Kaprielian Family
100 years ago human race did not have similar intelligence like today, still they are not on top of the wisdom mountain yet and exactly what are life forms? What is energy, Frequency, Vibration, light, Gravity? How they operate? Still we don’t know much. On our planet we have slight differences in gravity, lowest levels, highest level of hierarchy and final velocity, according to physics equations imparts to objects on or near surface is I in SI units acceleration is measured in meters per second per second, symbolic number is (m/s2 or m-s-2) some scientist also give equation F=ma (Force=mass x acceleration) so depending on location on lands gravitation slightly varies, for example from Turkey to Armenia is very strong also in India, some other areas like middle south Africa is very week. During time, this magnetic flow can be changed, Earth`s magnetic fields flipped about 40.000 years ago.
Imagination is more important than the knowledge. Knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein) According to him in his general theory of relativity, Einstein explains gravity as a distortion of space caused by the presence of matter or energy. In perspective of Greg Kaprielian, gravity is a distortion force consent from Dark-Matter to Dark-Energy authorization, as Dark-Matter release sound frequency wavelengths generates command to gravitational waves of the Universe, which is force field of Dark-Energy. Considering how gravity travel like speed of light, showing light energy and gravity ae similar forces of quantum field, they both are released from dark energy transformations.
How Dark Matter operate?
In my perspective, Dark-Matter has no any gravitational
force, Dark-Matter has intelligence, conciseness, and is a other form of living
being, have invisible energy field, spread to entire universe, Dark-Matter entreats
with vast complicated frequency requests, send to the other living invisible
living creator force, with signals that, until now we totally unaware of it,
still we don’t have the tools to penetrate, it is not explained for us. By
entreaties from Dark-Matter to Dark-Energy, floating object are carried away to
other location, to apply the request Dark-Energy can rule and effect to entire
universe by split of second to farthest location in universe, not like limited
speed of light, affect to entire galaxies in the universe, to make them move or
spin, through the energy field of Dark-Energy, that also is dispersed to entire
universe. So Dark-Matter is the engineer inside the Universe, Dark-Energy
provides the intelligence power and material to persuade or operate.
I respect scientific perspectives and
true Christian faith, according to Jesus Christ the grand engineer who formed
the earth and other galaxies, explain the secret force that can effect on all
matter. Expressions from Jesus is recorded in book of Matthew 17:20 “- - For
truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say
to this mountain “Move from here to there” and it will move, and nothing will
be impossible for you, spiritually, faith is one of 9th from fruit
of the spirit. Personally, I call this force of gravity.
We all accept, main circuit
of gravity as fundamental force, I will explain with my perspective that Entire
universe is one harmonious force shaft field energy under control of Dark-Energy,
all mass motions derive as soon receiving directives from Dark-Matter into
Dark-Energy to allow movement inside complete force of gravity that control all
movements inside the Universe, so by gravitational force Dark-Matter does not
solemnly repel or attract objects, Dark-Matter only send frequency to
Dark-Energy, position results will be repulse motions of individual particles
by Dark-Energy that we call “Gravity” when I taste the gravity it flavor delicious
gravy of Universal soup.
The gravitational wave force, that rules inside Universe.
Gravity force is an invisible ripple, as entire Universe is immersed
inside the force of Dark-Energy, gravity is activating force to effect in
space, effectiveness can be seen like speed of light, that is 186.000 miles per
second, it can elevate its level force, to directive force, by released
frequencies from Dark-Matter, ask sanctions to travel in space, connecting to the
flow of gravitational waves, by frequency consent to be connected into space-time
ripples. Inside the universe there
is a major force that guides all movements, gravity and light can take ride on
same speed, in the power control of Dynamic-Matter. Energetic process of gravitational wave is produced by Dark-Energy,
where matter takes ride into the flow by acquiescence, with frequency released
from Dark-Matter. Depending how large volume gravity might burst, depending how
much Dark-Energy is compacted it makes the difference how it will propagates gravity. Inside black hall entire spinning accretion disk
contain condensed forceful Dark-Energy, same with explosion of supernova star,
where Dark-Energy burst out from surface of the core of the star. Also, is
noticeable as shown large volume of Dark-Energy on neutron stars, especially
when colliding with other neutron stars. Core of the planet Earth that is made
from Dark-Matter, regulate frequency permit events to travel its surrounding
matter as connecting with ripples of space-time, connecting to forcefield of Dark-Energy.
Some might predict that gravity is related to rotation of the Earth saying because Earth spins, but until now they have no definition physics equation about how it works, there are some ideas that downward weight force comes from condense mass of elements in our planet, so we are not sure that is from spin rotation. Not sure that it is from Earth`s mass.
I am just a logician and can do many mistakes but I would like to share my viewpoint in reasoning outlook, in one of my other chapters there are articles Black Hole, there are two major energies that form or combine every matter in the Universe, Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy, they are contrasting energy fields, they can operate by sound covalent bonds, either combining bringing together or separating disinterests schemes, this two energies command by low octave sound frequencies, center of all atoms exist protons that are portion of Dark-Matter, all elements obey every knack given by Dark-Matter, surrounding the atom is electrons that is made from dark-Energy, their greater mass volume also give instructions and all atoms try to be directed by electrons and reconcile the guidelines. If everything done by gravitational attraction to pull
everything nonstop ultimately everything will ruin inward by extreme density compression,
this is the reason my perspective that in gravitational process there is also
limitation and borderline of attraction in static university some connect that
to propagate accretion, but very close by elements will lose their connection their to accretion sooner or later, electrons obey standard principles with
sound frequency of protons that is Dark-Matter. Dark-Energy is continuously commanding the entire Universe to expend. But matter headquarters, Dark-Matter is directing producing low octave sound frequencies for atoms to covalent bonds, to gravity force field to keep steady mass. I apologize for my wondering like to cherish the feelings what can I conclude and expect your kindness not to judge in hastily, I think we all are imperfect humans. There are two urbane energies, invisible unknown vigor that reins oversee in intelligence to produce new stars and Galaxies direct atomic order in the Universe. Recycle the matter through Black Holes, expand the Universe, direct all sort of energy fields and keep orderly all data happenings in great details for record, some of these information transferring energy is active and found in human brains, even all rest of animals and insects and living organisms and living atoms. I will explain my logical perceptions in other chapters.
Gravity is quantum distortion of space frequencies from Dark Matter stirring
Dark Energy high energy anomalies mutating energetic phenomena in space fields
to emission gravity, between two forces of Dark Matter and Dark Energy gravity
intuitive is on track, and because this both energies are supernatural intelligent
entities they progress everything in order.
For many years Newtonian
law was dominant, after new technological space calculation considering plasma
that is spread inside 99% of the Universe new assumptions in mathematical
notions don’t go parallel to Newtonian viewpoints. Many times we been receiving
theoretical principles that are coming to be contradictions like considering
biggest misleading theory of Big bang, in our limited point theories were
adopted but later based on wider scientific data, former assumptions were lost. For many years physicists considered symmetry gravity as law of Nature adapt in, unfortunately that will is not adopt with Quantum gravity theories. Quantum mechanics agree that entire Universe has a purpose, because there is intelligence behind every Galaxy, star, planet and behind all other object visible and invisible things.
Einstein presented general relativity, in a logical
sense, that gravity is spacetime curvature, explaining that gravitation time
dilation result can affect gravity that we sense. As time go forward, also flow
of time go forward, mixing into flow of time, that brings mass together, as
gravitational time dilation.
Theory of Greg Kaprielian
Before of any other force Dark-Energy always existed to propagate gravity, portion
from it transformed by Dark-Energy to form Dark-Matter, every other energy
inside the Universe came from these two energy forms, including galaxies gravity
and everything that exist inside the Galaxy. Scientist discovering that
Dark-Matter does not emit light or heat neither it excludes any frequencies, in
my perspective it can expand with volume in energy or density, because every infinitesimal
invisible point of Dark-Matter is spring of limitless force field. Scientists consider gravity as weak force bringing into conclusion that Dark-Matter
interacts with itself and other matter, I believe that entire Universe has sort
of transparent microwave background velocity function where each dot can be
attracting or repel, any object if Dark-Matter directs frequencies thump to be activated by
Dark-Energy. Calculations regarding pattern of Dark-Matter by astrophysicists,
regarding two types of acceleration according Gobs and Gbar, computer
simulations can`t explain Dark-Matter hypothesis. same confusions will be
reached modified dynamics by examining lights from colliding galaxies. In my
Blogs I introduced Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter invisible intelligent force
field life forms that are not under any theoretic regulation patterns, also gravity effect on our planet has geographically zone activities, according to Dark-Matter condensing varieties inside the core of the planet.
Dark-Energy that I call this supernatural power Dynamic-Energy as the Almighty,
Dark-Matter I call this power Dynamic-Matter as Jesus Christ the Engineer of
the Universe.
According to NASA/WMAP Universe is 13.77 billion years old by measuring
temperature fluctuation. In my imagination point of view every atom is permitted
to locate a position inside our Universe and by sound frequency directives the
get connected to other new locations, expansion of the cosmos make the universe
locate new special spectral locations that are not permanent, as soon cosmic
acceleration take new spectral position on the far ends of the Universe all
elements in our Universe radially be directed to locate themselves into new unstable
locations hat also later will be variable all this movements prospect are
consider as gravitational mechanism. Somehow cosmic acceleration and all local
points are connected to exchange positions by new code of low octave sound
frequency tone waves radically reaching into special locations.
My gravity
Many years later after Newton theory physical interactions modern science
except new form of interactions such as Albert Einstein`s basic theory of
general relativity, in 1916 that was propagate more it was predicted as basis
of the theory of general relativity gravitational wave, since then we have
several in variance of general relativity physical interactions, main acceptance
rely on gravitational waves that are ripples in the curvature of space time
where waves are traveling outward similar to expansion of the Universe. Some
connect gravity forces are released from binary star systems from dwarf, black
holes, and neutron stars and so on; as time pass new sensitive tools are
presented scientist in variance might change as it was the situation in last
century. While we are considering so many words are jumping up and down such as
singularity, Quantum theory, merging, shift un-shift, bending revolving infinite
speed so on. The way I see it gravity have variety atypical form of in-variance,
for example generated magnetic activity is diverse kind of gravity such as Earth`s
gravity. Monitoring space time gravity we detect some star clusters in galaxies
move in unlike speed and also some resonate in different physical vibration
interactions, after all in logical sense I feel to predict that is my
perspective that entire Universe contains smaller than nano meter fractions of
energy dots such as millionth proton in diameter that stress each dot of the
Universe to be compel where each atom stands, where a planet, star or galaxy
stands and be guided directives according to Dynamic-Energy the entire
population (except as Dark-Energy) in other word I believe entire mass of the Universe
have to coerce or to exist any position movement in the Entire Universe.
Dynamic energy can create storms on every star or planet
Usually basic accepting about gravity by scientist is gravitation that is
hypothetical element particle, one thing for sure is massless, this
stress-energy tensor is triggered by sound frequency code that connects matter
to quantum field gravitation framework that I described earlier, it is
invisible not a particle nor collectible mass its source is universal pin point
permissible dots that can be allowed to travel using time seeming inertia is
working in reality time is taking lead to dislocate elements to other pin
points by sound frequency tone waves.
Later on in my conclusion I will try to present my perspective that per
durative explanation of Quantum Mechanics entanglement is not only occurring
instance nearby black hole solution as wormholes, influences of gravity is in
every atom size points inside the Universe that closely connect as space –time ripples,
every directive from Dark matter that is released can direct any nearby element
to be connected subjects or disconnected disentangled subject according to tone
reaction, interesting aspect is that all dot point inside the cosmos are
connected as center points dragging apart or tweak elements by dynamical
connection to transport elements inside the Universe. Gravity is connecting
each element into space-time ripples that is all around and inside our
Universe. Let’s consider first our planet activity first. That`s why Core of our planet Earth, especially center of the Earth gravity becomes ZERO, because the core is not a mass of gravity but it`s sound frequency wavelengths connects near by all mass into space time motion.
Another reason for
Like other stars and planets,
planet Earth is other form of living thing with intelligent reasoning’s. All
the mineral deposits are spread inside the ground and on the surface of the
planet is adjusted to harmonize the liveliness stability of the planets frequency
wavelengths, all the spread elements have to do with balancing the vigor energy,
as we know all atoms have their personality sequence wavelengths, iron copper
lead uranium have their own variety of frequencies, as they spread in the
ground core of the planet reach to connect with all parts of the atom variations,
this balance will be lost where mining collect all sort of deposits from the
ground, great amount of chalk dimensions stones, soft and hard rock minerals, metal deposits coal gemstones
oil shale petroleum natural gas gravel water, all this mining operations not
only create negative environmental impact but they also create disaster with
balancing harmony flow of energy with the planets fault lines standpoints. For
example take 70 % of Uranium mining come from Kazakhstan, Canada and Australia,
all the radiation where this metals were positioned down had a job to do, they
have a reason why they located to release radiations that somehow have a part
in balancing the frequency depression harmony of plate tectonics that effect on gravity of the
planet. Additionally all underground mining shaft mining utilities, vertical
shafts, creating underground room, pillar mining and so many ways of mining and
surface mining unfastens crater Earths land balance forms causing more
earthquakes. Just consider surface trench mining in canyon copper mining of Rio,
Utah, another copper mining in Chuquicemata Chile and many others, how about
the open ground hole near Phalaborwa South Africa Phalabora pit 800 meters deep
2 kilometers wide, gaping hole can be seen from space. Miners can`t work longer
deep in the trench, because they can feel the heat temperatures of the molten
Vortex Motion
Dark Matter is the center of matter, but it is not solid matter, it is only
pure energy that can shrink to smaller bubbles to fit inside an atom as proton
that still can divide to smaller invisible portion to join with smaller portion
force from electron to form particles inside atom. Dark Matter can expand large
to gulp a galaxy; everything inside Universe is affected by Dark Matter
including biological life stars and planets. Let`s consider the heliocentric
model of solar system, where our sun similar to a comet swing through space 70.000
Km/hr. inside the Milky way Galaxy. In my perspective all movement including
deep space is not at random, Dark Matter is in control to effect every move in
spiral motion, rational shift of the solar system is not aimlessly, that’s why
now scientist is calling this motion a Vortex. It is very clear the effect of
Dark Matter, Vortex motion is everywhere, as we see the Milky Way Galaxy it
surges in Vortex motion, same with solar system, On Earth have you seen a
sunflower rank seed how is line up? Or any flower plants trees, how does a
water flow express when falling? How about life of the string of DNA everything
no matter how large or tiny they all are effected by Vortex motion that is
generated from Dark Matter. It is confusing
to see how cats’ dogs and other animals` detect movements first arrive from earthquake,
before seismic waves arrive through P waves shadow zones, seismograph signal P
waves consequence producing rolling effect, so main type of waves are elastic
body waves and P waves, frequency released from Dark-Matter patterns are released
through P waves, as soon Dark-Energy reach the point for earthquake, the chafing
jolts seismic waves starts.
