But D.M clumps was abandoned by
Galaxies. Still scientist are hopeful using gravitational technique by Einstein
general theory of relativity, observing how mass bends in space, watching if
any light can travel along in a curved path around any Dark-Matter bubble,
hoping that they are like big clumps that you see when boiling slowly a thick
soup, in reality as much closer they are observing D.M it is getting more
complicated because the reality still too far away or may be it is too close to
see, like may be D.M is the core of our Earth or is inside the Atom under different
name “Protons” Someday it will be cleared out hopefully. Basic matter of all
matters is D.E and atoms and planets and stars are matter
Atoms are combination of two
invisible energy matters D.E and D.M. Portion of Dark-Energy that serves to be
an electron is one cable but collective force field with big number of helix
lines that can be separated and act individually in action joining or mixing
with opposite force of protons that are portions of Dark-Matter only they have
mass, they look like very tiny fruit of pomegranate tight clusters of specks,
one ball of proton surrounded by one cable of electron that whiz around to
develop one hydrogen Atom that have no neutron, Every time by lost helix that
lost control from the electron cable fall in an join to eight pips from the
pomegranate proton develop into new neutron, other numbers, I am not sure how
they combine. Other numbers of particles of helix joining other numbers of pips
form other particles inside the atom, this new formed group’s act according to
subatomic values give different effects six flavors settled in quarks form
inside atoms, they are called. Up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom. Those
quarks divided also into two as their beginning material energy force D.E and
D.M that is two groups, like D.M protons contain two “up” flavored quarks. But
negative D.E electrons divided portions of helix neutron quarks carry two
“downs and one “up and one “down” Always more portion balanced particles have
mass, electron parts have almost no mass. Those portions are evaluated and
registered in Large Hadron collider (LHC) but the result is when they are
shattered not when they are operative because when they are broken nothing will
show except gravitational registrations, at atoms destructive event most
electrons that are descent of Dark-Energy vaporize because shattered neutrinos
also annihilate by it returning to original form of Dark-Energy. So for me we
don’t have real standard model to penetrate and divide portions and particles
of six flavors inside Atom mechanism their operative method is interrupted by a
In Cosmos, also in our milky Galaxy are dust clouds are
mostly 75% hydrogen and 25 %helium including some atoms molecules ions
electrons and iron. There is ordinary hydrogen in Universe, but the more
massive type is deuterium (from a Greek word for second) or hydrogen 2, by
microwaves scientist find out that 20% of hydrogen in Universe is hydrogen form
2. Later iatrochemistry explained that dust clouds can contain also silicates
carbon atoms ice and other compounds altogether about thirteen varieties of
atoms manage to be formed in the thin near vacuumed matter of space in complex
molecules and other more complex groupings. In my theory Dark-Energy
(Electromagnetism or electrons D.E) + Dark-Matter (Protons) = Hydrogen.
“D.E+D.M=H” Hydrogen to be composed in our Universe by 75% can be done by
joining electromagnetism spectrum to Dark-Matter it combines to hydrogen atoms.