To make my perspective explainable gravity is embedded concealments force
that holds the entire Universe, in an example as water molecules arranged to
reach top of sequoia, wooden cells transfer each oration of water (that
contains memory) into top of their head top eastward or top westward to make
water reach far up positions, this sort of invisible energy field that is not grasped
science call it Quantum entanglement flow gear, no matter where atoms are
located in the Universe. Unseen entangled atoms are directed to grasp energy
warping, this energy direct by sound tone frequency wavelengths from invisible weightless Dark-Matter bubbles, so Quantum does not have particles the idealized springs harmony
that are already embed in cosmos that effect in vacuumed energy warping,
oscillation fluctuation is generated by connecting vacuum energy warping that
can be registered in laboratories to observe during cloud of Rubidium that have
ten-millionth of degrees above absolute zero
between two transparent mirrors, during beams of weak pulses of laser,
inside pulses single photons will demonstrate how Quantum entanglement is in
process of superposition as seeming that they move so fast that they can be
located in two or more places at once. So Quantum entanglement is effect of
Dark-Matter sound tone frequencies command to order atoms to entanglement
simultaneously regardless of distance because entire cosmos is hologram metrics
that seems like gravity in reality is just connection into that oscillation
fluctuation of extraterrestrial energy field that also is time warping loop
7 layers of core of planet Earth.
This picture is the top layer of planets Earth’s core, you can see only
four layers, similar to sow blade falling pressure go into more volume layers. Upper
lane number seven is the less dense portion of Dark-Matter; pressure received
from top makes the mass to move to bear leftward. Lower level of Dark matter
are more condensed but the top pressure don`t reach into next level or the
third on as number seven, only slight effect reaches to renovate lower layers, there
are seven layers of Dark-Matter, only the top one has the effect of liquid and
still is more condensed than lead other layers have gradually tighter and more
supernatural tight density as lower they pervade. Seven layers of Dark-Matter curvature
into right and left makes our planet to be connected into space time showing pressurized
gravitational waves.
The deference between my approach and others is.
They say. Outer layer of core is liquid, They don`t mention what sort of
liquid, my perspective is it is Dark Matter less condensed the lower layers of
core where surface core Dark Matter gives the effect as it is liquid but not
They say surface water of core stay on the core. My approach is liquid
water has no chance to stay liquid in 10.800 0F or 6.000 degrees Celsius,
it could vaporized and vanished. My approaches are Dark Matter, even in liquid
form does not penetrate heat and light.
They say 10.000 0F temperature that is more hot than the Sun are
generated from radioactive decay over the core that is 1.516 miles across similar
to the size of our moon. My approach is Core of Earth is Dark Matter like
proton of atom on top Dark Energy spin surrounding the core like electrons spin
over proton. This create fraction to generate heat as was mentioned by scientific
They say inner core is made of solid Iron. My approach is, Earth`s core completely
is Dark Matter, it has 7 layers on top of layers, from most condensed form of
Dark Matter to lesser dense state of Dark Matter till surface liquid form. This
seven layers generate geomagnetic field of magnetosphere that are more than
one layers to interact and protect our planet from Sun`s deadly rays and solar
They says Core of the planet spins in speed of two-thirds of second faster,
without explain why is that so? My approach is core takes the lead to spin
planet Earth, same leading effect we experience with liquid up and down with wavering
flaps that directives on plate tectonics that we notice in continental drift.
By logical imaginations I came into these conclusions. Dark Matter core has no gravity but can direct by frequency wavelengths all other matter to be connected into Ocean force of string theory inside the Universe that is composed of small vibration strings that are so tiny to register. Or as others call it fabric of space time.
This is what some scientist consider about gravity of Earth.
Liquid layers of the core has higher jumps that generate more gravitational effect. lower portions leave less gravitational effect, for example the moon has same mechanism that show on this picture.
The moon.
Similarity on Earth`s core surface and surface of planet Jupiter.
The best surface view of planet Earth`s core have similarity to the surface
of planet Jupiter, as I explained core of planet Earth is pure layers of Dark
Matter, supernatural thick layer is in the center adding other layers that goes
gradually thinner layers but still the top layer that is number 7th
layer has the condensation of 15 times more thicker than lead. Considering
Earth`s core most flat invisible layers have flat standpoint that give
similarity to the top picture of sow blade, all top pressure on that blade realm
on push the flow into leftward but the landing force move to rightward, on the
other hand Equatorial zone of planet Earth North and South equatorial zone are
positioned to compel into opposite stance, going upper position till polar
regions temperate and belt zones have less plate form Dark-Matter to grab
weight heaviness load of the planet, activity of Earth`s core and surface of
planet Jupiter create enormous magnetic field, in my perspective all planets
and stars have same principle of core that is 7 layers of condensed Dark-Matter. Inside atoms each portion of Dark-Matter that represent a proton have density so condense not the pressure from surrounding but by itself it contains pressure higher than in a neutron star.
Gravity of the Earth North and south basically are the same flow of
electromagnetism field, like a huge helix field that is full of clusters of
many gradually smaller and smaller helixes, starting from north go all the way
to south, on its way some changes occurs, it reaches to a point to range into
its limitation from the original point and turns back in reverse spin unique,
starting clockwise it reverse into counter-clockwise, this effect can be seen
on liquid water flowing from a faucet down in open air. On North grounds if you
discharge glass of water slowly it flows down clockwise but if you try same
approach on south of the globe water falls down counter-clockwise, after Earth
poles reverse this process on Earth also will be reversed. My theory is take an
imaginary large loop of spring movement turning clockwise for certain distance
reaching to its range the point of onward movement to returns into backward
keeping flow of helix in converse cycle that is counter-clock wise to return in
its innovative starting point of energy field to recurrence the spin from foundation
to linger continuous process.
It is not comprehended how scientist
expect the core of this planet to be block of iron in instance temperature? In
my perspective core of this planet is made of condensed Dark-Matter that
through it heat can`t penetrate. Scientist analyzes the seismic signatures that
are released between core into the lower mantle boundaries and can `t figure
out what causes it? They gave a name to it ultra velocity zones (UVZ) over the
core-mantle boundary surface, Dark-Matter core has different condensed levels,
its top level has liquid formations as dipper level goes the core show more condense
levels that is more dense that iron and lead, that`s why by radio imaging waves
observe register iron form density, it is invisible supernatural living force
field with intelligence qualification, Dark-Matter release velocity directives by
frequencies to its surrounding lower and upper mantle up to 1.800 miles upward
to the surface of our planet to communicate by invisible giant magnetic bridge
into the solar system and other formations of Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy that
also is supernatural living force, they both pour intelligence into atoms and
through atoms into all other form of living things.
Gravity and electricity interaction is based with sound tone energy flow
that still is in research, till now we know that double helix structure is
functional in many ways starting from DNA forms and amino acids that 50%spin
from right to left 50% from right to left in all instances is based on opposite
double helix directives similar to Perpetual motion (PMH) by two energy field
Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter all natural occurrences are based on Natural
Altering Current that can also active in gravity, till now I am the only person
that representing the protocol of Dark-Matter core inside the Earth as the
active force by sound directives that is operating with our planet and all
other form of moons stars and Galaxies.
Gravity is produced when sound frequency wavelengths from Dark-Matter core
are released toward certain areas where all elements in that zone be directed
to grab Quantum entanglement and move giving effect of gravitational flow,
sometimes this directives can be measured only in certain beam like portions of
land or water, for example this sort of activities can be seen by underwater
wave, Toward Tasmania there is always forming underwater waves to be specific
this location is in Macquarie Ridge that is located on New Zealand coast,
gravitational wavelengths have their starting point also their dividing
invisible walls that can collect to grab time warping loop that is the main
entire force of our cosmos that holds everything to move or control by gravity
field fluctuation as we see in Tasman underwater wave that hold certain volume continuously
forming to operate only in certain location and for certain intelligence
activity that we might know someday. For now my conclusion I believe entire Universe is a field of energy every
dot of that energy is smaller than an atom as some know shortest distance
position or Plank scale, any sound frequency directives to certain pin point
location will activate neighboring atom either to be connected to move into new
position or halt as they were, this has also similarity values as quantum entanglement
where atoms warp themselves into energy warping to oscillators into extraterrestrial
field fluctuation each warping loop is a directive from low or high octave
sound frequency that reach to contact supernatural centrifugal force of the Universe wavelengths release directives to order to entangle mater into plank scale quantum
entanglement. Do not be surprised when someday all of a sudden noticing great numbers in our
galaxy beheading into new directions on their own leaving the regular flow
directives of the galaxy, because sound frequency directives can change all
basic procedures that seem gravity is in order there are other forces that can
adjust flow of directions of all matter inside Universe that is our of basic physical
principles we know so far.
In 1915 by logical sense Einstein predicted that gravity is some sort of
vibration warp as he explained general theory of relativity, in my perspectives
entire Universe is emerged inside field of sound frequency wavelengths with
tiny interference pattern small size as atoms volume directed by commend
patterns to build or obliterate geographical mass locations of stars or planets
in far distances, we can sense steady rumble patterns ripples as gravitational
waves that is caused by sound frequencies that are released from Dynamic energy
(Dark energy) in the entire Universe having space time into interference patterns
where the result will show as gravity activity. I came into conclusion that
gravity is space -time curvature into all directions inside the Universe,
entire inner Universe is one large sum of force that allows every portion of
mass and energy to transport itself when Dark-Matter frequency release
directives into the pinpoint location, so gravity is not active as Centrifugal force,
any moment Dark Matter direct by sound wavelength frequency into any matter to
be connected into space-time curvature, gravity flow connects to the object but
disconnects from Universal force into inertia force.
In my perspective any sound frequency from core that is released by weightless Dark-Matter bubbles direct great volume of land or water to certain direction, that’s
how earthquakes occurs, sometimes the movement is horizontal other times
diagonal, certain effects that we see earth moving up and down, all this effect
are done with same principle that I am describing, earthquake faults that are previously
build is because of constant flow sound frequency from Dark matter that forming
this local forms to be separated or push each other, in my earthquake post all
action is according to this form of activities.
and Einstein have added great inputs about gravity attraction and repulsion. Tesla
brought the theory of Dynamic gravity wraps, but at that time there was no
input about plasma physics and Dark-Matter mass anomalies. In 1900 by
observation, astronomers noticed that rotation speed of galaxies phenomena is
much faster around its nucleus than the outer regions center my outlook is that
sound frequency waves were more close directives than the outer layers
everything in harmony to prevent any collision as some invisible intelligence
guiding all those moving stars and planets including Quarks Quasars all other
thing and black holes. As I described dark Matter is in every star formality as
core and communicates to the rest of all large scale structural other bubble
forms inside the cosmos in intelligent precision's. Sound communication to make
connection into quantum time distinct localities it has been considered by
scientist gravitational sensing till as space-warping till now. Still gravity keeps
modified by researches worldwide.
There are many theories in gravity that still are in research most major
portions are Newton`s G and the second one Einstein’s general relativity all
are taking into consideration in one word (Graviton) this are gravitational
equations, some categorize as Electromagnetic photon carriers that effect
gravity but till now never been detected any gravitational photon effect, what
is the force that attracts, some hope to consider a convergent force that can
be effective also in topologies in a vacuum by energy field that effects on all
Many scientist and researchers bring out their perspectives in this matter,
if someday physics prove certain Tetryonic theory they will be the one to be
the fountain about that idea, some of this conclusions are, gravitational
forces as being the consequence of charged quantum mass geometries and matter pursuing equilibrium.
Most easy conclusions is talking about quantum field theory no one knows
where is it how it look like taking into consideration spin-1 and spin-2 photons
making indistinguishable from gravitation all this verification are still
experimental hoping to be discovered in future.
Only this couple hundred years by sensitive instrument we realized that might
exists many other imperceptible radiations and sound process in signaling
variations still there is innumerous entity to be discovered. In Tetryonics
unified theory there are also many groups as lapllacian interactions &
Gravitational forces some might have mass-Energy-Matter equivalence, total
gravitational forces or energies, pressure variations in energy, also it is
noticeable the weak-Equivalence principle, magnetic field tensor with different
ranking, accelerating gravitational fields or constant in close objects or
attract action-at a-distance all this fundamental field strength can be observed
but not clear what theoretical method is effective. Still we are not sure to
adapt Newtonian gravitation or Einstein’s gravitational constant, general
Gravitational wave is a ripple in the fabric of space time, I believe Universe
is contained in invisible force field that are considered in Quantum theory, Einstein
call it general relativity some add Big bang and inflationary period in our
Universe, if someday human race can be detected more close to figuring out how
Black Holes operate comparing to other Black Holes they might conclude
gravitational wave ripples how it operate, I believe every tiny dot in Universe
is ordinance center that can undermine any element matter that is loose in
space and basic of all matter starting force field is connected to this
invisible pin point entire centers that obey decree under one authority in
Dynamic-Energy that is called Dark-Matter. Some scientist prepared in LIGO
facility to measure gravity in certain distances, they split laser into L
shapes, after two lasers travel up to 4 Km arms laser will bounce back and then
measured to detect the differences. They haven`t detected any yet. Now they are
preparing new more sensitive detectors called the advanced LIGO schedule that
will be fully operational in 2014.
In Space, sometimes we detect gravitational waves, as soon two objects crash
into each other new gravitational waves are released, similar to large swarm of
birds’ clusters of big mass of atoms that already are directed, in my
perspective gravity is generated when dark Matter sound frequency waves release
command to elements to grab flow of quantum entanglement force, as soon two
large mass of objects crash into each other like the flock of birds that need
new guidance release their own sound frequency directives ( in my post atoms
are other forms of living things) each atom can express it`s objection, at this
point equivalent flow energy from conductivity that are produced from each atom
from their core (core of atoms are Dark-Matter) together they conserved during
titration to release their own sound frequency directive that will generate a
new gravitational wave till other stronger directive overcome their
gravitational redshift frame-dragging capacity, so equivalence principle might
be adjusted afterward according to surrounding sound frequency directives.
Planet Earth`s heat generator.
On top of the last block of Dark Matter core there is a large jet stream of
Dark Energy that wrapped like waves that rises its amplitude yearly about 25
miles on core or as scientist call it “tangent cylinder” This loosely defined
geometric structure is wide starting from inner north pole to south encircles
the core, it doesn’t cover the core completely but gradually like a pealed
orange skin it will during westward current, this process also generates core of the planet gravity waves we feel. Some scientist calculate of this
wave has 7.730 0C or 13.940 0F Dark Energy I call it
Dynamic Energy force grinding over force of Dynamic Matter generates heat that
we feel inside planet Earth.
Like Jupiter Planet Earth is experiencing Westward drift
By X-Ray scientist register information about core of the planet that the
surface of the core has formation of liquid gyre similar to atmosphere`s jet
stream moving westward, some call this Rossby waves. To my perspective, every
planet all form of stars and galaxy including black holes has center core of
Dark Matter, Dark matter is invisible power force that cane divide into smaller
than any particle including light has intelligence life force and is
supernatural energy similar to Dark-Energy, Dark-Matter can change density on
any moment and is not regulated by any theoretical principles. Core of our
planet Earth contains different density layers of Dark-Matter, most inner
center has the most condensed layer, every layer coverage contains less pack
reduced density, all together seven layers, starting from center the sixth
layer is more condense than lead, the seventh layer resembles into water but
still is compressed similar to iron. Regular water can`t endure under tremendous
temperature of central Earth, Dark Matter does not generate gravity, it directs
all matter to be connected to Universal cosmic web that is controlled by
supernatural Dark-Energy, so Dark Matter gears mass to be connected to
Universal Ocean of force field the result that we call planetary waves. Geomagnetic
field that will created can protect Earth`s living things by repelled.
Opposite to Earth`s rotation, surface of core planet Earth`s dynamic of
outer core surface where liquid form of Dark-Matter have slow drift toward
Westward 10.5 miles per year, liquid formation rotation will result in every
descending formation as we see on sow blades, liquid rotating waves into
westward dragging. Surface of
the core of planet Earth
In my perspective I see results on planets stars and Galaxies, all moving
matter in the Universe I can analyze that there are sound tones low and high
octave sound frequencies that are released from Dark-Matter that is center core
of all atoms also some parts of all combination particles in atoms, that
release joining covalent directives to be linked to quantum Universal field gravimetric
new positions in Universe by certain force field slow or fast movements that is
complete volume of entire Universe that also represent time energy force field,
Entire Universe is entrenched in several variety of unknown force fields that
is indistinguishable but results are noticeable all are different equivalence
of Dark-Energy force field. So the sound tones are released from atoms and
quantum theory takes element to other locations by time interactive force
fields. Contingent sound tone variations that will also connect synchronize on
the way to make it move to directive preside-rs of Graviton strength either
constant or accelerated or instantaneous action effecting far distances. We don’t
need wormholes to travel in time sound right directives can connect into
interactive time warping dimension and just move its location to new territories
thousand times faster than light travels.
In some situations gravitational theories do not add up in all scales, for
example if gravity works as magnetism so long ago already Our Sun had pulled
its closest distant planets Mercury and Venus absorbing them but as you see
rotations of this two planet around the Sun is faster but not pulled toward the
Sun for destruction, inner planets and further object all are kept in their
distances, all comets asteroids have separate region to orbit and Sun does not
dominate 100% by its Gravitationally on all other objects, so gravity in our
solar system show other theoretical procedures that is not spoken yet by the
In our solar system all planets and moons can effect in subtle motion of
Sun, Jupiter alone can slow Suns stellar wobble or causes 13 m/s or 29 miles
per hour amplitude wobble inside the sun, Dark-Matter core release sound
frequency directives to move elements to be connected into grabbing Universal
extraterrestrial field quantum entanglement flow, depending how large or small
planets mass can cause different stellar wobbles in the Sun. Like Earth
Jupiter’s core also is surrounded by flow of Dark-Energy having also other
separate portion of D.M to spin on the surface of the planet. Same force affects
Meteorological conditions on our planet Earth.
Core of our planet that is Dynamic Matter (Dark-Matter) control all mass on
the surface of planet earth, some locations more intensely than other some
locations more slightly, to proof my point I like to mention a mysterious hill
in USA located in 1016 County line road Westville Indiana that can be reached
from 6 or 20 highway County line passing over a bridge that takes you to tall
road north into a Hill. People notice strange phenomena in 1939 with a school
bus also in 1940 with other experiences. If you drive to step down road leave
your car in neutral gear position you can push your car up hill, some conclude
that hill contain great gravity force to pull other matter upward, what I
conclude that center core of our planet release directives of other levels to
surface of planet Earth, that’s why I came to a new conclusion that is in next
In my conclusion Gravity activity is part of entire universe combined with
energy of time, time is energy that only apply on limited living beings and
matter, many are confused that gravity is released from mass of matter and as
soon they collide release ripples in space time similar to stone thrown to pond
that shows gravitational waves, those waves, water waves are different than
gravitational waves, gravity show its existence when Dynamic Matter ( dark
matter)send signals to mass volume to react by making atoms grab themselves
into time warping loop quantum entanglement that from outside look like gravity
fluctuation in process by massive churns far in the Universe.
So, in my conclusion I only can describe entire Universe is
embedded in some sort of invisible energy similar to liquid Ocean that don’t have
compositions as fundamental objects because it is made of invisible force field
made more smaller portions than light stimuli that activate by command from
other mass containing Dark-matter and Dark Energy to provide dynamic triangulation to function through warps space-time to release gravity, in reality gravity is
generated from mass command into invisible energy Ocean of the Universe to
participate making seem that mass is pulling other mass as gravity force, in
reality it is space-time invisible liquid Ocean that is in control of all
objects inside the Universe according to the frequency flow commands that are
released from Dark Energy and Matter. In the beginning I had non of other
scientist that have same perspectives but the time will come probably many
others will agree with my perspective.
For many years some scientist teaches us that gravity is magnetic force
pull everything toward a mass object, on that false principle they teaches us that
the Sun pulling our entire solar system together to stay an same bends, planet Earth is pulling
the moon to stay on same bends rout. In my perspective as I repeatedly mentioned
gravity is not a force it does not pull other mass objects explaining gravity
is sound frequency directives that command other elements to be connected
velocity trajectories into accelerating by connecting to invisible force field
that imbedding the entire universe some call it fluctuation of vacuum energy warping,
as I explained in the beginning of this article giving example of Sequoya tree
moving water molecules on top, the traveling line that we call it bends are already
flow of knots that individual atoms or big mass of atoms as planets and moons
get connected into invisible force field knots of space-time that make it seems
like gravitational lensing, in reality elements are grabbing into extraterrestrial
field of warping loop, it has nothing to do with bending line, this particular
path are directives from Dark-matter by frequency wavelengths commanding nearby
elements to grab into knots of great powerful field that is Dark-Energy that accelerating
velocity trajectory, that is cooperation rout between two forces of Dark Matter
and Energy to particular orbits, otherwise Earth already grabbed the moon long
time ago and Sun grabbed planet Earth long time ago. There are instances where
an asteroid or meteorite falls into Earths mass gravity pull if it comes very
close but mostly they pass nearby planet earth without being captured, not effecting
by Earths pulling force or above mentioned factors.
Smaller than each atoms particle mass size over entire Universe are
collections of inertia force knots or enigmatic lurks that can be fixed into stick
position or jump into oscillation into new positions, fluctuation of vacuum
energy warping are inside this single knots, this entire Universal vacuum
energy is part of Dynamic Energy, as soon Dynamic Matter releases frequency
patterns by vibration sound tones nearby other elements that already contain
small portions from invisible clusters of Dark Matter bubbles they correspond
to grab portions from quantum entanglement of quantum flow gear to change their
position location inside Universe or space, probable you have observed how
frequencies on a metal sheet change position of small sands into geometric
patterns, Vibrating plate depending their volume and function generational tone
frequency Hz catalyzing upgrade of force sands form into geometrical patterns
if the level of Hz get higher their pattern modifications into more complex
forms, this tiny sand elements are getting connected into knots of Quantum entanglement’s
through sounds command from Dark Matter, sound variation inside the Universe
make mass grab into unseen force fields that we call it gravity in reality there
movements are done by commands from sound tone frequencies to be connected into
inertia Quantum time warping loop or harmony oscillations, all fluctuations of
patterns are sound vacuumed energy warping into quantum flow gears. As the designs
on a vibrating plate show geometric patterns by the effect of tone frequency function
same with Hz catalyzing changes collect sand particles into geometrical
patterns, this principle is operative inside entire Universe inside atoms our
cells and DNA and everything that is part of the entire Cosmos.
Please try one of my tests examples, take a transparent glass filled with
water and a few ice cubes to drink, drop tiny 1/8 piece of mint leaves floating
inside edge opposite side where you will try to drink and reach the mint as
well, now try to spin cup slowly to move the mint to your mouth, you might
notice while the cup spinning the water lump with mint edge stay same position
while the cup is spinning slowly, somehow gravitational grasp by Centre core of
the earth keep water course option to stay certain direction that was pre
located spot and not be effected by floating spinning around of the cup. If
there was no any other interferences by gravity water in the cup supposed to
spin with the cup direction, I am sure there been done many tests about water
gravitation flow which still is going on worldwide.
In the future when scientist will have more application test will recognize
that acoustically sound waves that can interfere gravity also can levitate
matter, sound waves are basic communicational tones in gravitational measures
to apply covalent bonding and scientist will manipulate to levitate matters by acoustic
waves, when still atoms are complete form Black Hole mechanism in sound
acoustic waves can go further than that and also manipulate atoms to their
smallest portion of particles till they reach to their originality invisible
Dark-Matter and Energy.
Gravity exist not only when mass is nearby, vast areas of
nothingness gravity also exists through entire Cosmos singularity field.
My perspective Cosmos is
controlled by Dark Energy Universal quantum flow in time zone field all
rotational movements are controlled on quasars to be synchronized space-time
that show aligned rotational axes rhythmic motion they move like one body
though in far distance separate locations, somehow gravitational lensing are
aligned precisely, according to their extends of balanced portion with Dark
Energy and Dark Matter combined spheres as proof pulsars and neutron stars they
all fall in their individuality groups categories to spin in aligned precision
by space-time flow according to their dense dimensions.
Mirrors only flip reflection horizontally.
Dark-Matter have bubble shape force fields that can be enlarged or condensed,
it releases sound tone directives to all surrounding elements including smaller
particles of light neutrinos, all together they are connected to quantum flow,
light travels under Dark-Energy supervision that also are connected with
Dark-Matter horizontal flow not vertically obeying law of reflection,
considering mirror angle of reflection with angle of incident brings into an
angle of incident that are equal to the angle of reflection that is in control
of D.M field that completes principle into mirror equation 1/f = 1/do
+ 1/di known as magnification equation that is in controls by
quantum cooperating with D.M angle of incident, this D.E helix particles
neutrino lights flow always perpendicular to the mirror making light ray strike
to be reflected. Image distance effect with image characteristics or focal
length to concave that is always round ball bubbles that D.M flow interchange. By
Dark-Matter rejects up and down vertically flipping, reflection will always
steady horizontally, yes we can see light effect but behind that there are
quantum directive are quantum particle flows that are idealized spring harmony oscillations,
this tones connected with Dark-Matter unseen time warping loop a theoretical
effect that controls all sort of light flow inside the Universe. In my understanding
generating sound tone frequencies are synchronized with gravitational flow and
light flow edicts bringing everything into gravity field as fluctuation of vacuum
energy warping metric hologram, that’s why mirrors reflect only horizontally
not vertically.
Theoretical physicists are calculating force of gravity by theory of
Quantum gravity and string theory, corresponding lower-dimensional Universe it
seems that cosmos is an hologram not to say an metrics’ by calculations give match results by
computer calculation still we are so far from reality, still they are not sure if
Quantum particles are idealized springs or harmonic oscillators that are
attached each other zone field, this last viewpoint is very acceptable to my standpoint,
invisible unknown force field that does not weaken its elasticity as spring is intelligent
force of life that started everything in the entire Universe is the unknown
invisible gravitational power that are managed by sound frequency attachments
to particles ordering by covalent bonding mechanism to be connected time zones
bringing into new sites into quantum entanglement no gravity or quantum flow gear.
To back up my theoretical concept, considering movements of
neutral particles and non-zero magnetic moment of a neutron that can carry no charge
yet still interacts with surrounding magnetic field, some consider that
parallel to the field moments has tendency to align antiparallel activity but I
believe that sound frequency tone wavelengths direct into substructure magnetic
moments as can happen with photons neutrons and neutrinos antiparticles, though
many call them elementary particles but they are not yes they don’t carry any
charge yet still interact with magnetic field by sounds frequencies that are
released from protons to be connected into magnetic moments.
Two major forces exist inside Cosmos, that I like to title them invisible
Dynamic-Energy and Invisible Dynamic-Matter control everything, this force is
in so grand scale and powerful that their title should also be grand designating
award, this two forces and matter first start to forming new hydrogen atoms
collectively forming stars planets moons and Galaxies. Grand force of the
Universe exists covering entire Universe. Astronomers name them Dark Matter and
Dark Energy, till now many were discerning that Dark Matter that is inside
galaxies holding into each other, in reality there is no visible matter that
can grasp into each other to upswing as Universal objects holding each other,
galaxies are not flying apart nor the stars inside the Galaxies bonding each
other in their appropriate orbit forms. Repeatedly I mentioned my belief that
entire Universe is immersed inside space-time field of quantum energy that is
in rheostat of Dynamic-Energy in Grand fabric of space-time. Dynamic-Matter
releases sound frequencies from atoms planets galaxies influencing the orbit of
every matter esoteric open range field directing elements to be connected into
the field of fabric of Space-time to be relocated, entire Universe is one body
holding all collections of Matter inside Cosmos. The force field that I
mentioning is invisible let’s say Quantum particles but really they are
portions of that energy force realm that control all elements so called forces gravitational
movement or journey in space to idealized springs or harmonic oscillators that
are attached each other inside zone field of the entire Universe, they have nothing
to do with Galactic-scale electric field nor negative or positive charges. Electrostatic
forces are different than opposite charge distributions, gravitational
connection into quantum zone fabric field is totally different sort of bond periphery
revitalizing propel gravitational electro field charges. Unknown energy specimen
relating force surrounds all galaxies and penetrates into each atoms core hooked
on quantum flow gear communicate with Dynamic-Matter atomic cores to bind all
matter elements within spec time. From side to side in vacuumed Universe all objects move or fall in same
speed directive command either it is thousand tone of solid iron or 1 gram of
feather they together obey same directives from sound frequency sound tone
wavelengths to be connected into Universal quantum flow zone field.
Stars are telling stories, by communications.
Lately Nasa mission revealed that galaxies and stars are sonification
by the infrared, they can register musical sounds from cosmic objects far away,
focusing to the center of the milky way galaxy, optical infrared can receive
sonification musical sound that in my opinion is communication between stars,
if we can’t decode sounds that animals are releasing as communication with
other animals, if we cannot deduce the communication sounds between plants and
trees, it does not mean that they are not communication, and most of all if we don’t
understand sound frequencies released from stars, planets and galaxies, it does
not mean that they cannot communicating, so considering them not other form of
lifeforms. Believe me atoms, moons, planets, stars, galaxies and entire
Universe is stronger lifeforms, especially the two Dynamic Forces,
Dynamic-Energy and Dynamic-Matter.
Objects so far away are not possible to be 100 % sure that by calculations
can be measured precisely when their activity force fields that might be by
other force of energies no one is sure, let’s consider theoretically how condense
mass is contained in Pulsar Quasar or Neutron star, all are measured according
to their surrounding gravitational effect that are released from the star, but
a star might have less mass but greater sound frequency command to its surrounding
to generate gravity all around like an black hole, today stars are measured by
their temperatures using numeric digits or stars are characterized starting (0)hottest
to (M) coolest or to their stellar classifications by letters O B A F G K M
also some other letters that also are coolest, L T Y we cannot be so precise by
calculations what they contain in mass or gravitational mechanism calculations
when there is no real certainty what is really gravity? Starting to evaluate
Brown dwarfs to red or blue supergiant, Neutron stars, Wolf-Raged stars T,Tauri
stars that don’t have pressure or temperatures don’t have fusion, then how come
they release great energy of X-Rays that means that mechanisms of so far stars
can be in different process than other stars we know, also when T.Tauri have extreme
stellar winds that can be proof that Dark-Energy is in control and Dark-Matter
is less in balance with Dark-Energy volume. Then you have Proto-stars (that are
large gas stars that also are guided by sound frequency command to generate
covalent bonding attachments to keep together all its elements. And then you
have Super nova calculations where it will be time to throw away all our
calculation notes into the air.