Dark-Matter is spreader in Universe 23 % most as big bubbles. We can always see
change in Helios heath area that is not smooth and it is filled with magnetic
bubbles with many repeating units that also agree my theory. Obviously there is
no need for Big or tiny Bang for creating hydrogen. Most interesting exists in
our Galaxy. Universe solar winds are called Heliopause. Other moving clouds
dust or Galactic wind are Interstellar medium or {ISM} they are dilute that can
travel up to 52.000 MPH. most the dust in milky way is interstellar gas. Some
cosmic hurricane can move in close by Black Hole like Earths 5 category hurricane
speed or even more about 20 million MPH. When big solar wind rising escalating
from Our Sun traveling is stopped by force of termination shock interstellar
medium or (stellar winds) that also contain magnetic force and protons or
Dark-Matter even Dark-Energy that the whole Universe is filled of that Matters,
they also can produce by collaborating D.E+D.M=H. Probably there are other
force fields in the Universe that we are not aware of it, mainly in our solar
system exist large heliospher that resembles to a ballerina skirt. According to
two voyager probes in June 2011 they registered in situ heliosphere
measurements that in these area of Helios heath are thought to be filled with
magnetic bubbles “a foamy zone” each about IAU wide. That also back up my
theory of Dark-Matter collection. Is there Matter in Universe we cannot see? We
calculate the pull that each galaxy in a cluster are moving relative to each
other, also all the dust particles and galactic winds, we come to conclusion
that some gravitational power pulling and holding clusters together, to keep
the clusters in peculiar place. Some astronomers call this energy matter “the
mystery of the missing matter”
Size of Dark-Matter are varies so
small as portion of proton in the Atoms. Invisible energy Proton center core
mass has similarity of pomegranate fruit pushing each other condense bubble
kernels or pips, when the volume grows bigger large round mass of pomegranate
fruit shape balls combine in same principle as the small one, same principle
continues to add up to be larger mass. These big bubbles combine underneath the
Sun surface to lower the temperature. Those are extreme portions of protons or
Dark-Matter, once a while we notice escape from the Sun in million miles wide
diameter. D.E can go even larger by combining into other D.M the way stars
combine and join to be Galaxies then clusters then local groups, still when
Dark-Matter keeps concentrated the shape of large invisible bubbles, some
become as big that they operate as Black-Hole.
Cosmic microwave background sound
we receive from D.E that is scattered in motion in far Cosmos. Atoms change
personality and character when are changed by fusion into different elements,
same with all other particles change flavors. D.M mixing with D.E new particles
is formed and gives new distortions inside Atoms scheme, when atoms decay after
12 billion years of life instruction start to disassemble to cosmic rays radiation
neutrinos gamma rays X-ray’s and many other forms of energy like cosmic rays
and microwave until all mass disappear into two major parts Energy and Matter
or D.E and D.M.
As I explained formerly how the star forms in another
chapter, showing that there is a pulsar in every star having core of
Dark-Matter spinning Dark-Energy surrounding the core adjoining surrounded by
greater volume of bubbles of Dark-Matter. D.M are large invisible condensed
bubbles similar to pomegranates that are over billion miles in diameter,
contain pips or kernels that also contain smaller in sizes other similar
bubbles pomegranate clusters and so on continuing the process to smaller and
smaller , until reaches the volume of proton inside atom that also are clusters
of other kernels
Regarding my theory
Dark-Energy +Dark-Matter) D.E+D.M= H (Hydrogen atom) Inside a star in process
always continues by conflicting this two energies and producing hydrogen so can
be fusion into other elements in instance heat and groping by intense revolving
of D.E is also field energy of electromagnetism but in small forms are
electrons, D.E rotate around D.M core, this spin patter will be produced in
this twirl inside convective zone inside the star by saturation rubbing and
struggling spin By D.E on D.M and even later start fusion and great heat will
be generated, like our Sun generates 27 million0F. surrounding
Dark-Matter bubbles as chromosphere will not allow heat to pass through but
some limited portions of heat will slip through some less crowded areas and
show the tensed external layers through spots or penumbra loop or some call it
dark spot crust, D.M bubble will close the hole tight and look dark on the star
because heat cannot penetrate D.M and show no heat effect, but portions of
trillion tons of matter and gas will show out by flares those cracks will be
stopped not by surface crust but inner dense crowded Bubbles of chromosphere.
So my question is what will happen before a star ignites as supernova?