Though it is very hard to reconcile, Science reviewing to figure out what
is gravity or what is made of, (Cosmological constant relativistic theory) SVT that
also is Curved space time small-amplitude collective excitation mode is one of
them another one BEC (Super fluid vacuum theory) still many researches are trying to measure
changes in radiation of traveling great distances in high-energy traveling photons
journeys to earth in super-fluid theory considering Aluminiferous Aether as a
medium electromagnetic wave as wave fiction relativistic gravity that can
contains a drag force by ultraviolet divergences from all directions, theoretical
physics quantum mechanics fundamental physics is more complex than calculations
of falling of apple from trees, in my conclusion in other post “Cornerstone of
the Universe” I explained everlastingly there always been invisible Dynamic
energy life force with intelligence capabilities that don’t need any space to
fit by volume, as soon small portion of that force field transformed into
Dynamic invisible matter right away space room was required to fulfill that forms
space of the Universe, invisible Dynamic still spreading in Cosmos because
Dynamic Matter has the capacity to be condensed million times more dense than
lead or expand also is life force intelligence qualification by having transformation
from originality life force Dynamic Matter also is living non biological intelligence
life force, all atoms contain portion of this forces as electrons and protons in
my other post “Atoms are living things” in my perspective entire space adapt warps
space time by this two forces by watching its effect as loose energy, we can
conclude it is energy that disperse in space time, many still are skeptical regarding
super fluid vacuum theory but I accept existence of microscopic structure by
Dynamic-Energy that connects all elements force portions complete forms by two
energies in atoms electrons and protons that can be connected (we call it gravity)
by low and high octave of frequency sound wave tones into embedded space time
of invisible microscopic structure that rule as gravity field in space as
fluctuation of vacuum energy warping itself everywhere.
I believe entire universe is on large energy like big Ocean metric hologram
energy warping expansion and contraction oscillation, it is an invisible
complex forceful body it reacts just like a giant crystal glass, large or small
all principles work same codes as an atom or star or galaxy forms, already it
is known about two forces, dark matter and dark energy create crystal forms
inside mantle because the entire universe is invisible force field just like crystal
properties, as a strike in one portion of this energy Ocean wiggles sound
tones, also wiggling can be sensed during expansion oscillation and
contraction, already entire Universe retain one large harmonic sound
individuality as I explained in my DNA post each individual also hold
individuality sound harmony codes wavelengths, crystal wiggling sound
wavelengths continuously travels furthest point inside Universe released also
from individuality harmony from each galaxy to another in many variations
cycles slowing down or speeding up continuously changing its originality by
sound wave frequency wavelength tones crystal ringing. Main force field of this
energy is Dynamic-Energy known as dark energy that empowers the entire Universe
beside Dynamic-Matter that is known as dark matter releases sound frequencies
to direct all matter or elements to be warped to quantum entanglement that is
invisible powerful energy Ocean of the entire Universe.
Einstein’s ripple of space time
is secret and excepted no matter what, also if that has no any basic
calculative substances of mathematical principles, it was declared that nothing
no mass can travel faster than time but yet if someone big told us Bing bang
inflated mass stretched procedural waves trillion by trillion times faster than
speed of light expended the space and universe many, but any logician express
his or her perspectives that might be considered nonsenses from some. Cosmic
microwave “Universal sound control” background has nothing to do with
gravitational waves as I will explain in other chapters. Cosmic inflation should
only inflate and never compress as you see inside Universe you will find areas
space expansion and some areas in between galaxies compressed environments.
This several hundred years we were discovering new types of energy that
already existed billion years ago we still looking to sense other form of
energies. One of them is plain regular gravity but how it functions that’s the
question. Earlier I described that entire universe is immersed inside some sort
of energy that controls all movements of harmony oscillations and movements of
planets stars galaxies. As atoms are unnoticeable small objects there is in the
Universe smaller unnoticeable non particle energy knots that connected amalgamated
in synchronize fashion, some scientific test already show that light can be
strangles into this entangled knots like (in the beginning of my article I
mentioned sequoia tree wooden cells) this knots can effect to grab wavelengths
from center core D.M of elements particle respond to clutch with quantum entanglement
inertia flow of quantum extraterrestrial flow filled that gobbles the entire
universe, immediately spread knots responds message of new sound frequency tone
wavelengths that reach into the knots by vibrating sound particles from inside
atoms to get entanglement inertia flow. This energy field as fluctuation vacuum
energy warping is in command directing galaxies and all spin of stars and
planets, already scientist getting similar trefoil knot theories that have
topological circles linked into each other as Hopf link, but by perspective is totally
different than that, the knots I describing consist by unlimited circle flows
of circles and this energy forces can twist or bring into entanglement light
knots. Any moment these knots also can transform any atom or elements into anti
matter by sound fluctuation frequency wavelengths.
Quantum physics considers particles can act to travel as waves or as
wave-particle duality in quantum principle that still don’t register to conform
how it works that’s why they are calling it uncertainty principle. In my
perspective entire universe is a field of quantum knots unlimited energy flow
that particles can be connected into moving tense that we call is gravitational
pull in this uncertainty particle duality
can be considered as wave behavior that show after sound frequency directives interference's
or by sound tones get disconnected from the universal quantum knots, any light
form slits can form into two heaps interfering by next close by knots, stripy patterns
show by interfering from neighboring knots, entire gravity system is by sound
tones getting connected particles duality into Universal quantum knots or to
get disconnected or disappears by grabbing into other flow or extent of vacuum
space instability.
My conclusive secrete perspective about
There have been some test acoustically levitating portions of Styrofoam,
now there have been successful progress to reflect to cancel original
gravitational wave leaving into my theoretical perspective space vacuums, in
Argonne laboratories using sound wave to levitate or manipulated matter to lift
by using high wave frequencies that humans can’t hear levitating simultaneously
by sound wave seconds my perspective that gravity is directed by sound tone
wavelengths inside entire Universe that connects matter into Universal knots
positions or node points, Dark Matter frequency sound wavelengths connected
matter into that node points that is my main standpoint perspective in gravity
that I am introducing to the world. Gravity is not a separate force like explosion, as sound frequency direct a
mass including each atomic particle to grab neighboring dot inside the
universe, as neighboring different location dot pull and release in interstellar
object show possession of gravity, sound frequency constantly direct the moving
object into its intended location or passing through intermittently inside universe
as was planned movements with Dynamic Energy.
Strong force
One of the four fundamental forces of Nature is the strong force, holding expanding Dark-Matter invisible energy pressing manage into Dark-Matter grasp into condensed proton core requires tremendous strong force, this force can be released any moment from invisible Dark-Energy that to complete an atom it transforms into electromagnetic force and eventually into electrons, the force to grab into cope realm it needs tremendous power that we call it strong force. From 1000 cubic feet of invisible Dark-matter bubble is cadenced by power of Dark-Energy electrons to grab in one trillionth of Planck length to form a proton. That is the power of strong force that dwell everywhere each tinniest point in Universe. By sound frequency directives from Dynamic-Matter (Dark-Matter) This strong force also facility by toning from one side and next pin point strong force push any mess to dislocate into certain direction, we feel or consider as gravity. Strong force is Dynamic-Energy, over the name Dark-Energy.
Dark Matter is invisible force bubbles much smaller than microscopic
structures that can be attached into curved space time this tiny bubbles can be
expanded into blue whale size or pack itself into condensed stage astronomic
scale or any moment it can be stabilized into million times more dense than
lead but still having shape of superfluid vacuum theory, surrounding objects or
elements have no any disorder effect to its activities. Science might figure
out this activities approaching by BEC theoretical physics and quantum theories,
atom virtual particles that are connected joints with helix electrons and
Dark-Matter portion protons to form particles of atoms, linked portion Dark-Matters
have relativistic to all matter forms, also to all in SVT manifestation of all
gravity starting connectives into space time model gravity scales is part of
this force.
On Earth invisible Dark-Matter is visible by its effect on other objects by
bubbles, either by looking into drop of water sitting on flat spot or by soap
bubbles can be found everywhere that counteracts the buoyance force everywhere,
watching its effect similar to flexible bracelet rings or by Toroidal Bubble
vortex that are released by marine mammals like Beluga, Dolphins, Humpback
whales release, this mammals do not create toroidal vortex that spins
poloidally, somehow they know how to get connected by sound frequency into its
stabilizing term into underwater vortex rings, those mammals know how to blow
air combined penetrating into connections of sound waves to be attached into
Toroidal bubbles, the force that complete toroidal vortex ring that look like the
shape of smoke rings it is already available all around in nature and space we and
all space time is completely immersed into outnumbered stabilizing vortex field
of Dark Matter that are expanded bubble velocity ocean.
Building block of Toroidal bubble ring is collection of many other smaller
dark-Matter bubbles that attached to air molecules or gas substances despite
holding gravity into certain time period then they decrease their size getting separated
from the vortex ring diameter total volume but still keep invisible bubble
forms with outnumbered dark-Matter bubble coordination. This is a picture where planet Earth is embedded inside expended invisible Dark-Matter, inside Universe each planet, star, galaxy, and other mass objects are embedded in mass of invisible Dark-Matter. For example this is the one we have around planet Earth.
Invisible material to form mass comes from Dark Matter that are bubbles
inside bubbles they glob everything in their invisible bubbles, in spread form
they act as one body and in disjointed small portions they individually,
collective atoms in our body though are individual forms each contain portion of
Dark Matter bubble as core and collectively they generate realm of larger
bubble that clinch all our body in other expression individually react with
other atoms, we and all other form of living person or animal insects plants bacterial
live in their own form size inside bubbles, every larger mass like our entire
planet fits inside large Dark Matter
bubble, same with the solar system is imbedded in a larger Dark Matter bubble also
entire galaxies are entrenched inside much larger invisible bubble of searing Dark
Matter. According some scientist they assume that “Local Bubbles “exist around
solar system some call it “Local hot Bubble” thinking that they are remains
from super nova explosions others scientists assume that bubble are scraps from
solar winds that take up gas material, one thing for sure Gas and solar wind or
particles don’t combine to form as one Bubble and endure to keep their shape distract,
always keep their form, one thing I am very positive about Large bubbles are
not hot because they made of Dark Matter and repel heat and light.
Earth gravity center is its core it`s like liquid form of compressed Dark-Matter
this invisible bubbles give command to all mass that surrounding core all elements
nearby up to above earth’s surface and beyond, distribution command released
from core in liquid form is uneven, some areas has 20% or higher discharging persistent
commands and some areas slightly less effective, the exact force field looks perceptive
but we only consider evaluating by our perceptions, mass of the earth do not
generate gravity however gravity is rooted with the core of the Earth, depending
how greater volume planets core is condensed it effect accordingly to its
activity to generate gravitational command, there might be planets larger than
Earth though its gravitation might be weaker than our own planet, so the volume
and mass of a planet has nothing to do with its effect.
Earth with entire solar system heading to certain direction also by
spinning in their regular spinning routs, any object can be released up from
Earths core directives it can have its own slight differences as from the rest
of other elements and start an polar vortex effect in Earth’s atmosphere, of course
cold weather or warm one make obedient of gravitational command different
gravity by expansion of molecules, by principle everything should expend in hot
environment but H20 does not obey that principle. However Earth’s
core already keeps mist clouds and Breathing oxygen in the level of 31 miles on
the surface of our planet including the ozone layer that does not leave higher
than 31st miles, up to from 32 miles to 60 miles is protective war
zone against falling meteors that falling in Earth on top of that another war
zone against elements coming from Sun and space that we observe by Aurora
lights, on top of that more protective ionized layers surrounding the planet
that contain high voltage of electricity charge. As we see in lightnings.
Geologically natural lightning can melt down rocks with volcanic ash, forming a glassy product called Fulgurites
Atmosphere is short distance from the surface up to 31 miles, core of the
Earth can show its operation character by influencing everything how they will
spin, for example take a cop of hot coffee pure on surface liquid a few drops
of cream gently, you will notice if you doing your experiment in Northern Hemisphere,
will realize that cream will rotate counter-clockwise, if test done on Southern
Hemisphere the cream will rotate clock-wise, same effect can be seen on all-weather
traveling instruments and on all loose elements like clouds or fogs, already as
they leave the surface their adaptation in level of gravity varies from other
mass particle that are more obedient grabbing Earth mass, we can experience in
the atmosphere polar vortex effect, all elements have their own principles to
covalent bonding, scientist call it chemical effect in reality it is tone
reaction of sound to obey according to tone reaction of Earths sound wave tone
reaction, water clouds can obey other new procedures, as soon nitric acid in
polar stratospheric clouds meet with chlorines chlorofluorocarbons break ozone
molecules then we will notice Ozone depletion, as core effect element to make
spin clockwise or counter directives same force give command to clouds water
molecules to be directed accordingly generating several classification in
weather intensity, in continental USA we experience tornadoes, though heat
effects this flows to create funnels of
spiraling air that can be generated by wind flow in low pressure, as much of
hot winds come by close to cold wind speed will increase to tropical storm that
might have over 30 Km. With160 Km per hour speeds around the eye plus with more
cumulonimbus clouds winds can reach up to 300 mph spinning clockwise. All the
strength measurements called by scientist is. (F) Fujita, (EF) Enhanced Fujita
and the last one (T) as Torro. Atmospheric phenomena are not yet understood
because the approach of gravity that is sound command still is not adapted by
scientist. All other theories have extension
forms that is in harmony with other principles, theories when moving objects
take continuous speed into other gravitational forces join as inertia to moving
objects have to be considered when analyzing gravitational principles.
Hurricanes are cyclones, located in the North Atlantic Ocean also in NE Pacific
Ocean, sometimes in South Pacific as well also in the Caribbean’s, depending
their location of hemisphere can be counter or clockwise, In my perspective
everything we observe on our planet has similar effects on other planets and
stars in gravitational movements winds and storm, tropical depression, anything
leave slightly in different levels of outflows connection effect to core
gravity commands that have slight independent or different rotating frame by
connecting into other form of inertia fields as cyclones storm develops new
anatomy having own outflow Cyrus shield that will be border line of its new
flow of energy, anything that is in different command of gravity sound wave
frequency will adopt slightly different rotating frame or directives all is
included in Gravitational and atmospherics phenomena.
Regarding the surrounding energy field in Universe I also can visualize that whole Universe is dipped in arena of Magnetic intense electrical big field body, people call it “Gravity” Dark-Energy is the cubicles of that intense electrical field body. These invisible spiral energy force deliver Uniform motion either acceleration or deceleration (negative acceleration that slowing down) A magnetic point of final velocity is not produced from far away center attracting to a body, beginning of the interval. Of course we notice the acceleration and it`s progressive intensity of moving Stars and Galaxies. How it works? First we need the help of Sequoia tree example to deliberating this section, to compare body trunk of Sequoia tree, regarding the magnetic field body of the Universe field operations velocity.
There is no possibility for the Sequoia tree to pump all that water up to the highest level of hierarchy, but sequoia found the resources. The trunk has tiny floors, each floor are divided with tiny rooms made of wood cells compartments. As soon portion of water reach from roots to one of these booths, lower section absorbs the water in then shuts the plumbing system from the bottom, then opens the pipes to upper right level compartment, until is empty, same process done with the upper compartment then sending to upper left department, floor by floor it rises up though the floors are unnoticeable size heights with little force to transfer the water movement, making it simple the top section of sequoia that is the (final velocity) do not pull the water by its power from the bottom of the tree (that is the beginning of the interval) but there is a reaction in between this two positions that accelerating the velocity. There is a supernatural force that supervising Tree DNA to prepare itself for the action.