According my theory, there is always one pulsar in the star, but when the time
come that some D.M bubbles separated from the combined cluster core are
detached they also become smaller pulsars and create greater penetrating
pressure in the convective zone, this process will expend the volume of the
convective zone making larger and larger by other new smaller new pulsars
rolling over the center core of main greater pulsar, this process will create
more cosmic rays and subatomic particles to be prepared as a b red giant to
gigantic explosion or stellar blast. After supernova explosion everything over
the main center core of the pulsar remains plus connected spin of Dark-Energy
that are pertinent to the center clusters of Dark-matter core, almost most of
convective zone are lost in the blast by gigantic explosion creating many new
elements that are rare and in limited numbers like Gold and palladium uranium
and many others
In the Universe there are 23% of Universe is invisible negative mass magnetic bubble of Dark-Matter or D.E that can stop light and heat to go through them composed by individual Bubbles each over billions miles wide collection of billions crowded pushing each other by gravity, similar to the shape of pomegranate, pushing each other like pips or Kernels of pomegranates. Each individual bubble of Dark-Matter is also is crowded Trillion times trillions continuously trillions times of smaller clusters of pomegranates crowded in smaller circles, to make it easier to understand, this latest portion pomegranate shape sphere that will be crowded inside with cluster of pips will be used to serve as one proton inside hydrogen Atom. Divided parts of Dark-Matter spheres that will be included in Atom also are cluster s of smaller pips or kernels pushing each other by gravity. Black Hole is pure condensed Dark-Matter. Generating greater, turbulence spinning Dark-Matter electromagnetism
rotating around the core of Dark-Matter while also, revolving reel on itself
creating tremendous turbulence's. Motion is like rapping a cigar roll. That’s how
hydrogen atoms are formed, all hydrogen in the Universe is formed by this p recession
after that fusion forms, nothing from outside comes to change the personality
of atom to other element except heat and pressure provisions supplied when
electron cables lose some of their helix to send into space of atom inside to
mix with some of cores from Dark-Matter proton clusters and combine into new
particles, their variation showing electric field effect depending how much of
D.E or D.M is combined into the new formality particles.
Also in the Universe exist opposite field 73% Dark-Energy it is invisible electromagnetic positive energy force field that can be serve as electrons in very small portions, Dark-Energy or D.E can travel in the cosmos as Galactic or Stellar winds. Separated from protons by dismantled atoms by Black Hole, Dark-Energy by opposite values before reaching to Black Hole move sideways by great light effect X-Rays like Heliopause and interstellar medium or {ISM} Dark-Energy go through the Black Hole and collectively join to the big group of other D.M bubble mass.
When Dark-Energy whirl in great speed in the universe and suddenly crash into a great crowd of Dark-Matter bubbles, go in certain notch or indentation and start to twirl inside the bubbles, this reaction push most bubbles whirl around the domain circle create chromosphere the way we have our neighboring Sun all Bubbles separated from core portion Bubbles serve like honey comb organized surrounding as umbrella covering to not allow Dark-Energy to step , meanwhile in convective zone will be tense environment when Dark-Energy spin on D.M center condensing Dark-Matter as core. This rotation will be spin pattern in long period astronomical time D.E will rotate on core like Pulsar, because it is covered by surrounding Bubble chromosphere it will be covered, meanwhile in my theory that is explained in another chapter D.E+D.M=H hydrogen will be produced in this twirl inside the new born star by saturation rubbing and struggling spin By D.E on D.M and even later start fusion and great heat will be generated, like our Sun generates 27 million0F. surrounding Dark-Matter bubbles as chromosphere will not allow heat to pass through but some limited portions of heat will slip through some less crowded areas and show the tensed external layers through spots or penumbra loop or some call it dark spot crust, D.M bubble will close the hole tight and look dark on the star because heat cannot penetrate D.M and show no heat effect, but portions of trillion tons of matter and gas will show out by flares those cracks will be stopped not by surface crust but inner dense crowded Bubbles of chromosphere. Some stars are Billions times larger than our Star that shows how big those collection of Dark-Matters can develop in Universe and number of Galaxies and stars can show us how many stars there are still new ones are created in same process. All this are my logical viewpoints and I have to wait until the scientist for the answer. If they agree to my theories. Meanwhile universe is my limit.
We have several candidates in our solar system to form new planets and new moons. One of them is in the circle of Oort cloud or Kuiper belt. In this belt we can find Billion comets, 200 million asteroid-size bodies plus enormous icebergs covered with coating of frozen methanol, can be found also ice mixed with dust, biggest portion is Pluto, Charon orbit above 11.400 mile every 6.4 days above Pluto as a moon, the two spots surface still face each other. Objects that circle around in Kuiper belt 3 about 35.000 objects or exceed 100 km per hour like Charon. Pluto ranges 2.700 and 4.5000 million miles from the Sun, because it takes Elliptical orbit that for short periods takes it closer to the Sun then Neptune, till 2012 never visited by a space prob. Meteorites also called as shooting stars that we receive are small fragments from asteroids. One iron meteorite impact in Arizona, 50.000 years ago, leaves 0.75 miles wide crater.