Let`s go back to Universe Magnetic field body Dark-Energy. How it works? Billion Trillion times faster than the process of the Sequoia. Scattered D.E force is everywhere some area more condense than other fields, like inside section of the trunk of the Sequoia tree departments are sections in all Universe, pull moving objects and transfer acceleration velocity to other departments and one more difference those section compartments direct moving objects according their directed goal of final velocity. “Electrons control Matter” Tone-Reaction (Low octave sound frequencies connecting to inertia gravity) control Mass.
The entire Universe is emerged in a certain ordinance force field inertia
waves distortions in the entire space that can help objects move and ripple all
directions link by Dark-Energy invisible frame, all atoms that contain
electrons obey that interact through frequencies and travel in this field into
all direction, according the sound directive and electrons move the elements in
principle of covalent bond variations, gravitational waves are directive by
element`s electrons speeding toward the directive command through low octave
sound frequencies from electrons and protons. All this processes is done by vibration frequencies that give commands through sound frequencies by Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy. Quantum
force field realm in Universe by cooperating with Universal sound give chance
to all elements a random movement to all directions so they can leap this
movements is more easy to show particles presumably contact Universal sound
tone wave frequencies constituents of matter, any moment low octave sound
frequencies waves or with high sound pitch to connect in covalent bonding to
universal magnetic energy field to move or expand the way we see in process of
Universal expansion.
gravity exist though we don’t realize, or see only in limited range, if entire
Universe have one concentration point of gravity everything all stars and
galaxies should make galaxies settle into center of gravity point but we see opposite
of that, stars and galaxies all are suspended in gelatinous Universal quantum
field that everything mingling motion, if everything will operate by barometric
distribution also they will be tumbling into heat point and we don’t see that either,
inertia Universal sound language homogenize distributing all galaxies and stars
to keep distant from each other keeping far from concentration, Entire Universe
is motion tumbling in organize fashion by intelligent guides that don’t operate
like the magnets we have in our hands, Entire Universe act like a big dynamic
equilibrium like in a pot of water suspended in glutinous liquid every matter
has its own route, as much as gravity exist more than that there is another
force that make stars and galaxies mingle driving them into proper regions.
Origin of all magnetism is extreme low octave sound vibration and extreme
high octave sound frequencies released from Dark-Matter, all cores of stars,
planets, moons and black holes are protons or Dark-Matter bubbles. The entire
Universe is bedded inside energy field of quantum flux. Any sound command
pulses released other elements and particles submit to take action connecting them
to the surrounding field rail that indicate quantum flux provides, so protons
inside atoms perceive sound frequency waves and attach to the unexplained
quantum flux force field that is all around and in the Universe. All the effect
of counterclockwise-rotation is some effect coming from quantum flux. In my
perspective this is the origin of magnetism in stars and everywhere in the
It is already proven existence of gravity in the universe, in my
perspective Dark-Matter is the source of low octave sound frequency tones that
are released from core of planets, stars and moons, those are sequence consignments
that reach as far as another sound command is facing other magnetic field that
also are directed from other locations that direct all atoms protons into get
into connection to Universal quantum force that are rail fields to all
directions, there is a hidden magnetic portal magnetic field connected or diffused
between Earth and Sun distance of 93 million miles away, protons in principle
of bonding process are directed giving, if Earth`s sequences directives flow
toward the Sun and Suns core Dark-Matter sequences send Bow shocks to release
into elements and Solar winds they face with Earth as portals, depending the
volume of the Dark-Matter volume that portal can form travel longer and further
to Earth, if Earth` Dark-Matter volume was (But it isn`t) bigger volume than
the Sun the meeting point was going to be closer to Sun, as you see is other
way around the magnetic field meets close to Earth, Hidden magnetic portal
field around Earth is mingling according to balance volume to its core mass of
Dark-Matter limit go toward Earth they meet (NASA calls them X-Points)the point
where portals edge are formed.
All sound frequencies from stars and planets travel in the entire
Universe by low and high octave sound wave tones and frequencies simultaneously
middling intersect each other still interfere sounds but they keep their own
personality distinct canons though their waves modulate each other. Most
scientist agree that space is empty yet there are many gravitational energy fields, Our entire Universe contain
other form of energy fields that still have to be discovered Our scientist did
not reach yet to their conclusive discoveries yet, as I described formerly
Universe is like a vast Ocean though vacuum but still full of energy field of
other phenomena, some scientist give the name a luminiferous ether, some give
the name EM-Field or G-Field still we
are in the beginning to analyze the wisdom and intelligence of the Universe,
modulated by unknown forces that keep the entire Universe in balanced movement
regulation and principles the way atoms complete their task encircling planets
stars and galaxies do their chores. Of course some scientist has more
supporters than others regarding their theories, but reality do not tolerate
sooner or later will be proved the truth of the matter.
Considering Dark-Matter in liquid form as core of our planet react like
water level movements, Dark-Matter directs by sound frequency tone reaction wavelengths
to all elements that can be connected into quantum entanglement flow gears so
movement of gravity gives effect as gravity/fluid duality as some express
gravity equals field theory and field theory equals fluid concluding that
gravity / fluid`s equals fluids duality. I believe turbulent gravity is not the
gravity by fast action with tone wavelengths connection by elements into
Universal cirrus extraterrestrial time warping loop waves that are embedded
inside all universe by tiny pin point loop waves lasting effect of gravity
field as fluctuation of vacuum energy warping, all this cyclical mechanism are
done by effect of gravity river or gravity / fluid duality.
Gravity lies in same theoretical principle as concepts portals process that
recently mainstream science is starting to discover, in my perception the
entire Universe is one large field of extraterrestrial environment like our
Ocean space that control everything by “Tone reaction” frequency tone field
sound waves, gravity is connection of elements to that field back and forth in
invisible field space time vortex, entire Universe is one large plate of portal
field of X points diffusion regions that drag force frequency to connect
element to distorted locations in inertia flow, of course supplementary human
nature compulsion can make object relocate in this atmosphere as well.
According to Mainstream science wormholes and portals as X-Points are reconsidered
very large electron diffusion regions, some are short-lived portals others are
giant vast and sustained, also they believe that wormholes are opening
connections to other dimensions, scientist already are interested by MMS (Multi
scale Mission field) US will lunch new missions to detect electric-magnetic
phenomena over Earth’s atmosphere where connect to the point where Suns gravity
point reaching of uninterrupted path, two atmospheres come to a point where smash
each other, NASA also planning to launch THEMIS spacecraft’s with European
Cluster probe to collect additional data in this concept.
In my concept understanding true nature of reality must consider everything
to unveil reality, gravity field perception is connected to electric-magnetic
charged commands that are released to direct elements to be connected into
large field of extraterrestrial flow, already our solar system and entire milky
galaxy is obeying this command to move into directives of universal sound frequency
waves inside space time vortex, axes gyros to drag is already supreme force
field that available in entire Universe, distorted elements to be connected by
sound capacity to open and close pin points for element to relocate inside the
Universe, magneto portals are like tiny star gate that present sound data to
elements and elements on their own releases tone reaction to be connected to
Universal atmospheric extraterrestrial environments new continuous locations
penetrating into where it leads to, if the object is located in Earth’s gravity
zone of course Earth’s magnetic field has the last word on tiny elements to be
considered and near Black holes the situation also is the same but sometimes
certain properties of gas and wind receive not bull in command but to push away
far from black holes gravitational field by Universal space time portals.
Universal Cyrus extraterrestrial field wave that need great study to verify
we can see the effect gravity harmonic oscillations in dynamic equilibrium that
might be a field wave still many give the name string theory, expectations of
great security of large wormhole theory can be arranged in tiny pin point spots
sizes of atoms that we are embedded in there are tiny wormholes that gravity
operated intriguingly moving mass elements by time flow from one spot to other
perhaps continuously into many other spots in gravitational prove that time had
connection with gravity you can check how atomic clocks go slightly faster where
are transported in aircraft comparison with other atomic clocks that are stable
on the ground, time and Quantum gravity are captivatedly connected to sound frequency
tone reaction as I explained in my other posts as we see tiny wormholes are not
devouring elements but transferring into new position or continuous locations
My conclusion, by logical
perspective similar to our Oceans I see the entire Galaxy is like a other
energy force field Ocean that I have to call it inertia field scientist noticed
recently Bow shocks in between magnetosphere that is an ambium or deflection
angle against Galaxies and stars to collide as typically interstellar boundary force
wave boundary against stellar winds that energy field considered as bow shock.
The entire Universe is guided by this energy to stop any flow that exceeds the harmony;
all movements are permissive except the excess movements in planetary and galactic
over supersonic unusual flows are stopped by this inertia field, for example we
don’t see Bow shock around our solar system, in case our solar system starts unusual
movements from its harmonious flow boundaries right away we can meet probable opposite
flow against our solar system to collide our solar system this stagnation point
will reform from the energy field of inertia until then we will not see any
deflection angle against our solar system.
We can have this test by firing a
bullet from a gun, we are emerged also in this inertia field that can make
moving object to continue their trip and keep their force if there is no
gravitational interference's that can slow down the inertia and also inertia
will keep this supersonic angle that continue upstream and build detached shock
to reentry into old harmonious balance of flow, in vacuumed universe moving
object will continue nonstop and gradually might get more speed whatever the inertia
force field ocean permits in the magnetosphere. All atmospheric reentry that
can be materialized or visible force out of nowhere in our Universe as Bow
Bow shocks face as a shield against on rushing solar winds in small, short,
yearn and stained pulses, this reminds me Binaural beats we receive from the
Universe that are also great volume of sound fields of electron diffusion
signals according to Dark-Matter magnetospheres’ portals. This process is
studied by (MMS) it will be sent four spacecraft that will circle the Earth to
study portals, as I described in my perspective we can see the volume of
Dark-Matter in other planets, moons and stars, gravity is sound frequencies
released from Dark-Matter core all elements take commendation to act connecting
covalent bounding that are re energized by same harmony sound echo ( like the
example I used in other articles A string note on violin starts to vibrate and
make sound when outside note A reach to the violin that have same value tone condensate
twitch. Same process I explained in Black hole gravity and in title our Sun.
Core Earth have unknown qualifications
that still are not familiar to us. In my logic the core is made of Dark-Matter
and releases low octave sound frequency code tone waves to all elements and
they apply the commendation to be directed joining to invisible forces
connecting themselves to unseen force source field in same principle as bond
reaction, some might speculated hypothetical fifth force version of magnetism
that does not weaken with distance, the reason is elements they are driving
their mass according to surroundings inertia force field bonding, still
scientist is looking forward by probe down many sets of detectors deep in the ground at
various of places for analysis to conclude if there are any “Unparticles” from
lower mantle and from Universe. The Fundamental force of Nature like in any
planet or stars core is Dark-Matter.
Entire Universe adapting same gravitational methods with frequency vibration
cycle patterns that steaming from Dark Matter to signal elements to grab
magnetic signals by holding into Universal quantum flow of zone field to travel
with inertia energy that is inside entire Universe, dense knots of space-time
are everywhere to let elements grab that flow to travel only if Dark-Matter
direct other dark matter bubbles inside atoms core that also are portion of
dark matter to connect into gravitational leasing into fabric of space-time. Earth`s
core that is two different dense volume inner and outer layer as core that also
is Dark Matter releases magnetic signals into mantle Ionosphere Magnetosphere
Crust surface and Oceans, all together as one planet to be conducted by Earths
core receiving magnetic signals make our planet harmonized inside solar system.
Core of this planet is invisible Dark-Matter force field, they release high
and lower range signals all around the planet, some of this signals go beyond
the atmosphere of the planet into other planets and our star releasing signals
of communiqué in between other cores of planets and stars that also are made of
Dark-Matter, it covers intelligence in other form of dynamism makeup that also encloses
life in different sense than ours, this signals release from core are like
portals open and close several times, by force of this activity it grabs some
particles to send with the flow, between star on Earth there are real bound of
boundaries and synchronize pour of portals that will not be interrupted, strong
beam of portals are the wavelength directives that Dark-Matter releases to other
planets and galaxies, some other less powered portals Earths core releases to
penetrate the chemistry of the soil and register what was moved from one
location into other sites.
In my perspective Dark-Matte give sound directives to
surrounding elements, the concept of all planets stars and moons in galaxies
release sound variation waves from their own Dark-Matter, sound tones according
to their periodicity mass frequencies peculiar characteristics, harmony to its
Ptolemaic system. All spherical objects in galaxies have their own root to go onward
according to connection covalent bonding to inertias’ root to go accelerate
the way helix move but in very large scale spinning and going forward at the
same time according to its s sound wavelength with comparison to other
surrounding mass spectrum frequency levels where inclined rendering to
Universal quantum inertia field connection accretions.
Those compartments are force field of wheels inside wheels; they have directive changeable direction or positions any moment to any final velocity. One more force cooperates with Dark-Energy is frequencies from far final velocity sections, ordering to operate accordingly. Plus Scientist already proved the sound pulses or frequencies in lower octaves coming from Black Hole and pulsars and all Galaxies plus radio wave signals from planets they combine in harmony coordination of glide or navigate the Stars. D.E Sectors push acceleration, even all elements produce different level frequency musical signals, and pull close to other elements or reject each other, scientist call it chemical reaction I call it pulse reaction. These sound notes are produced by Electrons that originally is Dark-Energy surrounding a cluster of proton originally Dark-Matter combine with D.E to form an Atom. Dark-Matter as mass has more influence with gravity and can produce low octave sound frequencies to order other protons near by to act moving to other locations. Difference between D.E and gravity is the operational line of influence on objects. One portion can surround Protons that are Dark-Matter and develop a Hydrogen Atom, my “Krikor” theory. D.E+D.M=H (hydrogen Atoms) the electron contain life force, they can operate over twelve billion years. And other way of activity with Dark-Energy that originated from, then by speed transformed into Electromagnetism field then braking to smaller parts form into electrons, regarding these subjects you will find more information`s in other pages, regarding all the Universe.
In the Universe there is a great flow of guidance pushing the Galaxies to extensions the entire Universe is spreading, I agree with the scientist who mention that this is done by Dark-Energy forces, this energy or gravitational acceleration flow is allowing or directing everything to distant, this is one of the current standard guiding to outer limits, second opponent energy field in gravitational acceleration to downward weight force, F= ma (Force=mass x acceleration) in my perception this force comes by directing sound energy frequency vibrations from Dark-Matter, I think maybe I am wrong I don’t know that scientist don’t have yet any declaration agreements about it, this gravity force is Dark-Matter that pulling everything in by different variations, starting with magnetism bringing elements by covalent bonds together addition to that attracting, even nonmetallic object that also are made of atoms pulling in gravity force. Some scientist can describe reciprocal relationship between electric charges and electric field or electrical charge a magnetic field, in my theory electrons contain electrical fields and even other properties that are unknown to us, and there are many variations for electron orbital angular motion and can discharge Para magnetism or Diamagnetisms or Ferromagnetism the point is there are many magnetic dimensions and vibrations can change energy frequencies to other phases giving different responds to different vibration frequencies.
Dark-Matter low octave sound frequency waves also direct the mass of star
or Planets or any floating object in the universe to activate their speed to
realm force that are emerged inertia and take their own private instruction to
speed, some stars might move in faster speed, those stars are called “Ultrafast
Hypervelocity stars” they speed depends not as mentioned by ejection from
galactic center but because of D.M guidance instructions. One of my other
subject title Black hole you will find more details regarding this radio waves
and low octave sound frequency waves that Dark-Matter releases projects into
other elements in the Universe, all planets, stars, moons, pulsars, black holes and
asteroids have a liquid form invisible impenetrable Dark-Matter, none of them
contain metallic core at the center, as soon D.M get close to rocky crust
elements and atoms pull the gravity to compose the surrounding as mantle rock layering
add up by collecting other particles over time, traveling fragments are called asteroid, when they enter Earth`s atmosphere they change their name into meteorite after we find them laying on earth`s surface they will be called meteor, in our Solar system we have many flying shrapnel asteroids that make the core, when Dark-Matter left the asteroid
shaped remains with odd sculpted interior that remains inside the core section
stays hollow, the principle someday scientist might find, any chunk might be
solid inside but any larger of asteroid because Dark-Matter collected all these
particles around him almost all asteroids are hallow inside that`s why when asteroid that have own small gravitational pull entering into Earth`s atmosphere to become meteorite energy motion Kinetic energy makes the hollow meteorite to explode The way it happened on Chelyabinsk region also in Russian Urals devastating explosion when traveling 40.000 miles per hour. D.M is the core
like all planets and stars and can be scattered as proton size elements, also
protons can divide to multiple unknown big number of clusters of bubbles of Dark-Matter,
according my calculation`s almost all rock layering asteroids that also composed
of the mineral olivine all asteroids are hollow inside or still full of
Dark-Matter according my calculations.
Dark-Matter can be tightly packed or weak in densely packed having
shape-shifter according to low octave sound tone waves procedures from other
variable mass such as solar or galactic cores. Recently some Dark-Matter
bubbles cluster particles have been collected in the international space
station but everything kept secret. There are Gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes
that trying to collect data about this elusive particles in chok areas that
might be Dark-Matter. Like I suspect that bock-globules is one of these condense
In my representation subject “Black Hole” I represented my viewpoint that Dark-Energy releases vibrational different levels energy Frequency vibration that I call it “Tone reaction” ordering atoms to approach to Black Hole and spate electrons from atoms and also separate all inner particles of atom other particles that are mixture of Dark-Matter cluster pips and individual helixes that are separated from electron cables,(explained in my articles How atoms are made) So this sound command splits the atoms into two group of energy to their original invisible form of Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter.
Separate than gravitational forces other are universal quantum two
other forces that govern the entire Universe, suppose you warm a small pot of
water and ad some floating particles like coffee and milk you will notice how
the center of the liquid starts to spin like the milky way galaxy, same invisible
energy field direct the spin of amino acids depending their variety kind of
atoms conferment ordination in certain order put the amino acid into a code that apply in the group
of spinning from right to left other facing variety code order put the amino
acid to spin from left to right, all particles apply principles that still not familiar
to us gradually hopefully in million years we might clasp the real intelligence
that exist all around us.
This two sound variations control the entire Universe, those sounds are very complex vibrations too far from our conceptions. In other subject I introduced that atoms are living things also I mentioned that Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter have intelligence. In my subject “How stars are born?” mention my viewpoint the core of star is clusters crowded bubbles of Dark-Matter, there is a field of spinning Dark-Energy surrounding the core, spinning Dark-Energy is also covered by larger area of Dark-Matter walls, twirling between to walls of Dark-Matter scuffling roll through both coiling’s generates chaotic twirl and struggling spin, Dark-Energy hull scrap the core that push D.E upward the backside hull of D.E smash the Dark-Matter cover, according my theory how Hydrogen atoms are made (D.E+D.M=H) this scuffling roll effect generates between Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter produces Hydrogen, I call this “Rolling Cigar Effect) (RCE) and because Dark-Matter contains intelligence it will take in memory bang of electron of hydrogen communication “Tone reaction” procedure contained in helix flow. Also Dark-Matter will release communication methods with tiny bubbles pips that will form proton in the Hydrogen will contain memory bank together they will complete an atom.
Both sound elevation of the Universe will be distinguished by atoms, any new directive reaches to them by Universal language to take action regarding covalent tone reaction or gravitational field or acceleration directives, also each atom will release every second energy sounds frequency vibration regarding t age of the atom declaring what stage of fusion are they? and their surroundings by vibrational sound variations, it will be recognized by Universal language to the entire cosmos. In same methods in our brain electrical flashes that can transfer details, memories to other brain cells either emotions or videos, same method atoms will communicate to energy fields that are too magnificent for us to comprehend.
From starting activation of star electromagnetism spin over core center of
star like a pulsar, we can see some similarity on Saturn`s monster storm
blaster, Dark Energy is the original force of electromagnetism when flow forward
as force and can produce light and X-ray when smash to other energy Dark-Matter,
that are oceans of proton bubbles they can produce radio waves and low octave sound
frequencies waves to command the bonding motion of all elements seem like
gravity, in reality elements are connecting themselves into universal field of inertia
field that quantum energy operated in the entire Universe according to the command
of Dark-Matter.
Sound frequencies that are released from the core of the Earth as “Chorus”
phenomena is familiar to small birds, in another chapter I explained inside the
brain of animals electrons can transfer knowledge in data by stimuli inside the
brain same communications are used thorough sound frequencies in the Universe
between stars and planets and atoms, Earth`s core contain intelligence force by
Dark-Matter, early in the morning the changes happening is declared by the core,
birds hear those sound frequency vibrations and mimicking same variation of
“Chorus” melody that we can realize as sound and enjoy hearing every morning.
Recently NASA Radiation belt storm Probes mission (RBSP) instrumentation
captured event of magnetosphere emit radio waves-Phenomena nickname “Chorus”
In another subject according to my perception I represented my viewpoint
that Black Hole releases sound frequencies to dismantle atoms by reverse
fusion, sound frequencies activate process in gravity and in repelling force
field barrier, the protection earth assemble in its surrounding is by sound
wave or radio waves in Earth`s magnetosphere sending “Chorus” gravity
influences for coming energetic charges particles with atoms by sound wave procedures
that earth releases they avoid collision to earth, the sound waves acts energy
directive to rearrange their heading of geomagnetic storm in negative and positive
wave forms as we notice these warning effect by aurora borealis and in the
south aurora Australis, floating plasma star wind particles redirected by sound
to avoid collision to Earth and by sound all stars and planets are directed by
Universal sound procedures that I mentioned in other notes.
In science QCD (Quantum chrome Dynamics) have close similarities to my
logic about the real Universe, to analyze gravity we have to consider the weak
force, electricity and magnetism having full reality about Nuclear weak force
and its responsibilities and also compare to nuclear force that scientist
connect to binding of nuclei then comparing to Gravity and its standard models
so then we can compare invisible oscillating strings, some call it “The mystery
of missing matter” In my other logical conclusions Everything is created by
Dark-Energy Electron cables of outnumbered helixes spinning around protons and
Dark-Matter outnumbered cluster proton in the center of atoms.as soon some
helixes go in the atom in fusion and get connected to some of the proton separated
from their clusters it becomes neutron particle if another individual proton bubble
touch the neutron without being combined completely it becomes deuterium,
additional of this process by joining other equal numbers of neutrons and protons
individual bubbles they become gradually tritium 3 He 12 C 16 O 56 Fe there are many other
particles in atoms that are combination of different measurements in
Dark-Energy helixes and Dark-Matter individual bubbles separated from main core
Dark-Matter protons.
In my perspective as I explained on many occasions Dark-Matter can band coming
facing toward D.M by sound frequency waves before the light reach to D.M the
gravitational lensing is pushing back by sound waves and light react to move
connecting to ocean of force field quantum that governs the entire Universe. It
is true that the effect shows that light is not passing through D.M and is
bending light, the principle of “scaffolding” that D.M react with other matter
like planets stars and galaxies, all cluster concentration react to low octave
sound frequencies released from D.M to direct the energy communication of
galaxies tone reaction to be connected to ocean force field of the universe
that is made of Dark-Energy. Same principle applied to all matter before
reaching to direction of Black holes. In my perspective center core of black
hole is concentrated pure Dark-Matter.
The main gravitational low energy force is activation of protons responding
connection realm force energy that the entire universe is immersed force that
move to every direction or make other elements carried out inertia invisible
force field to low octave sound frequency waves that are released from other big
volumes of Dark-Matter mass. Probably scientist refer electricity to magnetize
or weakest force as gravity, in my understanding gravity exist all around
similar to scattered Dark-Energy type force field but it don’t activated until
Dark-Matter protons connect themselves to its rail circuits listening to command
s of other Dark-Matter commands in low octave sound frequency waves YOU DON’T NEED
GRAVITATIONAL pulling and holding matter mass for gravity as invisible
oscillating strings because atoms can travel by connecting themselves to the
flow of the missing matter, this is the emanating Dark-Flow for my perspective
for the Scientist it will be still QCD. All energy connections by low energy long
distance g~ O(1) and g -->O
weak couplings are done by commands from
Dark-Matter protons this is my standard model gravity particle physics by
Gabriel Logician Jabrael. The entire Universe is immersed in this force field
and all atoms planets and galaxies are travelers on their own connection to
force rail of this system Quantum Chrome Dynamics QCD.
Why our Earth and Moon
are made from the same material?
As I described in my perspective asteroid belts contain many variety of
substantial properties, and usually each asteroid belt have similarity
possessions, whatever the material was inside the nearby super nova wracked
detonation during an blast lump impact that formed the cluster of the belt. Scientist
collected statistics from Earth and our moon same isotopic oxygen identical
composition, it show angular velocity exact composition. In My theory it was
mentioned that Dark-Matter Bubble is the starting core point to grab most
material from the asteroid belt and combine to a sphere shape ball according to
its gravitational interaction by releasing low octave sound frequencies waves
creating energetic flow of the covalent bonding of all elements that were
circling inside the belt volume, so in
my approach the two volume of Dark-Matter that start grabbing the
asteroid material they combined different spheres according to their volume and
gravitational interaction, that’s why finishing point of the moon produce 1/6 Th.
That of Earth having only 1.2% of Earth`s mass. 1.2 %. The new created Earth
and Sun kept the belt that asteroid belt was circling only the separated parts
were combined into Earth and Moon globes. So the theory of catastrophic
collision or planetary wrack between two domains and dividing into Earth and
Moon inappropriately don’t fit in my theory.
Will EARTH`S magnetic field reversed? YES!
Core Of our Earth that is made of liquid like dense Matter is D.E or Dark-Matter is not exactly a spherical shape but more like apricot shape, it is made of separate divisions of portions pushing each other and change positions very slowly and each portion of this D.E is connected by magnetic field to crust lithosphere to plate tectonics. All mining`s and moving different elements from the surface to different locations can make a difference. There is seduction zone on the skin of cores peach shape two lining on one side different reaction from opposite side D.E core, one section is connected to surface of the Earth East of Philippines Pacific plate that lays from north to south Marianas that is 240 Km. Wide in Pacific Ocean in depth of 3200 m, every time two portions of peach shape core cave in trench downslope on the skin connected to two plates effect on Mariana Trough, West Mariana Ark ridge start to trend downslope 2.5 inch every year, lower portions of Earth that is called Zero-age are only 2500 m deep, one side of crust going under the other moving along liquid this seduction sediments activity of Magellan zone generate active Hydrothermal system on opposite side even volcanoes. This process is called Convergent boundaries when one crust is destroyed by going beneath the other. Earth`s surface is 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen, before 80 years ago Oxygen was 40%, there are also 1% of trace gases on the surface the temperature’s average is 590 F Clouds circulations are guided by the core Dark-Matter bubbles gravity sound tone regulation, but evaporation s are progressed by heat. Molten areas are almost 10.000 F. Internal heat is produced by grinding with Dark-Energy clouds on the Dark-Matter core like we see on Jupiter surface. On top of core it can be found iron and nickel in big quantity. Resent activities show US continent is moving to South 10 meters a day.
Opposite of peach shape core other side of linings also active and connected to surface crust of mid Atlantic Ocean ridges some call them magma stripes like zebra lines some collections of volcanic basalt that behave like magnets like the orientation of the Earth`s magnet field, other parallel linings contain reversed to normal magnet lining shoving that alternating periods existed, for example if we melt some iron and pour it to the floor and cools down it contain magnetic alignment showing where north is located because north side of this metal contains north magnetism and southern side contain negative. This action is called divergent boundaries when new crust is generated when plates pull away from each other. Same principle this Magma striping that was produced show where was North at the time they produced, we find generations of opposite magma ocean ridges magnetic field contain position showing north to north and others showing reversal, showing north as south also the amount that those stripping show by their width that this is occurring once every 300 thousand years adding 2.5 inches every year. In my viewpoint if D.M core flip to opposite side how fast is unknown the Earth also will change its position North to South, Already the magnetic field in the North is moving 0.2 degrees per year. Standing
up on North or South pole you will weigh less than when standing on Equator.
That time when the Earth`s magnetic poles reversed South pole
with North, there were no intelligent people to take notice of the action of
the happening. In our times scientist noticed when melted metals or lave as poured
down it registers where were North and South at that moment, as soon molten
lava get colder to solid formation the magnetic moment will show where were the
solid lining were long time ago, for example if cold lava that poured down from
Southern side of a mountain it can tell at that time where was magnetic print North
and South, it will be very strange that some are showing North at that time was
South data at the time, because before 780.000 years ago
magnetic poles stood in opposite position than our time. During
second World Ware pilots noticed that gradually reversal was taking place,
North Pole magnetic position was changing. If this operation switch happen very
fast, Oceanic waters might swap all living things on the land into destruction,
luckily this process is happening gradually, it will be over when our North
pole will read South pole, probably will take until year till 2150
this is only a estimate.
All slow movement drives of titanic happens when Dark Matter bubbles that
are groups of separated 15 lumps of Dark Matter bubbles, each direct all
certain mass that is responsible for certain tectonic plate, sound frequency of
15 Dark-Matter bubbles direct spreading transformed boundaries on surface of
our planet. If drive of certain group that direct certain tectonic have to go
no matter how hard it is climb over the other tectonic to move great volume up
as mountain, for gravitational movement that is not a hard work very easy to
accomplish, opening a basin under Ocean and keep water separate from mantle, no
problem, so all gravitational spreading over the surface is directives coming from
core of the earth that are combination of large bubbles in bubbles of
Earth`s core have divided parts but combined each section move they move sections of lithosphere that are 60 miles thick surface but divided accordingly to D.E separate portions of plate Tectonics. As I mentioned there are First Divergent Boundaries. Second Convergent boundaries when crust is diving under another plate like Mariana ark ridge. Third one is Trans-formal boundaries; they don’t go under each other or further from each other but slide horizontally pass each other. Fourth one is plate boundary zones with broad belts and boundaries are not well defined unknown plate interaction. Regarding the Magma stripes like zebra lines volcanic basalt's in Atlantic and reverse convergent boundaries activities in Pacific can relate back history. Earth reaches its maximum tilt on its axis almost 600 because our planet spins on cycle every 26000 years come same place synchronized with the Magma stripes volcanic basalt magnetic change orientations connected to Earth`s magnetic field. Earth wobbles by planetary alignments depending g to its surrounding, Earths surrounding solar system don’t show any planetary disaster proof previously 26000 years, don’t bring the position of our Earth always into Galactic plane and all our solar system wobbles up & and down according to Dark-Matter gravitational equilibrium. Also our lined up gravity to the center of our galaxy is not in switch but Dark-Matter bubbles that regulate the entire Galaxy so aligning have no effect to change planetary order, only probably we might experience some more intense flares from our Sun or Yellowstone introduces itself eliminating about 600 miles surrounding, shooting ashes that surrounds the Earth, survivals will not see the sun for long time. Regarding ancient Mayans calendar and their wisdom could not defend themselves from a few ships of Spanish conquistadors, even when supernatural invisible beings (Angels, some good some bad)) use to always predict the future to some People during history when scientific calculations were not available back in history. It might change our planetary alignments by slow changing process tilts on its axis, so slow that we might think that is just another normal day during its process. 13-calendar.