Another environment to compose planets and moons is the ambiance in the Asteroid belt with 8.000 large Asteroids largest Ceres 580 miles in diameter; the brightest is Vesta is 310 miles across and others like Polas. There are ½ million with diameters at least 1 mile, 75% carbonaceous type. 15% siliceous.
Another Asteroid already completing its task still has lot of work to add on its planet is Trojan Asteroids that moves along Jupiter adding more material on planet Jupiter. Similar to this system also we find Mars with 37 asteroids and 2 moons; last one in our solar system is Apollo Asteroids with no planets yet, another example we have also Magallanic clouds between Mars and Jupiter.
Stars already are familiar to the matter that are moving in the space no matter what molecules and what periodic scale they belong, formally all matter were part of a star, Basic oh hydrogen elements can be found all over the cosmos, till now we know hard to find theory that unifies all forces with gravity as general relativity. Space is filled with Dynamic Dark-Energy and Dark-Mater, there is no need to search graviton or Super gravity that is already is cleared by electromagnetism, now logical descriptions also have their own ethics in standards. We should not be wedged only in mathematical and technical fields only, vast cosmos is a mirror of harmony from larger mass to smaller atoms and particles that go even smaller and lesser.
In my theory Dark-Matter Bubbles is invisible and located center of stars as core surrounded by clods of Dark-Energy that can energize electromagnetism, later it can divide into electrons still can divide into helix xx and crush into neurons at last it can turn into original form as Dynamic D.E or Dark-Energy. So this cloud of D.E spins over the core and the whole activity is covered by larger Bubbles of Dynamic D.M or Dark-Matter.
Composing Planets or moons D.E bubbles traveling by Galactic wind combines to Asteroid belt collecting all loose matter on D.M magnetic bubbles everything close by in the asteroid belt. Even if there were no Heliopause winds our Sun explosions release big bubbles of Dynamic D.M in our solar system once a while carbonaceous type or siliceous or all type of dust and iceberg, water, methanol and all loose matter and gases, traveling with (stellar winds also can be found D.E. According to voyager probes in June 2011 registered in SITU heliosphere measurement that is filled with magnetic bubbles “a foamy zone each one IAU wide, this winds also contain Dynamic D.E that create conflict-ion electrical fields to be pulled and push objects to add on the core of Dynamic D.M, the close by field between two energies magnetic disturbances by D.E and D.M start to generate heat, additional meteorites add on the block building up pressure and new mantle, lithosphere and astrospheres develops. If the activity is greater effect of seismic behavior, even molten lava can be developed that will give pattern spherical formation. Same type energy field can be found on Neptune short lived dark spots because of low volume of D.E that surrounds by bright clouds with methane ice
Circling Dynamic D.E clouds can be seen on Jupiter bright bands known as zones in North and South Equatorial belts. You can find great red spot that is a cloud system, three times wider than the Earth. In my viewpoint this is D.E energy force mixed with dust that circulates opposite to D.M, same kind of circulation might exist inside our planet on the surface of the core, if you look from one side of our core you can see all the way to the other side because Dark-Matter is invisible but very dense you cannot push in anything it is very dense proton mass of invisible Matter, inner region of core that is D.M close by surrounding D.E can provide compounds by extension and duration. If you going to call our core of the Earth hallow that’s true but not empty because exist crowded bubbles of D.M and is impenetrable.
Many asteroid belt materials are candidates to be developed, the principle of all planets moons and stars are completed by center core of Dark-Matter according my viewpoint and expectations.
Why our Earth and Moon
are made from the same material?