Ancient Romans were very smart race in mathematics and geometry still they
did not have 0. There was no 0 number in their calendars or anywhere else.
Mayans on the other hand concluded number 0 but they did not have unlimited
number, not even number million or billion their numbers were characters picture
signs, so in their conclusion numbers ends at 144.000 days and before they reach
to their ending calendar of that conclusion they vanished. If Mayan mathematics
survived till our date hopefully were going to invent larger numbers, it did
not happen so the conclusion is not end of history but end of calculating numbers
that they did not have more numbers that their calendar holds.
Becton of the Mayan Calendar is already considered, but don’t show real panic state as was predicted because it`s more additions of Christian religions fear than its basic contents. All this are under control of D.E. According to Biblical accounts it is promised to us that worldwide flood will never be seen again I believe in that. Hope that this transaction can take gradually when it will be happening you will know same time when I know hopefully. Still rainbow is with us as a bond that flood never will happen worldwide, still some people are suspecting that during magnetic field reverse there will be no Gravity on Earth for a while, and everything might float there will be nothing to grab for support. If that is the case we have many examples and theories that contradict that, as example. From Oregon George Poinar an expert, reports about preserved in amber, inside “Vampire” parasite fossil from 20 million years ago, By calculating that magnetic field reverse was happening every 300000 years that means that there was life before that dates and in 20 million years it already occurred 66.666 times, if everything floated for a while on every time at least there will be no water now on Earth and no any “Vampire” parasite entombed in amber fossils no any animals that fly away to Universe will be found, So you are on safe ground.
Center Earth`s core that is made of protons collection are 15 portion shards of large Dark-Matter bubbles that propagates and maneuvers surface plate tectonics, as soon core portions extends lithosphere sections , on surface move large rigid and miner plates in harmonize directions to center core shards. Large plate tectonics are. Eurasian. North American. Pacific. South America. African. Australian. The small plate tectonics are Arabian. Philippine. Scotia. Caribbean. Cocos. Nazca. Juan. De fuca. They move starting 2 cm. per year and some move up to 10 cm a year. Probably you have tried on piece of paper dropping some small iron metals and underneath the paper moving a magnet. How the magnet effects on top spreads.
Entire Universe is embedded in some sort of quantum realm
invisible force field than is stable unless certain tone sound frequencies are
released by Dark-Matter core of all planets, moons and stars that activate to
change the positions of elements in covalent bond principle that look like
gravity but it is not it is just connection to inertia into flow of quantum
realm. There are other theories or perspectives by scientist such as particle
physics and particle accelerator, but I will stay with my perspective sound
tone wave codes can generate connection between atoms personal field connecting
into quantum realm inertia force field, in other instances I also call it
invisible vast Ocean of our Universe, all stars, Galaxies with stars, planets
moons also smaller object and dust share harmoniously the space field they all
are connected under supervision Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter.
I believe that before me no one talk about this issue. I presented that
gravity is directives from Dark-matter into elements to be entangled into
quantum energy warping, each black hole has its own sound frequency fields that
do not interfere with other black holes Planets and stars apply their own sequencer
precisions in rotations and applying the rout of directives according to
personalized gravity field inside universe, it is known that pulsars have enormous
abstract gravitational strength but they do not grab any close or nearby
planets pulling into pulsar, that`s why we can see some planets standstill nearby
pulsars or stellar remnants that pulsars do not gobble it into its mass.
Gravitational and
magnetic pulses of the core that complete 7600 miles in diameter Center of the
Earth is liquid Dark-Matter generate scrabbling always between opposite
gravitational of meted iron that spin mixed with Dark-Energy clouds around the
core in 6000 F0 but the core stay cool because heat and light do not
penetrate Dark-Matter, this fluctuation in speed generates acoustics waves that
core always commend to other molecules all around the Earth and it is same acoustic
waves that we experience in regular earthquakes, the principle is based on core communication low and high frequency of waves pulses sound that effect as
acoustic variations, that why Earth releases verity Glimpses of gravitational charge.
Dark-Matter have control over protons behavior by low octave sound frequencies, Dark-Energy have its own effect on the matter surrounding the core, each have variation on all mass on Earth mantle stratosphere lithosphere, plate and layer sediment, Dark-Matter inner core control the level where the plates should be, sending messages to protons to go toward in by activating seduction descending plates in, or opposite action to up welling mantle to push the crust plate upward forming new crust, convection current don’t push or pull the tectonic on their own flow for making even Fast-spreading Ridge. Both D.E and D.M variation balance changes move the material on Earth`s lithosphere movements and each have different effect over Basalt or uppermost mantle or the crust and over the plate, also they regulate the gyration of the Earth by applying signals from the Sun. Excess moving metals by mining over surface or movements of large metallic objects like traffic of cars airplanes boats can affect all these balance of the D.E and D.M variations to activate imbalances to erupt in hypo centers. According my viewpoint convective currents are in balanced variation by D.E and D.M to pull or push tectonic have nothing to by their own ability, relation movements are done with D.E and D.M comparative variations the hypo center is the deep location point where energy sanction matches are done we consider as fault where rapture begins then the vibration and sound are transferred to Epicenter crust depending what direction the repelling spurt blow was originated in Hypo center. On the surface we can analyze each wave that has distinct proliferation physiognomies from type of wave’s primary or secondary waves either body waves or surface waves. Pressure over Divergent plate, convergent plates and Transform plate boundary all had done by Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy measuring balance variations. Activity of opposite forces
Dark-Energy and Matter fractions will be signaling. Before any earthquake, a
week or so, electromagnetic anomalies are built up to the area where the
earthquake will hit. Either side to side waves or Rayleigh waves that energy rolls the ground up and down by reasoning only low octave sound frequency waves can vibrate for that outcome, like water in the ocean land will go up and down from surface moving to all directions. Charging flow of ionosphere, with flow of Dark-Energy, released electromagnetic field, triggers the earthquake.
Who moves the plate Tectonics?
The Sea and Air flows?
It is accepted
reality about two invisible superpowers inside the Universe that controls all
the galaxies stars and planets, our planet is part of that two forces, Dynamic-Energy
and Dynamic-Matter, they two forces always are in action. As all other stars
and planets core of Dynamic-Matter always changing it condenses to different
levels. Dynamic-Matter force resides inside the planet. As soon opposite electromagnetic
force of Dynamic-Energy come by too close friction arises, its form keeps
steady subsidence as soon opposite electrical force contrast. The center of
this frictions accumulates strains effect of crustal deformation in distance epicenter,
to elucidate earthquake-prone region them as fractures or fault lines, some
call this motion or patterns as kinematic model. As soon frictions build up, “Ses”
or seismic electrical signals {mv} basin moves from lover level that is Dynamic
Matter, facing force Dynamic-Energy repelling entire tectonic plate densities, some call this release pressure from rocks that generate lightning before earthquakes EQL electrical charges generated from rocks, triboluminescence are released from frictions between Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, activities form vertical surface motion as lightnings before powerful earthquakes. I believe all these activities form
the map to entire faults with tectonic plates on this planet.
According to planet
spin and gravitational drag, all titanic plates have to keep same directives, in
same constant motions, to draw fluid-like portions of earth`s mantle, pushing
plates to move against one another, that can affect to trigger earthquakes, but
as you see sometimes plate margins draw receive changes, sometimes tectonic plate
movement are not constant, according to my perspective D.E and D.M influence on
plate margins, those two are the main power of this planet Earth. I am Western
Armenian. Old city of Zeytun in Turkey. My ancestors’ lives on Anatolian
continental plate. It is noticeable, in this territory, when afterward, flow
movement changes directions, not as one-way movement, plate move back differently,
because D.E and D.M can friction into new twitch, where tectonic plates merge different
Pattern of Macquary Ride in New Zealand Ocean flow stands out, as
Dark-Matter directs Oceanic waves by sound frequency wavelengths to command all
territorial element to be guided accordingly same activity force have been seen
with weather flow in meteorological conditions plus all activities with plate
tectonics continent-sized chunks in Earth`s crust if caused by sound guidance
from Dark-Matter, D.M makes sound tones to that portion of tectonic plate to
grab universal idealized spring sole harmony or quantum entanglement to drift
slowly has been directed, no matter how dense or how thinner plates they are
all been guided to push other tectonics land masses to collide, this plate
tectonics have no mechanism push powers unless sound frequency entanglement in
process, sometimes we experience thin seafloors push thicker larger mass like Himalayan
mountains unceasingly, usually any grand mass of soil pushed each other edge it
reaches a point where they stop and reverse but not in plate Tectonic
processes, another point of view I present that any plate tectonic that collide
with the other they all should raise on the other theoretically they will not shoved
under edge all the way to the mantle, colliding masses should drift into
mountains but as we see in Mariana trench that plate is sinking into mantle is because
the effect of Dark-Matter sound tone wavelength tones that direct atoms to grab
other force field flows to be moved accordingly, so in my conclusion flow
Oceanic Meteorological and plate Titanic flows all are directed by Dark-Matter
Earths core sound wavelengths and always is in constant operational state.
Any location on planet Earth in any moment directives of core can affect
the gravity of planet’s surface to make stronger or weaker, for example some areas
in Canada have weaker gravity point on the surface, scientist trying to explain
that underlying mantle rocks are slowly flowing downward like raft in a rapids that’s
why certain territories having less or missing gravity. If I go along with that
perspective I might expect same results in Mariana Trench that is East of Mariana Island inside the Pacific Ocean where the land is
caving in into the mantle but the result is not matching. So core of the Earth
is the control on surface gravity of the planet and any moment it can take new
directives of changes with the results to be missing gravity or stronger ones.
Detected statistics show that,
always seismic activities from sun can interact with Earth`s magnetosphere, where
after 15 days earthquake activities might surge on the planet, somehow upcoming
seismic data shows, solar cycle correlation that bombards Earth`s atmosphere,
it shows that cosmic rays can influence with tremors after 15 days, by seismic
activities. Everything carries sound frequencies, including seismic flow, on opposite
side released from core of the planet, opposite directives are released to
reject directive guidance from the sun, where interacts concentrating
interacts, over faults to adjust with intensity of the cosmic rays, that takes
about 15 days to reach Earth`s atmosphere tremors.
Scientist do not take into consideration to flow of electromagnetism Dynamic-Energy
reactions inside the planet Earth and outside with climate movements, plus
continuation friction with Dynamic-Matter. So, some scientists conclude that rock
melting reaction in bedrocks release energy and heat, generating frictions, to
push the mantle to cause tremors, not considering that soft fluidity melted
body cannot register sharp motions as earthquakes.
In my perspective all geological activities are stimulated by Dart-Matter
bubbles that releases wavelengths to all nearby atoms to be connected into
gravity fluctuation of energy warping, as many division parts core dark matter
splits that many separate lithosphere plate will be detached, all constant state
of changes is combined with rigid separation of D.M, though they are parted
still D.M bubbles touch each other, mantle has its own density and weight, when
divided lithosphere slide along of their boundaries or collide into each other
their weight has no any effect to sink into deep mantle otherwise mount Everest
could not stay up that far, mass and weight of any lithosphere plate has no
personal choosing where to go eventually how much high or how low plate tectonics
form is the effect is effected by Dark-Matter cores wavelengths, anytime if
core bubbles form any new separation from the main mass planet Earth will introduce
to us into new plate tectonic. Nearby planets in our solar system have no separated
lithosphere plate but any moment if its core Dark-Matter Splits we will notice
new plate tectonics on their lithosphere as well.
Physiognomy waves are result of scattered circulation of Dark-Energy. Simultaneous phenomena of earthquakes are the result of conflicts between Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter, each generate sympathetic resonance wavelengths, as soon they must they discharge longitudinal force propagation resonance that effect to solid ground location, during ages repeatedly interference of this forces into same locations create fault lines, interference of this forces also can be active in molten soft locations and also same electron discharge content can be found in between Earth`s strata to empty ionosphere and empty air, all tell uric current is result of Dark-Energy to generate wave propagation as soon Dark-matter interface resonance with Dark-Energy, this mechanism is in control with all planets stars and galaxies, entire Universe is guided by this two forces that for their supernatural grand capacity I call them DYNAMIC- ENERGY and D.MATTER
Ionospheric anomalies.
Core of this
planet is condensed invisible Dynamic-Matter, some portion of it are extent or expanses
other sections on this planet or elsewhere. Same with invisible Dynamic-Energy,
it can move around in condensed or spread range fields. In my perspective, it
looks like Dynamic-Energy have spread regions that is Ionospheric anomalies. These
electrical forces have great effect overloads to increase seismic constituencies,
as soon opposite energy from Dynamic-Matter show and hit Dynamic -Energy Ionospheric
anomalies, by seismic opposite negative and positive forces earthquake are
generated. Ants, bees, and other insect, including some animals might sense the
buildup anomalies before it hit as an earthquake. So do not surprise is earthquakes strike near to high voltage power lines.
All over the world we have different gravity force levels by infer meter can
be measured, regarding turbulence airplanes experience is not because of air
mixed freely or dense location but it happens by “gravity waves” released from
earth and in directives in open become “gravitational waves” flying birds know
all about this but keep quiet about it by not telling us. Inside the storm
clouds in atmosphere the gravitational waves generate more turbulence mixing
with invisible inertia dark-Energy, the only similarity waves noticeable are
the waves on oceans that show more energy by the shore. One thing we have to
get familiarized that airplane rippled turbulence are generated by turbulent gravity
and gravitational waves that are generated from core of our Earth. Complex form of liquid core in the center Earth has high
and low beam force field elevations because of that on surface we can notice
Glipsos of gravitational varieties that are releases by Dark-Matter core
beneath the Earth. Alongside the idea that all earthquakes have fixed separating faults
linings there might be many other new not characterized faults that will be
noted after they rapture, why earth faults are continuously moving? Because Dark-Matter
directives are continuously affected everywhere, in soft magma in hard crust up
and down or sideways, faults are the consequence flow directives from
Dark-Matter. Earth does not pull same level force as gravity, some
location has stronger and other locations weaker level grabbing force, this
forces are not stable, they can change every month, interactions of dark energy
and dark matter frictions can result different locational gravitations.