As I described in my perspective asteroid belts contain many variety of substantial
properties, and usually each asteroid belt have similarity possessions,
whatever the material was inside the nearby super nova wracked detonation during
an blast lump impact that formed the cluster of the belt. Scientist collected statistics
from Earth and our moon same isotopic oxygen identical composition, it show
angular velocity exact composition. In My theory it was mentioned that
Dark-Matter Bubble is the starting core point to grab most material from the
asteroid belt and combine to a sphere shape ball according to its gravitational
interaction by releasing low octave sound frequencies waves creating energetic
flow of the covalent bonding of all elements that were circling inside the belt
volume, so in my approach the two volume
of Dark-Matter that start grabbing the asteroid material they combined different
spheres according to their volume and gravitational interaction, that’s why finishing
point of the moon produce 1/6 Th. That of Earth having only 1.2% of
Earth`s mass. 1.2 %. The new created Earth and Sun kept the belt that asteroid
belt was circling only the separated parts were combined into Earth and Moon globes.
So the theory of catastrophic collision or planetary wrack between two domains
and dividing into Earth and Moon inappropriately don’t fit in my theory.
As a group, combining as one individual, the personality, how chooses another person, to like or dislike the other person is also, another mass of grains of Dark-Matter. Combined D.E, D.M this variety to choose the taste of appetite, also manifest in atoms, variety of different types of Atoms, for example hydrogen atoms when change into helium fusion, same behavior of hydrogen, change into, helium personality. The starting point of all character of atoms are mainly are hydrogen Element. Most scientist believe that atoms are not living things, but when electrons move in action and communicate with other atoms to register a chemical reaction, that`s a process of communication of a living thing. By tone and sound in lower octaves they give suggestions and orders to other elements, they act according to subjection of the force of invisible God, invisible Dynamic Dark-Energy forms into electrons.
Scientist want to know more about atoms, researches are going regarding
Dark-Matter, one thing is left out they are not considering that Dark-Matter
have intelligence it is invisible and capable to transform from condensed to
more impenetrable mass, have gravity directive sound frequency waves and
communication with other atoms, only Dark-Energy can go through in some degree indentation
Today, scientist want to know more about the unparticle to consider mass-bearings
range spin interactions, how far their spin distance can be go. Plus they want
to know about radioactive uranium decays finding geoneutrinos having confidence
in that the radioactive decade is causing to generate driving motion of
tectonic plate, not considering the assertive scrub between Dark-Energy around
Dark-Matter core in the center core of our Earth. In my notes “Gravity” I have
some points regarding this matter.
Also scientist experiments involve nucleon rare decay, of course protons
and neutrons will be change their performance, sooner or later these particles
will be stopped from their activities but not before they dispatch all their
input data in right core for continuous memorandum, in my notes black hole I
been explaining how all elements and their particles return and transform to
their preexistence invisible Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter state.
In my Opinion D.E and D.M were represented in the Bible, that means there are two major division in Power and Energy, this two object did not have a magical characteristics, but whenever was used somehow God help out to show his Opinion or decision through this two Lots, in the Universe also are only two major Matters to deal with Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy
In the Bible it mentions two objects that are used to determine the divine will, when the Nation asking answer of importance from Almighty God. It was called URIM and THUMMIM (Lev 8:8) was used as Lots, frames with two questions “yes” or “No” as mentioned in (1Sa 28:6 also mentioned in Exodus 28:30) Same word is used at Exodus 25:16 mentioned about the two stone tablets in the Ark of the covenant. Two separate object. In our Universe everything is made of two different elements forces D.E and D.M.
Scientist considers everything not understood it is dark. Even when it is glorious.
Imagine two kids in mother`s womb are having a discussion, * it seems sooner or later we going to burst out of here*”if anything like that ever happen and my embryotic cord is Brocken all my serving in food will be stopped even oxygen will stop flowing into my body, we will be doomed” ** no matter what, I am not moving out of here*”I believe life might continue after this stage I always hear mom talking other people talking I hear music and sounds”*Don’t worry I imagine same thing once a while, now I am 8 months old I know everything about our Universe, about all parts of my body about liquids and look like we are living in Dark-Matter
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