Seismology labels two type of
waves that are released before any earthquake are called “S” waves and “P”
waves, in my calculation “P” waves are released energy from Dark-Energy “S”
waves are directive command from core of Dark-matter into section where this
conflict of powers will damage by shaking. As soon Dark-matter releases command
into atoms that are in certain geological smidgeon point section, Dark-Energy
right away sends P waves to keep location in certain conformation line, as soon
atoms obey directive command from D.M by S waves to warp into quantum entanglement
flow right away P waves from Dark-Energy push back as fluctuation, S wave take
first step to make atoms move right away P waves push back S push P push back
that will create damaging shaking the ground as far this process continues until
S waves stop sending sound frequency tone reactions, some seismologist contemplate
that crust is so hard it pushes other rocks to adjust their positions that’s why
earthquake happen, but don’t be surprised same earthquakes happen in soft mantle
soft location of melting lava. Because p waves can approach faster some
scientist might make an early warning system and inform population in advanced technology
calling into radio stations and smart phones. When geologist can`t explain, If any new form of earthquake occurs modern
geodesy give a name and throw the explanation behind their back, one of this
cases are called “Unprecedented” movement of the fault, adding that creep never
causes another quake. That will bring into my theory that two supernatural
forces conflict each other on certain location on land will release a
earthquake, where will sense the upsurge of this two forces that are
explained earlier. Unfortunately, that is happening once a while. Explaining
that quakes only occur in deep and there might be the possibility release a seismic
creep, that are not considered a earthquake, because they believe that
earthquakes occurs only under confining pressure not on shallow part of the
land, In my perspective, earthquakes occurs inside soft molten lava and in
shallow ground and hard rock by the conflict of two supernatural forces that we
experience as earthquakes.
Strongest earthquakes planet Earth experienced was 9.6
If over 9.6 magnitude earthquakes is generated it might release a chunk of
tectonic plate apart separating from other tectonics deep from the mantle, it
will be devastating, somehow planet Earth that I consider other form of living
things as atoms are according to directives from core of the planet balancing
their harmonious existence.
Dark-Matter changes its size density and volume, it is unpredictable, it has
intelligence supervision on all other mass matters because entire Universe is
spread Dark-Matter, all in one harmonious rheostat. Considering Yellowstone Park,
some scientist estimated that eruption occurred every 640.000 years,
calculating that we might be either overdue 60.000 years or eruptions’ happen
every 700.000 years, regarding the magma position separately chamber underneath
the Yellowstone is three times larger than what they predict, sometimes we
might not be definite calculating volcanoes eruptions because during time
gravitational flow can take another root in the speedy movements of our planet
inside Milky Galaxy.
How decompression melting of the mantle effects on basalt columns.
I recognize earthquakes that are from effect of Dark Matter that are
released in low octave sound frequencies to certain locations as X point in the
hard crust or deeper in the mantle soft locations, as soon DM frequency spectrum
grab element in certain location later on Dark energy comes to divergence this
build up that creates earthquakes, repeated process in other times on same
locations form special characteristic forming quake fault line, in my
perspective all pre earthquakes are based with release of frequencies from
Earth`s core that is large volume of invisible Dark matter same invisible force
field that atoms core contain, as soon low octave frequencies are pin pointed
into that will give effect of slow precursors spectra wavelengths we will not
sense it but some ants will gathering into DM signal X spectrum locations,
other animals and insects will sense it too before earthquake strikes,
everything is based on complex tone reaction in the language atoms can
understand I call this communication Universal language, core of this planet
like a large bell waves directive sound wavelength echoes that are complex
comment to all atoms, in my other post “atoms are other form of living things”
you will find additional information.
Earthquakes are not only result of tectonic activities, as we experiencing many
earthquakes like Okhotsk quake can occur inside lower mantle over 600 Km deep
magma layers where there is no any hard mass tectonics, passing through shallow
mantle transition regions or basaltic magma can’t reach to lower mantle in
solid form, that explains earthquakes are the product of clashing two invisible
forces of Dark Energy and Dark mater releasing light just before the impact,
same process is done in very hot and soft layers of magma layers. These two
forces are connected with universal sound frequency cod wavelengths that are
connected to entire Cosmos, though they are separate forces but united in
resonating process to exist.
Much potential came from US Array component of the Earths cope project that
shows seismic activity in unusual places temblors been found also across the US
intraplate or middle of tectonic sections that are not near fault lines. Many
explanations going on regarding earth`s layers there is a section called
ferropericlase strength that raises pressure by great strength to upper
boundaries, changing from so hot temperatures flowing than rising into cooling
position that sinking lands in slow-motion, some areas down welling’s later
upwelling’s that effect rock mantle movement rate that results tremors and
seismic movements, others add details that upper mantle from tectonic or
lithosphere sections contain abundant of minerals. In my perspective if pressure
in mantle uncontrollably burst out without limit all hot mantles can come out
to surface, I believe there is invisible regulator force in motions in pressure
and flow inside our planet that brings into my theory that Dark-Matter core releasing
sound frequency tone reaction that will be controller direct all element to
stay into certain length in their movement or flow to settle in their border
line suppository, as we see the effect later on D.M interfered by invisible
force field of Dark-Energy to generate frictions as I described earlier. So
earthquakes can take anywhere inside soft mantle or edge of tectonic plates or
in the middle safe sections of tectonic plates. Most people are convinced that
tension between two plates starts tension boundaries to strike after build up
pressure that cant slip fault collide, letting less stuck tension when two
plates smoothly pass each other side by side or other changes, What is the
major power that moving the plates or controlling their movements, in
conclusion all movements or directives comes deep from core of Earth frequency
tone reaction core of the Earth contains large formations of Dark Matter
bubbles where each portion might give different range of thoroughfare into Ionospheric loads later on into plates that settle according to code to bring
into range of arithmetic gravity as fluctuation that we call it Earthquake.
Basalt structures
According to my perspective best example regarding sound wave frequency
directives we see after active flow of lava cools down where contained great
volume of columnar or six angled columnar basalt structure racket side by side,
almost same size structures art work laying side by side, starting point is
volcanic basalt that are influenced from center core of the earth as I
described earlier by Dark-matter frequencies to be formed at surface embedded
in a finger grained matrix. D.M directs their structural flow starting from up welling
mantle exactly same way light radiations forms this basalt after cooling down
reflect the flow of inner gravity push composition to row as lines of six column
shape art of rock folding bars side by side, combination of materials inside
basalt react more properly into D.M directives when composition basalt's contain
20% Quarts this asphalt is aphanitic
igneous rock also it contains iron oxide iron-titanium oxide that makes its
mass more magnetic especially it contains magnetite ilmenite ulvospinel olivine
pyroxene pigeonite and many other elements mineral textures. Dark-Matter affects
all directives of elements but somehow basalt that contains quarts elements and
is 10% feldpathold by volume leaves effect of gradation beam colon structures
that have six cornered sedimentary layers, this is the exact shape of beams
that Dark-matter direct into the surface of the planet passing through
decompression melting of the mantle very similar to light beams structural
shape, of course all basalt's don’t carry same structural shapes as we see with
pillow vesicular or columnar basalt as we see in Yellowstone, it depends what mineral
contents embedded. We can’t see frequency code tone radiation flow of Dark-Matter
but we can notice effective flow on volcanic basalt. In my other posts I explained that core of every planet or mass there is a
core of invisible dark-matter core, the effect that I explained inside earth
Dark-Matter directive rays that go through mantles up to the surface works in the
same procedures or system on our Moon Venus Mars Jupiter including asteroid
vista and other asteroids and stars.
In the Universe we have Dark-Energy, Dark-Matter, the latest we have Dark-Flow, it was discovered in 2008 when scientist discovered that some cluster galaxies that are billions of light years away from our planet for no reason move to certain direction that do not contain any gravity matter to pull to that direction, moving more than 600 miles per second, this affecting have nothing to do with Universe accelerations because all this group of cluster Galaxies oscillations to far unknown whereabouts in procession. According to scientist they are giving the explanation that some energy field matters can be observed, but there are dense patch of space-time or beyond particle, pulling those cluster Galaxies, these movement is puzzling it conflicts with an underlying assumptions of cosmology at large scales in Universe, some cosmologist think Dark flow provides evidence for a relative dense part of the Universe beyond the particle horizon or the Boundary that separates the observable Universe from the rest of the Cosmos. Is there Matter in Universe we cannot see? We calculate the pull that each galaxy in a cluster are moving relative to each other, we come to conclusion that some gravitational power pulling and holding clusters together to keep the clusters in peculiar place. Some astronomers call this energy matter “the mystery of the missing matter” what is invisible oscillating strings? There is some connection between sound and vibration
gravity in other word Quantum can have gravity in different realm of activity
by low octave sound frequencies, color sound gravity are ale related in some
sort of field levels by other unknown energy fields to bring everything to
harmony the way universe operate.
In my gravity Theory I explained that whole Cosmos is in energy field of existing energy invisible force that are wheels inside wheels, they can maneuver any direction or can push any object or matter or sound to any direction that is already going to, plus it can add more velocity into it. These force field networks are used by all matter or mass in the Universe. Dark-Matter core can send low octave sound frequencies to other elements, according to the sound atoms that contain proton that is Dark-Matter, we already know that elements use covalent bonds to attract to other atoms, these same functional properties attract to the force field wheels to move toward the directions that are commanded, atoms can use these networks by tone variations to start to move toward the new direction that was sent to apply as I showed in my subject Gravity. In conclusion Dark-Flow goes parallel to my theories.
Gravity of entire Universe
Entire universe is under control of Dynamic-Energy, as we consider particle condensation same way the Universe is full force of condensation, that generate mysterious smudge waves that any moment can change direction according to sound frequency that enlighten the passage to react, their activity is similar thermal energy moving energy packets that transferred continuously similar to boiling water, all mass has remind you liquid or air mass. Already continuous invisible convection energy currents, as soon sound frequency reach any matter to echo the sound wavelength the mass move as couth by gravity, already repetitive movement are in the Universe, movement conduction grab any galaxy and with circular motion time intervals and take as the current already moving to. Dark Matter releases sound frequencies where discrete matter catch the invisible force field figurative gravity bus in the Universe, the object detach the position that was in and flow to a new directive intervals. Many feeler instruments can be adjusted; spread sensor to record the environment, entire Universe has its own control spread atoms, atoms galaxies stars and planets communicate with Universal intelligence, entire empty space intergalactic space contains in per cubic meter less than 10 atoms, there is no totally empty intergalactic space, some interstellar space such contain refractive index with great number of atoms in every cubic meter, all invisible flow take command from the intelligence of the Universe by sound, inside the cubic meters collective atoms refractive index t gravity flow by sound frequency wavelengths. All different results with radiation, conduction and convection are the result of sound frequency of convection energy flow that already reside as big mass of energy flow in many directions, matter catch that flow by frequency wavelengths by atoms.
According to some Geophysicists Earths geomagnetic reverse or Earth’s
magnetic north and south flip-flop happens every 780.000 years otherwise might
happen earlier, many can anticipate giving their opinions. In my perspective
gravity adopts environmental quantum tone reaction to apply every move that is
commanded by Universal Ocean field to apply delivered command to every element,
let me give you an example, take two magnetic coin shape metals, bringing close
to each other facing “A” side down to other piece “B” side it grab, flopping
one piece also into “A” side two metals reject each other, now take a larger
flat metal and make tiny holes surrounding many set into round metal magnet all
Facing “A” side up, also leave empty round portion in the middle so former coin
side can fit in and put inside large coin “B” side up, as soon you bring close
the old other piece into this combination large coin it will come close but
keep a slight distance it will not grab totally. This large coin have tiny
different, like this opposite gravitational commands universe is a large ocean
of geomagnetic field and any element by sound frequencies can grab to be
directed by this gravity quantum force that all elements stars planets and
galaxies already use this same possibilities, core of the earth can generate
sound tones to surface of our planet surface of the Earth by self-perpetuating
will adapt new geomagnetic reversal systematic switch , they will move with no
objections orderly without any complex catastrophe reaction balancing by energy that invisible microscopic
structures as gravity field fluctuation, by sound frequency level to repel or oscillation
varies between vacuum energy warping that is spread everywhere inside the
Universe, sound frequencies effect on each individual element because they
contain tiny portion of D.E and D.M they have to obey inside cirus extraterrestrial
pitch, quantum particles by guidance of universal language that is control tone
of complex data govern all matter inside the Universe, stars or planets moons
come by certain distant of other sphere and keep their distance accordingly.
All activities in geometrical reverse or steady, inner and outer core direct
surface of our planet without any struggle easy by releasing sound tone that
will spark gravitational objectives by each individual element that are
In my other theories I explain that we are emerged in unlimited space of
inertia force field, gravity functions by commands from Dark-Matter to all
atoms, explained my theory of “Gravity” to activate grabbing direction to inertia
force field the way atoms operate in covalent bonding with other atoms all
protons are also made of Dark-Matter bubble clusters have intelligence and be
directed by whole field Dark-Matter field energy, explained in my theory of “Black
Hole “Dark-Energy also contains own procedures of directing matter and serve as
electromagnetic force field of inertia has own intelligence as I am explained
in topic “Cornerstone of our Universe” in my theory perceptive this two forces
can eliminate and make the activity stop the inertia stop gravity stop the
entire solar system and no continuations of inertia will continue by the force
that rules in intelligence in the entire Universe all the spinning forces are
guided through this two energy fields Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy.
Will the expansion of the Universe continue forever? Thou it is complex system for us but it should have a conclusion. Scientist is observing by (Boss) Baryon Oscillation spectroscopic survey that also bring into conclusion that Universe factor is expending growing larger 67.3 kilometer per second or per mega parsec it was used to be called Hubble constant that showed faster range before. Now the measurements are slower by WMAP. Some scientist is measuring with measuring the red shifts how fast is shifting moving? According latest numbers 67.3 kilometers per second mega parsec. Still now we can feel that universe is expending about 10% faster than what they predicted. Using also same mode measurements to extent the distances. Some fantasy descriptions was given that before Universe was lot closer together and some analyze that the attraction was inward like star or planet gravity. In my view neither can big force surroundings pulling out as pull factor can affect from unbearable far distances, no matter how powerful swarms it is. Our universe is spread by invisible Dark-Energy field force they are sections of wheel energy carrying inside another circuit wheel that can move to other direction, wheel inside another wheel that can move any direction in no time. Or energize like inertia pushing any sound tones or mass to make continue their journey that already they are moving to pursuit adding more force to it, their velocity inaction is like sound velocity system. This force field can think and is existing energy dispersed all over Universe that is lopsided and most provocative details. You can read about conclusion in chapter what is the cornerstone of the Universe? regarding my theory Big-Inning instead of explosion of Big Bang.
The way it works according my viewpoint, there might be Possibility or similarity to sound wave’s frequency, applies same principle as the expansion of the Universe, in my theory “PRJ” used from words (Power, Righteousness, Justice) Regarding sound vibration motion there are S shapes nodes ascending outward shifting then turning in trough section inward descending nodes going into crest location, leaving a stamp gap between one crest to the other stamp space opening, same with trough leaving stamp difference. The movement that released descending node is big scale of the Universe it might take 6 billion years to pull out and 7 billion years to push in. Same principle when Galaxies are going forward to expansion of Universe this movement will be re tuned back after reaching the crest position in the far side of the Cosmos wavelength submits principle in greatest scale, push and pull factors it will not be contracted shrink to end by big crunch, they call it closed Universe, but only to level of ending the phase of wavelength. Everything in this Universe has identical principles in smaller or larger “Gauge” like sound frequency vibration motion. Principles in atoms round mass apply on stars also. All EXPANSION OF UNIVERSE WILL NOT CONTINUE FOREVER it`s extension “seven miles per second” Hurled upward gravitational or inertia will pull sufficient speed or to escape velocity. Every seven billion years it will return back to contracting as soon it reaches the crest point sound frequency disposition. Ascending stars and Galaxies amplitude through descending direction will come back to trough location not for a large calamity, but for reasonable distance. Universe is still in the phase of expansion now.
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